Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection (13 page)

BOOK: Nocturne 040 – Scions 02 - Patrice Michelle - Insurrection
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The vampire gave a low laugh, his evil smile displaying his sharp fangs.

“The only difference with this new form is that I don’t have to dive after you and roll around on the ground like a dog. We can battle as men.”

Landon slowly shook his head. No, the difference is…now you’re my prey. The vampire sneered and launched across the ten-foot space between them, claws extended, fangs ready to rip Landon to shreds. Landon caught the Sanguinas in the air. Curling his claws inward, he impaled them deeply into the muscle and sinew in the man’s shoulders. The vampire howled in pain as Landon twisted his fingers. He jammed his talons into Landon’s forearms, shredding the furred skin with his claws. Landon gritted his teeth from the pain and hurled the man over his head, slamming his body against the library’s brick wall. The vampire fell with a heavy thud to the asphalt, brick shards and mortar dust showering down around him. He growled and launched across the space once more, but Landon was ready. Slamming his fist into the vampire’s angry face, Landon sent him back against the wall once more.

As he started toward the Sanguinas, police sirens sounded in the distance. Landon knew he had very little time to dispose of the vampires and get Kaitlyn to safety without being discovered himself. Before the vampire could recover, he pounced and landed on the man’s chest. Air whooshed from the bastard’s lungs with Landon’s weight. Landon grabbed the man’s head and narrowed his gaze on him. Much as I’d like to return every single bruise, laceration, fang and talon mark you’ve inflicted, lucky for you I’ve just run out of time. This is for Kaitlyn, he said mentally before he gave a swift, snapping twist. As soon as the vampire’s heart ceased, Landon jumped into action, hauling both vampires to the center of the alley. He was damned glad it was an overcast night and the streetlights above them hadn’t been replaced.

So far no humans had shown their faces. Then again, what human would dare enter a dark alley with the growling, snarling, howling sounds he and the vampires had made during their fight? But the police were minutes away.

Shifting back to his human form, Landon grabbed the keys Kaitlyn must have dropped during the vampires’ attack and unlocked her car. He popped open her trunk and saw she had some long bungee cords in the back. Once he ripped the hooks off the ends of the cords and tossed the metal back into the trunk, he then opened her gas tank lid, where he quickly fed each of the cords’ ends down into the gas tank. After he’d soaked several of them, he threw the gas-soaked bungee cords on top of the dead vampires.

Gathering Kaitlyn’s unconscious form, he carefully laid her in her car’s backseat and climbed into the front seat to start the car. He pushed the cigarette lighter into the on position and moved the car a safe distance away from the vampires.

With the car idling, Landon walked up to the vampires and held the end of the lighter’s heated coil to one of the bungee cords. Flames immediately leaped upward, sending heat rushing to his face and across his bare chest.

Landon backed away and watched the fire quickly spread to the other bungee cords and the vampires’ clothes.

The smell of burning flesh filled his nostrils as he made his way back to the car and climbed in the driver’s seat. Before he drove out of the alley, he glanced in the rearview mirror. He would’ve preferred a more thorough disposing of the bodies, but the police would be there in a couple minutes.

Landon turned the car away from the sound of the sirens and headed toward the Shawangunk mountains. He didn’t know if the vampires had tracked Kaitlyn or not, but when he had come upon them they’d seemed to be toying with her. His chest ached with the need to know if Kaitlyn was going to be okay. If not, his truce with Jachin would be completely and irrevocably severed, rogue vampires or not.

Chapter 7
L andon tensed when Kaitlyn fought against him as if she were still in the throes of a nightmare as he’d carried her into his home. She passed out again right before he laid her on his bed. Setting his nose against the pulse thudding on her throat he held his position and counted. It was steady. She was going to live.

He shuddered with relief and sat back to survey the damage the vampires had inflicted on her body.

Her jacket and shirt were shredded. Blood coated the material stuck to her chest.

Her blood.

Landon sat on the bed next to her, and his hands shook with fury as he slowly unbuttoned the bottom half of the jacket and the rest of her shirt.

