Night of Seduction (47 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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re at the Medical
College of Virginia Hospital. One of the best hospitals in the

A perky

almost too perky,
short, red-headed nurse announced as she walked through the

How are you feeling there, Ms.

Siri looked at
Eric, who had now stepped away while the nurse checked the

I have a headache and

m hungry.

“All normal
signs for a woman in your condition. Now you

re going
to have a bit of a headache for the remainder of the day and you
might be a little nauseated, but all in all you should be able to
go home tomorrow. For now, the doctor prescribed something for your
headache and we

ll see if we can get
you some food



She patted Siri

s foot and left the
room, before she could respond.

Siri and Eric
both began to laugh.

Ouch, Siri said
holding her head.

Whatever that was
that just came through the door, may it not

Leaning back
over her, Eric smiled and rubbed her temple.


ll do my best.

He kissed her lips
and held the kiss for a moment, just to assure himself she was
indeed alright.


m so

he placed his head against hers.


Siri asked.

Eric stared
down at her, wondering if she remembered what had upset her. He
started to say something then he saw the look of fear enter her
eyes. She sat up quickly.

Eric, the

She pushed the blanket covering her aside
and attempted to stand.


Eric held her as she began to get upset

Siri, it

s alright.

s alright baby I promise.

He kissed her
and held her tight.


s being
taken care of. We are doing everything in our power to get rid of
them. Please baby, don


He pushed her hair aside and kissed her face.

ll be alright. I promise.

She began to
settle down just as the nurse came back in. Eric shook his head
indicating not to enter the room. The nurse stepped back out and
Eric laid Siri back down and crawled in beside her. He held her as
she cried and told him about the picture.

I know. Ty
thinks they took stills of the video,

he told


He exhaled pulled her tightly into his arms
and told her everything, as he knew it.

“Eric if that
video or those pictures get out, I will lose my job, maybe even the
book deal. My life will be ruined again. It happened before because
I fell in love with a man whose mother was jealous and possessive.

s happening this time because I fell in love with a
man, who is associated with a woman out there that is greedy and
vindictive. Have I been that much of a bad person to deserve

Eric held her
with her back to him. He kissed the back of her head and placed his
head on her.

No, Siri. You are not
responsible for what Carl

s mother did nor are
you responsible for Latoya

s actions. Both of
them will have to answer to God for their actions against you. I

t speak for Carl, but for me, I love you with all my
heart and will use everything at my disposal to protect and shield
you from harm.

He kissed the back of her

I need you to trust that I will handle this. Can
you do that?

He could feel her body relax against
his as she nodded her head.


His body began to relax and he smiled.

You know what you said a minute ago?

She shook
her head.

You said you love

“I did

she sniffed.

“Yes, you

“I said I fell
in love with a man. I can fall in love and not like you very much.
Like right now. I

m not liking you very
much because I

m hungry and you

t fed me.

He laughed and
she joined in, that

s the way the nurse
found them.

Well, shall I get
another bed put in this room?


Eric replied quite comfortable where
he was.

But you can close the door.

Once the
nurse was gone and the door was closed. Eric began singing.


ve lived a good life, I

ve made bad
choices but God blessed me with a precious gift, the love of a
wife. I

ve had times of joy, I

ve had times of
pain, but he found his favor and gave me you. Now,

ve had rough days, we

ve had loving nights,
now he

s granted us a newborn


Siri kissed his


s pretty did you
write that?

“Those words
filled my heart when the doctor said you were

Her body
tensed. She sat up and looked down at him lying on the


He smiled up at

The doctor said you are carrying my

The look of joy
filled her eyes, but she frowned.

How do you know

s yours?

Eric sat up and
kissed her lips then looked into her eyes.

Cause I popped
that thang girl. I had that kitchen table

Her mouth fell open and she covered it with her


t no need in you
acting all shocked, you were there rocking right with

He grabbed her, fell back on the bed and they both
laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes. Gathering her back into
his arms, they settled into the same position.

You know
you have to marry me now, right?

He said then held
his breath.

“No I

t have to marry you.

He smiled at the
tone in her voice.


ll marry
you because I want to and I

m tired of fighting


he asked.

“No. but

her eyes began to close.

“Hmm, I would
hope so,

he replied closing his eyes.

Eric landed in
Atlanta a little after nine that night. There was a different
determination about him. Life was no longer just about him and his
music. It was now about his soon-to-be wife and child. Walking
through the house was even different; it didn

t seem
like home anymore. All his favorite things were there and would
remain, but home was now in Richmond.

The only thing
jeopardizing his peaceful existence was Latoya Wright. There was no
way in hell he would allow her to destroy what

s waited a lifetime for. When he reached the solarium,
he sat in his favorite chair with a bottle of beer and a little
music, then allowed the memory of the first time

d seen Siri to soothe his fears. Funny, how quickly
life changes, it

d only been two
months since that August concert. He made a mental note to tell
Jason to make that a regular stop on his future tours. Hell,

d do that one for free. After all

d introduced him to Siri.

“Hey baby

Miriam strolled into the room, taking a seat across
from him.

You thinking about

“She stays on
my mind. I swear, I don

t get it. Music is
pouring out of me right now. There are lyrics, instruments I have
at least three CDs of music already down on paper and more is still
up there,

he said, pointing to his temple. At
the hospital, I was holding her and words just jumped in my head
for my child.


He looked over
at his mother and smiled.




Miriam exclaimed.


t stopped smiling since the doctor told us. She
finally agreed to marry me

not because she has
to, because she wants to

her words.

Miriam ran over
and hugged him.

My word, Nana was

“Yeah, Kerri
told me about that conversation. Is that freaky or

“Well you know
old folk aren

t usually wrong about
these things.

He took a swig
of his beer.

Oh, wait, it gets
better. Your other child has fallen in love and from all
appearances he

s fallen just as hard
as me and Jason.

“Tyrone? That
Kiki girl from the dinner table

my word.

re going to have some babies popping up all around us,

“I thought that
would make you happy.



ecstatic. So I take it Ty will be buying the floor of

s under yours?


ll have to ask him.

ll be here in a few minutes. We have a meeting with
Latoya tonight.


m glad Jason is still
on his honeymoon. He was always too soft on her.


t soft; Jason was and still is a loving father. I

t understand that before

I do now. She knows
that child means the world to him. Just like the child Siri is
carrying means the world to me. I would do anything and put up with
anything to see my child brought into this world.

s all Jason did.


s cell phone chimed.
He pulled it out.

Eric, this is Latoya.

ve decided to change the time and location of our

“You should
talk to Ty about that,

he started to hang

“You hang up
and the next email goes to Maybelline Austin. You know who she is,

t you. She

s your girl

s, or whatever the hell her name is, arch enemy. What
do you think she will do with the picture? You think your girl will
still be teaching come Monday morning?

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