Next August (12 page)

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Authors: Kelly Moore

BOOK: Next August
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I want to get Tom out of the house and get some fresh air. I remove the unused journal from his bed and use the lift to help me get him into the wheelchair I requested from the physical therapist. The therapist thought I was crazy, but he appeased me. When no one else is around, Tom has started speaking a few words. He says my name, clearly. He tries to smile when I talk to him about August. I swear he chuckled when I told him I took August camping, and that he was scared of the coyotes. Of course, I didn’t tell him what August did to conquer his fear. That’s not exactly the kind of conversation one has with her lover’s father, even if he can’t talk back to me.

“All set. Are you ready to go outside?”

He nods.

This is the first time I have used the elevator. The hired help comes in through this way. August doesn’t like people walking through the house. Stella and I are allowed, of course, but no one else.

I wheel Tom down to the lake. I brought a blanket, so I can sit, and some bread so we can feed the ducks. If no one is watching, maybe Tom will enjoy feeding them himself.

I place some crumbs in his hand. “It’s okay. It’s just you and me.”

He peers around him before making a weak toss. These ducks are practically tame, and they come waddling and quacking toward us, poking each other with their bills, fighting over the best chunks of bread. I am glad he is so responsive to me, but it saddens me that he won’t react to August.

“Why me? Why do you only let me in, and no one else?” I ask him.

He whispers, “Augie.”

“Is it because I love August?”

He nods.

“Don’t you love August?” It makes my heart hurt that I even have to ask him.

He closes his eyes tight as if he in pain, but he doesn’t say anything. He still betrays how he feels, however, with a single tear that rolls down his weathered face. Tom does love his son.

“Why won’t you let him see you?”

He chokes out a single word.” Sara.”

“You can’t still blame August for her death,” I say, feeling defensive. Tom’s tears flow freely now, so maybe he’s trying to tell me something else. I stand and hold his face between my hands. He opens his eyes.

“August is a good man. He will forgive you if you let him.”

There’s a rustling sound behind me, from the other side of the wall that surrounds the property. For some reason, it doesn’t sound like a rabbit or even a coyote. I get the creeping feeling I’m being watched. Tom’s eyes dart back and forth. I stand and look around. I don’t see anything, but the feeling still remains. And what could have been big enough to make that noise? A mountain lion, maybe, but they usually hide away in the hills. And besides, it just sounded like human feet running. I pack up my blanket and keep a watchful eye out as I push Tom back to the house.

When I get him settled back in his room, I call the guard at the gate. He says he has not seen anyone on the security cameras. I can’t shake the feeling that I was being watched. I try August’s cell phone, but it’s the middle of the night overseas. I get his voicemail.

“Hey, August. I miss you.” I don’t want to worry him for something that was

just a weird feeling and a strange noise. “Nothing happening here. Just wanted to hear your voice.”

I lay down, and fall into a restless sleep. I’m jolted awake by my phone ringing in the middle of the night.

“Hello.” My eyes have not focused enough to see the number on the phone.

“Hey, baby. I’m sorry I missed your call earlier today.”

I sit up and clear my throat.” It’s okay, I just missed you.”

“I know it’s the middle of the night for you, but I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m fine. I just missing being in your arms. How is work going?”

“We’ve had a few glitches here and there, but nothing I can’t handle.”

“I wish you were home handling me right about now.”

“Me too. You have no idea how much.”

I yawn into the phone.

“Go back to sleep and dream of me,” he says. “I’ll send you my flight schedule by the end of the week. I love you, Nash.”

“I love you, too,” I say. This time, I sleep more soundly, comforted by the sound of his voice.



I don’t take Tom outside the rest of the week. That strange encounter, or non-encounter, or whatever it was, has me spooked. I entertain myself by playing cards with Tom. It’s slow and monotonous, but he can manage to say “go fish,” and he can hold his own cards. Anna is coming over to hang out tonight. I have to be careful to not mention Tom and limit her tour of the house to downstairs. She doesn’t know that I’m still working for August. She assumed that stopped when I moved in with him full time.

I give Stella the night off and order Chinese food. Anna picks it up on her way over.

She almost drops the brown paper bag of kung pao chicken and sauce packets. “Oh my god, Nash, this house is fabulous.” She walks in a circle, staring at the vaulted ceilings and admiring the art on the walls.” What’s upstairs? I bet he has an attic with hidden treasures. I want to see your bedroom! Is it huge?” She walks toward the stairway.

“Wait. I have something even better to show you.” I want to distract her, so I lead her through the house to the infinity pool.

“It just keeps getting better. No wonder you moved in here.” She starts peeling off her clothes.

“Anna, what are you doing?” I say, laughing.

“What does it look like? Skinny dipping.” The splash of the cold water hits my face as she dives in. “Aren’t you coming in?” she asks when she comes up for air.

“My girlfriends and I use to sneak in the river at home and skinny dip. I haven’t done this in forever.” I say as I strip out of my clothes. We swim and laugh for the next hour. As we are getting out I hear a noise in the cabana. I go cold. It reminds me of what happened the other day when I had Tom outside in his chair. A rustling, and maybe running feet.

“Did you hear that?” I whisper to Anna.

“Yea, but it is so dark. I don’t see anything.” She whispers back. I reach for some towels out of a cabinet.” Do you think we should check it out?”

She wraps her towel around her.” It’s probably just an animal.”

“I don’t know. I have the eeriest feeling that someone has been watching me the last few days.”

“I’m sure you are just being paranoid in this big house with August gone.”

“Maybe.” We walk into the house, and I say, “I’m going to flick on all the lights outside. You keep watch, and tell me if you see anything.”

