No Greater Loyalty (17 page)

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Authors: S. K. Hardy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: No Greater Loyalty
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Tilting his pelvis forward, Dom pumped his dick in and out of her mouth. Throbbing pulsations rolled from the base to his tip as the pressure mounted. He grunted with each thrust, his moans becoming louder and louder until he pushed one final time, coating her mouth with his seed.

The tremors of satisfaction seemed to go on forever as he found the sweet release his body had been seeking. Her name slipped past his lips in a broken whisper as she milked him dry, finishing him off with soft, slow licks.

Settling down in the seat, Dom's breathing finally slowed. Pulling Keisha from the floor, they exchanged lingering kisses. Dom poured them more champagne. The two of them talked softly as they rode the rest of the way to the hotel.

Dominick intended to relish the time they spent together this weekend. It was never far from his mind the dangers he and his family were in. Even now, they were being trailed by their bodyguard. He’d spoken with Angel before they left and found out they would be leaving for Mexico in less than a week. Dom had spent as much time as he could with his children, and for the next two days, intended to enjoy every minute with his wife.










The luxurious suite where Keisha and Dom were staying was simply gorgeous. A private massage room was to the right while the marbled foyer led them directly to a spacious seating area decorated with an array of contemporary furnishing. Floor-to-ceiling windows let in natural light once Keisha opened the drapes with the touch remote which controlled the lighting as well. The decor was crisp neutrals and creams, and the living room boasted a large wooden dining table and a huge mounted 60" LCD television. Replica artwork from famous artists hung on almost every wall.

While Dom tipped the baggage carrier, Keisha stared out at the view of the Las Vegas strip, which was postcard perfect. "This is so beautiful," she told Dom when he walked up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist.

"Yeah, this place has everything. It reminds me of a high end condo instead of a suite in a hotel."

"I agree." She rested her head on his chest and reached behind her and curled her hand around his neck. "I'm so glad we got a chance to get away for a couple of days."

"Me too. We needed this. Come on, let's look at the rest of the place."

He took Keisha's hand and went to the bedroom where their luggage had been placed. A king sized bed with Egyptian cotton linens sat in the center of the room. The master bathroom was adjacent to the bedroom and featured a large hydrotherapy bathtub and separate glass enclosed shower. An in-wall TV allowed the guests to watch television while they bathed if they chose to do so.

Keisha went to their luggage with the intention of unpacking, but Dom stepped in front of her and began kissing her neck. She placed her hands on his chest when he started walking her back towards the bed.

"Baby, wait."

"For what? I want some."

Keisha laughed. "Me too, but it'll have to wait."

Dominick looked down at her with raised brows. "Keish..."

She looped her arms around his neck and kissed the corners of his down-turned mouth. "You look just like your son when he doesn't get his way."

"I have to say I can relate right about now," he said in a gruff voice. Trying another tactic, he grabbed the hem of her dress and tried to inch it up while softly cajoling sweet words in her ear.

"Cone on, baby. I enjoyed the session in the car on the way up here, but..."

"Yes, so did Colin," Keisha interrupted in a dry tone.

"I know what gets my baby hot." Dominick's heavy lidded eyes lowered to her breasts, refusing to be deterred. He guessed Keisha probably had activities lined up for them, which was fine...but he wanted his birthday pussy first.

The look in his eyes had Keisha on the verge of giving in because she wanted it just as much as he did. Smelling victory, Dom smiled, but just as she lifted her lips to his, a knock sounded on the door.

Dom groaned in frustration, touching his forehead to hers. "Don't answer it."

Giggling Keisha gave him a quick kiss before pulling away. Popping him on his butt, she headed towards the door. "That should be the massage I scheduled for us. You're going to love it, birthday boy. Now get undressed."

"I hope you know you're gonna owe me, and I intend to collect," he yelled behind her as she left out laughing.

Two hours later, Dom had to admit Keisha had been right. In the darkened massage room with aromatic candles burning and soft music playing, they'd been served wine and snacked on fruits and cheeses while the two masseuses did their jobs by working the kinks out of their muscles.

