No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel) (13 page)

BOOK: No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel)
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Chapter 13

THIS WAS BAD—very, very bad. An hour later, they lay in bed, the ceiling fan whirling above them, gulls crying in the breeze. He took a deep breath and sighed, nudging his knees behind hers.

Making love to Kate hadn’t fixed things at all. It wasn’t enough. She rested in his arms, and he wanted her even more now. He’d never held a woman like this. Sure, women had spent the night, and they’d ended up tangled in each other’s arms. But he’d never cradled a woman, squeezing her tight, trying to fuse into one.

It’s not that he just wanted another round. He wanted everything from her—to make her laugh, to make her sigh. His mind raced with a thousand ideas of what they could do together the rest of the week. He wanted to see her eyes widen, he wanted to make her giggle and squeal.

Just thinking of it made him squeeze her tighter. She wiggled her rump in response, trying to get closer to him. That just started things all over again. He buried his nose in her hair, clung to her, and wondered how long she would stay his. This wasn’t real, what they were doing. Kate was his for a month, if he was lucky. That was their deal. She had obligations back in Willowdale.

And so did he.

He’d better enjoy her while he could. “Ready to do that again?”

She turned to him, flushed and relaxed, looking even more delicious than the first time. “One thing first.” She rolled him over on his stomach and sat between his thighs, slightly behind him. She slipped the sheet down past his hips, exposing his rear.

He looked back at her, puzzled. “I’m not familiar with this one,” he said, joking. “But I’m willing to try anything.”

She swatted his butt playfully and pulled the sheet back up.

He tilted his head. “What?”

She crawled next to him. “Simone’s name isn’t tattooed on your butt.” She sounded surprised.

“Just one of the many lies out there about me.”

“The God-in-the-sack one wasn’t a lie.” She set her hand on his chest and his heart thumped against it. “Although, I could decide for sure if we did that again.”

He smoothed his hand over her bottom. “Let’s see if I can convince you.” The flirty grin that split her face reached in and squeezed his heart. Somehow, Kate had found her way in. But he certainly wouldn’t let her know that. He pulled her on top of him. “I’ll do my best.”

DINA HATED TO admit it, but she was lonely and a little scared, too. Which is probably why she called Mitch again. “Listen, my Dad and Kate are both gone. Would you mind coming over?”

“I’ve got to work at the hardware store until two, but I can come over after that.”

She felt her chest loosen up a bit. “That would be great.”

She rushed to her room and rummaged through her closet for something that wouldn’t make her look like a bus. She tried on different shirts and dresses until she slumped to the floor. “Oh, it’s useless. I’m bigger than a bus.”

She wiped her tears away and sat in front of her vanity mirror, staring at all the nail polishes and body sprays lined up. When was the last time she had done her nails? She looked at them and shrugged. Settling her chin on her hand, she gazed in the mirror and looked at herself. Really looked at herself.
You’re eighteen, knocked up, and all alone
, a little voice responded.
So what are you going to do about it?

At least she had her high school diploma. She wouldn’t be working at Scalia’s forever. But what was she going to do?

No idea
, said that little voice.

Mitch came over right after two, like he promised. He brought a bag of goodies for her: Twinkies, Yoo-hoo and chocolate ice cream. “I thought you might be hungry.”

Snatching the bag from him, she led him out the back door. They wandered over to the big oak tree and sat down in the spotty shade, where she slid off her black flats and dug her toes into the grass. Even her feet were looking big these days. Being pregnant sucked in so many ways. “Thanks for coming over. I hope you don’t think I’m stupid. It’s just with Kate gone and my dad gone .
 . .” She didn’t want to say she was scared, like she was some little girl.

He kissed her, probably to keep her quiet. It worked. She was still attracted to him. He was hot and sweet. What more could she want? She grinned and enjoyed the moment, pretending they were a couple again.

He pulled away. “It’s no problem, Dina. I like being with you, if you remember.”

It felt so good to have him close like this. She rested her head against his shoulder. “I know. Me, too. I just panicked when I found out I was pregnant.”

