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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader's search tools.
Akame (Red Eye), 27, 152
Akasaka Castle siege, 63â66
Akashi Yoji, 196
Akatsu, Private: at Lubang, 247â48
Akechi Mitsuhide, 157
Akigusa Shun, 191
Akizuki Museum, 172
(bandits), 55â56, 87
Allen, Louis
Burma: The Longest War,
201, 223
“The Nakano School,” 208
Amakusa Islands, 170
Amakusa Shir
, 170â72
Amami Oshima, 122
Amaterasu (sun goddess), 14, 28
in Asia, 214â15, 217â19, 245
fear of, 221
murdered in Fukuoka, 221â22
Nakano students and, 192â93
Amida Buddha, 83
anarchic violence, medieval Japan, 38â39, 53â56, 79â80, 87â89
Anegawa battle, 158â59
Ansell, Noriko (guide), 18, 24, 98, 121, 123, 129, 136, 147, 148, 155, 159, 161, 178, 184
Aoyama Mountain, 146
Arai Fujitsugu, 219
ninja, 2â3, 18, 21, 140, 153
samurai, 36, 40â41, 45, 162, 166
arquebuses, 101, 102, 108, 113, 157, 171
Asahi Shimbun,
Asai Nagamasa, 137
(light-foots), 66â67, 80, 82, 85, 95â97
rewards, 96
Ashikaga family, 55, 60, 72
shoguns, 38
Ataka Gate, 187
Yoshitsune and, 36â37
(noh play), 37
Aung San: and Burma independence, 206â8
Aung San Suu Kyi, 206
Australia, reconnoitre of, 208â11
Azuchi castle, 143
Banba temple, 43
bandits, 43, 54â56, 72, 82, 87â88, 91, 94, 132, 158
Malaya, 201
126â27, 177â86
Chinese sources, 179
contents, 180â83, 185â86
Ohara Kazuma version, 184â85
, 136â37, 230
Benkei, 187
biological warfare, 192, 217
Bond, James, 227â35
Bose, Subhas Chandra: and INA, 200â201
2011 riots in, 226â27
agents, 198
anti-British groups, 196â99, 200â202, 205â6
colonies, 193, 224â25
Burma and, 200â201, 206â8
India and, 196â201, 224
Malaya and, 196, 198â202
Buddhas, 22, 107, 119
Amida, 83
Mount Kasagi images, 61
Buddhism/Buddhists, 24, 75, 84, 119, 125, 135â36, 147, 148, 161â62, 190
factions, conflicts, 56
monasteries, 107
scholars, 84
and Shinto, 24, 123, 135â36
temples, 24, 54, 93, 98, 122â23
Tendai sect, 24, 98â99, 124, 136, 144
True Pure Land (J
do Shinshü) sect, 83â84