Dom hadn't realized he'd been so tense. He'd gotten very little sleep the last couple of weeks, and the mental strain had begun to take its toll. He knew this weekend was important to Keisha because she wanted to make it special for him, so he'd promised himself to make an effort to try and not think about everything else going on.

By the time the masseuses left, the two of them were thoroughly relaxed. They decided to go down to the pool for a couple of hours, and after taking a brief nap, had an early dinner. The entire evening was fun and carefree. They hadn't spent a day like that together in a long time.

Dominick studied Keisha's face as they laughed and talked in the hotel's five star restaurant. She covered her mouth to stop the fit of giggles she couldn't keep in as Dom kept her entertained. They used to have fun like this all the time. Just seeing her so happy made him silently vow to get their relationship back on track.

He knew he
’d been spending a lot of hours away from home working lately, leaving the majority of responsibility of running their household to Keisha. And now, he was adding to all of that by bringing his son to live with them. In a moment of clarity, Dominick realized how Keisha must have felt when he came home that night and announced that news to her. Having his son with them, a son who probably didn't know he existed, would be an adjustment for everyone.

The image of Armando shooting a weapon with members of the Juarez cartel materialized in Dom's mind. He looked far more comfortable than any twelve year old should. 

For the first time, Dom asked himself if he was making a mistake bringing the boy into his home, around his wife and kids. He didn't know anything about him, only that he'd been raised around one of the most dangerous cartels in Mexico. He'd probably seen more at his age than most grown men. But on the other hand, there was no way Dom could just forget about him as if he didn't exist. He could never live with himself knowing he had a son out there headed down a path that would only lead to destruction. His son deserved more than that. He deserved a normal life. And Dom wanted him here. With him. With his family.

"Dominick? Dom?"

Dominick blinked when he heard Keisha call his name. He reached across the table and slipped his hand over hers. He noticed the sparkle that had been in her eyes a little while ago leaving. "What's wrong?"

Keisha shrugged. "I was just getting ready to ask you the same thing. You've been in another world for the last five minutes."

Dom's lashes dropped for a moment before he gave her a smile of reassurance. "I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

Keisha pulled her hand away then picked up her glass of wine. "It wasn
’t important."

"Baby, don't. I'm sorry." Dom reached for her hand again and brought it up to his lips to kiss the back of it.

Swallowing, Keisha nodded and forced a smile. "I know you have a lot on your mind. It's okay."

"No it's not okay. I..." Dom dipped his head in order to catch her eye. "I was just thinking about how much I love you, how much I've missed us being like this."

"So have I."

"Keisha, if I don't say it often enough, I'm grateful to have you as my wife. I love you, baby."

The tension in Keisha's body melted away. "I love you too," she whispered, meeting him halfway when he leaned across the table to kiss her.

After Keisha sat back, she looked at her watch. "Oh! Baby, we'd better go. We're seeing one of the shows tonight, and believe me, you are going to

Dom bit back a smile. Keisha could hardly contain her excitement. "To be honest, sweetheart, the only show I want to see is the one you're going to give me in our room. We can see Toni perform the next time she's in town."

Keisha's mouth dropped open as she stared at him in surprise. " did you...?" Then her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Did one of the guys tell you I had tickets?"

"No. You mean they knew and managed to keep it a secret?" Dom laughed. "But, no, they didn
’t tell me. It wasn't too hard to figure out when we drove up to the hotel."

When her face fell with disappointment, Dom's amusement faded a little. He hadn't meant to hurt her feelings.

"The marquee that advertised her appearance here." Keisha slumped back against the chair. "Duh, I'm such an idiot. I should've known you'd notice that."

"You're not an idiot. Believe me, I've enjoyed every moment of this day so far."

"But she’s your favorite singer."

"I know, and I appreciate it. To be honest..." His eyes ran over her slowly before he added in a low voice that practically dripped sex. "I'm horny as fuck."

