Nobody Likes Fairytale Pirates (32 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Gannon

BOOK: Nobody Likes Fairytale Pirates
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He nuzzled her hair tenderly.

“Give me what I want, Dove.”  He
nipped at her ear seductively.  “You know me… You always know what I’m
thinking…”  He whispered, his free hand running up her leg.  “What do I want?”

“You want…”  She gasped, unable to
finish the thought.  “
Oh, god, yes…

“Tell me.”  He demanded, his finger
plunging deeper and harder.

“You want…”  She panted. “You… you
want to see me come.”

“Good girl.”  There was pride in
his voice, as if she’d just answered a very important question.  “That’s
exactly right.”  His free hand repositioned on her rear to grind her hips
against him more forcefully, impaling her on his finger and keeping her steady
on his lap.  “Not just ‘see’ though.  I want to
it, Dove.”  He
kissed her deeply again, his tongue mirroring what his finger was doing.  “Make
me feel it, Ransom.  Please let me feel it.”

He squeezed another one of his long
fingers into her tight channel, her body clamping down on him as he moved.

She let out a louder moan as she
arched against his palm, amazed that anything in the world could feel that

It was too big.  What she was
feeling was so big that it scared her.  But the panic just added to the
pleasure, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

“That’s it…”  He praised.

“Please.”  She whispered, her voice
thick with pleasure and desperation.  “Please.”

“Please what?”  He inquired, as if
he didn’t know.  “What do you want, Dove?”  He moved his finger to touch her
core.  “This?”

She threw her head back, her hips
jutting forward, her body trying to wring the pleasure from his hand.  She
grabbed his face, holding onto him and running her hands over his features,
relishing the hard lines.  “Yes!”

“Are you ready to give me what I want,
Dove?”  His voice was deep with lust again, so rumbly and dark that it echoed
through her entire body.

She nodded desperately, willing to
agree to anything at this point.  “Yes, yes, please, yes!”

“From the second I saw you, I’ve
waited for this, you understand…”  His hand continued to caress her damp body,
using their silent connection to somehow know exactly where and how she needed
him to touch her.

“I know…”  She instantly agreed,
frantic.  “I know you have…  I’m sorry…  Please…”  She pleaded with him,
needing this was badly.  “Please, Uriah…”

“I love you, Ransom.”  He touched
just the right spot as his fingers plunged deeply inside her.  “Let me see it.”

She cried out his name as she
climaxed, her voice hoarse and desperate.  Her body shuddered as wave after
wave of pleasure shot through her, nearly causing her to lose her balance and
fall backwards off his lap.

Uriah caught her and pulled her
close again, whispered soft pretty things in her ear as she rode out the waves
of the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced, his fingers still moving inside

It left her panting for breath and
feeling almost embarrassed it was so strong.  “Sorry.”  She gasped weakly,
finally able to speak.  “I don’t…  I don’t know what happened there.”

“I do.”  He assured her, his words
sounded slurred, probably because his fingers were in his mouth, tasting her. 
“I can do it again, if you want.  Maybe you’ll understand better the next

She took another deep breath,
trying to regain her senses despite the fact that her legs still felt like jelly
and she was getting such inappropriate pleasure from listening to him greedily
suck her dampness from his fingers.

She swallowed, willing herself back
to coherent thought.  “Thank you.”  She finally got out, her voice a whisper.

“Of all the possible responses I
thought that would get, I think that’s the last one I expected.”  He kissed her
again, his hand caressing her breast.  “I like that you’re still not as
predictable as I am, Dove.”

“Well, if you take your pants off,
I can give you my thanks in a more
way.”  She offered, her voice
still uneven with pleasure and nervous desire, but also a grim certainty about
what was about to happen.  “But you’re not going to.”  It wasn’t a question.

“My mother always said that ‘only a
fool tests the depth of the water using both feet.’”  He croaked, his voice
raw.  “And you are no fool.  Besides, like I said, I’m not willing to settle. 
First rule of piracy: ‘take everything.’  I
everything.  I’m not
going to be happy with you being able to weasel out of this, by saying you were
drunk or that we were just lonely.  I want it all.”  He cleared his throat.  “I
can wait until you’re ready.”  He caressed her cheek.  “I swear to you, one
day, I’ll prove to you why you should reciprocate what I feel.  One day, I’ll
show you.”

