Nobody's (3 page)

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Authors: Rhea Wilde

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Nobody's
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“You can if you want to.”

I placed my glass of champagne and picked up the money. Just the weight of all of the money was hypnotizing. I counted out my money. He motioned for me to place it inside of my purse. But there was an extra five hundred dollars remaining in a small pile next to me that I picked up and handed to him. He put his hand up and stopped me.

“You seem like a really good tour guide, Angel.”

“I am the best.”

“I don’t doubt that. I think that the best tour guide in the city deserves a tip.”

I swallowed again as I held the money out in front of me. He didn’t seem to care. He didn’t budge, just picking up his glass of champagne again and taking another sip. He widened his eyes then looked at my purse. Still not believing what he was doing, I slowly placed the money with the rest of it and zipped my purse closed.

“If you were going to tip me, why did you have me count it?” I asked him.

“You were the one who insisted on counting it, Angel. I never asked for the difference back.”

He winked at me and when he smiled, I couldn’t help but do the same. My optimism had paid off in more ways than one. In a single night I had managed to make more than I did in months. He called me Angel but the man sitting in front of me fit the description even better.

“It looks like we’ll be having a lovely evening together,” he said.

“Yes, we shall.”

“There’s no need for you sit all the way across from me. How about we get to know each other better?”

I smiled at him for a second before making my way onto the seat next to him.

“Where are my manners?” he said as he extended his hand out to me. “Thomas. Thomas Livingston.”

“Angel,” I said as I shook his hand. “I’ll be your tour guide for tonight.”

“Tell me, Angel. Do you know any good hotels in the city?”

“I might.”

“What is the best hotel in the city?”

“I prefer The Exquisite.”

“Then The Exquisite it is.”

He lowered the separator of the limo and instructed his driver where to go. After once again giving us the privacy we both wanted, Thomas leaned in closer to me and stared into my eyes. We were locked on one another. I could feel it building up inside of him. The blood rushing down between his legs and thickening his cock. After what he had just paid me, the feeling became almost mutual as a drop of my wetness seeped out onto my black silk panties.

“You know, it’s not very far to The Exquisite,” he said to me.

“Hmm, you know your way around more than you were letting on, Mr. Livingston.”

“Well, maybe, Angel. Maybe. But there’s still time before we get there.”

“There is…”

“How about you tell me all about everything between here and The Exquisite? I’m curious to see just how good of a tour guide you are and frankly, I can’t wait.”

There was a devilish look in his green eyes. They narrowed with a lust within them that was easy to read. I leaned in closer to him but didn’t kiss him. I teased him, breathing my lips upon his. He moaned softly. I placed my hand upon his thigh and moved it up. I was surprised that my fingers had run into his cock much quicker than I anticipated. His full length was already restrained along the side of his thigh. I was pleasantly surprised that he was much bigger than I expected.

“This is my favorite part of the city, Mr. Livingston.”

“Really? Why is that, Angel?”

“Because it’s a real dirty part of town. We’re still in the slums. But we’re right on the edge. The line that separates the drudgery from the excitement. We’re right there, Mr. Livingston. Can you feel it?”

“I can…”

I slowly jerked him through his pants to make sure that he was ready. Our eyes remained locked upon one another as I slowly unbuckled his pants and pulled down his zipper. Tugging his boxer shorts down, his restrained cock burst free. I could only see it from the corner of my eye though as I continued to give him the lustful gaze that he was giving me.

The limo sped off toward The Exquisite. We would be arriving there in just a few minutes. But that was more than enough time to give him a sneak preview of the rest of the night. Behind the shroud of the tinted windows, I fell to my knees and slowly started the tour he had been seeking.


Chapter 3

The twitching of Thomas’s length beckoned for more and deep down inside, I wanted nothing more than to please him. It was the least I could do. I couldn’t tell if it was the two thousand dollars in my purse or his ravishing good looks but Thomas was the special kind of client that deserved nothing less than a special kind of treatment.

