No Choice but Seduction (33 page)

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Authors: Johanna Lindsey

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Fiction

BOOK: No Choice but Seduction
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Chapter Thirty-Five


just wasn’t the same as this. While some of those daydreams had actually stirred Katey’s pulse and caused her some private blushes, none of them was comparable to the thrill of really having Boyd’s mouth on hers. Her pulse had started racing even before their lips touched, just in anticipation! And it was such a deep, scintillating kiss. If he didn’t have that lens in his pocket, they could probably have started a fire just from the sparks flaring between them.

It wasn’t all raw passion as she’d worried it would be from him. Close. Indeed, very close. But he was also bringing some nice skill into play that was unexpected. Considering what a powder keg of passion he’d always been around her, and their last stirring kiss, this was a nice surprise. It was as if he were trying to mesmerize her with it and to allay her fears at the same time, to draw her in with a slow seduction of her senses, to make her
to kiss him back, and, oh my, it worked extremely well.

“Don’t wake me. Don’t you dare. I think I would die if I woke right now.”

His voice, and yet she
have said exactly the same thing, she realized. But his mouth had moved across her cheek so it was by her ear that he said that, just before his tongue plunged inside it. She nearly shrieked. Gooseflesh spread down her body so quickly and so powerfully, she tingled everywhere. She did wrap her arms around his neck. Tightly. It felt as if she
to hold on or she would be lost in that maelstrom of sensations he was provoking.

Lips to lips again, he gently sucked on hers and tickled them with his tongue, not intentionally, but her skin everywhere was already getting too sensitive. She pressed her lips more firmly to his, to end the tickles. He must have thought she was trying to increase the tempo when she did that, because the passion he’d miraculously been keeping harnessed was suddenly released. His kiss became voracious, and it sucked her right in to the same steamy vortex.

Having her own passion fired to that degree was mildly alarming, but merely because she hadn’t known she was capable of such passion. She didn’t mind that she was, it was just unexpected. Though with as much as she’d daydreamed about this very thing happening, she shouldn’t have been surprised at all. Nor could she have ordered a nicer setting for her fantasies to come true in. A warm, tropical island with a balmy, ocean-scented breeze just the right temperature for taking off one’s clothes. What more could she have asked for—well, other than a bed, but soft beds were for perfect daydreams. This was real and much more preferable.

And private. There wouldn’t be any doors opening to interrupt them here. That thought was in the back of her mind. Here, only she could interrupt this and she wasn’t about to. That she owed him was merely an excuse. She’d thought about this too often to go on any longer without experiencing it. And there wasn’t anyone else in the entire world that she’d rather experience it with.

He was working on the buttons of her nightgown without breaking their kiss. She wouldn’t even have noticed if the back of his hand hadn’t brushed against her breast. There were too many buttons, of course, because it wasn’t really a nightgown she was wearing but a thin robe that buttoned from neck to feet, one that she preferred because it was so much softer for sleeping in than her cotton gowns.

He’d find that out soon. Would his passion override patience and have him ripping the robe to finish the job? She hoped not, because this robe was all she had to wear for their rescue later. But the thought disappeared as his hand slipped inside what he’d opened so far and caressed her thighs and then moved between them.

Oh, God, she was too sensitized for that! Just the accidental touch against her breast had hardened her nipples a moment ago. But this, his finger sliding over that kernel of raw sensual pleasure! She jerked. She couldn’t help it, had no control of it! He did it again. She moved again, pressing herself closer to him then pulling back, gasping against his mouth. She thought she could feel his lips forming a smile against hers just before he thrust his finger inside her.

She gasped and went right over the edge. So quickly it happened, it just burst upon her, the most incredible ecstasy that spread out wildly from her loins, throbbing around his finger, draining her slowly, deliciously. She was nearly in shock she was so amazed.

“What was that?” she gasped.

“Just the beginning,” he said as he showered her face with tender kisses.

