Nobody Likes Fairytale Pirates (31 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Gannon

BOOK: Nobody Likes Fairytale Pirates
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“I think the brandy and the
nighttime are telling you how to feel.”

“I think you’re afraid.”  She poked
him in the chest again.  “Don’t you dare blame this on me.”

“Well, either way, no, we won’t
being making love tonight, as physically painful as that is for me to say.”

She let out another frustrated
groan, then frowned.  “I’m not even sure which of us is really saying ‘no’
here.  Are you?”

He silently considered that for a
moment.  “I think I’m saying no to the physical, because you’re saying no to
the emotional.”

“Once again, our partnership allows
us to cover all bases.  Go team.”

“I think we’re both idiots.”  He

“Yep.”  She nodded.

“I kind of hate us right now.”

“Yep.”  She nodded again.

“Why are we doing that to
ourselves?”  It sounded like a serious question.

“We’re idiots?”  She guessed.

“The Swab says we’re addicted to
the drama and the pain.”

She shrugged.  “Maybe.”

“And I think we’re both scared.”  He
admitted.  “Of… you know…

“Which is understandable…”  She
quickly began, trying to let them both off the hook.

“…given that we both have a lot of
baggage.”  He agreed, finishing the sentence for her.  “But I’m beginning to
think you love me, even if you won’t say it.  And you know I want you, even if
I won’t act on it.”  He ran his hand through her hair again, his body once
again stirring beneath her.  “So… there we are.  Another mystery solved by us.” 
His thumb moved over her temple.  “I still hate us though.”

Her hips moved against him
involuntarily, rubbing against the hard bulge concealed by his pants.  “Well… we
could compromise...”  Her skin grew warmer, liking her new idea as it formed in
her head.  “How would your conscience feel about just touching me?”  She
offered huskily.

He considered that for a beat, then
nodded eagerly.  “Surprisingly good, actually.”

She smirked, pleased to find a
chink in her partner’s silly morals and romanticism.  “I thought so.”

“It’s still completely wrong,” his
hands slid up her back, tracing her spine, “but it’s an acceptable level of

a pirate.”  She
agreed, arching against him, loving the feel of him touching her.

“True.  Some amount of wrong should
be assumed in all dealings with me.”  He kissed her neck, causing her to pant
with desire.  “Sadly, I have a
, not
.  A
conscience doesn’t keep you from doing terrible things, it just means that you
sometimes feel bad afterwards.”

His lips moved to her earlobe.

“Just above the clothes, obviously.” 
She gasped.  “We don’t want to involve emotions or cross the line on the

“Obviously.”  He agreed, his hands
finding their way to her hips and helping her to grind against him.

“I…I…”  She gulped, feeling like
she was going to explode.  “I think I’m lying.”

I am.”  He insisted,
trailing kisses across her collarbone.  “Your clothes are coming off, Dove.  I
don’t care if the ship is on fire and it means we both die, they’re

She pushed him away, intent on
taking this to the next step, then she realized she wasn’t sure what that would
entail.  “Our relationship has never really progressed further than the
occasional awkward and strangely erotic hug, Uriah.”  She admitted.  “How did…” 
She swallowed, her brain fogged with desire and unable to process anything. 
“How do you want to do this?”  She tried to keep her voice steady so as not to
betray her nervousness and excitement.

“In all the many situations we’ve
gotten ourselves into over the years, I think this is the only time I’m glad
you’re asking me for my input, Dove.  Usually, it means we’re in serious

Her hands began to fidget again.  “I…
I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

“I know.”  He took her hands in
his.  “It’s okay.  It’s not complicated.  All you have to do is use me to make
yourself feel good.”

“Okay.”  She nodded, liking the
sound of that.

“Think you can do that?”

“Yeah.”  She paused.  “But what
about you?”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a
problem, Dove.”  She kissed the back of her hand.  “You always make me feel

He reached up with his free hand
and began to caress her breasts through her shirt.

She let out a muffled gasp, her
breasts now so sensitive that she thought just touching them might send her
over the edge.