The waiter who'd just walked up to their table didn't blink. "Would you like to order dessert?"

Dom shook his head, his hot gaze never leaving Keisha. "I'm getting ready to have it in my room. Just the check, please."

"Very good, sir." The waiter nodded once before scurrying off.

"Tell you what, baby." Dom stood and reached for Keisha's hand to help her up. "Why don't you go up to the room and change into that sexy little outfit I chose for you to wear tonight while I settle the tab. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since I opened that damned email. I'm ready to see it up close and personal."

Keisha smiled. Resting her hands on his waist, she raised up on tiptoe to graze his lips with hers. When Dom tried to deepen the kiss, she teasingly pulled away.

"I'll be waiting. Don't be long."

"Believe me, I won't be."

Dom watched her leave then pulled out his credit card. After giving it to the waiter, he picked up his phone and dialed a number. Explaining the reason for his call, he went over a few things in great detail, making sure he was understood and that there were no questions before they hung up. After the arrangements were made, he got up and left the restaurant, a slight smile playing around his mouth. His handsome face reflected his eagerness for the night
’s activities. It was going to be one hell of a night.  








Walking into the suite, Dom glanced at his watch and let slow steps carry him to the bedroom where he knew Keisha was waiting for him. When he opened the door, he paused, letting his eyes take in the scene she'd so carefully constructed.

With the curtains completely open, the wall of windows showcased the bright lights of Vegas against an inky black sky to provide a natural stage. Various candles were lit and flickering around the room, and at the center of it all, stood his baby. If possible, that sexy, black outfit looked a hundred times hotter on the flesh and blood woman than it had in those damn photos.

Dom took his time, determined not to rush a thing tonight as he imbedded the image of his wife in front of those windows into his memory bank. Hell, she just
like sex.

The tiny little black shirt was cut low to reveal plump, burgeoning breasts that were bursting to overflowing. Keisha sported a diamond encrusted belly ring in the shape of a heart that Dominick had never seen before. That skimpy leather strip, which he was now sure was supposed to pass as a skirt, the G-string, black garter and stockings, and red soled fuck me pumps...yeah, his baby had pulled out all the stops.

"Damn." The word came out barely audible because he had difficulty even getting it past his lips.

Keisha posed with her hand on a cocked out hip. "I'm glad you like it." Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she gestured towards a chair she'd placed in the middle of the room.  "Have a seat, birthday boy. I'm about to give you the first half of your present. And if you're good, I promise to reward you with more."

Dom sent a quick glance upwards. "Thank you."

Keisha let out a throaty laugh and hit a button on the remote. The beginning bars of one of his favorite songs immediately filled the air.

Nodding his head to the beat, Dom grinned. "You goin' all out, huh? You know that's my shit."

"What?" Keisha teased. "You only stop in your tracks every time the video comes on television and watch Ms.
‘Body Party’ do that nasty ass dance of hers. But after tonight, every time you see that video, you're gonna be reminded of me because I'm gettin' ready to show you how it’s really done."

Dom laughed and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Taking it off, he dropped it to the floor and sat down. His eyes ran over her again.

"Is that right?" His voice held a hint of a challenge as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Impress me," he said, biting back a smile when she paused and lifted a brow.

Turning up the volume a bit, Keisha's eyes never left his as her hips started to sway from side to side. Truth be told, she loved this song too and thought the singer was sexy as hell. She sauntered towards Dom using a slow, unhurried pace. The high-heeled shoes looked impossible to walk in, but Keisha made it look graceful and effortless.

She stopped a couple of feet in front of him then turned her back. Knowing his eyes were glued to her bare ass cheeks, her hips badonka donk donked from side to side in a sway hard enough to give him whiplash. She smiled to herself when he let out a stream of muffled curses from underneath his breath.

"So fuckin' hot. Do ya thang, baby..." Dom sat back in the chair, letting his eyes slide over her body one luscious curve at a time.