He nudged her with his elbow. “Did you think I wouldn’t be there for you?”

She plucked a piece of grass and twirled it between her fingers. “I didn’t want you to be with me just because of the baby.”
But isn’t that why he’s here now?
She shook the thought from her head. She needed him. She looked up and smiled.

He broke a Twinkie in half and brought it to her lips. “I probably should have brought you something healthier, but I remembered how much you liked these.”

Dina closed her eyes and bit into the moist cake. “Mmm.” She finished it off and reached for another.

“I can stay here with you if you want.”

That sent her heart thumping. “For how long?” She popped the rest of her second Twinkie in her mouth.

“As long as you need me. Until someone comes home for you.”

She chewed on her lip. “But what about Shelley?” she asked quietly.

Mitch wrapped his arm around her. “You need me more than Shelley does right now. You and the baby.” He kissed her cheek.

She leaned into him and her heart settled in place. “Thanks, Mitch.”

Chapter 14

TEAGUE HELD KATE’S hand as they drove along the coast, the view more beautiful than any tropical postcard she’d ever seen. She glanced over at him, wondering what was more breathtaking: him or the scenery. No contest.

She sighed. Despite her better sense, here she was having a fling with Hollywood’s biggest heartbreaker. She was up for seconds. And thirds. Get it while it’s hot, and boy had it been hot. Kate didn’t feel like she was being used at all. In fact, she should be paying Teague for the vacation of a lifetime. They were two people enjoying a beautiful tropical island with a side of sex.

She looked at their linked hands and squeezed his. This wasn’t going to last forever, but she’d make damn sure he remembered her when it was over. She closed her eyes and smiled.

He squeezed her hand back. “What are you thinking about?”

“Global warming.” The windows in the Jeep were down, and the breeze swirled her hair.

He laughed. “I told you it wasn’t a bad thing.”

“Are you always right?”

“Not even half the time.”

They bounced along the winding road to Hana, and Kate gripped the door handle. At times, all she could see was the dense canopy of trees as they drove along the curving road. Vines dangled from rock walls and tiny waterfalls splashed along the stony cliffs. It was as if they were driving into uncharted territory.

The view was spectacular, although the ride was somewhat terrifying along the narrow winding hill. Kind of like this thing with Teague. They pulled off the road from time to time and crept into the jungle to explore hidden pools and waterfalls. Sometimes they ran into other tourists at the different stop-offs. Other times, they were lucky enough to be alone and would squeeze in a kiss while pressed up against a palm tree.

They found a clear, blue-green pool with a ribbon of water cascading from a cliff. It was deserted, except for the two of them.

Teague ran toward the water and crooked his finger. “Come on, let’s jump in”

She hesitated and Teague walked back to her, sliding a finger under the waistband of her shorts. “I see. You don’t want to get your clothes wet. Whatcha got under there?”

“A bikini.”

“Let’s see it.”

She worked her hands over his shirt. “Get rid of this and then we’ll talk.”

With a smile, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Then he went to work on the buttons of her shirt, and slid it over her shoulders and down her arms. His hands closed over her breasts, just barely covered by a bikini top. “We’re all alone. Should we take this off too?” He toyed with one of the straps.

Holding back a moan, she looped her arms around his neck. “I’m starting to think you’re not even interested in swimming.”

He kissed her neck, while tracing his fingers down her tummy to unbutton her shorts. “Smart and beautiful. A killer combination.” He pushed the material over her hips, letting them fall to the ground. Then he tucked a finger under her bikini bottoms.

She paused mid-kiss. “Oh, no. Your trunks are coming off first.”

His hands cupped her rear. “Tempting, but you never know where the paparazzi could be hiding, and no one is seeing you naked but me.” He kissed her forehead. “Come on, let’s go for that swim.” He took her hand and led her to the cove.

Together, they ran into the water. She gasped. “It’s cold.”

“So much for your global warming concerns.”

The blush creeping across her cheeks was certainly warming her up.

