No Greater Loyalty (16 page)

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Authors: S. K. Hardy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: No Greater Loyalty
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The morning of Dominick's birthday found him and his assistant, Carter Andrews, in his office going over paperwork that needed his attention before he left for the rest of the day. Dom had promised Keisha that he was only going to stay for a couple of hours, then he would be hers for the rest of the day and night at the lavish hotel she
’d made reservations at. 

Carter made notes as Dom gave him last minute instructions on what he wanted done with several projects by the end of the day. Carter was in his mid-twenties and had interned at Dom's company for two years before he graduated from college.

Raised in a high crime neighborhood, he’d been a part of the mentoring program Dominick, Marcus, and Darrell were all involved in to help keep at risk youths stay out of trouble. They’d made a deal with Carter that if he kept his grades up in college, he’d have a job waiting on him after graduation, along with a company car and generous salary. That had been almost three years ago. Dominick was more than pleased with his work and had never regretted the decision to hire him.

Standing by Dom's chair now, Carter placed a hand on the desk and pointed out a particular clause in one of the contracts that had been messengered over. Dominick nodded and was marking what changes he wanted made when his private line rang. Tearing his eyes away long enough to see Keisha's name on the display screen, he hit the speaker button to connect the call.

"Hey, babe."

She let out a long sigh. "Hi."

Dominick glanced towards the phone and chuckled. "Come on, don't be like that, I'm almost finished. I'll be home in about an hour, then we can head out."

"A whole hour?" she mumbled softly in a disappointed voice.

Dom smiled and shook his head. It was
birthday, but his baby was pouting like he'd left her all alone on

"Did you at least get a chance to

"Excuse me, sweetie," Dom cut in as he looked at Carter. "Before I forget, make sure you call the building contractor for the BELCO project and find out what the hell the hold up is. I want an answer by the end of the day. Email me."

Carter nodded, adding that to the list of things he already had typed into his tablet to take care of.

Turning the page on the contract, Dom addressed Keisha, "Sorry, baby. What were you asking me?"

Dead silence met him for a good ten seconds before Keisha spoke. This time there was an edge in her tone. "Honey.
. I was
to ask you if you had a chance to look at the email I sent you."

"Nah, baby, I haven't." Dom was clearly distracted.

"Do you think you could look at it really quickly? I just need some help in trying to decide what to wear tonight."

Dom frowned, trying to keep his voice from showing his own impatience. He glanced up at Carter who returned the look with the sympathy of one male to another. He'd told Dominick many times that he
planned on getting married. Listening to Keisha right now only reiterated that decision.

"Keisha, baby, whatever you decide to wear is cool with me. You always look beautiful no matter what you have on."

"Can you please spare one minute? I know you're busy, but as soon as you give me your opinion, I promise I'll let you get back to work."

"Okay, uh, one second." Swallowing the resigned sigh, Dom turned to his laptop to pull up his emails. Seeing Keisha's name, he clicked on it then went back to signing his signature on the documents.

"Carter, I want you to reschedule that managers’ meeting for Monday morning instead of Wednesday," he said as he shuffled through the papers. "If anyone has plans, tell ‘em to change them. Understood?"

Dominick scribbled his name at the bottom of the next page. "Gimme one more second, baby," he said to Keisha. "Then I'll..."

A sudden strangled choking noise came from Carter as if he couldn't get enough air in his lungs. Dominick looked up with a frown that deepened when he saw the younger man's bottom lip hanging so low it almost touched the floor.  

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dom followed Carter
’s widely stretched eyes to his laptop, and when he saw the images staring back at him, he immediately understood the other man's reaction.

The email he'd opened was a series of pictures set up in PowerPoint showing Keisha in the "outfits" she wanted his opinion on. However, instead of the dresses he'd inspected to see, she was modeling several different sets of sexy lingerie.

