No Light in August: Tales From Carcosa & the Borderland (Digital Horror Fiction Author Collection) (18 page)

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BOOK: No Light in August: Tales From Carcosa & the Borderland (Digital Horror Fiction Author Collection)
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Borderland: initial character design


Art Terroir: initial draft



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No Light in August

By R.L. Robinson

Illustrated by Pedro Elefante

Digital Horror Fiction Author Collection


These stories are a work of fiction. All of
the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in the stories are either
the product of the author’s imagination, fictitious, or used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons or ghosts, living or dead, would be coincidental
and quite remarkable.


No Light in August

R.L. Robinson
Copyright © 2016 by
R.L. Robinson
published under license by Digital Fiction Publishing Corp.
, Illustrations
and Cover Image
: Copyright ©
Pedro Elefante
version first published in print and electronically:
April 2016
Digital Fiction Publishing Corp., Windsor, Ontario, Canada—
Digital Horror Fiction and its logo, and Digital
Fiction Publishing Corp and its logo are Trademarks of Digital Fiction
Publishing Corp. and Michael A. Wills.


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limited to the right to reproduce, copy, and/or archive this book in any form,
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means without the express written permission of the publisher or author is
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