Read Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1 Online

Authors: Mari Carr and Jayne Rylon

Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1 (17 page)

BOOK: Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1
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Lucy played with her pussy with one hand then took her husband’s shaft in the other. Colby slammed his eyes closed when she began a skilled massage over the crown, slippery with Silas’s spit and Colby’s precome.

“You want it. Don’t you, sweetheart?” Silas forced himself to segregate the section of his brain engulfed in fireworks to ensure Lucy’s pleasure. As much as he’d love for the heat of Colby’s come to spray over his chest, their woman had to have more.

“So bad.” Lucy moaned. “When you’re finished. I want him to fuck me. Hard. Fast.”

“No.” Silas grinned when they both threw him a curious look. “Not later. Now.”

He put his hands beneath her arms then tugged her over him. Colby clearly understood when her cute ass lined up with his cock. They partnered to position her with her back to Colby’s front, straddling Silas.

The next time Colby lunged upward, his cock pierced his wife’s wet opening.

“Oh, my God.” She shuddered in their grip. “Do it again, Colby. Please. Please, fuck me.”

Silas held her shoulders forward while Colby urged her to drop her hips

“Oh shit, yes. He’s fucking me. Deeper. Everytime.”

Silas pictured the head of Colby’s cock tucked into her folds more thoroughly on every upstroke. Silas couldn’t resist the temptation of Lucy’s swaying breasts. He lunged up to capture her nipple in his mouth. He bit gently on the tip, causing her back to arch and Colby to burrow farther into her swollen tissue.

“Again!” she screamed.

Colby obliged, fucking them both in counterpoint.

Such divine rapture had to be fleeting.

A few more strokes and Colby’s quivering thighs betrayed him.

Silas paused his attention to Lucy’s tits to give her warning. “Your husband is about to come. Deep inside you, while holding me tight. Are you ready? Can you come with him? I’d die to hear you both. Loud. Strong. Do it. Give me your satisfaction.”

Before he’d finished his request, Colby roared. He lost control, him loss of timidity proving he forgot to be careful of Silas’s thigh, as if Silas cared. Colby slammed his ass onto Silas’s cock, grinding so the head nudged Colby’s gland. At the same time, Colby contracted his arms, squeezing Lucy close, impaling her as fully as he could. She stopped breathing then screamed as she shattered, coming around her husband, on top of their lover.

Colby’s ass hugged Silas’s cock over and over as he emptied himself in his wife. the beauty of their unified completion forced Silas to join them. No way could he resist pure perfection.

He put one hand on Colby’s thigh and the other over Lucy’s heart as he poured himself into Colby’s heated depths. He’d never come as hard or as long as he did beneath the orgasm assaulting him then. The bond between the three of them felt as tangible as the cushion beneath him.

For a moment he thought their devotion might be visible too.

And then he realized the sun rose behind his lovers, bathing them all in the light of a new day.


Silas shook his head when JD offered him a beer, snagging a Coke from the bucket of ice instead. “I’m good with this, thanks.”

He twisted the top off the bottle then sighed as he surveyed the crowd gathering to celebrate his homecoming. A bunch of the attendees joined them to support Colby and Lucy instead. They hardly knew Silas but the subtle congratulations proved all the friends his lovers had accumulated in the past decade could tell the pair had finally gotten what they really wanted.

The triad didn’t make a big production out of the fact that they intended to share more than burgers and potato salad at their simple barbeque. But Lucy in her gorgeous white summer dress, Colby sporting a perma-grin, and the pile of presents overflowing the table near the appetizers made it clear those who loved them all understood the significance of the day.

Understood and supported.

Silas couldn’t believe how different his life seemed now than a few short months ago. So many amazing changes almost obscured the pain—of his healing body, of losing Red, of dealing with his father, who still refused to visit a doctor.

If only his brothers were here, things would be as close to perfect as possible.

Vicky beamed at him as she approached. “It’s like old times, Silas.”

“I’m sorry.” He’d ached to apologize for years. Lucy looked over at him and smiled, lending him her strength to continue. “If I hadn’t gone, maybe none of the others would have followed. I see now how wrong I was. How much I wasted. I’m sorry.”