“That’s not what it’s about.”  She
sighed, sick of this conversation and just wanting to make love.  “It’s not
about you.  You don’t need to prove
to me.  Not ever.”

“I think I do.”

“You…”  She made a face.  “Can you
look at me, please?” 

“I am.” 

“No, you’re not.  You’re looking at
my tits.” 

“How do you know?” 

“I told you: I
know you.” 
slapped his forehead again.
I can… feel you.” 

“You’re right.”  He admitted
without a trace of shame.  “I most definitely was.  Have I mentioned that they’re
perfect?  I had no idea they were so large or… pert.”

She made an annoyed sound.  “You
can look all you want, always, just listen to me, okay?  Here.”  She took his
hand and placed it on her breast.  His finger instantly began tracing the edge
of her large nipple and she sucked in a breath, not expecting to still be that
turned on.  “Umm… that just seems to have gotten you

“Sorry.  I’ll stop.”

His finger stopped moving, but his
hand remained right where it was, unwilling to cede his newly won territory.

She placed her own hand over his on
her breast.  “You’ll have all of me.”  She said softly, her voice close to
breaking.  “If I let myself feel that… you’ll have all of me.” 

“And is that a bad thing?”

“I don’t know.”  She shook her head. 
“And that’s what scares me.”

“I would never do anything to hurt
you.  You know that, right?”

“I know.”

“Then why are you afraid of me?”

“I’m not afraid of you.”  She
whispered.  “I’m afraid of…. I’m afraid of
, if that makes any sense.”

“While I may be a bit biased, I
think we’re amazing.  We’re certainly the coolest people of
acquaintance, anyway.  Waaaay more interesting than that boring Cormoranian
bitch and her asshole giant.”

“Well, obviously.”  Even she had to
admit that.  “But that’s not what I meant.”  His hand felt so so good on her
breast that it was difficult to even explain this.  Like her body was screaming
at her to just say whatever he wanted her to say, so that they could get back
to sex.  “What am I without you?”

“Brilliant, gorgeous and
talented?”  His free hand closed over her other breast.  “And possessing the
most amazing breasts I’ve
seen.  Not to dwell on that point, but
it’s really at the forefront of my…”

“That’s your bias, again.”

“No, I don’t think so.”  His finger
went back to gently tracing circles around her nipple, apparently unable to
stop playing with the marvelous new toys he’d discovered.  “Far from being
disappointed with them, I’m
impressed, Dove, and I’m not a man
who impresses easily.”

“I’m happy that you’re happy.”  She

He lowered his face to her breast
again, planting a gentle kiss to its taunt peak, a movement which made her
insides lurch. 

wanted his pants
off.  Now.

“I depend on you for everything.” 
She continued, trying to get back on track.  “Without you, I have no friends,
no job and no one to help me.  I am literally all alone in a world of complete

His finger stopped its teasing. 
“And that terrifies you, obviously….”

“…because what if… what if we got together
and then…”

“I cheated on you?”  He guessed. 
“That’s not going to happen.”  He snorted in amusement at the very idea. 
“Cheating isn’t really an issue for the people of the Grizzwood, Dove. 
Honestly, it’s hard enough finding
woman who can stand us.  Plus,
we’re rather territorial, in case you haven’t noticed.  Once we’ve found what’s
ours, we’re really not interested in what’s not.”  He paused, his hands gently
squeezing her flesh again.  “Not to sound tawdry, but yours are the last
breasts I’ll ever want to touch like this.”

She tried to ignore the impulse to
hit him.  “Just stop with the breasts, please.”

He instantly removed his hands,
believing that she’d just withdrawn her permission.

She couldn’t ignore the urge any
longer and slapped him on the forehead again, then put his hand back where it
had been.  “I meant stop talking about them, dope.  You can touch them all you

“Excellent.”  He sounded more
pleased than she’d ever heard him.  “Thank you, I believe I shall.”

