Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (17 page)

BOOK: Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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Now, when she finally had a chance at being normal, it had all been snatched away. All that was left was to find out if she would lose Nicolas too.

“Angel! Are you listening to me?”

The sharpness of his voice brought her out of her thoughts. She shook her head. No, she hadn’t heard a word he said.

“Then listen now. When I met you, I never once thought about whether or not you could conceive. What I was attracted to was your smile and eventually your laughter. Your endurance and your willingness to fight captivated me. That you have gone through so much and are still willing to go on humbles me. I love you and not how your body functions. Children or no children, I’m never letting you go. Did you hear that?”

She nodded her head and blinked her eyes, not that it did any good. Those darn tears still fell.

She could’ve lived a lifetime without meeting him. All she could do was thank whoever or whatever had been watching over her without her knowing.

He looked down at her wound gently moving her organs.

“What’s the verdict?’

“There’s no bleeding which means I can seal you up without danger of you bleeding out. Do you feel any pain?”

“No, shouldn’t I feel pain?” An alarmed look flared in her eyes.

“I believe it is the combination of the field I wrapped you in and whatever Dante gave you. I’m going to close you up now. You’re lucky to have the best doctor in the know galaxies working on you.”

He picked up a deep red square container that held a healing beam in it. He took his time running it over her internal organs, then ran it over the ragged incision making sure to cover all the muscles with it. Once he was done he picked up his original beam and began to seal her wound confident she would be up and healthy in no time.

If she were Created she would be running in three days, since she was human it would take longer. He would simply have to wait and see how her body responded.

“Nicolas, what happened to the others?”

“Aran and the others searched the place. They liberated any women they found and took them to the safe house. There were only two.”

She gave a small smile trying to fight against the darkness puling at her.

“Janis, you can sleep now; you are safe.” She managed to nod her head before exhaustion claimed her.


Nicolas capped the vial and stored it. He would analyze it later. Whatever Dante put in there had been a powerful anesthetic. It placed her in a state where she could still speak, but it kept all of the pain at bay. He really wanted a chance to know what made him tick.

Dante stood between them and certain death more than once. He trusted him completely.

He carefully covered her, before picking her up and climbing the stairs to their room. He laid her on the bed and went to shower.

She’d sleep for several hours before she woke. That should give him the time he needed.

He descended the stairs to the basement in his house where his brothers were gathered. He walked past the game room that held his brothers’ mates along with the females they rescued from the warehouse. Lorali was watching over them all, so there was no need to be concerned.

“You didn’t start without me, did you?”

“They’re just waking up” Sergey pointed to the other side of the room where three males shapes had been unceremoniously dropped onto the floor, a floor that wasn’t hard concrete like the one Janis had slept on.

The doctor awoke first. He moved and groaned, then cried out in real pain.

“Where am I?”

The brothers stared at him and said nothing as he managed to sit upright on the floor. His eyes grew big as he saw seven large males watching him. Dante stayed, not wanting to miss the fun.

The twins began to wake, making noises of distress when they moved, feeling the bumps and bruises they received in the process of being subdued.

“Where am I?” the doctor demanded indignantly.

No one moved to answer him.

“You’ve made a mistake. The government will be looking for me. When they find out I’m here, they will burn this place to the ground.”

“Before or after they liberate you?” Nicolas asked.

“You can’t do this, I’m a U.S. Citizen. This breaks the peace treaty we have with you.”

“He thinks there’s a peace treaty.” Dante laughed silently.

The twins were wide awake. They both held uncertain looks on their faces — they knew they were fucked.

“You like to hit women, I hear?” Nicolas asked. He’d learned a lot from Janis’s ramblings on the ride home.

They stayed quiet.

“You have two choices.” Aran spoke up. You tell us what we want to know or we take it. Either way we’ll have all our answers by the end of the day.”

“You can’t force me to talk.”

Dante walked up to the doctor making him cringe as he stood over him, tall and proud.

“You think you know about a supposed peace treaty? Did they tell you about me also?” Dante’s shape changed for a heartbeat, before becoming normal again.

The little color the doctor had drained from his face.

“I’ll take that as an affirmative. Your best bet would be to talk.”

“I’ll tell you everything, as long as you let us walk away free after we’re done here.”

Nicolas moved swiftly towards them only to be stopped by Aran.

“That’s a reasonable request, Nicolas. If they can tell us anything to help us understand what had happened, we will release them.”

He growled and stepped back, not protesting. The doctor smiled, knowing he had the upper hand.

“Ask your questions.”

“Why were you conducting tests on unborn children?” Nicolas asked.

“We were looking for a way to rid the earth of you. No one believed you came with peaceful intentions, but we were smart enough to humor you until we knew how to eradicate you.”

“Children were the answer to your alien problem?” Ash asked.

The doctor shook his head showing pity for them. “We have been trying for years to come up with something. The original test was first done on adults, criminals with no family to visit or miss them. It was a failure. The whole premise of the test was to design an injection that would weaken you from the inside out.”

Dr. Young licked his lips and smiled again, calculating his chances of freedom before continuing. “The government at the time was willing to try any solution. Just in case, they would say. Someone wondered if maybe we needed to start younger before our DNA was totally imprinted upon us. The baby trials were born. Without any success, the experiment Janis went through had been tried for years. They were going to retire the study and move on, but she was born, successfully. All of the other infants before her died rather unpleasantly. No one knew what made her different, but now we had renewed hope. We duplicated the same test on twenty other children. Half died, but half lived. Janis was the first. It wasn’t until years later we realized it was the difference in her blood that allowed her to live.”

“Were the tests only conducted in Virginia?”

“No, they were done at several military bases. Unfortunately, most the children died. The tests ended. Funny how women began to resist having their unborn children treated at those bases.”