Dom looked up at Carter again, noticing the young man’s glazed eyes still fixed on the screen. He closed the laptop and directed an unwavering stare at him  "Hey. Go get started on that list. I'll buzz you in a minute."

"Huh?" Carter struggled to focus and when he did, he suddenly realized he was standing in his boss's office unabashedly ogling half naked pictures of his boss's wife. "I...I mean, yes sir! I, ah..." He held the tablet up and started walking backwards. "I'll get right on her...I mean
. I'll get right on
. The
. Not your…uh…"

Dom thinly slitted eyes warned him he'd said quite enough. Carter got the message. Giving Dom a nod, he swung around and hurried out the door without saying another word that would get him in even deeper shit.

Shaking his head, Dom twisted his lips and sat back in the chair. Hearing the soft snicker on the phone, he picked up the receiver and brought it to his ear. It wasn't Carter's fault that he'd become flustered at the sight of the pictures. Hell, any red-blooded man would. His wife was fine as fuck, so Carter got a pass for this one because Dom knew exactly whose beautiful feet to lay the blame at.

"Thought that was cute, didn't you?" 

"Hm? I thought what was cute?"

"Don't even try it. You knew Carter was in my office and would see these pictures when I opened your email."


"Oops my ass. Or should I say yours, because I'm definitely gonna spank it good for this little stunt."

Keisha's voice became soft and seductive. "You promise?"

Dom chuckled under his breath, but when one photo in particular flashed on the screen, his laughter slowly died away.  He clicked to pause the sequence of photos. There was no need to contemplate which outfit he wanted her to wear for him tonight. This was it, hands down.

"The black one."

"Now how did I know that's the one you'd choose?"

"Because you know what I like. Actually, all of them are hot, but the black one...yeah, that's the one, baby."

The black outfit was simple, but sexy as hell; the entire damn visual turned him on. The black cut off t-shirt molded itself to Keisha's breasts like a second skin, leaving her taut stomach bare. On the front of it scripted in fancy white letters were the words,
'Dom's birthday gift'

In the next frame, Keisha posed with her back to the camera. She bit down on a manicured nail as she looked over her shoulder at him from the screen. The expression on her face alone had him shifting in his chair and adjusting his crotch. Dom's tongue slipped out to wet his suddenly dry lips.  God, he wanted her.

Continuing to peruse the dips and curves of her body, his gaze lowered to the minuscule piece of material that he assumed was some type of skirt. The black thong underneath it disappeared enticingly between her naked ass cheeks. He swiped his palm over his mouth as he imagined bending her over a chair, pulling that little string to the side, and...

Easy, Dom
. He’d save it for later because he definitely planned on giving Keisha what she was asking for.

His eyes went to the black, lacy garters that hung down to snap onto a pair of black, lacy thigh highs. A small red, satin bow was attached to the back of the stockings. Black stilettos completed the outfit.

"Damn," he whispered.

"You like?"

"I fucking love."


Because Dom could hear the smile in her voice, he smiled too. "I won't even ask what you have planned for tonight."

"I promise you won't be disappointed, Mr. Spain."

"I never am, Mrs. Spain."

"Well, I promised that I'd let you get back to work and finish up, so I'll see you when you get home."

"You're kidding me right? You expect me to be able to concentrate after this? I'm on my way."

"Oh. It wasn't my intention to distract you from your work."

"Bullshit. That was exactly your intention, so don't even try to deny it."

"Okay. I won't."

Dominick laughed at her tongue in cheek response. "See you in a little bit. Love you."

"Love you, too."

Dominick hung up the phone and looked at the image on his screen again admiring how beautiful Keisha was. He appreciated the pure femininity his wife possessed, loved the fact that she was so comfortable in her own skin. He'd found her sexual confidence attractive from the very beginning. The first time he’d met her, he'd peeped out the fact Keisha had it going on, and she knew it. Her sensuality was as natural to her as breathing. Hell, he'd seen men literally stop in their tracks and stare at her when she walked by. Her body language, the way she moved, the way she looked at him...she did it for him without having to try. But he appreciated the effort she put into making herself attractive for him.

