No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel) (12 page)

BOOK: No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel)
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Chapter 11

THEY STEPPED OUT of the limo onto a red carpet that almost matched the hues in the darkening sky. “Don’t let me fall,” she whispered, just imagining the headlines the next day if she fell on her face.
Backwoods Bumbler Bombs on Big Night. Kate Riley Does The Hillbilly Flop.

“I’m not letting go of you all night. Trust me.”

Those words made her chest seize up. She didn’t know if she’d ever really trust him. She didn’t know if she’d ever really trust any man. But she tightened her hold on his arm and started walking up the carpet as people in the crowd shouted to them and cameras flashed. She just smiled and stayed close to Teague.

“Kate, over here!”

“How about a smile for the camera?”

“How about a kiss?”

The whole thing made her want to run away like a dog that finally broke off its leash. But Teague squeezed her hand, pulled it to his lips and kissed it. A collective sigh rose up from the crowd. Heck, she might have even sighed. A blur of flashes broke her gaze and luckily another star was coming up behind them, catching the camera’s attention. Kate and Teague moved on to the open-air seating in front of an enormous projection screen. It was almost like a drive-in movie, but without the popcorn and steamy back windows—which honestly, she’d much prefer.

She spotted dozens of actors and actresses she’d seen on the screen, but here they were just feet away from her, some saying hello to Teague, others shaking her hand—yes, her, Kate Riley from Willowdale, North Carolina, who had only recently plucked a
from the beauty shop to take home and read about all of these mythical Hollywood creatures. And here they were in the flesh, talking to her.

“You’re Kate Riley, right?” asked last year’s Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner outside the bathroom.

“Yes,” she managed to say.

The woman squeezed Kate’s hand. “Hope the press lets up on you soon.”

“Me too,” was her clever response. The actress seemed so normal, like a real flesh and blood person—talking to her—that she was a little too stunned to say anything else.

Kate wandered back to her seat, dazed, but not until after saying hello to two other A-list actors. Well, hot damn, this was something else. Kate smiled and nodded as the night unfolded, holding onto Teague like she might float away if she let go. Which she did not, not for one moment. Let go, that is, because she was definitely floating.

Teague wasn’t just incredible eye candy in the movie; he was great. He played a wounded American soldier home from Iraq, tormented by what the war had turned him into. Kate wiped away a tear more than once and squeezed his hand. He could be a serious actor, one of the blockbuster stars, she was sure of it. He looked so proud watching the movie, and her heart swelled for him. What the heck was that all about?

The night was warm, but a cool breeze rolling in off the ocean had her clutching her wrap and leaning toward him for warmth. He wrapped his arm around her, and for a moment all was right with the world.

The crowd roared with a standing ovation when the movie was over, and dozens of people shook Teague’s hand in congratulations when they tried to leave.

Kate recognized the short, dark-haired woman approaching him. The prison-warden-publicist-goon. The one who hated Kate. Ugh. “This is a wonderful set up for your meeting with Remington in two days,” she said. “He’s casting his next movie, and it’s perfect for you. Devote your full attention to Remington and come to the party by yourself.” June looked at Kate like she was a horsefly bobbing in her soup.

Teague smiled at June and Kate recognized it as one of his fake grins. She was getting good at reading his real moods.

“Thanks for your insight, June. And goodnight.” He pulled Kate close and whisked her away. True to his word he had stayed by her side all night, either holding her hand or draping his arm around her waist. They tried their darndest to leave the festival grounds, but someone was always waiting to talk to Teague, often throwing in a question for Kate.

“Teague! Aren’t you going to any of the after parties?” A tiny redhead in a white gown skipped up and planted a kiss on his cheek. She didn’t even look at Kate.

He stepped back from her. “How are you feeling these days, Kimmie?”

She waved her hand nonchalantly. “Great. Perfect.”

Kate noticed his strained smile. “Good. Kate and I are calling it a night.” He tucked Kate’s hair behind her ear and smudged his thumb across her cheekbone.

