Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance (18 page)

BOOK: Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance
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The unsnapping of her jeans was loud in the silent room. She slid the zipper, down listening as the teeth came undone. With a wide smile, she turned her back to him and began to lower her jeans.

The loud intake of breath encouraged her to wiggle her backside as she slid her jeans down. Stepping out of them, she spread her legs wide and reached down to touch the floor. She never made it.

He’d jumped up and pulled her into his arms. She could feel his cock scorching her. She moaned as she wiggled in his arms.

He flipped her around. “Janis, if I make love to you, I’m going to want to make you mine.”

“Who’s stopping you? I want all of you, Nicolas.”

Janis lay down but this time Nicolas followed her, running his hands over her breasts before sucking a nipple into his mouth. She cried out from the feel of his mouth on her nipple and the sight of his mouth over her bra.

Her sexy diva side came out as she arched into him. “You make me feel so good, Nicolas.”

She ran her hands through his hair as she whispered her need to him.

“I need to feel you so deep inside, loving me. I want to feel alive, sexy, and desirable.”

He took one claw tipped finger and ripped her bra in half, exposing her rosy pink nipples to his sight. Reaching down, he tugged at one as he sucked and bit the other one.

“You’re so damn beautiful.” He growled at her before switching nipples. “I can smell your desire. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Show me how much you want me.” She needed him in her.

He slid down her body kissing her and caressing her until he hit the apex of her thighs. “Is this what you want, Angel”

He drove his tongue into her, causing her to cry out. That’s exactly what she wanted. Her body, already primed, exploded on his lips. He continued to tongue her, wringing out every drop of desire from her. His fingers caressed her, sinking in deep, making her want more.

Her body twisted while her mind howled with desire. Mine, she cried out. He was hers and she wasn’t giving him up.

She gasped for air, trying to breathe normally. Then she felt him enter her, opening her wide, making her want more as he slid deep. The intense sensations were turning cries into screams. Her head tossed back and forth as her body opened for him. Hell yeah, she needed more.

Her hips swung up to meet him as sounds of ecstasy were pulled from her lips. “You feel so good in me Nicolas.”

“You’re so tight I don’t want to hurt you.”

She laughed and thrust her hips up to take him deeper. “So good. I need it all.”

She knew when he stopped holding back. His hips pounded against her, making her feel alive with the fire that was coursing through her body, devouring her mind, body and soul. Her nerves zinged with the joy he was making her feel.

“I love you,” she screamed, as he moved deep within her, making her reach for that feeling of bliss.

“Janis, we want you to be ours forever.”

His movement shifted to short intense strokes that hit against her pleasure center, driving her crazy.

“Make me yours, Nicolas.

She thrust her hips faster, grinding against him as she fire became an inferno building in her system. She forgot about everything as she moved, wanting to feel that glorious release erupt.

“Nicolas,” she gasped barely able to breathe as she tried to get closer.

He bent his head, allowing his fangs to grow. As he felt the first tremble of her release, he struck, sinking his fangs deep within her throat. She came with a scream that shook the roof — her body broke into a thousand pieces.

Chapter Twenty Three

Janis was floating in a state of euphoria. He’d taken her to a different world. Laughter bubbled up in her mind. She would like to brag to the whole world that her lover was an alien, but one cell was enough for her, thank you very much.

She wrapped her arms around him tighter. She was loved. Her life was different and would always be from now on.

Sighing she tried to open her eyes. Nothing happened. There was no reason to panic. She tried again.

“Don’t panic, Mate. You’re fine.”

She turned her head to find herself facing Nicolas in his other form.

“No worries, Mate. I won’t hurt you.”

She smiled. “I’m not scared of you.”

He smiled at her. If she met him in a dark alley she might run for her life.

“You’re strong. I knew that the first minute I saw you.”

“You thought I was strong as I lie on the ground waiting to die?”

“No. I knew you were strong when I saw you shopping, even though you acted like it was taking your life in your hands. I admired you immediately, without needing to know your story.”

“Thank you. Where are we?”

“We’re on my world. The one I grew up on.”

He reached his hand out and she took it. They were in a jungle. The trees were immense, blotting out a lot of the sun and obscuring the sky. They walked a short distance before he stopped.

In front of her was a deep hole in the ground. The scene changed. The sun disappeared and torrents of rain began to fall. The temperature lowered, making her shiver from the cold. Nicolas left and went over to the hole. He lowered himself into it and lie still.

The hole filled with water and mud and still he didn’t move. His body was covered while he remained perfectly still, motionless.

“We, my brothers and I, had been sent out on an assignment. Word came to expect an invasion. No one knew when it would happen. All they had was an approximate time. They needed warriors on the field to be the first wave of fighters. No camps, no fire or glow sticks. We would have to rough it. If we were spotted, the attack would be aborted.”

She walked closer to the hole. It was miserable. He was vulnerable unable to defend himself if any animal attacked or took a nibble out of him. A thought struck her.

“What about when you needed to go to the bathroom.”

“We weren’t allowed to move for any reason until the enemy attacked. We were on watch for a week in weather like this before the attack finally came. The enemy set down in the wide clearing we made. Still we didn’t move, even as they began to disembark. We needed to eradicate the leaders of the attack. Even after they landed, we couldn’t bring attention to ourselves. Finally those in charge felt safe enough to leave the comfort of their ship. That’s when we attacked.”

“How could you move after being still that long?”

“We were bred for this. Our bodies simply did what was necessary. We attacked and destroyed all, but some ships had the foresight to land further away than the others. Those ships made it off of the planet. After days without food or warmth, we were called back to the camp before we could hunt. At least, we thought, we would have a warm meal.”