“Oh, shit!”  She gulped, pulling
away from him in surprise, somehow out of breath.  “Sorry, I’m just…”

“I know.”  His voice made it
abundantly clear that he interpreted that as her being afraid of him, and he
blamed himself for it.

She mentally swore at herself and
caressed his face.  “No, I don’t… I don’t have any memory of anything before… 
So, this is…”  She tried to keep the embarrassment out of her tone.  “You’re
the first man to ever touch me like that.  I guess.”  She lip her lower lip
nervously.  “Kind of.”

“Ah.”  He sounded much happier with
that explanation.  “I can live with that.”

“And I’m… excited.”  Her hands were
trembling as adrenalin flooded her system, causing her heartrate to skyrocket. 
“I’m very, very excited.”

“I can see that.”

“And maybe a little scared.”  She
admitted weakly.  “Just… a little.”

“I can see that too.”  He kissed
her cheek softly.  “It’s…”

“Not of you.”  She cut him off,
just in case that were a question.  “Never of you.  Just… this.  I’m nervous
and excited and more turned on than you could possibly imagine.”

 “Are you blushing?”  He sounded
both amazed and amused, but his body tensed beneath her. “Dammit, you are
determined to make me explode here, aren’t you?”

“What if…”  She swallowed.  “I
don’t know what I look like.”  She confided.  “I’m afraid that if I…”

“You’re afraid… what?  That you’ll
let me see you naked and I’ll be disappointed?”  He snorted in genuine
amusement.  “I think I can safely assure you that there is absolutely
chance of that happening, Dove.”  He ground her body against his length to
drive the point home.  “I’ve never seen your body either.  But I’d like to. 
Quite a bit, actually.  And I’m nervous and excited over the possibility as

There was something like hunger in
his voice.  And love.

“Okay.”  She kissed his forehead.  “I’m
going to take off my top, Uriah.”

“Thank you for that warning.”

“Did you want to do it?”  She
arched an eyebrow.  “Or me?”

“We’ll compromise.  Ask me.”

“Take my top off, Uriah.”  She
whispered, her voice in danger of cracking from eager anticipation.  “I want to
show you my breasts.”

He ripped the damn thing off like
it was his mortal enemy, his hands instantly claiming and taking the skin it
exposed.  “Remember how you worried that I wouldn’t approve?”  His fingers
teased her nipples, making them even tighter.  “I knew you’d be amazing… but
dammit, how do you consistently exceed my expectations like this?”  He gently
tested the weight of her breasts in his palms.  “You are just… perfect.  I
can’t believe how perfect you are.”  He squeezed them possessively.  “No bra?”

“I don’t…”  Her breath caught in
her throat and all she could get out was a gasp of pure pleasure.

“You don’t wear it to bed.”  He
finished for her.  “Ah.  How interesting.”  He loosened his grip, sounding
almost hopeful.  “Can I…?”

She knew what he was about to ask
and moved, presenting her beaded nipples to his mouth, gently dragging their
stiffened points over his lips, silently begging him.  The sensation and the unbearable
anticipation for what was about to happen to her were so exquisite that it was
almost painful.  It was going to feel sooooo good…

His mouth closed over her flesh and
she let out a gasp, unable to keep it in.  It felt even more amazing that she
imagined, burning through her fear and replacing it with pure lust and
pleasure.  She reached up to hold his face against her, suddenly terrified that
he’d stop.  Her nails dug into the back of his head, trying to hold on to
something solid as the passion took her.

“But we… we won’t go further than
that.”  She breathed, trying to keep her sanity.  “Obviously.”

“Obviously.”  He mumbled, his deep
voice and warm breath vibrating across her skin and somehow causing her breasts
to tighten further.

She threw her head back, trying to
keep from moaning and finding the struggle impossible.  She was literally
trembling in excitement and pleasure now.  It felt strange and new and utterly
thrilling to finally be doing this with him.

Her best friend’s hand slid across
her bare breast and she sucked in a breath, shocked at how incredible it felt. 
His hand was gentle but his skin rough, caressing her body like it was sacred. 
She threw her head back again, relishing the feel of his body on hers.