He pulled her closer. “Come here. I’ll keep you cozy.” Taking her in his arms, he kissed her as the water from the falls splashed behind them. Oh, how she’d like a picture of this.

Kate still felt the soreness from their romp the night before as her body responded to his touch. It had been the most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced.

The first time with Tommy had felt forced and hard. It was after one of his basketball games. He’d sunk the winning basket, and she’d been so proud to be the girl walking out of that gym with him. He’d taken her back to his house, saying he was going to get changed and take her out for a late dinner. But his father and brothers weren’t home and he’d had all the right words to get her into bed. Four minutes later, she’d wondered what all the fuss was about.

Now she knew.

Teague was working his way under her bikini again, when a snapping twig stopped him mid-grope. “Later,” he whispered. “Come on.” He took her by the hand and led her out of the pool. “Let’s jump off the waterfall.”

Kate backed away from him. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

He laughed that unforgettable, deep laugh of his. “I’ve done it dozens of times. It’s exhilarating. Come on. Trust me.” He held out his hand.

She stared at his hand for a moment, before wrapping her fingers around his. Hand in hand they climbed up the hill to the top of the waterfall and knew she was in deeper than she was telling herself.

“Ready? On three. One, two, three!” he shouted.

They held hands and jumped. They plunged into the deep, cold, water and Teague never let go of her. Their lips found each other’s before they even surfaced. His hands patted up and down along her back. “You lost your bikini top.”

She shrieked and he pointed to a pair of gold triangles on a string, floating nearby. He swam off and snatched it while she cupped her hands over her chest.

One corner of his mouth curled up. “You just can’t keep your clothes on around me, can you?”

Ain’t that the truth.

His hands slid over her breasts as he teased her with the bikini he refused to give back. Once she’d been adequately kissed and groped, she slipped her top back on and hightailed it for the Jeep.

They drove along again and stopped for lunch at a fish market. They settled in plastic chairs at a little table outside, the lush forest behind them. Teague stole one of her fried shrimp, but made up for it by feeding her a slice of fresh, juicy pineapple. He let his finger linger on her tongue, and she playfully nipped him.

“I’ll get you back for that.”

“I hope you do.” All day long, her emotions had swayed from wanting to ravage the man again to wanting nothing more than to snuggle into his arms and drink in the beautiful scenery.

After several hours of traveling, they finally made it down to the little town of Hana, where the bright blue sea appeared after a sharp curve, surrounded by lush green cliffs. It was untouched, like they were the first ones to find it.

She covered her mouth, gazing at it. He smiled and squeezed her hand. They parked the Jeep and walked out to the cove where a hot, black-sand beach waited for them. He spread out a blanket and they sat on the sand, comfortable enough with each other to not say much of anything.

Teague collected little white shells and laid them down in the shape of a heart on the sand, surrounded by names and dates and declarations of love other visitors had left behind. He was good, this T-Rex.

“Is there anything we have to do tonight?” she asked, trying to distract her exploding heart.

He smiled. “Just a lot more of this.” He leaned in to kiss her, and they were soon tangled together in the sand.

She pulled back from their passionate kiss. “Think of the children,” she whispered to him, gesturing to some kids playing in the surf.

He pulled her up from the ground, and they ran laughing to the Jeep, driving back up the road, leaving Hana behind like a lava flow that was hot on their tail.

That’s what it felt like to Kate—a hot trail of desire coursing through her. The ride back to their cabana was just as beautiful, but seemed to take forever. This time, there was no stopping at the waterfalls to play. He drove as quickly as possible along the dangerous curves. She had no doubt his thoughts were the same as hers. They needed to be alone, and soon.

When they finally burst through the cabana doors, they made it as far as the couch. The man knew his love scenes, that’s for sure. Kate had to hold tight onto the tail end of her emotions or they would spin out of control like the big colorful kites she’d seen kids flying at the beach. Sad thing was, she’d never been much of a kite flyer. She was just waiting for this all to crash.