He lifted a long silver necklace that lay between her breasts, surprised the delicate chain had survived unscathed when her clothes, and even her bra, hadn’t.

A tiny silver wolf dangled from the end of the chain. Landon’s jaw flexed. His self-imposed responsibility to protect Kaitlyn twisted his gut with guilt. He hadn’t done such a great job tonight.

He set the long chain on the bed beside her neck and peeled her shirt away from her blood-caked skin. Her bra fell apart into two halves, taking with it newly formed scabs that had crusted over the four deep three-inch-long gouges between her breasts. Her wounds welled with blood once more.

The sight sent Landon over the edge. He let loose a long, bloodcurdling howl. The deep, soulful baritone shook the rafters and rattled the windows of his home.

Once he’d exhausted his lung capacity, he quickly pulled the rest of Kaitlyn’s clothes off to make sure she didn’t have any more injuries that needed attention. When he was done, only the four wounds on her chest screamed at him to heal them.

Landon stared down at Kaitlyn’s wounds and did exactly what a wolf would do for a pack mate who was too weak to heal herself—a pack mate he cared deeply for. He lightly brushed his lips across her temple and then her slack lips before he moved his mouth over her wounds. Landon’s frame shook as he ran his tongue in a long lap across the first gouge. The torn flesh moving under his tongue, combined with the metallic flavor of her blood, sent a strange mix of emotions zinging through him.

She tasted like…


Like a Lupreda. Landon sat back, puzzled at her taste. He pulled the clip out of her hair and ran his fingers through its soft strands. “Do I wish our union so much that I’m convincing myself that you’re like me, my little wolf?” he whispered, his heart tugging.

As if in answer, one of the wounds on her chest began to fill with bright red blood, highlighting her human body’s inability to heal itself. His lips thinned in a grim line and he leaned toward her chest once more.

“You are mine, no matter the blood that runs in your veins,” he vowed before he ran his tongue across her new wound, sending werewolf healing saliva into her wounds.

Before he laved at Kaitlyn’s last wound, Landon grunted in satisfaction that the other three deep gouges had already stitched closed. He was surprised to see scabs already forming but glad of it.

During his ministrations over Kaitlyn’s wounds, Landon worked hard to keep his emotions at bay, those primal urges that demanded he had every right to run his lips along each sweet inch of her skin. His fingers itched to enjoy the soft mounds of her breasts, her hips and the appealing curve of her rear. But he forced his mindset to the important task before him and kept his sexual desires firmly buried. With a soft groan full of deep-abiding love, he laved softly and gently over the last wound on her chest. Crawling up beside her on the bed, he ran his tongue along her temple, healing the gash there. He leaned close to her neck and closed his eyes to enjoy her scent and savor the remnants of her alluring taste on his tongue. He considered pulling on clothes, but her soft skin felt too good against his. He didn’t want to leave her side for a second.

An hour later, Landon froze when she moaned and rolled her body fully toward him, pressing her soft breasts against him.

The sensation of her fingers spearing in his hair, along with the pressure of her hands tugging his head closer told him her actions were intentional.

His heart thumped at the languid look in her eyes, the sound of her heart rate kicking up and the distinctive smell of her growing arousal.

“I don’t know why I’m naked in bed with you, why my body feels used and abused…and not in the way I’d like to be.” She sighed tiredly and continued as she ran her hands down his neck, sending tremors rocking through his body.

“But right now I don’t want to think. You make me feel safe. I want to feel your mouth against my skin.”

“You’re injured—” he tried to say, but she pressed her fingers against his mouth.

“Shh. I’m alive. That’s all that matters. Touch me, Landon.” She arched closer, then winced and whispered almost to herself, “Love me.”

You have no idea how much I want to, he thought. His stomach clenched painfully as his erection swelled to throbbing fullness in a matter of seconds. A low groan rumbled in his chest. His fingers tingled as he ran his hand along the soft curve of her hip. In as gentle a motion as he could, he pulled her close. Inhaling her arousing scent, he slid his nose slowly and with reverence along the swell of her breast until his lips brushed her nipple.