Blowing out a long breath, he picked up the phone and called Carter. After informing him that he was leaving, Dom closed his laptop then stood up. Slinging his jacket over his shoulder and hooking it with one finger, he whistled under his breath as he headed towards the door.

It was his birthday, dammit. Time to celebrate with his beautiful wife.







An hour and a half later, Dominick carried their suitcases downstairs, shaking his head at how heavy they were. They were only staying two nights but it seemed as if Keisha had packed like they were going to be gone an entire week.

Placing the luggage on the floor by the front door, he looked at his watch. To be honest, as long as she had that little black outfit tucked safely somewhere in the suitcase, he didn't care how many clothes she packed.

Dom looked up as she came down the stairs. From her end of the conversation, he could tell she was on the phone with Nikki checking on Christian. She must have gone to the salon early this morning. Dom's eyes lingered on her hair, noticing how the shiny, wavy strands bounced with each step she took.

His heated glance scanned Keisha from head to toe. The white jersey dress hugged her hourglass curves and stopped several inches above her knee. Her taupe heels matched her taupe leather clutch perfectly. Gold hoop earrings, a thin, gold chain with the initial 'K' hanging from it, and a chunky gold bracelet completed the outfit.

Keisha hung up the phone and slipped her arms around his trim waist. "Nicole threatened me with bodily harm if I called her tonight to check on the baby."

Dom laughed and lowered his head to kiss her pouting lips. Christian was staying with Nikki while they were gone and it was Samantha’s weekend to be with her mother.

"I know it won't do any good to say it, but you already know he's going to be fine. Ready to go?"

"Yes." She glanced down at the suitcases sitting by the door. "I thought you were going to put those in the car."

"I am." Kissing her one last time, he reached down to pick up the suitcase and opened the door.

Confused, Keisha frowned. The car was in the garage. "Did you pull the car up in the driveway?"

"Something like that." Dom closed and locked the door behind her. He knew the exact moment she spotted the cream colored Rolls Royce Phantom waiting for them.

Keisha spun around with her mouth open and pointed to the luxury car. "We're going in

"Yep. Come on." He took her hand and led her towards it.

The chauffeur was a tall, good-looking guy with a tan complexion and dark, wavy hair. He stood beside the car with his hands clasped in front of him as they approached. Tilting his hat, he opened the door then took the suitcase from Dominick. 

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Spain. My name is Colin and I'll be your driver for the weekend." He spoke each word with a thick, Hispanic accent. When Keisha smiled, his light brown skin darkened as he flushed.

"Hi, Colin, thank you. Nice to meet you."

Dominick's mouth twitched in amusement when he noticed the besotted look on the guy
’s face. Jesus. These young bucks were putty in his wife's hands. First, his assistant, and now Colin. Luckily, he wasn't the type of man who was prone to fits of jealousy whenever someone admired his wife. If that were the case, he’d have to walk around angry every time they were out together. Hell, he loved the fact that other men found his wife attractive. They could look as much as they liked because he knew she belonged to him. More importantly, Keisha knew.

His amusement deepening, he thought about Marcus and Darrell. They were just the opposite. Darrell would've been up in dude's face the moment his gaze lingered longer than he thought was appropriate, and Marcus would have given him one of those looks he was famous for, leaving Colin quaking in his shoes. Of course, there was a difference between admiration and disrespect, and there had been times when Dom had stepped in with no hesitation and deaded that shit.
was something
didn't play.

Dom cleared his throat now to get Colin's attention. "Thanks, man. As my wife said, nice to meet you."

Colin snapped to attention and tipped his hat at Dom. "Thank you, sir."

Placing a hand at Keisha's waist, Dom guided her into the back of the Rolls. This time, Colin kept his eyes averted then closed the door behind them.