“Shush.” His mother hugged him, drying her eyes on his shirt. “Each of you had to choose your own way. I’m just thankful you found a path home.”

“I’m thankful home was still waiting for me.”

Colby had a group of kids laughing as he flipped burgers high into the air. Lucy zipped around, greeting guests and brightening the summer with her smile. Cindi chatted with Leah Hollister in the corner, and Don was welcomed with a round of slaps on the back from Jake along with a bunch of the other ranch hands.

The buzz of the party died down when a new arrival climbed from a rental car. Silas dropped his arm from his mother’s shoulder, preparing for the thrilled shriek to follow.

Vicky didn’t disappoint.

Her surprise didn’t keep her frozen. Instead, she high-tailed it for the yard where she launched herself at her second oldest son. Seth caught their mother in mid-air, returning her hug with interest.

While everyone’s attention focused on the reunion, JD glared in Silas’s direction.

“Sorry,” Silas mouthed.

His father closed his eyes for a moment then shook it off, as though agreeing to a truce. They’d enjoy the party. With half his sons on Compass Ranch, it was a rare day. A day to celebrate.

Tomorrow, they’d tackle the rest. Together.

About the Authors

Jayne Rylon and Mari Carr met at a writing conference in June 2009 and instantly became arch-enemies. Two authors couldn't be more opposite. Mari, when free of her librarian-by-day alter ego, enjoys a drink or two or...more. Jayne, allergic to alcohol, lost huge sections her financial-analyst mind to an epic explosion resulting from Mari gloating about her hatred of math. To top it off, they both had works in progress with similar titles and their heroes shared a name. One of them would have to go.

The battle between them for dominance was a bloody, but short one, when they realized they’d be better off combining their forces for good (or smut). With the ink dry on the peace treaty, they emerged as good friends, who have a remarkable amount in common despite their differences, and their writing partnership has flourished. Except for the time Mari attempted to poison Jayne with a bottle of Patron. Accident or retaliation? You decide.

Jayne and Mari can be found troublemaking on their yahoo loop at:

You can follow their book-loving insanity on Twitter or Facebook or send them a personal note at
[email protected]
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Jayne Rylon

Now Available:


Ménage and More

Nice and Naughty

Three’s Company


Men in Blue

Night is Darkest

Razor’s Edge



Kate’s Crew

Morgan’s Surprise


Dream Machine


Coming Soon:


Compass Brothers (with Mari Carr)

Southern Comfort

Eastern Ambition

Western Ties



Kayla’s Gift

Look for these titles by Mari Carr

Now Available:


Because of You


Black & White Series

Erotic Research

Tequila Truth

Learning Curves

Rough Cut

Happy Hour

Power Play


Coming Soon:


Compass Brothers (with Jayne Rylon)

Southern Comfort

Eastern Ambition

Western Ties

There’s only room at the top for one person…at a time.


Power Play

© 2011 Mari Carr


Back on American soil for the first time in nine months, Reed Donovan is ready to blow off some steam. The beauty he spots at the local bar not only catches his eye, she snags him by the balls when she announces she’s always fantasized about having sex with a stranger—a fantasy he is more than willing to help come true.

Explosive fireworks over, Francesca rebuffs his invitation to dinner. While the sparks may fly between them physically, she doesn’t believe they could spend more than a few minutes in the same room without arguing. Her suspicions prove correct when Francesca reports for her new position the next morning—and discovers she’s been hired as Reed’s new marketing partner.

When Reed and Francesca immediately begin butting heads about future pitches to prospective clients, Reed proposes a bet. For the next three presentations, they’ll both make a pitch. Whoever wins the campaign also wins a fantasy.

The competition is fierce—and hot. And the hotter it gets, the closer they come to the brink of something they never intended…or expected.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Power Play:

Reed Donovan stared at the flat-screen TV in the corner of the bar, and though his eyes were seeing the baseball game, his mind wasn’t processing a single aspect of it. He leaned back in his chair and tried to shake off the lingering traces of jetlag. Two days earlier, he’d flown back to the States after nine months in London. He only had tonight left to recover from the trip before he returned back to work bright and early the next morning.