She trembled. They needed to get out of there, and fast.

But not before they were besieged by at least a dozen other drop-dead-gorgeous actresses stopping him, asking about his plans, practically rubbing themselves against him like barn cats in heat.

Those women really need to eat
. She knew exactly the meal they had in mind, too—the one she was holding onto for dear life. Teague wrestled himself away from the last woman and they finally made their way out of the festival grounds.

She paced back and forth as they waited for their driver. “Don’t they read the papers? Don’t they know about your country-bumpkin girlfriend? They were totally hitting on you in front of me. Even when you did that thumb thing on my cheek.”

His dimples appeared. “You liked that, huh?” The man was way too pleased with himself.

She wasn’t going to let him waltz away from her anger. “Anyone would. Any of those women would.”

Despite her sour mood, it was a beautiful night. Palm trees rustled overhead, the smell of exotic flowers hung thick in the air, and the moon was a bright beacon in the sky. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She was having a hissy fit right in the middle of a real-life fairy tale. No happy ending ever came out of that.

He tightened his grip on her hand. “Kate, they don’t care. I’ve had girls slip me their number while I was kissing another woman on the dance floor.”

She yanked her hand out of his, jealousy dancing through her like a nasty demon child.

He grabbed her hand back, rubbing her knuckles. “You’re the one coming home with me, aren’t you?”

She stopped mid-tantrum and let her arms fall to her sides. She stared at him
. Mercy, he had a point
. Her heart threatened to pop open like a jack-in-the-box.

He pulled her close and kissed her—and no one was even taking a picture. How ’bout that. His lips melted against hers, his tongue urgent, as she parted her lips for him. Oh, she suspected she would part much more for him before the night was over.

Their kiss continued as Teague’s driver opened their door. They tumbled onto the leather seats, their bodies pressed together. Her hands groped his remarkable behind, his wandered over her breasts, then up her shoulders, down her back. He reached for the zipper on her dress.

“Wait until we get to the room,” she breathed into his ear, adding in a bite for good measure.

He ran his fingers down her delicate throat, leaving a trail of kisses behind. “I can’t. I’ve waited too long for you.”

Kate groaned and gripped the cool leather seat. “You only met me four days ago.”

He hitched his leg behind hers and pulled her closer. “That’s four days too long. We should have been doing this at Makeout Point.”

“Lookout Point.” Kate tried to leave space between them, but that was like trying to keep a magnet from sticking to the fridge. “We’re almost there. I just can’t do this with you in a limo.”

“Too tacky?”

She shook her head. “Not enough room.”

He laughed and pulled her back for another killer kiss that left her mouth and her mind numb.

The driver dropped them off at their hotel. Kate wouldn’t look at him as they tumbled out, certain he knew what they’d been doing in the back seat. They hurried down the path to the bungalow, sprinting past glowing fountains and trees sparkling with white lights.
Dang, this is a big place. How far away is the beach, anyway?
Kate held up her dress as they ran, Teague pulling her along by the hand. Her giggles echoed across the empty pool area.

By the time they reached the bungalow, they were breathless. Teague fumbled for his key card in his pocket with one hand, while the other wound through Kate’s hair as he tugged at her lower lip with his teeth.
Talented man
, she thought.

She squeezed his shoulders and pressed her chest against him. Could he feel her heart thumping?

A man in the darkness cleared his throat. “I see you’re enjoying my stepdaughter.”

Teague froze and Kate’s stomach headed south. Like, direct-flight-from-Charlotte-to-Cancun south. “George? How did you find us?”

“It wasn’t hard. Everyone knows where Teague Reynolds is staying.”

She rubbed her temples and cursed the horrific karma that worked like a wet blanket whenever happiness snuck into her life. “Why are you here?” But she knew why. Paying off George’s tax bill was like dumping a bucket of slop in a pigpen. Once those piggies were fed, they’d be rooting around for more—just like George.

