New Species 07 Tiger (41 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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“Is there a medical condition that you have that makes you sterile? I know New Species can have babies. The doctor slipped and told me after she saw the bite marks you put on me. She thought we were mated.”

His body stiffened against hers. She turned her head and met his gaze. He had paled enough for her to notice and as she studied his eyes, she realized what she was seeing in them. Guilt.

“What is going on?”

He glanced away. “Nothing.”

It hurt. “You’re lying to me. Look at me and tell me what is going on. I’m in heat but you didn’t say a word. Torrent had to tell me. I even had you smell me and you know I’m ovulating. You’re even acting different during sex. You’re more aggressive. Not that I’m complaining. Why didn’t you tell me I’m in heat?”

He met her gaze again. The emotion she saw stunned her. She could almost swear she saw fear. He moved suddenly and his hands encircled her wrists. He jerked them up the bed and kept them there.

“Why are you holding me down?” She wasn’t afraid, but
was. She was sure that’s what she was seeing as they stared at each other.

“I don’t want you trying to run from me.”

“Why the hell would I run from you and could you at least flip me over if you’re going to pin me down? I like to look into your eyes without getting a crick in my neck.”

He hesitated but let go of her wrists, flattening his palms on the bed. He pushed up until his body wasn’t touching hers. “Roll over.”

She did, having to untangle their legs first. The second she was flat on her back he came down on her and grabbed her wrists again. They were jerked above her head and his fingers laced through hers to hold them down on the bed.

His beauty struck her as she studied Tiger. His hair was wild and his amazing eyes were so blue that she felt lost in them. He was her fallen angel, whom she loved. “Why do you think I’d run away from you? Please talk to me. The not knowing is worse than anything I’m thinking right now. Trust me on that. Whatever it is, we can work it out.”

He chewed on his bottom lip. It made her attention focus there until he stopped and took a deep breath. He blew it out slowly and her gaze lifted to his. “You’ve been in heat for two days. It’s why I’ve brought you lunch at work. I knew I couldn’t take you to the cafeteria. The males would react and you’d know you were in heat. I had asked Torrent to send a female to deliver your lunch but obviously that didn’t happen since you said he told you the truth.”

“Why didn’t you want me to know? I’m so confused.”

“I wanted to get you pregnant.”

She gaped at him in bewilderment. It took her reeling brain time to try to let what he’d said sink in. “Why?”

He lowered his face until they were sharing breaths. “I thought you’d be more agreeable to being my mate if you were with child. You would realize I purposely allowed it to happen to show you that I was serious about commitment. You’ve had males avoid that. I’m not. I hoped you’d also feel more bonded to me if it happened…and that you’d need me.”

Her heart nearly stopped. “You want me to be your mate?”

“You already are, damn it.” He growled as anger flashed in his eyes. “You’re mine, Zandy. You have been since the moment you woke up on the hood of that Jeep and kissed me. I just didn’t want to admit it at first but you’re my mate and I’m yours.”

Zandy could only gape at him. “Let me get this straight. You’ve been trying to get me pregnant? You didn’t think you should ask me first?”

“I’m sorry. I know it was wrong but you’ve been hurt. I love you. I wanted to do anything to bind you to me as tightly as I am bound to you. You aren’t Species and can’t become addicted to my scent. You could walk away from me without suffering withdrawal. The thought of losing you drives me insane. I couldn’t stand it.”

Zandy wiggled. “Let go of my hands.”

He hesitated but did it. “You deserve to hit me.”

She reached up and cupped his face instead. “All you had to do was ask, Tiger. I would love to be your mate.”

She saw his shock. “Really?”

She nodded. “Yes. I love you too. I don’t need to own a super nose to feel addicted to you. My heart already is.”

His mouth swooped down and covered hers. She moaned into his kiss. Tiger spread her legs with his and nudged her pussy with his cock until he entered her. She tore her mouth from his and moaned. Their gazes sought each other.

He purred. “I’m going to kill myself trying to get you pregnant. I want a baby with you. I want everything.”

Zandy blinked back tears. “Then stop talking.” She hooked her legs around his waist. “Less talking, more fucking.”

He laughed. “I really do love you.”

“I love you too, baby. I love how you feel inside me too. Do you really think I can get pregnant this fast?”

“I’m determined,” he rasped.

“Lucky me.”

She was a little frightened of the idea of having a baby. They were moving so fast. The memory of how close she’d come to losing him though shoved all doubts away. Life was short and she wasn’t going to allow fear to stop her from grabbing happiness with both hands.



Nine days later Zandy smiled at Smiley. “Thank you for doing this.”

He warily regarded her. “Tiger is going to kill me. He said you are to never leave Reservation.”

“I know but I really appreciate it.”

He nodded. “I have seven highly trained officers in the area. They are far enough away to give you privacy but close enough to know if anyone poses a danger. Tiger will kill me if something happens to you. The others weren’t given direct orders where you are concerned.”

“You’re a good friend.”

He laughed. “Not to Tiger. But to you, yes.”

Zandy shooed him with her hand. “I know you aren’t happy about leaving me here alone but you need to go.” She glanced at her watch. “Tiger should be reaching my work about now and Richard will give him the note. I’m betting he will get here really fast. Make sure he doesn’t see you on the road.”

“No way. I’m hiding until he has you in his arms and knows you’re safe.”

“You’re sure the officers are far enough away?”

He nodded. “You told me what you planned. Tiger will tear them apart if they come this way and see too much of you. It’s well known how mates are. Trust me. You have privacy, Zandy. Give me a minute and I’ll be so far from here it won’t be funny. Tiger is going to scent that I was here with you and be very angry. I’m going to run fast and far to avoid him.”