Inside the car, Dominick grinned as Keisha ran her hand over the white ultra-soft leather seats and looked around the luxurious interior. "Nice, huh?"

"Nice? This shit is the bomb."

Dominick laughed. "Wait until you see how it drives. I've ridden in Angel's. You're going to swear we were gliding through the air."

He grabbed the bottle of champagne and popped the cork. Keisha held the flutes while Dom poured them each a glass, handing him his after he replaced the bottle in the ice bucket. She leaned over and gave him a slow, deep kiss.

"Happy birthday, baby."

"Mmmm, thank you."

They smiled at each other and softly touched glasses before taking sips of the champagne. Getting comfortable for the forty-five minute ride, Dom slouched down in the seat and laced his fingers through Keisha's.

His eyes skimmed over her hair then lowered to admire the V neckline of the dress that showcased the top slope of her breasts. "I know I told you already, but you look beautiful." He moved closer and sniffed appreciatively. "And you smell great. New perfume?"

Keisha blushed at the compliments. When Dom took her earlobe between his teeth and softly bit down on it, she couldn't stop the delicious shiver that trembled down her spine.  

"Mmhm," she answered breathlessly.

"I like it."

The fragrance wasn't overpowering to his senses, but seductive enough to entice and invite him to want to smell more. Dom slipped the neckline to the side a little. He bit down on his bottom lip when he saw the white lace bra. Running a finger beneath the strap of it, he slid his hand into the cup until he got to her hard, beaded nipple. Circling it using a feather soft touch, Dom
’s eyes found hers so that he could see her reaction. His lips parted when her eyelashes fluttered closed.

A low grunt from him was the only thing needed to make Keisha open her eyes and look at him. She whimpered when he slipped his hand further into her bra to knead her breast.

"You're so gorgeous," Dom whispered, studying every inch of her face.

Keisha smiled.

Dominick brought his fingers up and traced the shape of her lips. Keisha opened her mouth and sucked his finger, moaning when he slipped another one inside and slowly moved them in and out. Dominick's attention was riveted to the actions of her mouth. He wanted to feel those lips of hers on another part of his anatomy that was screaming for that type of attention. His eyes remaining on hers, Dom unbuckled his belt with his other hand.

Keisha glanced at the driver. Their eyes met for a brief few moments before he discreetly looked away.

Dom followed her gaze, neither of them concerned with the other man's presence. He knew for a fact that Keisha was turned on at the thought of Colin watching them. Smiling, he ran his fingers through her hair. Looking at the chauffeur, he addressed him using flawless Spanish. Growing up with his Puerto Rican father, Dominick spoke the language fluently, but Keisha rarely heard him converse in it.

The car slowed to a stop at a red light. Colin looked back at Dom in surprise when he heard him speak to him in his native tongue. Switching his attention to Keisha, his eyes lingered before he answered Dominick.


, Señor Spain. She's very beautiful, sir."

Dominick saw the curious look Keisha shot towards him, wanting to know what he'd said to Colin. Dom just leaned his head back against the seat and stared at her.

Keisha shook her head in amusement at him.

"What, baby?" Dom asked. "You know he wants to fuck you."

Colin's mouth opened and closed several times as his eyes desperately sought Dom's. He couldn't afford to lose this job all because he was lusting after a client’s wife. Fear caused his accent to thicken. "S-Sir? No sir, I..."

"Dominick, stop," Keisha chided, taking pity on Colin.

She'd noticed the way the younger man kept sneaking peeks at her through the mirror with hungry eyes, but he was harmless. Keisha slid Colin a look of apology and smiled sympathetically when she saw a slow flush make its way up from his neck and spread over his face. "I'm sorry, ignore my husband, Colin. He's joking with you."

"No I'm not," Dom countered. His even tone made Colin even more nervous. "A man knows when another man wants his woman, isn't that right, Colin? You said it yourself, Mrs. Spain is very beautiful. You want to fuck her." Dom posed the statement as if it were a fact, not as a question.