He stood up to remove his clothes. They weren’t done? Excitement swirled in her belly again. She quickly finished unbuttoning her robe, but kept it on. It would make a nice blanket for them in the sand, she thought before she glanced up and had no more thoughts.

Boyd was standing there naked, had just dropped his breeches to the ground. Her eyes flared wide. She’d always thought he was a fine figure of a man, too perfect in her eyes, but this was pure magnificence. Long, lean lines delineated by thick muscle. His chest was broad, spread lightly with a mat of golden hair that didn’t travel much below his nipples. His midsection looked so hard there was simply no give or take to it. She thought she could stand on his belly without making a dent. Even his thighs were corded with muscle, thick, strong, there’d be no racing on foot with him! And those arms that had held her,
had he kept from crushing her? His shoulders and arms were so muscular. It was no wonder he wore loose-sleeved shirts. Any tightness there would probably have him splitting seams.

All of that was seen as a whole, but what her eyes locked onto was the shaft that protruded from his loins, the pinnacle of his maleness, and awe was definitely in her voice when she said, “Oh my, that is an amazing appendage.”

He went absolutely still with that statement. Should she not have mentioned it? Was she shocking him too much? She didn’t care. She was too curious not to say anything, and, yes,
was shocked. She hadn’t expected anything like this, especially after she’d recently seen those statues in England, several of them. They had each portrayed that unique part of the male body as so small it was barely noticeable. How misleading! And in comparison, Boyd was monstrous, yet oddly, it didn’t frighten her.

Utterly fascinated by what she was staring at, she even said, “Can I touch it?”

He fell to his knees in front of her with a groan. She took that as a yes. With a single hand at first, she covered the length to feel the texture, silky smooth, warm, supple, and yet hard. Amazing.

She heard him groan again and glanced up to see his eyes hot on her. “That hurt?”

“No,” he choked out.

“Good, because I’m not done.”

She ignored a gurgle in his throat. With both hands now she cupped that long length, forming a steeple with her fingers on either side of it and gently tugging as her palms slid across the velvety surface toward her. She did it again, and again. Each time her fingertips left him, the shaft would sway and bounce about. It bounced against her breast once. She felt scalded by it. But it wasn’t as unyielding as it had seemed at first. Incredibly hard, yes, but it was still malleable.

“You’re killing me.”

She glanced up sharply at him with an accusing frown. “You said it didn’t hurt.”

“It’s not that kind of hurt. My God, Katey, I want you so much I’m going to explode.”

Her expression softened as she said, “Then what are you waiting for?”

He’d been serious. His passion had reached the explosive point. In a mere second she was on her back in the sand again and he unerringly buried himself inside her. She was still wet from her own orgasm, so he slid in as deeply as he needed to go without pausing for anything, including her virginity. But the pain of that breaking was over before she even registered the sharp tear. She was overwhelmed. She held on for dear life. It was the most primitive thing she’d ever done, exploding with such intense pleasure again, before him, so she was still arching up to enjoy that second orgasm to the fullest when he released himself into her.

He fell to the sand beside her, seeming utterly spent, but he had enough strength left to draw her to his side and, with one arm around her, keep her there. Her cheek pressed against his chest, she smiled dreamily, just as exhausted, just as replete, and there was something else she was feeling. Was it happiness? She had no regrets, not a one. She had enjoyed her foray into lovemaking immensely. And she was overly pleased with the man she was curled up against. So maybe it was something as simple as happiness.

Eyes at half-mast, lazily twirling a finger around his chest hair under her hand, she finally took note of where her gaze was directed and her eyes grew wide. That magnificent appendage of his was gone!

She sat up. “Where did it go?”

She was serious. She really didn’t know. Opening his eyes to see what she was accusing him of, Boyd burst out laughing.

“It will be back, I promise you,” he told her with a wide grin.

Later she was going to laugh with him about how little she knew about the male body. But just then, before her eyes, he actually fulfilled his promise.

Chapter Thirty-Six

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