Not Alone (22 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Not Alone
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“What the hell Tessa?”

“No, that’s what I should be saying to you. Grady just made a statement, declaring his love for you and you just waltz out of the bar like nothing fucking happened.”

Opening my mouth, then quickly shutting it…I stood there dumbfounded. That was his declaration of love and not rubbing my nose in it? I decided on a single word response.


“Open your fucking eyes already, Emmalynne! Grady loves you!”

“What about the Brunette Bombshell?”

“The whole thing with Becca was a big misunderstanding. She manipulated Grady, then came to me explaining and apologizing for it. I told Grady I would let you know what she said to me and he told me not to, because you would understand the gesture behind the name change of the bar. But obviously I should’ve went with my gut and told you anyways. Emmy honey, enough is enough. I love you, but this whole not being worthy shit, has to stop. You were just constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, and when you thought it did, you wouldn’t let anyone talk any sense into you.

“Granted yes, at first I thought he was a fucking jerk, but once Becca came and explained everything, I’ve been watching him pining away for you, hoping you’d call or text, and not doing it himself because he knew good and well that you would jump down his throat again. You are worthy and you deserve an amazing man, and that man is Grady. So what the hell are you waiting for!?” Tessa yelled while getting up in my face, I had to physically take a step back because I was afraid at any moment she was going to pounce.

 “What?” Again, that was all that my brain would let me spit out. I couldn’t wrap my head around the information, especially the part where this pregnancy was making Tessa bitchy. But the Brunette Bombshell set all this up? Now I was getting pissed, all this nonsense could’ve been avoided if I would’ve just let Grady talk.

“Oh god, what’ve I done? I ruined everything.” I swallowed down the softball sized lump in my throat, as my lungs seized up. I was on the verge of a major panic attack.

Tessa quickly directed me to the couch and positioned my head in between my knees. She lightly rubbed my back while saying, “Emmy honey, you didn’t ruin everything. If Grady would’ve clued you in to Becca’s crazy antics, this wouldn’t have happened at all. He knows his lack of communication on certain things sucks, and he’s been beating himself up every single day, just the same as you. So, now the question is, what are you going to do about it?”

And really that wasn’t a question she needed to ask since I was sure she knew the answer to it. And it would also keep my promise to Tucker. I was going to reach out to Grady.

“I need my phone,” I declared to Tessa. She was up and moving to the kitchen before I could blink.

“Oh Emmy, I’m loving the smaller purse. It makes it so much easier to find your phone.”

Yeah, no shit
, I thought. It would take a year off of my life not having to find things in my Mary Poppins bag. Just thinking of what Grady called my pit of a purse caused a smile to cross my face.

She brought me my phone, making herself comfortable on my couch again. I didn’t hesitate in locating Grady’s contact information to send a text.

My fingers flew across the keyboard as I typed out:

Me: Grady, it’s Emmalynne, could you possibly come over? It’s important…

Just seconds later I had already received a reply.

Grady: Emmalynne…I’ll be there in 15.

“Tessa…time to go,” I said, looking into her eyes. “Thank you for snapping me out of my funk. I’m sorry I didn’t have the courage to do it myself and sooner. But thanks, I love you girlie.”

“No thanks necessary, just three-way Toby and I later with all the deets!”

Closing and locking the door behind her, I told myself sternly, “Ok, it’s time for a pep talk. No more avoiding this, this has gone on long enough. It’s time to face the music, if Tessa is indeed correct, Grady loves you.” The last part I said on a whisper.

The doorbell rang, causing me to jump at the noise. My palms were sweaty, and my heart was in my throat, but I just had to swallow my pride because I had to get him back.

Thinking to myself, as I turn the doorknob, he made it here rather quickly.  I muttered under my breath. “It’s go time.”  And once I opened the door my breath had completely left my body. Standing there on my doorstep was none other than Corbin Montgomery…

“Hello love…”




Chapter Thirty-Nine




I was so fucking elated to hear from Emmalynne that I didn’t hesitate in getting the hell out of the bar. Looking to my mom and silently communicating what was going on, while I pointed to my phone then pointed towards the exit of the bar, I received a nod in response, and I sprinted towards my truck.