He picked up the drink in front of him and took a long, deep swig. His throat was parched and his mouth dry. Clearly the stress of his day job was affecting his mind, messing with his head. He’d gone to London in the early fall to clean up the mess the former manager had left in his company’s branch office.

“Have to admit I didn’t think you had it in you to be quiet for so long.”

Reed looked up and found his cousin, the owner of the bar, looking down at him. He gestured to the chair across from him and watched Carter sit.

Reed lifted his glass. “Trying to drink away some of my damn tiredness. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.”

“Nine months is a damn long time to uproot from your home, Reed. And I know you hate playing the admin role, know you’ve been gritting your teeth every minute of these last few months, wishing you were back doing what you love.”

“Uncle Brian needed my help getting the London branch back under control. The last manager only
to run the damn thing into the ground. It was my job to clean house, to put the pieces back together.”

Carter leaned back in the chair, put his hands behind his head and studied his face. “So what’s stuck up your ass? You’re home now. Figured you’d be happy and celebrating that little fact.”

Reed rubbed his eyes wearily. His cousin was right, he should be doing fucking flips around the bar. Instead, he felt tired, irritable. “You want me to make a bulleted list for you?”

Carter grinned. “Is this gonna be a long presentation, Mr. Exec?”

Reed leaned forward, not bothering to acknowledge his cousin’s joke. “Number one, I’m pissed as shit about Brian sending me to London. I’ve worked my ass off for that man for years and I don’t appreciate being used as a lackey to do his goddamn dirty work. I’m going into his office tomorrow and letting him know it’s not something I ever intend to do again.”

Carter winced. “Fuck, man. That’s not gonna be a fun conversation.”

“You’re right. It’s not. Number two, while I was off wasting my MBA skills playing office manager, he let my marketing partner lose two prospective clients to The Wilkerson Team. I could have landed those accounts if Brian would have let me do my job.”

“Sounds like your partner sucks.”

“You’re missing the point, Carter. If I’d been there, those companies would be The Donovan Group’s clients.”

Carter waved a waitress over and ordered a whiskey, straight up, before gesturing for Reed to continue. “Anything else you need to get off your chest?”

Reed leaned back. “Frankie Carlyle.”

“Who’s that?”

“The bastard who stole my deals. Some hotshot upstart from The Wilkerson Team.”

“Ah, so you’ve finally got some competition, eh?”

Reed narrowed his eyes. “Hardly.”

“Damn, you’re a sore loser. Always have been.”

Reed wanted to argue, but figured it was pointless. Carter knew him too well. “Lucky for me, I never lose.”

Carter burst out with loud laughter.

Reed scowled. “I’m simply going to tell Brian I’m not cleaning up any more messes. I’m a marketing guy and if he’d let me do that job instead of shipping me off to goddamn London for nearly a year, Frankie Carlyle wouldn’t have two jobs that should have been mine.”

Carter sat up, leaning across the table to slap him on the shoulder in a supportive way. “You and I both know anger doesn’t win an argument with Brian. He had his reasons for sending you away. Whether or not he cares to enlighten you on the
of it is another matter entirely.”

Reed nodded, but didn’t elaborate on his real concerns regarding Frankie Carlyle. He’d seen print copies of the presentations that landed the deals. They were good. Very good. And there was a small part of Reed that wondered if he could have landed the deals if he’d been around.

He attempted to stretch a tight kink out of his neck. He was stressed out and tired. There were three more big bids looming in The Donovan Group’s immediate future and Reed intended to land every single one of them. Carlyle was about to meet his match.

“Earth to Reed.”

He glanced across the table and realized his cousin had been speaking to him.

Carter gave him a shit-eating grin and shook his head. “Damn, man. Grab yourself a woman and fuck this aggression out of your system. You gotta blow off some steam before you talk to Uncle Brian or you’re bound to get your ass fired.”

BOOK: Northern Exposure: Compass Brothers, Book 1
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