Janis nodded; they would be greeted with food and praise.

“When we returned home, we were asked a question. How could we miss a ship?”

Her mouth dropped, thinking at first she was hearing him wrong.

“Then we were told there was a consequence for failing to complete a mission. I tell you this, Mate, so you will understand that when those in charge decide to humiliate you or make an example out of you, many times there is nothing you can do. We were helpless and suffered the consequences because that is what we were brought up to do. Obey.”

“What happened? Did they simply get tired of punishing you?”

“No, one day when we thought the end had come for us, Dante went up to the Scientist in charge of our group and said something to him. After that, the Scientist never came close to us again. No one knows what was said, but whatever it was saved our lives.”

She nodded her head understanding what he was saying to her.

“I cried.” She lowered her head. “I begged for my life and I was silent when they dragged Adele out. I couldn’t allow myself to believe she’d never come back again. Why didn’t I scream like Nicole? Why didn’t I threaten them?”

“Would it have saved her life?”

“No, but she would’ve known I cared, and that I wanted her to live.”

“I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. Good people die in war. This is war.”

“How did you do it? How did you survive everything that was done to you?”

“I survived because I knew I wasn’t alone. I had my family and my extended family. I survived just like you did, Janis, because you knew you were never alone. You knew I was looking for you.”

She threw herself into his arms and let the tears she’d kept at bay all these weeks finally break free. She cried for Adele who she’d never see again. She cried for Nicole who was now trying to put her life back together. She cried for all of the others who died at the hands of a mad-man and his two sons.

She wiped her eyes against the hair covering his skin.

“Why don’t you scare me?”

“That’s easy. You are my Mate and I love you. I would also kill for you. You’re family and family protects each other always.”

He sat down on the ground and she climbed into his lap. Tilting her head up, she kissed his cheek before wrapping her arms around him.

“I love you, Mate.”

She fell asleep with her head nestled against his chest.


Janis woke up to the feel of Nicolas’s heartbeat in her ear. The sound of it, strong and steady, made her feel safe. She raised her head to find him still asleep, holding her. Slipping out of his arms, she headed towards the bathroom when her cell phone rang.

She grabbed it up and took it with her. “Hello.” It wasn’t like they had to know she was using the bathroom.

“Janis, this is Lorali.”

“Lorali, I’m so glad you called.”

“Thanks. I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?”

“The mall.”

Janis laughed. “Look, Lorali, I know I shouldn’t laugh, but honestly the one who should be apologizing is me. I knew I was supposed to be listening to you, but noooooo… I was just so excited that I could mix and mingle, I chose to ignore the fact that there was danger around me. So what I really need is for you to forgive me and hopefully give me a second chance.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. I understand completely the excitement of realizing you can touch and feel.”

“Would you and Sergey like to come over for dinner tonight?”

“We would love to.”

She hung up the phone, eyeing the tub. Didn’t she deserve to soak after last night? Of course she did, she assured herself, as she filled the tub and sank in.

“Angel, are you asleep in the tub?”

“Of course not, I was just resting my eyes. The feel of the warm water caressing my body, reminding me of last night, didn’t lull me to sleep with pleasant dreams.”

“Keep that up and I’ll join you.”

“I was thinking I would like to try something. Would you be willing to help?”

He looked at her, searching for an answer, before finally agreeing.

“I need you to sit on the side of the tub, on the ledge.”

There was a nice wide ledge, more like a shelf that was built between the wall and the tub. It held every beauty product she could think to buy and several Nicolas picked up when they went shopping because they would smell good on her skin.

She cleared the ledge and waited for him to sit. He looked so good sitting there with his legs spread and his cock bobbing between them. She rose up out of the water and knelt between his legs.

“I need you to put your hands on the ledge and keep them there, no matter what I do. Understand?” She licked her lips and looked at him.

He nodded, his eyes glued to the pink tongue she pushed out of her mouth.

Leaning over, she licked the liquid bead off the tip of his cock. “You taste so good Nicolas, but I need more.”

Wrapping her hand around as much of his thick erection as she could hold, she felt her pussy contract. Taking her tongue, she started at the root of his erection and licked his sac that hung heavy. Moving up, she licked from the root to the tip. He tasted so good, she did it again.

He groaned through clenched teeth as the muscles in his legs tightened. Giving him a wicked smile, she opened wide and sucked him in, taking as much as possible. She moaned around her mouthful as his heady flavor took over her taste buds.

Wrapping her hand tighter, she began to move it over his shaft as her head moved over his thick cock. She felt his hands lift and bury themselves in her hair, encouraging her to take more. He shifted, pressing more of him into her throat while still leaving her breathing room.

She sucked him down, trying to get to his creamy center. Her body shivered with need as she released him only to engulf him tighter the next time. His legs stiffened and he thrust up into her willing mouth.

She held on tight, sucking, wanting her prize. The first spurt hit the back of her throat making her eyes wide and drawing a deep sound of satisfaction from her lips. She swallowed every spurt he gave her as she listened to him howl in satisfaction.

She’d done it — driven him wild with lust and satisfied him in a way she only dreamed about. Satisfaction and lust overwhelmed her as she opened her mouth to release him. He was still rock hard. She wanted him again. Laying her head on his thigh she looked up.

His eyes had changed making her gasp in wonder. His navy blue eyes burned with a fire so hot, she knew it would forever scar her, making her unfit for any other male. A knowing smile crossed her face when she saw the shadows in his eyes move. His other side was looking at her too. They shared the male body. They were one.

Nicolas reached down and picked her up. He placed her throbbing pussy over his cock and dropped her onto it.

Her howl of more reverberated against the walls of the massive house.

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