Night of Seduction (30 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Roy listened to
the message from Latoya along with two very big, intimidating men
from Ty Pendleton


Lord knows, if he didn

t have bad luck, he
would have no luck at all. The moment he reached his office in the
wee hours of Saturday morning, Ty Pendleton walked through his
door, literally scaring the crap out of him.

The man

t say much, just stared at him. He never gave his
name, but Roy knew who he was.

Can I help you with
something Mr. Pendleton?

He casually

“Do you value
your life Mr. Kelly?


he replied while fumbling with the disc in his pocket.
He knew it was not a coincidence that the attorney for the man he
had a nude video of was standing in his office.


he replied and took a seat.



Roy released a
nervous laugh.


m not sure
what we need to

Ty held his
hand up to stop what he was about to say.

If you are still
standing by the time I reach inside my jacket, I will be pulling
out a cell phone rather than a check book. Do you want to finish
your statement or would you like to take a seat?

Roy was
many things, but he was no fool. He slowly sat in the chair behind
his desk.


Ty pulled out his checkbook.

The item
you have is more valuable than $100,000.00 and Latoya Wright knows
that. She

s going to make ten times that when she attempts
to blackmail my client. You

re going to help me
stop her. As a reward, you will receive $500,000.00 and your
freedom. If in a reasonable period of time, I feel you are
trustworthy, I may send some work your way from time to

Thinking about the offer was not an issue,
hell it was more than the woman was offering. But the prospect of
working for Ty Pendleton would be beneficial. The man handled some
of the top entertainers and athletes in the business. A few
referrals from him could make him a rich man.

“What would I
have to do to prove I


“Turn over
everything you have, from the disc in your pocket to the camera you
took it on. And never,

the word was

let me see or hear
one word about what you saw.

“I can do that.
This didn

t feel right to me from the beginning. I mean,
those two looked like they were really into each other. It

t a booty call or anything like that. But it was my

“You saw an
opportunity and you took it,

Ty commented.


m not mad at that, but you need to seek better
opportunities. Ruining someone

s life only brings
bad karma into yours.

He stood and held his hand out for
the items. Roy gave him the camera bag and the disc out of his

Is this everything Roy?


s everything.

“This is your
first test of trust, Roy.

Two men walked in
the door and stood there. Ty looked over his shoulder, then back to

However, just in case you have a change of heart, a
few friends of mine, I like to refer to as The Towers, are going to
be spending a little time with you. Before sunrise,

ll have a cashier

s check delivered to
you here. Don

t feel intimidated by
them; they

re just here to keep
your company.

He took the bag and walked

twenty-four hours later, the two towers were still with him. They
were cordial. They talked sports, women, drinking, the normal
things men talk about. But he wasn

t fooled for a
minute. He knew that if he made one wrong move, he would not live
to see a dime of that $500.000.00 check Ty Pendleton had had
delivered to him. Relief washed over him when the Wright woman
called. He didn

t expect to hear from
her until Monday, but it seemed Ty knew she was going to call
sooner. For a minute, he felt sorry for the woman, because
apparently she did not know what she had coming her way. But then,
he thought about his good fortune, and that moment of weakness

“What do we do

he asked as he listened to the message again. Do I
return the call?


One of the towers replied.

“Do we need to
call Pendleton and let him know she made


the other tower replied.

Roy looked from one to the other. But before
he could question them, tower number one cell phone buzzed.


He answered then listened for a
minute and hung up.

We have to make a

He stood, as did the other tower. They both
looked at Roy.

The expressions
on their face were not one to be questioned, so Roy stood.


m going with you.

“Glad you see
it our way,

tower number two replied and had the
nerve to smile. They tapped Roy on the shoulder as they walked out
of the door.


s going to
be fun breaking you in,

tower number one
said before turning off the lights and closing the door.

