Night of Seduction (23 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Chapter 11


his was unbelievable.
Eric felt the air change between them as soon as they stepped off
the plane. He wasn

t sure how, but the
press knew he was coming. The moment the first camera flash went
off, he heard Siri gasp. He turned back up the steps, took off his
jacket, and put it over her head, to hide her face from the
cameras. His driver immediately opened the door to the sedan he had
waiting and ushered the two inside.

“Mr. Davies,
the family is at your place and so is the press.

driver explained as he pulled from the airport parking

“Why is the
press so interested in this? This isn


The driver

It wasn

t until that woman
got in front of a camera and gave her side of what happened

Eric closed his
eyes and sighed.

What did she

The driver hit the monitor on the console of
the car and replayed the interview Latoya gave.

Before the
camera, a distraught Latoya stood with tears streaming and an ugly
bruise on her face describing a scene from her mind. She stated she
returned home from a trip to find Jason and some woman attempting
to take her daughter from their home. Of course, she fought, but
the brute of a woman and Jason got the best of her. Then to add
insult to injury, the police chief sided with Jason. She knew it
would happen this way, she went on to explain.


m just a nobody without any money or influence.
Jason Davies and his brother Eric have unlimited resources to
influence the authorities. He used me and now wants to discard me
like a piece of trash. And that

s okay, because I
still love him and I want him to be happy. But I

t let my baby go. I just can

t do

She broke down in the reporter


Eric and Siri
just stared at the monitor.

You know, that girl
missed her calling. She should be on somebody


Siri turned to Eric who was sitting next to her
on the back seat of the car.

If I

t know the situation I would be calling Jason every
kind of name in the book.

Eric shook his

I wish TeKaya would have knocked her ass

The anger showing clearly on his face he asked,


s handling

“No one. Jason,
has ordered everyone not to make any comments about this

Eric glanced at
Siri as she gazed out the window and knew the closeness they had
shared earlier in the evening was slipping away. The progress he
had made with her and the excitement surrounding her book were now
replaced with concern for her sister. Today he had been given a
glimpse of the free spirited Siri; the one who had shared her joys
of reaching this milestone in her life. They laughed and joked
about nothing and everything. Those few short hours, made him want
her more than he already did. He was convinced the attraction
between them was much more than just physical. It was mental,
spiritual, and sensual. Now, an hour later, he could see her
slipping away. He reached over and took her hand.


m sorry this is happening Siri. We will make it

She turned to
him, with a look of fear.

The press is going to
make TeKaya the bad person in all of this. I

ve been
there. Not on this scale, but I know what it

s like to
be accused of something in the press and know it

s not
true. TeKaya is a professional and this is going to affect her
business and her life. No one will be able to give her back this
time in her life when she should be happy. There is no making it
right with the media.

The tone of her
words let him know the doors were being closed. The incident with
TeKaya and the reaction of the press reminded her too much of what
she had experienced with her ex-husband. He didn

t miss the
surprised look on Carl

s face when he came
out of the house.

Are you going to call


Siri asked as she turned back to him.


“Carl? Why
would I call Carl?

“He seemed
concern about you. He came right over after the


ll call him

she replied then turned back to the

He had the strangest feeling he was going to
lose her. If that was the case, there was no way he could let her
go without tasting her one last time. Eric pushed a button on the
door and two glass panels closed off the back seats. He then pulled
her across the seat and sat her in his lap.


she said and tried to pull away.


he said as his lips descended upon hers. He
placed his hand on her face and used his finger to force her lips
open. As soon as they parted, his tongue tasted what he had
experienced all evening, her sweetness. The instant sexual pull
they experienced each and every time they touched was there even
under these circumstances. He knew it would never go away, but she
had to learn that for herself. For now, he would concede, but he
was going down fighting. His tongue entwined with the smooth silky
feel of hers, as he plunged deeper with a hunger into the very
essence of Siri. His hands held her tightly not allowing her to
escape until he had enough to carry him through what he knew was
going to be an exile from her. He knew enough about her to know she
would not allow him into her life, at least not now. When he felt
the fight diminish from her kiss, he eased into a sweet, loving
embrace, hoping to calm her fears for her sister and to let her
know when she was ready to accept his love, he would be

waiting. She ran her fingers through his locs and
moaned. That would have been his undoing, if the driver had not
announced their arrival and the press.

reluctantly ended the kiss, but did not release

not yet. He held her gaze with a silent understanding
that this was all there could be for now. He sat her back on the
seat, pushed the button and the driver moved forward.