“Okay.” She stands at the glass doors.

I flip the lights on, and then off.

“Nothing,” she says. “I’m sure it was just some kind of critter. Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

Anna has a one track mind, but I’m still not satisfied that the visitor was just a critter. Twice in a few days is too much of a coincidence.



We eat like pigs and stay up until two in the morning watching movies. We sleep on the enormous leather couch. I brought down pillows from August’s bed, and we wrapped up in soft cashmere blankets. Mine is green, and Anna’s is red. She jokes that we look like Christmas decorations.

I wake up to the smell of coffee. Anna is still asleep, with her arm dangling off the couch. I get up and join Stella in the kitchen.

At nine, I wake Anna and scoot her out the door so that I can work with Tom. I’ve decided that I’m going to update August on his father’s progress. It’s about time—there’s no point in keeping it from him anymore. Now that I know Tom loves August, it will be easier to tell him. I just hope Tom cooperates with my plan. Who knows, he might just lay there, staring into space. Then I’ll look like a crazy person.

I take a late night swim, and I make sure to turn on all the lights before I jump into the pool. It tires me out, which is exactly what I want. I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep. August will be home tomorrow, and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see him. I toss and turn for a while, but finally, I drift off.

A shuffling noise jolts me awake. I was dreaming about something—I can hardly remember—but maybe it was a mountain lion. My eyes haven’t adjusted to the dark, but I see a shadow pass the doorway. I know I closed the door behind me.

“Who’s there?” I call out. I hear the elevator doors shutting. I grab my robe and tiptoed down the hall. I never thought to ask August if he keeps a gun in the house. If I had one, I’d feel safer, even if I can’t imagine ever actually using it on someone.
Let’s hope it’s not coming to that kind of thing,
I think. My mind doesn’t want to be convinced this time. Unless a mountain lion climbed down the chimney, it seems unlikely an animal is making noise and casting flitting shadows on the wall. I walk into the living room, and nothing is disturbed. I check on Tom—he’s asleep. The aide sits beside him with headphones on. My fears deflate some. Maybe it was just the remnants of a bad dream. All appears peaceful now.

Still, I struggle to fall asleep again. I can’t wait for August to come home. I stare into the darkness, looking for movement until my body begins fighting my mind. My eyelids get heavy. The last time I remember looking at the clock it was four thirty in the morning.

I wake up to someone touching the small of my back. I flip over and almost scream.

“Oh my god August, you scared the shit out of me!” I clutch my chest.

He holds up his hands. “Whoa! Sorry. You’re jumpy.” He sits on the bed with me.

I shake my head, trying to clear the dusty residue of an unpleasant and restless night. “You’re early. You should have called me.” I kiss his cheek.

“Baby, it’s noon,” he says and laughs.

I crawl into his lap and snuggled against his neck.” Wow! Really. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“I didn’t sleep either. I was thinking about coming home to you, and all the things I want to do to you.” He rubs my thigh.

“I kept hearing noises. All night. I could have sworn someone was in the house.” I say into his neck.

He leans back and looks into my face.” Why didn’t you call me?”

“Because I decided it was only my imagination. I had a bad dream. I’m sure it was just nerves and you being gone and—“

He’s already standing up, and talking into his phone.” Wayne, I want you to review the security tapes from my house last night.” He hangs up.” Did anything seem out of place?”

“No. Nothing. The other night when Anna came over, we both heard something in the cabana as we were getting out of the pool, but we didn’t see anything. We assumed it was an animal.” He still looks worried, which bothers me.” Is there something I should know? Are you in some kind of danger?”

He holds me to him.” No. No, of course not. I’m sure it was nothing. I have security cameras all over this place. If there was someone here, Wayne will notify me.” He kisses the top of my head.

“Good, now can we go back to bed?” I bat my eyes.

“I need a shower. How about you take this less than adorable Hello Kitty shirt off and join me.” He pulls me with him toward the shower.

“You have something against Hello Kitty?” I tease him.

“No, but I have something against anything that prevents me from seeing your beautiful body right now.” He lifts my arms over my head and slips off my shirt.” That’s more like it.” He stands back and admires me.

“My turn.” I pull at his hem, remove his shirt, and then unbuckle his pants. When I pull him free, he’s already hard.” You’re ready for me.” That’s what he usually says to me.

“I’ve been ready for you since I boarded the plane. I don’t think I’m going to last very long.” He pulls me into the shower with him. I reach down to stroke him, but he pulls my hands away. He turns me around, so my back is to him, and gently pins my hands to the shower wall.” There is not a chance in hell I’m going to let you touch me until I’ve had my hands on you.” His voice in my ear and the water hitting the center of my back make me shiver. He spreads my legs and inserts a finger.” You’re already so damn wet for me, baby.” He takes my wetness and traces it to my backside. I’m startled when he slowly inserts a finger.” I want to have you here.” He bends and kisses the middle of my back.

“I don’t think so,”I say as he inserts another finger.

He pinches my nipple with his other hand and traces his tongue along the outside of my ear.” That wasn’t a no. Is that your final answer?”

What he is doing feels so damn good.” I…I…don’t know.” I barely get the words out before he releases my nipple and finds my clit. He pinches and pulls, and his fingers continue there, in and out of my rear.

“I am only going to ask you one more time baby? Is that a no?”

“No. I mean not a no.”

He bends me over and teases me with the tip of his cock. He slowly pushes inside. At first, there is a burning pain, but as he goes deeper, the pain turns to pleasure. It’s a fullness I’ve never experienced. When I gasp, he goes still.

“Are you okay?” He sounds as if he’s on the edge of control. He reaches around and rubs my clit.

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