He had yet to tell them anything they hadn’t already figured out.

“Tell me about the twins.” Nicolas asked.

The doctor began to shift uncomfortably.

“They are my sons.”

“Where is their mother?”

“We don’t have a mother.” One of the twins spoke up proudly.

“Our father invented a machine that allowed us to be born without the use of a woman.” The other twin spoke up, not be outdone by his brother.

“Idiots,” their father hissed.

No further questions were asked. There was a Scientist from their planet on earth.

Nicolas moved swiftly, killing all three of them before the first body hit the floor.

Chapter Twenty Two

“Nicolas, put me down.” He smiled and continued to carry her to their sitting room. “Honestly, you treat me like an invalid.”

“I don’t want you to hurt yourself while you’re mending.”

“Mending?” Janis laughed at him. “Your age is showing. I’m already mended. In fact, I’m completely fine. If there was a non-biased doctor around, he would back me up.”

Nicolas gave her a frown and a small growl, while settling them on the couch.

“Angel, I’m not biased. I’m a professional who knows it takes humans several weeks, and in some cases, months or years to heal.”

“Are those humans eating and drinking special meals made by Dante, who happens to be able to put healing properties into food.”

Nicolas frowned. Dante did seem to have that talent.

“I would love to examine him. He gives me that grin of his and passes each time I tactfully bring it up.”

Janis bent over and started laughing. It started deep in her belly and emerged as a high pitched bit of mirth that had Nicolas relaxing as he watched her.

It took her a minute to bring it under control. Then, with a sparkle in her eyes, she started speaking. “Let me understand this. Your idea of tactful goes something like this. Dante, since you’re here why don’t you hop up on that table so I can see what you’re made of?”

She laughed even harder as she remembered the roll of Dante’s eyes and the hint of fang he’d flashed at Nicolas before turning back to her.

“It was the best shot I had. If I suggested he needed a physical or anything else, I would still be nursing a bruised jaw.”

She shook her head. There were days she didn’t understand the dynamics of the brothers or even Dante and his brothers, all of whom she’d finally met. The Created were strange, but she’d begun to realize how important they were to her.

Hale set her up with a laptop and security, somehow making her job feel important. Nicolas growled and said she didn’t have to work. She’d given him a smile and patted him on his arm, his thick arm filled with huge muscles she wanted to see flex while he was thrusting into her. Yeah, she was feeling better.

She stroked his back and continued to tell Hale what she needed. Nicolas shook his head and left the room. He gave in whenever he could, unless her health was affected. She got that and didn’t fight with him. The pain she’d been feeling in her abdomen had finally gone away. It was just a twinge now. Unlike when she first woke and couldn’t contract her muscles enough to sit up.

Nicolas had to pick her up in the beginning to take her to the bathroom. Her face flushed red at the thought. How embarrassing it had been. She would’ve been mortified, probably would’ve tried to crawl away, if not for the way he handled it.

To him, it had been no big deal. It was what a male in love did for his female. End of story. There was no way she was crawling, walking, or running away from that.

So what was left? It was now time to show him she was well enough to be loved by him.

“Angel, what movie do you want to see?” Oops, she’d forgotten to listen again.

She placed her finger on her lips and rubbed it across them, before popping it into her mouth and slowly sucking on it. She needed a movie that would make him want to jump her after they watched it. She needed the kind that made you walk out of the theater with wet panties.

She looked up and saw his eyes riveted on her finger. Maybe they could just skip the movie. Slowly she drew her finger out until it made a popping sound. Smiling, she placed it near her mouth and let her tongue come out to lick it.

The deep sound that vibrated Nicolas’s body was drawn out against his will, she was sure of it and it made her even bolder. She leaned over him on the couch and licked his lips. She never looked for entry. She just teased him with her tongue.

“Janis, you’re not well enough yet.”

Tell it to somebody who’s listening, she thought, as she traced his ear and then the outline of his jaw with her tongue. She lowered her head and kissed right over his jugular vein, then bit him. A shiver went through his body making her smile. This was one of those unexpected erogenous zones.

She couldn’t do anything the last couple of weeks, but she’d taken the time to get to know him. She knew how he thought. She was beginning to understand what he liked. More importantly, the more she knew, the further she fell. She not only loved Nicolas. She liked him.

She stuck her nose where his neck and shoulder met to get a whiff of all his masculine heat as she crawled onto his body and wiggled around.

“Not enough room.” He growled, wrapping one hand around her ass and the other around her back.

He rose in one smooth motion, carried her to the bedroom and deposited her on the bed.

He stood beside the bed with his legs spread apart, his arms crossed over his massive chest and his bulge fighting to be free. He looked like a conquering hero. She wanted him. Her nipples ached and her pussy throbbed.


“I’m well and I need you. I think I need to be mended here.”

She started at her lips and let her hands drift down her body, stopping to cup her breasts, before continuing their journey past her hips to stop at the apex of her thighs.

“Do you think you can help me?” Her voice came out whispery and needy.

He dropped to the bed to take her lips in the sweetest of kisses. She pushed up into the kiss, feeling his lips caress hers, as his tongue worked its way in. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m fine, Nicolas.” She whispered again in his ear, before wiggling out from under him.

Standing by the side of the bed as he looked at her with hot hungry eyes, she reached down and grabbed the end of her camisole. With a small shimmy, she worked it over her head and tossed it behind her.

She gave him a saucy wink, feeling good in her own skin for what may have been the first time in her life. She took her time and slid her hands over her breasts covered with her sexy deep purple bra. She caressed her breasts as his eyes followed every move she made. His lips parted and she saw a hint of his fangs. She took a minute to fan herself as the temperature in the room started to rise.

Sliding her hands down her midriff, she caressed her tummy before heading to the snap on the jeans she was wearing.

BOOK: Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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