His puppy dog brown eyes huge at this point, Colin was at an obvious loss as how to respond. Whichever way he answered, he didn't want to take a chance on offending Dominick. "I...I..."

’s green," Dom cut in, pointing at the traffic signal.

Visibly drooping in relief, Colin hurriedly turned around and began driving again.

"You are so mean," Keisha laughed. "And what if he had said he wanted to have sex with me? Would you have let him?"

Even though the question was asked teasingly, Dominick lifted his head and sent her an unblinking stare that had not a hint of a smile in its intense depth. He'd indulged in a male/female/male trysts in his single days, but never with Keisha. The handful of threesomes they'd participated in before Christian was born had always involved other women, never him sharing her with another man.

When he didn’t take the bait and respond, Keisha bit back a smile and unbuttoned his shirt. She kissed his cheek and the corner of his unyielding mouth before licking her way down to his chest and stomach.

Dom widened his legs when she moved between them and got on her knees. He threaded his fingers through the thick strands of her hair and held it away from her face so that he would have an unobstructed view of what she was about to do.

Dom held his heavy shaft in one hand and bunched the fingers of his other hand in her hair and guided her head down. When her mouth was inches away from his twitching phallus, Dom's fingers tightened in her hair.

"Look at me, Keisha."

Keisha lifted her eyes to his and waited.

"I'm going to fuck that sexy mouth of yours until my cum runs down your throat," he growled. "I want you to swallow it all because I'm not stopping, understand me?"

Keisha nodded, showing no hesitation whatsoever.

’s my baby." Dom smiled when she let out a hungry groan of anticipation and strained eagerly towards his dick.

He knew what he had in this woman. His wife was someone who enjoyed giving him pleasure as much as she enjoyed receiving it; Dominick loved the fact that she was so into it. Into
. Nothing aroused a man more than that. He'd never been with a woman like her, never thought he’d meet one who complimented him so perfectly and shared the sexual appetites that he had. Studying her now, he almost exploded just from the knowledge of how good this was going to be.

Squeezing the head of his dick, they both stared at the evidence that was a testament of Dom
’s excitement. A generous pool of pre-cum oozed out, clear and thick. He allowed her to bend her neck just enough to swipe the tip of her tongue over his slit and bring it greedily back to her mouth.

Unable to deny either of them what they wanted, he pushed her head down, hissing as her mouth enveloped him like a warm, loving cocoon. "Aw, fuck!"

As he’d warned her, he didn’t stop until his dickhead came in contact with the soft lining of her throat. For a split second, Keisha tensed, but she quickly relaxed enough to comfortably allow him to go deeper.

"Yessss..." Dom hissed.

He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the delicious sensation of being tucked into her mouth. Dom lay his head back on the headrest, a grumble of pleasure rippling from his chest when Keisha did a little technique she'd perfected that drove him absolutely bananas. She extended her tongue out along the underside of his shaft then pulled it back in her mouth. The movement allowed him to slide even further down her tight, snug throat.

Dominick winced and bit down on his lip, enjoying the oral dick massage. His baby
’s skills were driving him towards release quicker than he’d planned. He wasn’t ready for this to end yet.

He lifted his head and looked down at her. "That
’s it, baby. That feels good, Keisha.”

Dom fucked her mouth slow and steady. His hands stayed firmly tangled in her hair, controlling her movements, letting her know he wasn
’t going to stop until he was good…and fucking…ready.

Keisha moaned, communicating to him she didn't want to stop. She wouldn't be finished with him until she had the evidence of his desire filling her mouth with its thick, sticky sweetness.

Dom let out a low groan as he watched her go to work. Keisha's tongue rolled over the helmet shaped rim, quickly flicking her tongue up and down and side to side before circling the head and covering him with her mouth again. She treated his dick as if it were a treasure made out of priceless gold, licking, devouring,
every inch of him until he was again moments away from climaxing.

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