If Eric thought
for one moment, they were going to avoid the press by going to his

he was definitely wrong. Siri was shocked to see the
number of TV trucks, cameramen and women, reporters, and police
crowding the street leading to the gate that led to

s home. The press was in full force and it was ten
times worse than the four network stations she had to contend with
in Richmond.

The aftermath
of the events on Friday night was relentless. Media coverage was
widespread, from LA to NY and beyond. The stories mainly picked up

s account of what took place. Saturday morning,
Jason and TeKaya sat on the veranda of Eric

s home. To

s astonishment, TeKaya wasn

t the
least bit concerned with the events or the news coverage of what
had taken place. The two sat in a lounge chair watching the local
news and their coverage of the incident.

I think

ll become one of the housewives of Atlanta. What do
you think babe?

Jason smiled
down at her as he held her in his arms and kissed her

You can be anything
you want as long as you are my wife.

Her smiling up at
him with beautiful brown eyes sent his body into overdrive and his
mind back to the incredible night they had spent


t sure what to expect once he reached the police
station, but he certainly did not expect to find TeKaya and Ty
sitting laughing and talking as if they had known each other for
years. In fact, this was the first time he had seen Ty crack a
smile at a woman

his woman. He knew Ty
never allowed anything to rattle him, but he was sure TeKaya would
at least be upset.


she smiled as she looked up at him. She walked
right into his arms and kissed him. Not a cross look or angry word
came from her mouth. He returned her hug then kissed

“Are you

he asked with a concerned frown on his

“Oh sweetie,
wipe that frown off your face. Tyrone has taken care of

Jason looked
over her shoulder.


He had been through high school and
undergrad with him and this was the first time he had ever heard
anyone refer to his friend as Tyrone without him losing his

“Yeah, I said
it right, didn


She looked back at the man that could have been a
double for Morris Chestnut.

“You said it
exactly the way it was meant to be spoken.

Ty smiled back
at TeKaya. He stood and continued.

In fact you said it
so perfectly, I

m thinking of going
to Virginia to find another woman just like you to call me Tyrone,
for the rest of my life.

He walked away while
grinning at the angry frown on Jason

s face.

I have to take this call.

Jason was
stunned at his friend

s words, but was not
pleased with him flirting with his woman. Releasing an anxious
chuckle, he held TeKaya close.

Are you sure

re okay?


she cupped his face,


m fine,

and kissed him
lightly on the lips.


m so sorry TeKaya. If
I had touched Latoya I would have killed her.

“If you had
touched her, she would have gotten exactly what she

a domestic abuse situation.

s why I did it for you. According to Tyrone, the most
I will get is a battery misdemeanor, which might include a fine.
After the way she was holding Sierra, I would gladly pay that

She put her hands on her hips and began showing a
little anger.

And if I ever see her
or hear about her handling Sierra in that way I will whip her ass

“Ok, calm down
Floyd Jr,

Jason laughed.



Jason pulled
her into his arms.


m sure you

She put her arms around his neck and he reveled in the
warmth of her embrace.

I love you

“I love you,

“Well, I

t love you very much at the moment,

announced as she entered the room.

“Are you two

Miriam asked as she reached out and pulled TeKaya
to give her a once over.

Did that woman touch

“No, Mrs.
Davies. I didn

t give her a

“Good for

“TeKaya, what
have I told you about handling yourself in

Kerri chastened.

You told me to kick
ass and ask questions later.

TeKaya respectfully
replied. Jason and Miriam turned to Kerri with a quizzical


s right. You hit them
before they hit you. There

s always plenty of
time to ask questions later.

She reached out and
hugged her daughter.

Now tell me what

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