George stood up from the lounge where Teague had massaged the sunscreen on her not so long ago. “I thought I should meet the man who’s swept my stepdaughter off her feet, taken her a world away from her family.” He crossed his arms and knit his brows together. “I promised your mother I’d take care of you once she was gone. I need to make sure this man is doing right by you.”

Her mouth fell open. “You—take care of me?” Her jaw dropped. “You can’t even take care of yourself or your daughter. She’s pregnant, if you haven’t noticed, and she needs you.”

“You need me, too. This seems to be a little more urgent. I want to know what this man’s intentions are.”

Kate marched over to George and pulled him aside. He’d probably hopped on a flight the minute he found out Teague paid his taxes. “I know why you’re here. There’s no more money for you. Now go back home.”

“Kate, I’m not here about the money. I’m here to make sure you’re all right. And I’m not going back. I just got here. I want to see the island.” He spread his arms wide and grinned up at the moon like a wolf.

She clenched her teeth. “Then go to your hotel.”

“I want to have a word with your boyfriend.”

She pressed her eyes closed. “He’s not—”

“Are you okay, Kate?” Teague walked up and tucked his arm around her waist.

“No, I’m not.”

George waved her off. “Don’t listen to her, Teague. It’s all good. You know women.” He chuckled. “Of course you know women. I think you know women even better than I do. Can you give us a minute, Kate?”

She pointed toward the hotel complex. “Get out of here. This is none of your concern.”

Teague grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “It’s okay. Go inside, and I’ll have a chat with your stepfather and I’ll be right back. I promise.” He handed her the key card and disappeared into the dark with George.

And before she could squawk, “Hell, no,” they were gone.

Chapter 12

TOO ANGRY TO do anything else, Kate opened the door and flopped onto the bed. Beautiful purple orchid blossoms rested on each pillow. She flicked them onto the floor and ate both of the chocolate mints. She balled up the wrappers and tossed them across the room, too. Didn’t make her feel any better.

Only George could ruin such a perfect evening. She’d been clear across the globe, but he was still a bigger bother than a recurring bout of the stomach flu. What had her mother ever seen in him? Of course he was handsome. Kate couldn’t deny that. Tall and lean, and at age sixty-two he still had a thick head of hair. He’d blend right in with the rest of the Hollywood crowd, fake as plastic. How long would it be before he tricked another woman into loving him, now that her mother was gone?

She stared at the ceiling fan slowly whirling above her, remembering when her mother had met George so long ago. He’d been the perfect guy for a lonely woman, attentive and loving. Just like Tommy had been when Kate first started dating him junior year of high school. Attentive and loving, just like Teague had been all night. That’s how it always started; but it never ended that way.

Sitting up, she realized the truth. The sensible part of Kate had abandoned her. Kate kicked off her shoes and wrapped her arms around a pillow. This was stupid. It was a magical evening where she’d played dress-up, and she looked mighty fine if she did say so herself. Only she really was Cinderella with a one-night fairytale pass, complete with the stepsister who needed a keeper.

No prince would come calling when it was all over. She probably wouldn’t even get any stupid shoes out of the deal.

She stood up. It was time to step out of this daydream. Slowly pulling down the zipper of her dress, she let the gown slide to the floor, then changed into her plain cotton nightgown. This wasn’t going to happen between her and Teague. She’d gotten caught up in the moment. She was glad George had shown up and stopped her from doing something stupid. She had to remember who she was and the obligations piled up back home. She wasn’t destined for love. Certainly not with someone like T-Rex.

She scrubbed off her makeup and brushed out her hair. Tucked under the covers, she tried her hardest to hold back the tears. But they were right there: for her Mama, for the life she dreamed she’d be living with Tommy, for all the hurts and pains and losses.

And one thing was for certain—she couldn’t let herself be hurt again. She couldn’t go through this with Teague, no matter how tough she was. She thought about calling Tonya or Jeanne back home, but it was the middle of the night in North Carolina. She had to deal with this on her own.

