No Attachments (22 page)

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Authors: Tiffany King

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult

BOOK: No Attachments
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She wants us to tagalong on her date?" he asked, skeptically.

"Not 'tagalong.'
Double date. I think she's dealing with nerves. She's been with Jackson so long that she's nervous seeing someone else. Do you mind?"

For you, anything," he answered, dropping a quick peck on my lips. "I need to head to my hotel for a few hours, but I'll pick you up later. That way maybe we can see a movie while we're in the city."

Sounds good. I'll text her and get the deets," I said, plucking up my own cellphone from the coffee table. "Will you be able to get the Range Rover out?" I added.

I should, it's a sport utility vehicle with four-wheel drive. I'll be back in a few hours," he said, placing his lips tenderly on mine.

Hurry," I said, already missing him even though he wasn't gone yet.

I'll be back before you know it," he said with the same reluctance I was feeling.

He closed the door quietly behind him and I felt bereft standing in my living room by myself. After being practically inseparable for the last five days
, it felt strange to be alone. Irrational thoughts, sure, but I shook them off and headed to my bathroom so I could get ready.

Chapter 22
: Phase Two





I was still thinking about the phone call earlier with my client when I arrived at my hotel after leaving Ashton.
Everything about the conversation had set my teeth on edge and made me want to put my fist through something, preferably the face of the fuck that hired me. I paced in my room trying to calm myself and work through my plan that seemed to be spiraling out of control. I still stood by my decision to call the client and disclose Ashton’s whereabouts, but I wanted us to be prepared. The time for secrets was long gone. By the end of the night, Ashton would know the real reason I was here. My only hope was that I could show her that my feelings for her had changed and that I would never let anyone hurt her ever again. I knew my plan was shaky. Ashton could hate me for my betrayal and take off without ever looking back, but it was the only feasible option.

stayed awake most of the night debating how I wanted to handle the situation before finally coming to this conclusion. I toyed with the idea of never reporting back to my client and leaving him with nothing. That wouldn't solve anything for Ashton though. If he wanted her back bad enough, he’d just hire someone else to find her. Ashton would spend her life running away, never trusting anyone unless I put a stop to it. If this worked, her life of running could be put to a rest once and for all. Tomorrow morning we would face her demon and send him back to the hole he belonged in. My reputation in my field would be trashed, but I didn’t give a damn. It had been a long time since I enjoyed my job anyway. Hell, I wasn’t sure if I had ever enjoyed it.

Phase two of my plan could equally backfire in my face
, but it was a risk I was willing to take. My surprise for Ashton today, though underhanded, would hopefully serve as something that would tie her down. Something that would form an attachment with her that she worked so hard to keep at bay.

Glancing at the clock on the
nightstand, I realized I was already fifteen minutes late for my appointment. I hurried out of my room with the box of supplies I’d bought from Fran the day before. Tossing the box on the backseat, I threw the vehicle in gear and headed toward my destination. I smiled for the first time since leaving Ashton earlier as I pulled into the dirt parking lot. Phase two of making Ashton mine was waiting for me just beyond the door in front of me.

Chapter 23
: Wilma





Two hours later
, I was ready and sitting on my couch watching another episode of my show when he knocked on the door once before entering. Relieved he was back, I jumped to my feet as he strode across the room and gathered me in his arms.

Woman, what kind of spell have you cast over me that I don't like to be away from you for even a few hours," he said, showering kisses over my exposed neck.

Well, I may have slipped you a love potion," I said without thinking. I instantly regretted my words, wishing I could recall them. Mentioning "love," no matter how innocent, went completely against the rules we had set.

He stiffened for a moment and I wished I could
've bitten off my tongue. "It must be working because I feel completely intoxicated when I'm with you," he finally said, cupping my face in his hands and placing a kiss on each corner of my mouth before going all in. Thank god he didn't take my words seriously.

By the way, you look amazing," he said, breaking the kiss. "Did you wear your hair up again to drive me nuts?" he asked, fingering a tendril that had escaped the elaborate twist I had gathered my hair in.

Why, is it working?" I asked with false innocence.

If you consider the inner battle I'm struggling with: whether I should take you out and let other guys gawk at you, or whether I should drag you to bed and show you just what your pinned up hair does to me," he growled, pulling me close.

"I thought
guys liked girls to wear their hair down?"

"Not with a
delectable neck like yours. Your neck begs to be kissed. It's as appetizing as any banquet and twice as appealing," he murmured. "Now, stop distracting me, I have a surprise for you," he added, suddenly looking jittery.

A surprise?"

I left it in the car. You wait here," he said, still looking slightly off.

Puzzled at what the surprise could be
, I waited in the center of the room for him to return.

Okay, sit on the couch and close your eyes," he said, cracking the front door open a fraction to give me the instructions.

I settled on my couch
, mystified with my eyes closed. I heard him push the door open and then shut.