It felt so right.  So damned
right.  Like his hands were always meant to touch her like this.

She moved in an effort to get him
to pay similar attention to her other breast, but he ignored her efforts, as if
afraid that if his mouth left her breast she might run away.  She let out an
annoyed sound, almost desperate now, trying to shove her flesh into his mouth. 
“Please…”  She begged. 

He immediately shifted so that the
tight peak of her other breast disappeared into his mouth, lavished by his
tongue and teased by his teeth.

Incoherent moans escaped her mouth
as she continued to grind the heat of her body against him, her hips seemingly
moving of their own volition.

He reached up to remove the
blindfold she was wearing which shielded her damaged eyes from his view, and it
took her a moment to realize what was about to happen.  She instantly pulled
away.  “NO!”  She gasped, making certain it stayed in place.  She had no idea
what that would look and she wasn’t willing to risk it.  She didn’t want pity
right now.

“Okay.”  His hands left her body,
and he leaned back in the chair away from her.  “However you want, Dove.  You
call the shots, you know that.”

She silently swore at herself
again.  “I’m… I’m sorry.”  She moved back to him.  “It’s not about you, I just…
I’ve got issues.”

“We both have issues.”

“Yep.  But… that’s just one thing

“…you’re not ready for.”  He
finished for her.

“No.”  She shook her head.  “Not…
not yet, anyway.”

“Okay.  Whatever you want.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You’ve given me more than enough
to keep me occupied for the foreseeable future, Dove.  Somehow I think I can
tide myself over while I wait.”

“But… but I really want to do what
we were doing…”  She moved on his lap again, trying to get back to where they
were.  “Touch me.  Please…”

“Again.”  He demanded, pulling her
body against him.  “Say it.”

“Please touch me, Uriah.”  She
repeated for him, kissing the side of his face.  “Please…”

His hands began to fumble with the
fastening of her pants.  “If you like this belt, you’d better take it off
because in a minute I’m either going to smash it to pieces or just cut some convenient
openings in your pants themselves…”  He growled, his frustration with the
garment evident.

She reached down to help him, both
desperate to get her out of the clothes as quickly as possible.  He clicked the
belt open at the same moment she started pulling her pants down with shaking
hands, wanting him so badly it felt like her life was on the line.  “I got it,
I got it, I got it…”  She repeated in celebration and to assure him that their
wait was almost over and not to panic.

She hopped off his lap just long
enough to rapidly remove the rest of her clothes, kicking them away and then
returning to where she wanted to be.  The entire action took less than five
seconds, but it felt like an eternity.  Like being deprived of oxygen or

She repositioned herself on his lap
and her body was relieved to once again have what it needed, her naked flesh
rubbing against him.  The coarse fabric of his pants teased her intimate areas
and made them all the more sensitive.

No sooner had she straddled him
again then his hand began to explore her body, brushing against her damp heat. 
He groaned in desire at finding the wet evidence of her arousal.  Her body was
almost pathetically ready for him and she couldn’t exactly deny it at this
point.  Not that she would have even tried.  She wanted him to know how badly
she needed him, so that he could finally do something about it.

She gasped again, feeling like her
body was going to break apart.  “Oh, god!”  She moaned, her breath catching in
her throat.  “That’s…”  She rested her forehead against his, trying to keep her
body upright and not melting into a puddle on the floor.  “Please…”

One of his fingers very very
slooooowly slipped into her body, her face inches from his, and she heard every
breath he took and felt every movement of his body.

It felt so right.

Like she was welcoming him home,
where he always belonged.

She instinctively shifted her hips,
allowing him deeper as her body clenched around him.

“You’re so amazing…”  He whispered,
his breath on her face.  “I can’t believe how soft you are.”

He used his other hand to
reposition her legs, spreading her swollen flesh wider and allowing his finger
to go deeper.

She enthusiastically allowed him to
move her however he wanted.  She felt vulnerable and exposed and more excited
by that then she ever thought she could be.

Her toes curled as his knuckle
brushed against her core.

She let out a whimpering moan, her
hips moving with his hand now as he pleasured her.

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