He turned and sprinted into the woods away from the road. Zandy laughed and turned to examine the area by the creek. She smiled and kicked off her shoes, undressing. She eyed the area once more, feeling a little nervous but removed the rest of her clothing to wade into the water.

The sound of Tiger’s approach couldn’t be missed. Vicious snarls combined with his boots slapping the ground as he ran hell-bent for leather through the woods, crashing through brush, was loud. He sounded really pissed. She smiled, her gaze scanning for sight of him.

He broke out of the trees to her right and came to a halt with a roar that made her start. His hair had come loose from the ponytail and he’d torn his shirt at some point, probably on a low branch. She hoped he wasn’t hurt. The wild look in his eyes when his enraged gaze landed on her would have terrified anyone else. She waved instead.

“Hi, baby.”

“Zandy. What are you doing out here with Smiley?” He snarled the words. “I’ll kill him for taking you off Reservation and putting you in danger.”

Zandy was a little shocked at how vicious and deadly the man she loved looked. He was furious and it wasn’t pretty.

“Before you do that, why don’t you take a look around? Smiley just helped me set everything up. He’s my friend who did me a huge favor, Tiger. I needed help because I couldn’t carry everything and I didn’t know how to use the air pump to fill the bed. I only left Reservation because this is our special place.”

Tiger turned and took in his surroundings. She relaxed, knowing he’d cool down. If not, he could join her in the water. The air mattress was neatly made and a picnic lunch was laid out next to it. A camping lantern and a stack of towels held down the blanket spread out on the ground. It looked nice. She glanced back at him to find him watching her intently.

She smiled. “Surprise. There are officers out in the woods who are far enough away to give us privacy but make sure nobody sneaks up on us. I thought it would be romantic if we spend the night out here together. So, do you want to get naked? I’m getting a little cold in here alone.”

Tiger slowly smiled. “I’m sorry. I got your note and only read that you were leaving Reservation. I freaked out. Why are you here?” He paused. “It isn’t safe for you to leave the NSO. Smiley knows my standing orders where you are concerned.”

“That’s why Smiley has probably run to another state by now. I bet they heard you roar for miles.”

He laughed and kicked off his shoes. “You really did all this for me?”

She grinned. “Yeah and you better do something great to deserve it too.” She walked out of the water naked. Tiger’s heated gaze roamed down her body.

He softly growled. “I’m going to be doing a lot of wonderful things to you.”

Zandy grabbed a towel and dried off as she watched him strip out of his clothes. She walked to the bed and climbed on it and flipped over. She put her head on the pillow and spread her thighs wide. Tiger glanced up and purred.

“Do you see something you like?”

“Oh yeah, Zandy.” He was naked as he stalked toward her.

He put his knee on the bed and purred louder. She smiled and opened her arms, reaching out for him. Tiger climbed up the bed and over her. “What do you want?”

“You. Always you. Only you.”

“I feel the same way but we need to have a little talk before we do anything.”

Tiger frowned. “Before?” He glanced down her body and snarled in protest. “We’ll talk later.”

She put her hands on his chest. “Tiger, this is serious. We need to discuss something right now.”

“Later.” He moved down her body and ran his fingers from her knees to the insides of her thighs.

She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath, desperately wanting him to make love to her.
The man has a mouth that…
She shook that thought away.


His gaze met hers. “What?” He purred.

“I’ll tell you later.”

He chuckled. “That’s good because I think you’d have a hard time thinking and trying to talk in a second.” He lowered his head.

Zandy moaned. All thoughts left her head as Tiger licked her until she climaxed. She screamed out his name as he climbed up her body, gasping as he entered her. She wrapped herself around his body while he rode her. They were both satisfied and out of breath afterward.

Tiger rolled them onto their sides to avoid crushing Zandy. “Ready to eat dinner before I wear you out again? You’re going to need your strength.”

She grinned, lightly running her fingertips along his jawline. “I do need to eat.”

He grinned. “Me too. Only you’re dessert.”

“This is a special occasion, Tiger.”

“Every night with you is special, Zandy.”

“I really love you.”

He grinned. “I really love you too.”

“Hey, Tiger?” She peered at him.

“What, little one?”

“You’re going to have to stop calling me that.”

A confused expression made him look really cute. “You like that name, don’t you?”

She nodded, rubbing her body against his, pushing so close to him that they were skin to skin as much as possible. “I love it but I won’t be little for too much longer.”

He frowned.

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. “I’m going to probably get really big but you better still want me.” Amusement filled her. “Or I’ll never have a second baby.”

His eyes widened and his expression stilled. “Zandy?”

She nodded. “I just found out today, Daddy.”

She saw tears gather in his eyes. He suddenly rolled her on top of him.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have crushed the baby!”

She straddled him and straightened. “That’s all you have to say?”

He sat up, wrapping his arms around her. “No. I love you. This is the best news ever.” His hand cupped her stomach. “A baby? You’re sure? Really?”

She nodded. “Trisha confirmed it. I threw up twice yesterday at work and again this morning so I went in to see her. I had my suspicions since my breasts were tender. We’re having a baby.”

Tiger hugged her on his lap. “Thank you, Zandy.”

She hugged him back. “For what? Getting knocked up easily?” She laughed.

He chuckled. “That is a bonus but no. Thank you for coming into my life. I am so happy and you’re the reason. You’re everything to me. You and our baby.”

Zandy kissed him. “You’re my life too. You make me so happy, Tiger. You really are my angel.”

He grinned. “An angel, huh?” He lifted her and impaled her on his cock. “Does that feel angelic?”

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