Slithering around to face him again, Keisha did a slow bounce on the way down until she squatted in front of Dom. With bent legs splayed widely apart, she placed a hand on each knee in a provocative position that gave him a peekaboo view of what he’d be getting later.

Dominick's dick went brick hard as his eyes stayed on that sweet spot. When she demurely closed them and stretched out on her back, a groan of protest slipped out at the loss of the arousing image.

Rolling onto her stomach, Keisha pushed herself up until she was in a kneeling position on all fours facing away from him. Giving Dominick an unobstructed view of her bare ass, she provocatively circled it around in invitation.

Oh, shit,” he whispered.

Keisha looked over her shoulder and gave him a come-hither smile, her hips putting in overtime as they twisted and twerked it out. Dominick squirmed in his seat, his pants stretched uncomfortably tight over his erection.

Straightening her legs, Keisha bent over and grabbed her ankles. Inch by inch, she stood up, sliding her hands over her legs, then around to the back of her thighs until they rested on her ass. Facing him, she undulated her pelvis in a roundabout motion, raising her hands straight up above her head and putting her whole body into it.

"Fuck," Dominick hissed though tight lips. "Come here, Keisha."

But she wasn't finished. Throwing her head back she brought her hands down to caress her breasts and popped her pussy as if she were riding his thick dick.

"Keisha..." He said her name with a little bit more force and beckoned with his fingers. "Come here, baby."

This time, she obeyed. When she stood in front of him, Dom pulled her down so that her legs straddled his lap. Surging his hips upwards, his dick sought to find the familiar home of her warmth. Hands on his shoulders, Keisha moaned as she did a slow grinding dance over his crotch.

Dominick sucked his breath in on a swift inhalation. "Aw, damn baby. Yes."

He pulled her lips to his. The kiss they indulged in was wet and wild. Their tongues tangled and twisted together as Dominick deepened the kiss. Panting, he momentarily broke contact to tear her shirt over her head before capturing her lips again.

Keisha writhed against him, her breasts rubbing over the soft hair of his chest, creating a delicious friction to her nipples.

"Dominick..." She breathed his name into his mouth, gasping as his rigidity rubbed her clit through the thin barrier of the G-string.

Her hand had just slid down to unbuckle his belt when they heard the doorbell ring several times. When Dominick pulled back from the kiss, Keisha pushed her unruly hair away from her face and looked at him through a fog of aroused passion.

"Who is that? Do you think they have the wrong room?"

Dominick's chest heaved as his eyes stayed on her moist, swollen lips. "No. Let me answer it."

Keisha stared at him, thoroughly confused because he acted as if he knew who it was. "But..."

The corner of Dom's mouth lifted as he set her on her feet. Standing up, he gave her another hard kiss. "They don't have the wrong room."


"I'll be right back, baby." His eyes lingered on her naked breasts then left before she could voice the protest making its way to her lips.

Keisha stared after him, recognizing that look in his eyes. Her husband was definitely up to something. She quickly walked to the door and cocked her ear to it to try and listen, but the only thing she could hear was the rumble of deep voices. One she of course knew belonged to Dom. Who was he talking to, though?

’s heart began to beat faster when their voices started to come closer. Surely Dominick wasn’t bringing someone to the bedroom. He knew she was in there half dressed, but by the time she realized that was exactly where they were coming, it was too late.

Instinctively, she covered her breasts with her arms when the door opened. Dom walked in first. Keisha's eyes desperately sought his, wordlessly demanding an explanation. Then she saw the man following him, eating Keisha up with eyes full of the same hunger that had been present earlier today when he chauffeured them in the Rolls. 

The man was their driver. Colin.

"Hi, Keisha."

Still in shock from seeing him standing in the middle of the bedroom, Keisha's eyebrows arched sharply when her name so easily rolled off Colin's tongue.

Reading her mind, Dominick laughed softly. "Calm down, sweetheart. I told him that since we
’ll both be sleeping with you, it would sound a little silly to call you Mrs. Spain."

Keisha blinked several times, sure she'd heard him wrong. "Since you both...
did you say, Dominick?"

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