When the limo pulled up to The Exquisite, I looked into his eyes, silently asking him if he wanted me to stop. But he had more willpower than I expected and he pulled me off of him before zipping himself back up. Our business would definitely get finished when the time came.

He managed to sneak himself back into his pants just as the driver opened the door. I grinned at him as I wiped the saliva off of my lips with my thumb, continuing to remind him of what was to come.

“After you,” he said, offering the way out to me.

I took the driver’s hand and stepped out of the limo. I was greeted by several hotel staff as Thomas followed up just behind me.

“Hello, Mr. Livingston,” the concierge said. “Always a pleasure to have you in. Will you be staying in your usual suite?”

“Yes, I will. Make sure there are no disturbances.”

“Of course, Mr. Livingston.”

The Exquisite hotel was on the other side of the city and a place that I had only been to a handful of times. It was the priciest resort in the city, reserved for only the truly elite. I continued to test Thomas by asking him to take me here but he didn’t even flinch when I told him that this was the place to be.

We continued to be escorted by the hotel staff as we made our way through the lobby. It was dramatically from the casino I usually looked for clients in. The lights were the first thing you would notice. It wasn’t just that there were more of them. The giant chandelier hanging in the main lobby was like the sun. The light shimmered so bright that it bounced off of the stainless marble walls and floors and reflected upon all of the snooty clientele.

The people were different. Instead of those individuals trying to find a way to make a quick buck, the well-dressed patrons of The Exquisite casino seemed to accept that they were throwing their money away when they laid it on whichever table they chose. The experience of throwing dice and watching the dealer flip cards over was the equivalent of burning money. I guess that’s what you do when there’s nothing left to spend it on. I had to hold back a sigh as I watched thousands of dollars exchange hands without a care in the world.

“They know who you are here?” I asked him.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“You even have your own suite.”


“What if I had said another hotel? What if I said The Elegant or Higher Gardens?”

“Well, maybe next time I pick you up, you can say that and you can find out for yourself.”

He winked at me and piqued my curiosity even more. I found myself wanting to do something besides my job. Already he was unlike any other client I’d ever met. Just exactly who was Thomas Livingston?

The night had grown old but the sun still wouldn’t be showing up for some time. When we made it through the hotel and took an elevator up to the highest level of the building, we finally ended up at the door to his suite. Several security guards and hotel staff stood just outside.

“The kitchen will be available all night, Mr. Livingston,” the concierge explained. “Limo service. Directory. Anything at all, sir. We’ll be on call while you’re here. Enjoy your stay. And thank you for choosing to stay here.”

The hotel staff made their way from the door while security took their place at the door. I looked at Thomas as he opened the door to his suite. Even though it was clear that this place was reserved for people just like him, I still wasn’t prepared for what laid inside.

I took a step inside of the suite and had to stop myself from falling over. The luxuriousness of the room was overwhelming. An entire bar fully-stocked with bottles and bottles of wine and champagne behind it was on one side. Several leather couches extended around the main living room. A fireplace burned on the other side. The long hallways extended deeper into the suite toward more rooms than I could count. And then there was the view.

There were magnets connected to the end of my feet. I stopped thinking. My heels clicked against the floor as I made my way toward the large window wall to get a view of the city. There was no question about how high we were. All of the lights down below were mesmerizing. From up here, the cars and people in the streets looked so tiny. I looked in the distance toward my apartment and noticed how much darker that part of the city was. It was dingy and dirty, separated from the area I was standing in by an invisible line.

“Tell me something about what you see.”

I turned around and Thomas was pouring two glasses of champagne for the both of us.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“You’re a tour guide,” he explained. “Tell me what you see. Where are you staying?”

He handed me a glass of champagne and together, we turned toward his window to look out into the city. I realized where I was then suddenly became embarrassed for myself. There was no way I could admit that I actually lived in that part of town even though he had just picked me up there.

“I-I don’t know,” I stuttered.