Twenty minutes
later Roy found himself in the home of the man, he had just video
taped and the tension in the room was thick. Eric and Jason Davies
sat behind a desk in what appeared to be an office and then some,
it was so expansive. Ty Pendleton and the towers stood behind him.
He was center court. No one said anything when he was ushered
through the mini castle and strategically placed in the center of
the lion

s den.


t trust himself to speak or move. If he did the
bastard, standing in front of him, would be dead in a matter of

Ty tells me you are not a bad person, Mr. Kelly.
You are a man that was hired to do a job, and you did it very

Jason spoke from the window where he sat, on the
windowsill, beside his brother who was sitting in the chair behind
a desk.

Roy knew an
intimidation move when he saw one, and this one was good. Their
weakness was that he knew not one of the men in that room would
intentionally harm anyone. They were all decent people. Well, with
the exception of the two towers. He was sure they would take your
life out before you blinked an eye. But his concentration was on
the man he was sure would have the final say on him.

Mr. Davies, this was not personal, it was a job. A job you
made easy.

Eric didn

t flinch or bat
an eye. That made Roy a little uncomfortable.

You and
the little lady were reckless. I mean, I can understand why you
were distracted. Cause the lady, well, she

s a

Before he could
look up his eyes met Eric

s fist. The next
thing he knew Eric had came across the desk, and he was on the


Jason and Ty called
out, struggling to get Eric

s hands from around

s throat. When they pulled them apart, the towers was
holding Roy, and Jason had Eric.

Eric jerked
away and calmly walked back around the desk and retook his seat.
After everyone had settled down, Eric placed his arms on the desk
and looked up at Roy.

It would be best Mr.
Kelly if you refrain from referring to anything you saw during the
timeframe when you were invading my privacy and trespassing on

s property.

The calmness of his
voice was unsettling.

Jason took
over, and his voice was just as chilling as his

s was.

Ty tells me you have
agreed to cooperate with us. Is that a fact or are you playing both
sides against each other?

Roy stood his
ground. Whatever he might have thought about Eric


Davies before, was now completely
erased. The man might be quiet and reserved, but he had a temper
and could throw a decent punch.

Mr. Pendleton made me
a very attractive offer that I have accepted. Whatever you might
think of me, I don

t slouch on my


m glad to hear it.

s what we are going to do.

Two hours
later, Eric, Jason, and Miriam were seeing Kerri and TeKaya to the
airport for the return flight to Richmond.


s been quite an interesting

Kerri smiled.

One daughter ends up
in jail, the other on a scandalous video.

“Kerri, I

t tell you how sorry I am about all of this. I am so
worried about Eric and Siri. I don

t know if they can
make it through this. But that tramp that started all of this is
going down. That I promise you.

Kerri reached
out and hugged Miriam.


t you worry about
Siri; she is strong. Besides for the next week we have a wedding to
plan. So there will be no worrying and no sad faces. Let the boys
handle this and if they can

t we

They looked over at Jason and TeKaya talking to


s make a


Miriam replied.

“Come high or
hell water, we are going to get Eric and Siri married before this
year is out.

Miriam smiled.
Kerri was indeed an amazing, forgiving woman.

Thank you
for not blaming Eric in all of this.

She sighed.

Eric isn

t the player the
media makes him out to be. To tell you the truth I think this is
the first time he

s been in love. I
actually think he would kill Latoya over Siri, so that girl had
better be careful. You can

t mess with a

s heart.

“Okay ladies,

s time to go,

Jason said as they
walked to the steps of the plane.


ll be in
on Thursday.

He hugged Kerri.

Thank you
for everything.

Eric reached
out and hugged her next.


ll fix

he whispered in her ear.


s get on the plane
while I still can,

TeKaya said looking at Jason.


ll call as soon as we land.

finally released his hand.

Jason, Eric,
and Miriam watched as the plane taxied down the runway.

I have the name of a new reality show.

announced. Jason and Eric looked at each other.

Eric and
TK throw down. Yep, I think that

s a good

She turned and began walking back to the car and
continued to talk.


m buying
both of you punching bags for Christmas.

Jason looked at
his little brother. Shaking his head as they climbed into the

You know, I

ve never known you to
be so violent, first Ty and then the investigator. I just

t know what

s come over

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