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Authors: Meghan Quinn

Newly Exposed (28 page)

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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The bathroom door creaked open and Solo stepped out. Her hair was down, cascading over her shoulders. She was wearing a bra with the superman symbol on the cups and her underwear fell within the same theme with a red waistband, blue panty, and gold emblem.

Fuck…she was hot.

“Where do you even get an outfit like that?” I asked, as I ran my hand over my mouth.

“You’d be surprised what some of the comic book stores sell,” she smiled, as she walked toward me.

“I learn something new about you every day.”

“Is that a good thing?” she asked, as she stood right before me.

“It is.”

I placed my hands on her hips and started drawing lazy circles with my fingers. Her skin felt like velvet under my touch, a feeling I was quickly becoming addicted to.

Scanning my eyes over her body, I finally made eye contact with her, and said, “You’re so damn beautiful, Solo. It blows my mind sometimes that you would want to be with me.”

I truly meant that. She could be with anyone, all the guys in the house would love to have a chance at being with her, but she chose to be with me.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” she asked, as she spread her legs over mine and sat on my lap. Her hands went to the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it over my head. The cool air of her room caressed my skin as her warm hands cascaded down my chest; the contrast between the two temperatures was exquisite. “You’re so oblivious to how hot you are,” she murmured, as her lips found my collarbone and she started nibbling.

My head fell to the side as her lips continued their journey across my skin, while her hands slowly lowered to the waistline of my jeans. I could instantly feel myself grow excited as my erection pressed against the zipper of my jeans, begging for release. It happened so fast with her, I didn’t even have to work at it; she turned me on by just walking in a room.

“You’re dangerous,” I said, running my hands up her back. “You can make me combust on the spot.”

“Don’t you love being dangerous, though?” she asked, as her head and body started to move down mine. Her hands fell to the button of my pants as her body went between my legs. I sucked in a deep breath from the knowledge of what she was about to do.

Her tiny hands undid my jeans, unzipped my zipper, and pulled my pants down. I leaned back on my hands and lifted up so she could pull down my clothing, and as she did, she took my boxers with her, freeing my erection.

Once she got rid of my clothes, her hands went to my thighs and she ever so slowly ran them up to the junction of my legs where I was standing proudly, begging for her touch. It was torture watching her move at a snail’s pace to where I wanted her most to be, but I wouldn’t force her; I let her take control.

She was still in her bra and panties, but from the angle of her chest, I could see a bountiful amount of cleavage, spurring me on even more.

I was so trained on her breasts that I missed the fact that her head was mere millimeters away from my cock until her tongue darted out and licked the tip.

“Mother fucker,” I growled from surprise, as my head fell back. Her little giggle should have made me mad, but it only turned me on more.

With one swift movement, her hands wrapped around my cock at the same time as her mouth descended around my tip. All at once, I was surrounded and sheathed by her. It was one of the most incredible feelings I’ve ever felt.

With deft skill, her tongue darted up and down the length of my cock while she sucked powerfully with her lips. She felt so good, so damn good.

One of her hands ran up and down my shaft, while the other ran to the underside of my dick and to the base, where she cupped my balls and rolled them gently between her fingers.

“God Almighty,” I breathed, as I fell back on the bed and covered my eyes with my arm.

Her tongue continued to work its way up and down my cock while her hand managed to slip from my balls to a darker side of me that I was not ready for yet. The minute I felt her finger start to wander I pulled up and grabbed her hand.

“Nice try,” I laugh-breathed heavily.

She laughed while my cock was still inside of her mouth, which only shot vibrations through me, making me swear under my breath from the sensation.

“Don’t go there, Solo, or I will return the favor.”

She pulled away, leaving me wanting more and said, “Was that supposed to be a threat?”

Holy Fuck!

“We’re not going there,” I stated, but thought about it for a second…only a second.

She laughed, shook her head, and then gripped my cock like a damn vise. She squeezed the top of it until I thought all the blood had rushed to the tip, and then she released, letting the blood flow back down. My entire center tingled from the sensation and I could feel my body start to spiral out of control. I felt dizzy with lust and there was only one way to solve the problem. I needed to be inside of her.

“I need you,” I said, as I lifted her up and on to the bed.

Once she was spread across the plush comforter, I noticed that she was still wearing her clothes, a damn sin. So, I grabbed her hands, pulled her to a sitting position and sat in front of her. I ran my hands up her arms and then down her shoulders to her back, where I found the clasp of her bra.

With a knowing smile, I undid the clasp and let her bra flow loosely from her body. Her breasts fell in front of her, giving me a mouthwatering view.

There was something about her perfect little nipples that drove me mad and her soft, velvety skin that had me begging and pleading for a touch.

Sitting back on my feet, I grabbed her panties and shimmied them down her legs until she was completely free of them. With a toss over my shoulder, I disposed of them and marveled at the woman in front of me. Her hair was spread across the comforter and she had a delicious smile dancing across her face. I was one lucky son of a bitch.

“You’re hot,” she said, as she took me in.

I laughed and said, “Thank you.”

“Seriously, you’re so damn hot.”

“I knew you were using me for my looks,” I joked.