She tugged on his hair and begged in a demanding yet sweet tone, “Kiss me.”

Landon ran his tongue around her nipple and exhaled his warm breath across the hard, pink tip. He reveled in the keening sounds of anticipation she made, the clenching need her fingers in his hair evoked. He was surprised at how much patience he had with this woman, how much he wanted to draw out her pleasure, to make her squirm and writhe for his touch, his kiss, but Kaitlyn was having none of it. She dug her nails into his scalp. “Stop teasing me. I’m done waiting.”

Landon’s entire body tensed in heated response to her demanding, sexy tone. He clasped his lips tightly around her nipple and sucked hard, loving her taste, her mewing response and the scent of her full-on arousal filling the air around them.

His nostrils flared and he gripped her hips, pulling her body fully under him.

Her swift gasp was a much-needed reminder of her injuries. He immediately put his weight on his elbows and settled his body between her sweet thighs as he moved his mouth to her other breast. When he lavished the puckered nub with the same, loving attention, Kaitlyn traced her fingers to his shoulders and dug her nails deep. Arching her back, she pressed her wet sex against his stomach and moaned.

Landon’s fingers flexed on her hips as he slid his lips to her belly and brushed a kiss against the soft skin. “I smell your desire,” he growled against her belly. Her rapid heart beat thumped against his mouth, teasing him.

He fought the urge to roll her over, lift her hips and drive inside her body, deep and hard. “Spread your legs, Kaitie. I want to devour your sweet body and hear your screams when you come.”

Kaitlyn tensed. She stopped panting and raised her head to stare at him.

“I—I’ve never been able to have it that way,” she stammered, color rising on her cheeks.

He gave her a feral smile. “You will with me.” He might not have the privilege of being her first lover, but he would damned well make sure he was her best…and last lover.

Moving lower, he ran his nose along the soft tuft of red hair covering her sex. Inhaling deeply, he growled his pleasure at her musky, sweet smell. His mouth watered with the need to taste, to lave at her body and make her call out his name in ecstasy when she came.

All mine!

Kaitlyn ached all over, both physically and sexually. She’d never throbbed in need for another as much as she did for Landon. His handsome face and intense green eyes captured her attention, while his broad shoulders and muscular chest made her feel very puny in comparison.

She started to glance down at her wounds, but Landon barked, “No, look only at me.”

Her gaze snapped to his, mesmerized by his loving gaze. The way he held himself above her, he made her feel cherished and protected, like his only goal was to please her. She never expected Landon to be such an attentive, gentle lover.

The man’s eyes held secrets she’d yet to unveil, but his body and his sharp mind attracted her down to her toes.

“Lay back, Kaitie…and trust me to love you the right way.”

Sexual tension arced in the air, sending invisible molten sparks zinging down her body.

Kaitlyn had just laid her head to the pillow when a hot, wet tongue swiped deeply between her folds, touching every crevice.

She arched and cried out, surprised at how quickly her body responded to the purposeful pressure of his tongue.

“Relax and open to me, sweetheart,” Landon mumbled against her sex at the same time his big hands gripped her buttocks and he tilted her hips upward.

“I don’t know if I ca-a-a-a-an-n,” she started to answer when his tongue began to tease her sensitive nub in knowing, purposeful circles. Kaitlyn’s heart thumped and her pulse rushed in her ears like ocean waves slamming against the shore.

Her legs began to tremble and her entire body shook as her approaching orgasm built in steadily increasing spirals of pleasure within her.

“Landon…” she said as her hips began to move, rocking in her need to finally achieve that elusive pinnacle that had always been just outside her reach.

The added friction of his tongue applying constant pressure caused pinpoints of pleasure to ripple through her, while tears of wonder spilled from her closed eyes.

“Give yourself to me,” he demanded right before his mouth latched onto the ultra-sensitive bit of skin.

“I’m going to—”

“Come,” she heard him say in a rough rumble right before he slid two fingers deep inside her body. His tongue rubbed against her sensitive nub and turned slightly rough—the new sensation was a euphoric drag, plucking screams of pleasure from her sensitized body.

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