Night Hungers (16 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #~~Aaron’s Kiss~~ Book 10, #paranormal romance, #Erotic romance

BOOK: Night Hungers
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“What happens to him if he bonds with me? Does he only live if I do? And if so, is that a part of your grand plan to make me suffer more? If so then I will fight this until you give in. I won’t be a part of his death.”

Mel spoke, her voice hard and unforgiving. “He becomes all that you are. And yes, without you he dies. Without you, Aiden St. James will starve and die. But as for being a part of this…if you mean do I want you to be safe and alive, then yes. Do you mean did I make him your mate? Then no. That is the Sisters Three, not me. That was our bargain when I created them.” Mel stood, went to Aiden, and stood before him. “You leave or you refuse him, then he dies. You let him become your mate, your bonded mate, then the two of you will be more powerful than you’ve ever imagined, anyone would have ever imagined.”

“I don’t want this. Haven’t I told you this before? I want to die. I want to quit.

Please, you promised me that if I told you…they came for Eight. They were going to use him for another donor. Do you know how they did that? They would stimulate him until he ejaculated. Then they would take his sperm and his blood and create little babies from that part of him. It was so clinically done that we didn’t even think of it as sex, or even relief. It was rape. My eggs were removed from me every…I have no idea how many babies were…she’s mine.” Aaron was stunned when she pointed at Bailey. “I can feel the connection. That’s what he did. Sinclair or Phillip would take and make beings that had no idea why or what they were being created for. Please, I’ve had enough, let me go.”

Aiden walked to her and picked her up. When Zane started to struggle against him he simply tossed her over his shoulder and strode from the room. Aaron looked around the room and then laughed. If the situation wasn’t so grim he might have thought it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen.


Aiden was angry. No, that wasn’t true, he was pissed off. She was not going to get away from him and she had forced his hand. Something he didn’t want, nor did he like that he’d had to do. He slammed the door shut behind them when he got to his lair.

“Are you going to behave when I put you down? I want to talk to you. For now anyway.”

“If you’re asking me if I plan to hurt you then not only yes, but fuck yes. I’m going to rip you apart. I’m going to shift into something big and eat you alive. Put me the—you fucking hit my ass again and I will tear your—damn it, Aiden, I’m going to hurt you.”

The third swat to her ass made him smile. If she kept this up, he’d be as hard as stone before she ever touched the bed. As it was his cock ached badly, as did his fangs. Need was riding him hard and the knowledge that Zane was about to be his made his beast ride beneath his skin.

“You’ll do well to hush and listen to me. You know that you accepted my boon and I’m going to collect. Now. Tonight. We are going to become one, Zane, willingly.”

“I don’t want you. You can just fuck off. Put me down. I can’t breathe this way. I mean it.”

“If you can talk, you can certainly breathe. Now here is what’s going to happen. I’m going to strip you down to that delicious bare skin of yours then I’m going to start at your feet and work my way up your body until I get to your pussy. Once there I’m going to—”

“If you think for one second that I’m going to have sex with you then you’re crazier than I first thought.” This smack was loud and he could feel the burn in his hand. “You hit me again, you bastard, and I’ll remove your dick so fast that you’ll piss sitting down for the rest of your life. Which may not be much longer.”

Aiden brought her down off his shoulder and level with his body, but held her close.

He’d learned over the years that weres couldn’t shift if they were held too close to another being. And the way that he was holding Zane, there was no way she could do it without hurting him. But that didn’t stop her from trying.

Aiden reached up to her backside again and felt her tense. Instead of hitting her butt again he grabbed the waist of her pants and ripped them from her. Her silence was deafening. Aiden ran his hand up the curve of her ass and then down again. He could smell her response. It was hot and immediate.

“I’m going to enjoy this, taking you. I have looked forward to it for a very long time.

To drinking from you, making love to you, with you. I want to make you mine, Zane.”

“Don’t do this, Aiden. I’m not a…please stop that. I can’t think when you…oh, Aiden.”

Her body shifted around his waist as he entered the long crack of her ass with just the tip of his finger. Her moan went straight to his cock and made him need to reach down and adjust himself before he caused serious damage to his cock. But he didn’t. He wanted to get her nearly screaming with need before he stopped.