Okay, open your eyes," he said just as I heard a little meowing noise.

Oh my," I gasped, taking in the little fluff ball in his hands. "You got me a kitten?" I asked, quietly.

If you don't want her, I'll keep her," Nathan said, sitting across from me with the small orange kitten cradled in his hands.

I've always wanted a cat, but the time never seemed right," I said, stroking a finger down the soft fur of her neck.

Right now sounds like a good time to me," he said, handing her over.

Oh my," I repeated. "She's so tiny and fluffy."

She's the runt of the litter and the last one to be claimed."

I know nothing about cats," I objected, knowing it wouldn't be fair to take her when my future was so uncertain, and yet, I wanted her with a sudden passion that shocked me. Maybe it was her soft purring or the way she snuggled in my lap, but she already felt like mine.

That's the wonderful thing about Google. Any questions you have are at your fingertips. She's already been fixed and given a clean bill of health from the vet."

When did you set all this up?" I asked, stroking a hand down the kitten's back.

I went and picked her up yesterday. She spent the night at the vet and is ready for her new home."

What should I name her?" I asked, holding her up so I could look in her cute squished face.

Whatever you want. She's all yours."

What's your cat's name?"

He laughed
. "Fred."


Yeah, like Fred Flintstone. I'm a huge Flintstones fan."

I've heard of the cartoon, but I've never seen it," I admitted.

That makes my heart weep," he said, clutching his chest dramatically. "I will have to rectify that."

Okay, so what's a girl name from the show?"

Fred's wife's name is Wilma."

Wilma?" I asked with disbelief. "Are you a Wilma?" I asked the kitten who gave a plaintive meow.

Sounds like she likes it to me."

Wilma it is," I said, setting her back on my lap.

I'm going to go get the rest of her stuff; that way she can explore the cottage and know where her litter box is," Nathan said, patting Wilma on the head before heading back outside.

We had a little time before we had to leave, so
Wilma and I got to know each other. She was a smart kitten and showed off by using her litter box as soon as I placed her in it.

We better head out," Nathan finally said, glancing at his watch.

Is it okay to leave her?" I asked worriedly.

Cats are amazingly sufficient. I bet she'll sleep the whole time we're gone and then keep us up half the night trying to play," he said, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "Besides, if we don't head out, I may have to dine on your appetizing neck," he said, placing a kiss there.

Hmmm, I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not, being compared to food," I said laughing as I stepped out of his arms. "Besides, you already promised me a movie, so your meal will have to wait. I already perused the show times and have the perfect chick flick picked out for us to see," I teased, grabbing my purse and cellphone off the couch. I ran my hand over Wilma's back one last time where she was curled up asleep in a ball on my couch.

That's fine. I can think of plenty of things I could do to you in a dark theater," he threw my way, making me stumble as pictures of what he could do also filled my head.

He laughed at my expression
, linking his fingers through mine. "Kidding. I'm sure the theater will be packed today, but it is fun to think about what we could do if we did have a theater to ourselves," he added.

Have you ever?" I asked, morbidly curious about his past experiences.

Done it in a theater?" he asked, opening the vehicle door.

I nodded
, climbing in and buckling my seatbelt.

No, and until you, I never even had the thought," he said, closing the door on my startled expression.

forty-mile drive to the theater passed quickly as Nathan peppered me with questions about my childhood. He steered clear of anything painful that involved my mom, and instead focused on what high school had been like for me. I skirted around my illness and filled him in on what it had been like before I'd gotten sick, back when I thought my toughest problem was trying out for the cheerleading squad. I was still answering his endless questions when he pulled into the parking lot of the theater.

So, what chick flick did you pick?" he asked.

The one with the horse," I said innocently, pointing to a poster where a young girl was hugging the neck of a black stallion.

Really?" he asked.

Sure, why does it not look good to you?" I asked, trying to not snicker and give myself away.

Almost as good as getting a root canal," he said, studying the poster hard as if he was hoping to find a demon hiding in it or something that would at least redeem it a little.

I doubled over laughing at the expression on his face.
"I was kidding," I said between my peals of laughter. "I want to see the spy movie," I said when I was finally able to talk clearly.

You think you're funny?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me and twirling me around.

If you would have seen your face," I said, laughing again. "It was classic."

Funny for you. Meanwhile, I was wondering if I poked my eye out if you would still make me watch it," he said, heading for the ticket booth.

Lucky for you, I've never been into fluffy movies like that either."

That's a relief," he said, purchasing two tickets.

Much to my disappointment
, the movie I picked was super-crowded. We found a couple of seats together, sandwiched between two elderly couples. Nathan smiled at me wryly as we took our seats; obviously he was disappointed also.

Nathan held my hand throughout the movie
, stroking his fingers across the back of my hand in a seemingly innocent way, except for the fact that I couldn't help thinking about where else his fingers had stroked me. Eventually, though, I lost myself in the twists and turns in the plot of the film.

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