Noah (48 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Reyes

BOOK: Noah
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What he did with his tongue so perfectly, driving her slowly then faster into a complete frenzy was like nothing she could ever imagine. It was beyond pleasure. Her eyes rolled back as she
arching her back
in response to his swirling tongue.

His fingers spread her and his mouth latched on to that perfect spot
making her
moan loudly,
. She’d lost all sense of control and she didn’t even care. She pant
y now as
explosive orgasm began
. It
stronger as the tip of his tongue licked so fast it practically vibrated and she cried out from the incredible pleasure of it.

She was drowning in an abyss of spasms
. “No more, please,” she begged. She couldn’t take even one more
of his tongue
. He kissed her one last time before coming to lay next to her like he had that morning, staring into her very satisfied eyes
as she
to catch her breath

“I wish,” she said then stopped to catch her breath. “I wish I could put into words how incredible that was.”

Her hand reached out for his face
and he took it in his then kissed it
“Don’t. I’d rather
how incredible it is for you. There’s nothing I’m gonna enjoy more than hearing you go crazy.”

Crazy didn’t even begin to describe it then she had a thought. It was one thing for him to do what he just had right there in the ring but how much further was he willing to go?

“Make love to me,” she whispered her heart speeding up again.

His eyes widened. “Right here? I thought maybe we could go home for that, and I could have my way with you all night.”

Veronica laughed and leaned over to kiss him. The thought of them doing it right there was so naughty and so perfect. “Oh we’ll do that too, but I want our first time to be right here.” She kissed him even deeper
the very thought getting her hot all over again. “Just think, it’ll be our little secret every time we walk by this ring.”

Noah was already moving
his knees
. “You don’t have to convince me, Roni.” He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket
and took out
a condom
, staring at her hard
. “
ake everything off. I want you naked.”

ed at him for a moment
as she thought about what she’d just started.
The irony was almost funny. When
first met in what
like another lifetime
she would’ve never even considered doing this, much less suggested it. Not only because of the age difference or because they were in the middle of a gym in a boxing ring no less, but because back then she wouldn’t
stripped naked for any guy the way she looked, especially not her chiseled young trainer.
Without another word
, or thought
she sat up
her blouse
, slowly
then un
hooking the clasp of
her bra.

Her breath caught as she watched Noah unzip,
his pants
, his boxer briefs going with them.

Veronica wondered if he’d heard her thunderous gulp
as she gazed at his flawless body.
The burning in his eyes that she’d
to lately with their
goodnight kisses was back
He smi
at her, his big hands skimming her arms, pulling her back to the mat
He poised over her and stared into her eyes.

She nodded feeling hypnotized by his heavy
e. Since he’
already pleasured her she thought for sure he’d get right to it, but instead he kiss
her long and deep then suck
her neck and she didn’t even protest about hickeys
this time. O
bviously it was something that turned him on. They’d work out some kind of compromise later, for now she
let herself
enjoy his toe
feel of his mouth on her skin

eeling his hard naked body over hers drove her crazy
he wanted him in her
. “Fuck me, Noah

The strained words escap
her ma
her gasp
. She’d never said that to
. Not even Derek who’d she’d been with for almost two years.
But she wanted
so bad now. She’d dream
of this too many times. She couldn’t wait another minute and he didn’t make her.

Noah groaned in response, obviously not having any objection to her choice
he spread her
legs, positioned himself
and entered her slowly. Veronica had almost forgotten how long it’d been but
feeling the
as he pushed in further,
reminded her it’d been

She held on
to his big shoulders
as he pu
ed her leg up to drive in deeper. There was slight discomfort at first but as he drove in all the way with a grunt it felt so good she cried out.

he’d never admit to comparing but with Derek
once they got to this part
was over quickly. So it
surprised her how long Noah kept on. He’d speed up then slow making it last longer, making her absolutely crazy.

He stared in her eyes
, increasing the intimacy between them
as he slid in and out
the pleasure
began to build again
Veronica could hardly believe she was going to come
a second time
the first but it was happening and she welcomed it crying out again as he drove in one last time lifting her leg even more for maximum penetration.

Holding the position for what seemed like a very long time she watched Noah, his eyes squeezed shut tightly, the deep pinch in
brows a
to what he was feeling and she loved it—loved that he was feeling this because of her. 
She held him tight
enjoying the thud of
his heartbeat thud against her own.
“I love you, Roni.”

“I love you, Noah.”

He kissed her temple, his breathing hadn’t  steadied yet so his words
astonished her
. “I can hardly wait to get you home and do this to you all night.”

Veronica had to giggle. He couldn’t possibly be serious. But he was—and he did—
all night







Even though last year they’d spent the holidays together and it had been wonderful, technically this was their first Christmas
. Noah told Veronica that made it extra special but she had an even bigger reason why it was.

Picking out the tree this year had been so much easier than all the other years. Somehow she knew no matter what tree she picked it’d be wonderful because it was

They spent the day decorating the house, singing along to Christmas carols like they had last year. They were finishing up with the last touches of the tree and Veronica brought out the box with the special tree topper.

“Ah the
final touch,” Noah said
with a smile. “I’ll get the stool for you.”

“Nope, no need,” Veronica said, pulling out the crystal star.

“Why?” Noah slipped his arm around her waist. “Should I just lift you?”

“No, because
get to do the honors this year.”
Noah’s panicked expression made her laugh. “What?”


“Uh huh.” She nodded. “Remember the tradition is the newest family member takes on the duty until another one comes along?”

“But I’m not family.” Noah lifted an eyebrow.

“You’re more to me now, Noah. And since you are officially living here—permanently now.” She kissed him and added, “
You aren’t going any
, mister!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He kissed her back.

“Good,” she said with a big satisfied smile. “Then it’s settled
ou place the star on the tree from now on.”

As nervous as he looked he still took the topper from the box and with no need for a stool proceeded
lift it, but Veronica stopped him. “Wait!” Noah’s exasperated expression made her laugh again. “I’m sorry I wanna take a picture of this.” She grabbed her iPhone, and focused it on Noah. “Okay go for it.”

She snapped several pictures, giggling at how extra careful Noah was about making sure he got it up there securely.

“Good?” he asked, looking back at her.

“Perfect,” she said taking one last picture.

Glancing at the small gift bag under the tree Veronica had to fight the urge to give it to Noah already but she’d wait until later tonight when the guys left. They’d be there any minute now. They
coming over to discuss
Gio’s next fight
t was in January but the guy he was a fighting was a pretty big deal and the first undefeated fighter Gio had ever taken on.

Veronica busied herself in her dark room developing her latest
hotos of her and Noah’s trip to the snow last week. She almost gave him his gift then but decided to wait just a little longer. She’d said she would wait until Christmas but there was no way she was waiting that long so she decided tonight would be the night.

When the
finally left
the excitement
crept in. She snuck over to the tree on the way to sit with Noah on the sofa and grabbed the small bag.

Noah smirked when he noticed her hiding something behind her back. “What are you up to?”

“An early Christmas gift.”

deciding to go into this relationship with Noah and taking it one hundred percent seriously
earlier that year, Veronica made sure to
ut things off completely with Derek. She wanted to avoid any arguments
with Noah at all costs
but that summer
found out avoiding arguments in a relationship was impossible. There was still another sore subject she was now careful not to stir.

Noah had playfully mentioned that he couldn’t wait for Veronica to have his baby. She’d
just as
playfully responded they weren’t even married then made the mistake of pointing out that he was too young to be a father

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