After a good pity-party sob fest, she was huddled in bed when Teague came back half an hour later. He closed the door softly behind him.

“Is he gone?” she asked, her voice thick from crying.

He rushed to her, knelt next to the bed, and brushed her hair off her face with his big, gentle hands. “Hey, you okay?”

She nodded yes. Then she shook her head no.

He smoothed her hair again, twining a piece around his finger. “He’s getting a hotel room. He plans on staying for a while. But I don’t think he’ll bother us again.”

She sat up. “How can you be so sure?”

Letting go of her hair, he stood up and took off his tux jacket, then sat on the bed next to her. “I gave him good incentive to stay away.”

He’d paid off the fool!
“Teague, you didn’t have to do that. He’s just going to come nosing around hoping for more.” She looked away, embarrassed. “I’m not like that, you know. Even though I agreed to this setup .
 . .” For all her denials, she appeared very much like George. She couldn’t imagine what Teague was thinking of her.

“Don’t worry. I didn’t give him any money. I’ve got plans for your stepfather. He’ll regret coming out here soon enough.” Teague peeled the covers back. “Besides, I had you waiting here for me. I was willing to do anything to get rid of him to get back to you.” The grin that unfurled on his face hit her square in the chest.

With that, Kate felt her will weaken, teeter and shatter like a vase toppling off a shelf. Her self-control sank to the bottom of the ocean along with Miss Sensible. How bad would it be if she did make love with him? As long as she knew it was going nowhere, she couldn’t get hurt, right?

Filled with a surge of need, she grabbed two handfuls of silky sheets. She knew what she wanted; she knew what was going to happen. And that was the difference. This wouldn’t lead to love. She wasn’t hoping for that. Tommy had broken her heart when she believed he still loved her. The guys she had diddled around with after Tommy were idiots, but she hadn’t known that at the time. This was the first time she knew what she was getting into. She could do this. Suddenly, she felt much, much better.

She let go of the sheets, and perched next to him, her legs tucked underneath her. She raised an eyebrow. “Let’s remember this counts as fun, not falling for anyone.”

Teague pressed a finger against her lips. “No worries there.” He ran his finger across her lower lip; she brushed it with her tongue.

Then he pulled her up from the bed. Her feet hit the plush area rug and he dipped her in his arms. She grabbed for his biceps and took hold.

“Isn’t this where we left off a few hours ago? Although your dress was a little flashier if I recall. But this one is easier to remove.” He grinned and bent down for a kiss.

The strap of her nightgown slipped off her shoulder. She didn’t have a chance to catch her breath before his lips found her mouth, his tongue sweeping across hers. Her insides twirled like they were doing the two-step at The Hideaway on a Saturday night, and she knew she would’ve dropped to the ground if he hadn’t been holding her. What hope did she have of resisting this man? What do they say, don’t swim against the riptide or you’ll drown? She was definitely going to ride this out.

She slid a hand behind his neck and matched his urgent kisses. She reached for the buttons on his shirt with her other hand, loosening them with jittery fingers as he undid his pants and kicked off his shoes. His skin was warm against her palm as she spread her hand across his chest. He stood before her in his boxers as she lowered herself onto the bed. She looked up at him, waiting—waiting for what she had been fighting tooth and nail for what seemed like forever.

Four days really can be a long time with a guy like Teague.

MAN, WHAT WAS he doing, and why hadn’t he done this sooner? Would’ve saved himself a whole lot of grief. He fingered her nightgown and pulled it off her as if he was unwrapping an exquisite gift. “Beautiful,” he whispered. He straddled her, running his hands up her hips, over her smooth belly and up to her gorgeous, creamy breasts. He teased her nipples with his tongue, and she shivered beneath him.

“You’re nervous.”

She nodded, which made him want her even more, if that was possible. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes gleamed dark with anticipation. Her eagerness was as beautiful as her soft, curvy body. It was a delicious combination he planned to enjoy like a decadent dessert.