SO THE AFTERGLOW can last until the next day, Teague thought to himself in bed.
He pulled Kate closer, her back pressed against his chest. He buried his nose under her ear. She probably had wondered why he’d been so quiet during much of the ride back from Hana, but she’d looked perfectly happy, her eyes closed, the breeze playing with her hair. And what would he tell her?
I’m trying to figure out why I’m so into you?

He twined a strand of her light hair around his finger, enjoying the silky feel on his skin. He’d never taken another woman to explore the island, and he’d been here at least a dozen times. He’d always loved the water, always loved swimming, and this was the first time he really shared that passion with a woman. Kate had been enthralled. Teague swallowed hard, pushing back the surprising emotions that fizzed inside him. He’d made her squeal in delight, after all. Had he ever done that for a woman outside the bedroom?

Okay, there was that one time in a tent. But how did this happen? He’d never wanted to share his secret passions with any other woman. Teague ran a finger down her back, tracing a slight tan line she’d developed from wearing that tempting bikini.

Kate was definitely different from any woman he’d known. With the other women he dated, he was mostly concerned about what they could give him—and how well they would stay away from his heart. Premieres and parties didn’t offer opportunities to get close, which is why he usually took his dates there. That’s why his trips to Hawaii had always been solo vacations. Sure, with a hookup here and there, but he’d never hung out in Hawaii with someone like he was doing with Kate.

Something clenched deep inside his gut. Something he’d never felt before. Scared the hell out of him. But he held her tighter and didn’t let go.

DINA SENT KATE another text telling her she was fine and to have fun. She hadn’t heard anything from her father, but at least Mitch was staying with her, even sleeping over. It’s not like he was sleeping in her bed or anything, but they’d kissed a few times, and she tried to figure out if she was still attracted to him or just grateful he was there for her when no one else was.

She stepped into her uniform, which was getting tighter by the day. She struggled to pull the zipper up in back. Without warning, her tummy tightened. She gasped at the pain of it, stumbled to the bed, and sat down.

“Ready to go?” Mitch asked, walking in. Then his eyes went wide when he saw her white face, and her hand strapped across her belly.

She shook her head, unable to get any words out.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she managed to whisper. “It’s probably nothing.” Another pain tore through her and she cried out.

Mitch ran to her, knelt down, and smoothed his hands over her stomach. “Maybe we should take you to the doctor or something.” His eyebrows scrunched together and his face paled.

She tried to stand up but collapsed back on the bed.

“Call your doctor,” he said. “Where’s your phone?”

“In my purse in the living room.”

Mitch dashed downstairs and came back with her bag.

Dina dialed the number with shaky hands, described her pains to the doctor and nodded silently. She hung up and looked at Mitch with tears in her eyes. “The baby might be in trouble. They want me to come in.”

KATE AND TEAGUE lay on the sand watching the stars, holding hands. Tropical music drifted down from the hotel bar and the warm night air felt moist on her skin. The moon poured pools of silver on the ocean, glimmering in the waves. With Teague next to her, it was the perfect evening.

She sighed. “A star watching the stars.” Then she chuckled at the lame joke. “Your parents must be so proud. I know you said you aren’t close, but they must be proud, at least.”

She felt Teague stiffen next to her. “I wouldn’t know.”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard they both died.”

Kate propped herself up on her elbow. “You heard?”

He was quiet for so long, she thought he wasn’t going to answer. But then he finally said, “I haven’t talked to my parents since the day I graduated from high school and drove away from home. We were living in Chicago at the time. We moved around a lot. I didn’t even go to their funerals.”

She set her hand on his arm. “Oh, Teague. Why not?”

He picked a shell out of the sand and palmed it in his hand. “They adopted me when I was two. I was actually born in Raleigh. Not all that far from you. I have no idea why my mother gave me up, but I was a burden to my adoptive parents, too, and they let me know.” He flung the shell in the water.

Kate let his words sink in. “They weren’t nice to you?”

He closed his eyes. “They didn’t abuse me. But I know they regretted adopting me. They always told me their marriage hit the rocks once they got me. Once I left home, we didn’t stay in touch.”

Kate reached over to rub his arm. “I’m so sorry. Any brothers or sisters?”

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