“You’re getting wet, love. I can smell it. Your heat and need are making your scent strong and irresistible to me.” He deepened his finger, gathering her cream and moving up to her tight bud. “Hummm, this is where I want to be. Deep in you here, my cock moving in and out of your tightness.”

Aiden decided that now would probably be a good time to move to something they could lie down on, something with a lot of room. He stood next to the bed, but continued his torment of her body. As he gathered more of her juices on his fingers, he pressed his little finger against her bundle of nerves and entered her. She nearly tossed them both to the floor with her jerk against him.

“Aiden, please. I don’t…I need you there too. Please. Fuck me. Now, please fuck me hard.”

“Make us naked, Zane. I want to feel you against my skin. Take our clothes now.”

He was naked. Just like that, his cock was rigid and straining from his groin. His body hot and hard for hers, his fangs dropped and hungry. Slowly moving his palm along her thigh and up the curve of her Aiden savored the feel of her skin, the warm silkiness of her.

“Aiden, please, I hurt with need. Let me down to touch you, to feel you.” Zane was practically crawling up onto his shoulder she had leaned up so high. It was all he could do to keep her there, to hold her for his exploration. Slowly, he moved her down his waist, bringing her breasts to his mouth before he let her go any further.

Hungrily he fed at them, her nipples first then her whole breast. They tasted ripe and full, her nipples pebbled in his mouth. Aiden scraped his fangs over them and wanted to bite her, to taste her there, feed from her. When she wrapped her legs around his waist tighter, it freed his hands to cup the heavy flesh and bring them both to his mouth to suckle. Her pussy curved around the tip of his cock, wetting them both with her juices.

Her small moans and growls were doing things to him he’d never felt before. His blood stirred, heated his body to the point of near pain for her.

With her legs around him Aiden lowered them to the bed. He wanted more than anything to turn her to her belly and plunder that sweet ass of hers, but the need to be deep inside of her wet, hot pussy was driving him to the brink. Her scent, strong with her own need, was making him as close to the edge as he’d ever been in his life.

“Bite me…Christ, I’m so close to spilling my seed on you. Feed from me over my heart, Zane. I’ll…I will feed from you when we come. I want to mark you, make you mine, but if we don’t hurry, we’ll—Zane, baby, don’t do that, not yet.”

She was suckling at his nipple, her teeth—her fangs, he could feel now—were just to the point of breaking skin, almost but painfully not yet. Aiden could feel his heart pounding as he reached for the dagger. The dagger of his family, the one that would make them one.

Aiden was of royal blood, as was his brother Tristan, and he too had used this same blade to bond him to Bailey. With this there was a ceremony where they used a family heirloom, a jeweled dagger, and cut a vein over their hearts to drink from there. This exchange was more of a ritual than a need, but it was still practiced today, especially by the pure-blooded vampires.

With dagger in hand Aiden sat up and looked down at her. Zane was his mate, his life, and he wanted her consent, not this forced way of taking her. He would take her anyway, but he wanted her to say she wanted him as well.

“Zane, I need you to want this as well. I want you to tell me that you will willingly take me as your mate, please. I don’t want this to color our future together.”

She stared at him for a long moment and then she sat up on her elbows. Her need was still in her eyes, her body, but she was looking less needy and more pissed as the seconds ticked by.

“And if I don’t, what will you do? Take me anyway? Make me something to you that we both know could or will get one or both of us dead? This isn’t right, Aiden. I’m not Suzy Homemaker and I don’t do tea parties. I can’t be whatever you think I might be for you. I’m a killer, not a vampire, not a were. I’m a killer.”

Aiden took the knife in his fist and sliced it across his chest just over his heart. He felt the pain of it. His blood began to flow from the wound, but he didn’t try and stop it.

He leaned down, dropping the knife on the floor beside the bed and looked her in the eyes. “I want you to drink from me because you want to. I want you to be my mate because you need me as much as I need you, love me as much as I love you. If you don’t, if you’d rather leave me now, then do it. I’d rather bleed out than to force you into something that I know we will both regret.”