She ran her hands across his back as he nuzzled her breasts. “Teague .
 . .” Her voice was huskier and deeper than her usual sweet southern drawl. The sound drove through him.

He wanted her with a fierceness he’d never experienced before. He pressed his face to her chest, feeling her heart throbbing against his cheek, hoping to calm his own. He didn’t want to rush this.

Her fingers snaked through his hair while his hands worked under her silky white panties, probing and stroking. He found just the right spot and squeezed gently.

Kate shuddered and arched against him. “You’re wicked,” she moaned into his chest.

“Yeah, well, you were warned.” He ran his hands along her smooth thighs, willing himself to slow down, to enjoy each excruciating moment of sweet intensity. He wanted this woman more than he’d wanted any model or actress who’d found their way to his bed. But he couldn’t take chances. The image of another baby on the way flashed in his mind. He imagined the frenzy the press would have with news of two scandalous pregnancies linked to him. Talk about applying the brakes.

He reached over to the bedside table and plucked a condom from the drawer. “I stashed a few here just in case things worked out this way.” One corner of his mouth curled up into his trademark devious grin. He couldn’t help himself; this smile was the real thing.

Propped up on her elbows, she narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re pretty confident.”

“Nope, just hopeful. I’ve imagined doing this since I first saw you leaning against your Jeep, back in Willowdale.”

She was so beautiful, with her lips full and wet, her hair in a wild tangle, and those beautiful eyes that threatened to see through his Hollywood veneer. He rolled on the condom and wished there was similar protection for his heart; Kate might whack open a huge crack and slide on in.

KATE WAS SITTING on his lap, but she sensed she was falling. She wrapped her legs around his waist, desperate to have him inside her. How could this desire be real? The times she’d been with Tommy had felt like obligations. Their lovemaking had never brought her much pleasure. But now, she wanted everything she could have from this gorgeous man in her bed. She shimmied her hips, searching for him, ready for him.

“You sure you want to do this?” Teague grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back gently, grazing her neck with his teeth.

“Yes,” she moaned.

He traced his tongue along her jaw. “How much do you need me?” His voice was a primitive growl.

She shuddered. Maybe this is why they called him T-Rex. He was a perfect monster. The room was whirling, and she thought she might go mad if he didn’t bring her relief. “I need you .
 . . now.” She squirmed beneath him.

He laughed low in this throat, then lowered her onto the bed, gripping her hands in his, moving over her, drawing himself along her, until her mouth quivered and the words she meant to say got lost somewhere inside her. They probably weren’t fully formed words, anyway.

He nudged her legs open wider with his knee and plunged into her. A scream built deep in her throat, unable to find a way out. She snaked her legs around his and matched his movements, each collision of their bodies sending sparks through her. She was his and he was hers, at least for the moment.

She squeezed her eyes shut, memorizing the feel of his weight on her, the smell of sweat mingled with cologne and the flowery body cream she wore. She moved with him until they rolled together as if she was a wave he was riding. They continued like this, together sensing, needing, pleasing. For how long? Kate couldn’t have guessed. Minutes? Hours? He moved faster, harder, until he collapsed onto her, panting. From her moaning and writhing below him, he’d probably figure out that she’d reached the same destination.

After, she arched against him, desperate to keep their flesh together for just a while longer. Teague dropped next to her, still holding her in his arms. “Kate, that was .
 . .”

She could only nod. Still spinning from the aftereffect, Teague pulled her to him, her back pressed against his stomach. He kissed her neck and she shivered. “So much for strictly business,” she said.

“I should have never made that promise.”

Kate forced a laugh. She knew who she was dealing with. Teague must’ve known no woman was a match for his charms. She was nothing to him. Just the right girl on the right night. But she’d known that going in.

Every detail of the moment hit her: his damp, warm skin sticking to hers, the way his nose pressed into the nook between her ear and cheek, his strong arms wrapped around her ribs. Kate bit her lip, realizing she’d never have this again.
You can’t handle this.

Damn that Miss Sensible always being right.

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