“I’m not pretty.”  She said
bluntly, ignoring him.  “I’m not nice.  Very powerful people are trying to kill
me for some reason.  You are my only window to the world I can no longer see or
remember.  And there’s always the constant danger that my memory will return
and I’ll forget all of this.  And you.  I come with a lot of baggage and I’m
going to get you hurt.”  She tried to keep her voice steady.  “And… and what if
you realize that you don’t want me?”  She finally whispered.  “If you just wake
up and realize that pity isn’t…  That I’m…  I’m not…”  She trailed off.  “I
can’t deal with that, ‘Rai.  I can’t… I can’t feel that.  It would break me.  I
can’t lose my best friend and my...  So… so you can have my body.  But my heart
is mine.”

They were both silent for a moment.

“Well… looks like I was right
then.”  He announced.  “I do have something to prove, don’t I?”  He sounded
oddly pleased with this news for some reason, as though it gave him a better
idea of what he was fighting against.  “I’ll show you that I can be trusted
with your heart, Ransom.  I will wait forever for you.  And if you’re never
ready, then you’re never ready.  And that’s entirely your decision.  No
pressure or hurt feelings from me, because all I want in this world is to make
you happy.”  He kissed her again.  “In the meantime though, know that I have
absolutely no difficulty with the idea of giving you all of me.  You’ve had it
since the first moment I saw you.  I gave up everything I had for you, from my
career to my life.  Because you rescued me from my own dark empty world.  And,
I might add, a watery grave.”  He casually intertwined his fingers with hers
and spread her arms wide, doing a little dance with them, just to watch her
flesh move.  “But I’m sure I can find ways to pass the time with your body
while we wait for your heart to come around to the idea of trusting me
completely.  I want your heart, obviously.  It’s mine.  I’ve got that Grizzwoodian
song about it and everything, in case you’ve forgotten.  It’s sort of like a
religious quest.” 

“The Grizzwood religion is

“You didn’t seem to have a problem
with it a few minutes ago, Dove.”  He teased, undoubtedly winking even though
she couldn’t see it.  “I want your heart…
heart.”  He corrected,
moving his mouth to her breast. “But the skin just above it is certainly
intriguing as well.”  He made a small hum of deep satisfaction as his lips
moved over her flesh.  “Dammit, I’m really really impressed with your breasts,
have I mentioned that?  I mean, they could be challenging your hair for my vote
on the most erotic part of you now.  Which I honestly never expected, because
your hair is simply the sexist thing I’ve ever seen.”

“If you’re too much of a coward to
do anything more, can you please not tease me like that?”  She bit out, feeling
her body begin to warm and ready itself for him again as he suckled her breast.

“I am
than willing to
act on this right now, Dove.”  He assured her, his voice tight.  “I think you
can probably feel that.”  He moved his hips, proving his point.  The feel of
the fabric of his pants rubbing against her swollen folds was an exquisite
torture which made her gasp and arch her back against him again. 

What did I just say?
”  She
gasped, a new surge of lust and desperate desire shooting through her.  “Dammit,

“Sorry.”  He said immediately, but
he didn’t sound at all sorry to learn he had that kind of effect on her body. 
In fact, he sounded downright excited over the realization.  “But it’s really just
because you’re too much of a coward that we can’t.”

“Ditto.”  She made a face at him,
recognizing that he was right and that they were both frightened idiots.  “I
really hate you right now, you know that right?”

“Everyone does.”  He agreed,
picking her up like she weighed nothing and carrying her to her bed.  He gently
laid her down and tucked her in.  “Why should you be any different?”

She let out a long sigh, resting
her head on her pillow.  “Uriah?”


“Do you have to go?”  She asked him

“I can read to you, if you’d
like.”  He offered.  “That sometimes helps you sleep.”

“No, I mean… can’t you sleep with

“Didn’t we just talk about that?  I
recall a lot of words about that very topic.  An inordinate amount, in fact.”

“No,” she shook her head, “I mean,
sleep in my bed with me.”  She bit her lip nervously.  “I’m still afraid of…”

“Okay.”  He seemed entirely at
peace with her offer, immediately laying down beside her and pulling the covers
over himself.  “But it goes no further, okay?”

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