“You don’t know where you’re staying?”

“No. I don’t think we can see it from here.”

“Hmm… We can see the entire city from here. Are you sure we can’t see it? Or are you just not as good a tour guide of the city as you claimed to be?”

I turned to him and when I saw the grin on his face, I looked away and started to blush. Anything to avoid having to answer the question. I wasn’t interested in discussing any personal matters. This was about business and my business was his pleasure. As far as I was concerned, there was nothing left to talk about after we had already settled matters in the limo.

I took a sip of the champagne and leaned in close to him, gently kissing him upon the neck. The smell of his cologne wafted into my nostrils. Just because I was paid to do this didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it. I was just as vulnerable as any woman. I had the same desires that were just as distinctive. And tonight, Thomas’s intoxicating aroma was just one reminder that at least for tonight, work wouldn’t be as difficult as it could be.

“What would you like?” I whispered into his ear, nibbling it between my lips.

His only response was a moan. I could only imagine what was going through his mind as I stuck my tongue out to lick the soft flesh of his ear. With another gentle suck, I continued to tease Thomas.

I stood away from him to gauge where he had been. His deep green eyes continued to belie the lust that I knew was building up inside of him. He took another sip of his champagne and then placed it down on one of the tables next to him. He worked his way toward the fireplace and lit the fire inside. I stood next to the window as I watched the flames dance next to him. Then he offered his hand to me and I instinctively made my way toward him.

I placed my glass next to his, the alcohol already beginning to have its effect, and did the same with my purse. I leaned in close to him once again, continuing to ask him what he wanted of me. He had just paid me more than any man other had. He could command me to do his bidding but he did no such thing. He continued to force my hand and make me take the initiative.

And that’s when I stopped trying to figure him out. He was just like every other man. He was a piece of meat that was put together for the most basic function. A hard cock and a pair of balls. A heart to pump blood into it. Eyes to decide what he wanted. And finally a brain to tell everything what to do. That’s all Thomas was, even if he happened to be the most handsome piece of meat I’d seen in a long time.

I placed my lips upon his chin and then kissed him upon the cheek. The growing stubble on his face brushed against me but it didn’t deter me from asking him what he wanted. I gripped his tie between my hands and finally brought him close to me. With my face to his, we made out with the backdrop of the city behind us. I started to work his tie off of him and he didn’t protest. The growing heat coming from the fireplace mimicked the growing intensity I could feel from him.

His tie, jacket and shirt ended up in a sloppy pile a good distance away from us. He kicked his shoes off and took a seat at a single seat sofa right next to the fire place. I watched him as he lifted his undershirt up over his body and had to hold back a gasp. His hard body glistened underneath the light of the flames. Striations and lines from his muscles were on full display as the shadows seemed to fall perfectly upon him. Thomas continued to remain silent, speaking to me his desires with just the green eyes that I was slowly becoming a victim to.

I sashayed toward him, swaying my hips in a seductive way before falling into him. I pressed my body up against his as we resumed our passionate kiss. I reached forward with my hands and confirmed the hardness of his chest. Falling down to my knees, I trailed my fingers down the tan skin stretched over his washboard abs. His belt had been hastily put back together after our quick dalliance in the limo.

I looked up into his eyes as he lifted his ass up off of the sofa to help me pull his boxers and pants down completely. His cock stood straight up, twitching for me to continue what I had started in the limo. The emeralds of his eyes urged me to continue what I did best.

I took his shaft into my hands before I flicked the tongue along the head. Squeezing it between my grip, some of his fluids poked out. I licked it up and proceeded to engulf his shaft with my mouth. A sigh escaped his lips and his stomach contracted. I sucked hard on him and the suction created a sound that echoed through the living room. My spit quickly covered him, making it easier for me to bob my head up and down. The slick sound of him soaking in my mouth and smacking against my lips grew louder and louder. I closed my eyes and focused on drawing more of his thickness into my mouth.

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