Aiden rolled to his back and threw his arm over his eyes. If she left him now he would die. He wasn’t being dramatic, he was being honest. Honest with her as much as he was himself. He couldn’t do it, couldn’t make her be his mate, not if it would cost her trust.

He felt her move off the bed and then back onto it. He moved his arm from his face when she pulled it back. He looked up at her as she moved over his body, her thighs on either side if his hips. She took his hands in hers and settled them on her hips.

“I do want you, but you must know that if you do this you become me and my magic. All of it, including the tats. They are a part of me as much as anything else.”

“I don’t ink. Vamps, they can’t ink. We heal too fast. But whatever else you want, I will gladly take from you. Anything. I love you.”

“You don’t get it. I’m not asking you to become like me, Aiden. You will become like me, tats too. They are in my makeup, a part of me. That’s why I can have them.

You’ll have them as well if you want this.”

Sitting up, her body poised over his, Aiden ran his hands over the weapons on her hips then higher over her ribs. They were warm, almost hot to his touch. Once he reached her neck, he could feel the ones at the back of her neck and then the one along her spine.

Was what she said true? Would he wear them as she did? He didn’t know. He actually didn’t care either. Whatever she was, whatever she had, he’d willingly learn to live with it to have her.

“Take me into you, Allison. I want you to be with me, all of you. I will have to learn to do what you do, but I want you to take me into you.”

Zane leaned forward and licked the blood still seeping from the cut over his left nipple. His breath caught when she got to the wound and she hesitated. Looking up at him again, she closed her mouth over it and drew him in. Aiden lifted her slightly and lowered her over his cock slowly. She was wet, hot and tight. It was everything he could do not to throw back his head and howl.

Rolling her to her back he began moving in her, deep, long strokes as she feed from him. When he could feel his own climax nearly upon him he lifted her wrist to his mouth and licked the pounding pulse there.

“Come, Allison. Come now and be mine.”

As soon as her body, her sheath, tightened around his cock he bit into her wrist. Her response was immediate and so was his. He drank from her even as he filled her with his seed, marking them both as a couple, marking them as a pair.

Aiden sealed the wound at her wrist as she licked the cut closed at his heart. He couldn't move just yet, but savored the feel of her sated body over his. He closed his eyes even as he shifted off her and pulled her body close.

“You won’t regret this, Allison. I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to keep you happy.”

She snuggled under his chin as she answered. “I hope you don’t, Aiden. And don’t call me Allison.”


Zane moved along the halls toward the upper floors quietly. She wasn’t leaving the house; she just needed to breath for a moment. And to get away from the man she had just bonded her life to. She may have turned the other way if she had been paying more attention to her surroundings, but being so deep in thought she was upon the occupants of the kitchen before she knew it. And turning back was taken from her the moment the woman spoke.

“I don’t think so. Come back here now. I think we have a few things to discuss you and me, don’t you?”

“Not that I can think of. I want to get some air. And talking to you won’t help my disposition one bit.” Zane didn’t move, but then neither did the queen.

“Sit down, Zane. I know that you’ve bonded and mated with Ai—”

“Not any of your concern. Say your piece and then leave me alone. Our deal was you stay out of my personal life. Not pretend that you give a shit.”

Zane knew she’d pissed Mel off again; her anger was hot and Zane could almost taste it. But she knew long ago that no matter what she did, the queen never hurt her, not physically anyway.

“All right. But could you at least sit down? I’m tired and I’m achy, also not really anything you care about, but I just…please, Allison, sit down and talk to me. I need to know what you know about my…about Sherman.”

Zane started to give her a flippant answer, but could see the hurt in Mel’s eyes. She knew what Sherman had done to her; hell, there were few people in the magical kingdom who didn’t. But right now Mel looked…defeated.

“I hated the prick. He was a sadist bastard that played with people and their lives like it was his right. Someone should have castrated him at birth.”

Mel burst out laughing. “Why don’t you just tell me like it is, Zane? No sense in beating around the bush.”

Zane moved to the kitchen door and opened it. She waited for the queen to say something about it, but Zane simply stood in the open doorway and looked out. She needed to get this over with and they both knew it.

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