“Caught me,” she giggled, when I straddled her body and nuzzled my face into her neck. “Mmm, I love this scruff on your face.”

I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. “Really? But it leaves beard burn all over.”

“And you think that’s a bad thing?”

I shook my head and laughed. “You surprise me every fucking day.”

“What? No burning the muffin comment? You let me down…Axel.”

She was pressing my buttons, and fuck if I didn’t like it.

“You really want to be taught a lesson, don’t you?”

“If being taught a lesson means getting my muffin buttered then…yup!”

“Fuck, you’re dirty, and I love it.”

“Someone in this relationship needs to be,” she joked, while pressing her fingers against my chest.

“You’re done,” I said, as I spread her legs and brought her ankles up to her face, exposing her completely. Her breath caught in her throat as I looked down at her and how wet she was. “Hold your legs, Solo and I swear, if you let go, I will walk out of this room and leave you begging for me to finish you off. Got it?”

All joking vanished from her face as she nodded and grabbed ahold of her ankles and held them spread out for me. I ran my finger across her bottom lip and let her suck it into her hot mouth for a second before I pulled away and ran it down her taught stomach and to the center of her thighs. I crouched in front of her, taking in the sight in front of me.

Fuck, I was going to lose my shit if I didn’t take deep breaths. She was so exposed, so open to me, and she didn’t show one ounce of modesty; it was, by far, one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.

Needing a taste of her, I lowered my head and flicked my tongue out across her wet pussy. Her head jerked back as her hands clenched tightly around her ankles, making sure not to let go.

“Ahh, fuck. Do it again,” she cried.

“Do this?” I asked, as I swiped my tongue again, this time applying more pressure.

“Yes!” she breathed out. “Keep doing that, please.”

Begging was always a good thing in my book, so I gave her what she wanted. I glided my hands to the back of her ass as my thumbs parted her open and I tasted everything she had to give me. She tasted sweet and earthy, just like I expected.

My tongue played with her clit as it darted in and out and swiped her to the brink of explosion. I could feel her tense up, I could see her tinker on the edge of pleasure, and instead of pushing her over, I pulled away, making her scream obscenities at me.

When I looked up at her, I could see the corner of her eyes glisten out of frustration and my heart reached out to her, but not so much as to give her what she wanted. She could wait a little while longer.

“Adam, why did you stop?” she asked, as she searched my eyes.

“Wanted to give you a second to breathe before I continued.”

“I was breathing just fine, so you can get back to work.”

If she didn’t look so sexy, I would have laughed at the predicament she was in, holding her ankles and rocking back and forth on the bed, trying to scold me for halting my attack on her pussy.

“Let me ask you a question, and then I will continue.”

“Anything to make you get back down there,” she groaned out of frustration.

“Have you ever been cannolied?”


“You know, a cannoli.”

“Like the Italian dessert?” she asked, not being able to take much more.


“What the fuck are you talking about?” she asked, starting to grow angry and irritated.

“You know, cannolied,” I said, as I folded my tongue into a tube-like form in my mouth and then made the same motion with my tongue that I was just performing on her.

Her eyes widened in amazement, and her head shook no, but her eyes begged yes.

“Well, muffin. You’re about to learn a new pleasure.”

With my tongue rolled, I leaned down and sucked her clit into the roll of my tongue. Instant satisfaction hit Solo as I moved my tongue in and out of her. It took fucking practice to keep my tongue rolled for so long, but it was one of the many useless tricks I’d practiced as a kid.

“Oh, fuck, ahhh,” she screamed, as her orgasm seized her body and she rode my tongue until every last drop of pleasure left her.

With a bright smile on my face, I worked my way back up her body and released her hands from her ankles, but kept her legs spread because my dick was almost purple from the lack of release.

My hands ran up her stomach and cupped her breasts with a soft sweeping motion. Her nipples ran under my thumbs and tightened from my touch. She was so damn responsive.

“I hope you’re ready for me,” I whispered, as I kissed the side of her neck. “I need you so damn much, Solo. Just watching you come on my tongue has me on the edge of exploding. I need to make love to you.”

Her hands ran down my back to my ass, where she gripped each cheek. “Then, take me,” she said, as she stared me in the eyes. At that moment, it seemed like she meant so much more than just sex, but I wasn’t going to dive into that right now. Instead, I nudged my throbbing cock to her entrance, where she was still wet and wanting me.

With a small thrust, I entered her, but only the tip of my cock. I was torturing myself, but from the look on Solo’s face, I was torturing her as well. With the tip of my cock barely inside of her, I swiveled my hips, drawing an imaginary line around her ring. The light feel of her warm center around the tip of my cock had me breathing heavily and gripping the sheets of the bed on either side of Solo, because if I continued to hold her, I would hurt her for sure.

Impatient, she thrust her hips at me, taking me further in, but not even half way. The inability to lodge myself fully inside of her made her grow frustrated, and that was exactly what I wanted, even though I could feel a light sheen of sweat cross my body from need.

“Adam,” she moaned, almost like a cry. “You’re teasing too much tonight. Please, just take me.”

Leaning down into her ear, I said, “I love hearing you beg for me. You have no clue how much it turns me on.”

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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