I didn’t want to take my time in getting to Emmalynne, but I needed to get my head on straight. This was my chance and I was not going to blow it. I was grabbing on with both hands, with all of my might and not letting go. I was not going to give her a chance to talk this time around. I would be heard and she would listen to me tell her that I loved her, however many times it took until it sank in. I wasn’t lying when I told her that I was in this for the long haul, she was it. I’d ask her to marry me tonight if she wouldn’t freak out. They said patience was a virtue but I was inpatient as fuck. I was ready to marry her and watch her belly grow with my child.

Realizing that I was getting way ahead of myself, I concentrated on the rest of the drive. I pulled in behind her van and looked to her front door, which was standing wide open. Fear seized in my bones as I threw open the door to my truck and raced into her house.

I looked at her living room, which was in complete disarray. My gut told me that she was no longer here, but that didn’t stop me from calling out her name, rushing from room to room to find her. Heading back into the living room, without Emmalynne I saw that her coffee table was completely busted, and the mirror on her wall was shattered, but what my eyes zeroed in on was the smatter of blood on the wall. Who’s blood I wasn’t so sure, but I knew that I was going to get to the bottom of this, even if it was the last thing I ever did.

Adrenalin was coursing through my system and my entire vision had gone completely red. I couldn’t recall ever being this angry.

I pulled out my cell phone, to call Sheriff Mitchell, when
Charlie Calling
appeared on my screen.

“What?” I answered in a short, clipped tone.

“Are you with Emmy? I just received a call that Corbin Montgomery busted out of jail in Vegas somehow. I don’t know why they waited so fucking long to tell me.” I could tell that he was in his car, the sound of the engine growling coming in through the phone, he was obviously speeding.

Confused at his words, I just focused on Emmalynne and that the bastard Corbin had her. “I’m at Emmalynne’s, but her house is trashed and she’s not here.”

“Stay put, I’m on my way,” then I got dead air.

Still fucking confused, I ran my hands through my hair, pulling on the length. I had got to get her back.

Hearing tires squeal out front, I ran out towards Charlie’s Camaro as he yelled, “get in” through the rolled down window.

No sooner then I settled into the seat, he took off, causing his tires to spin.

“Ok, here is what I know. Corbin admitted to laying low at a house just twenty miles outside of Brown County. We go there first. I think he might actually be stupid enough to go there again,” Charlie said in a calm relaxed tone, as if he did this shit every day. I, on the other hand, was anything but calm and relaxed. I was ready to take Corbin’s fucking head off.

“How the fuck do you know all of this shit?”

“It’s my job to know this shit. I’m undercover FBI. That’s why I was hanging around Emmalynne before Corbin attacked us. He fucking caught me off guard, which is the only reason he succeeded. Emmalynne knows my secret, now so do you. But you keep it to yourself. This fucking Podunk town has grown on me, so I’d like to keep my current position here, and I can’t do that if I’m outted.”

Yeah, Brown County will do that to you
, I thought to myself. “So that’s the only reason why you hung around Emmalynne? It was strictly platonic?” It might cause me immense pain in knowing the answer, but it was something I needed to know.

“If you are asking if I’m into Emmalynne, the answer is yes. She’s amazing, and the most thoughtful and caring woman I’ve ever met.” I felt my anger rise again. “BUT…”
Yeah, there had better be a fucking but
. “She doesn’t feel the same way about me, so we are just friends. She loves you man, and if I were you, I wouldn’t let go of a woman like that,” he added as he shifted gears in his car.

“Not planning on it, but first we have to find her.”

“Do you know how to shoot a Glock twenty-two?”

“I was Special Forces in the Army. I can shoot anything.”

“Get into the glove box and grab my backup. We are almost there.”

We parked down a ways from a lone house. The house was so decrepit that I was surprised that it was still standing, let alone functioning. We each got out of the car, and slowly shut the doors as to not make a sound.

“There is only one entrance to the house, so that gives us an advantage. I’m going to warn you, the conditions in the house leave a lot to be desired.”

I hit the magazine release to check to make sure that the gun was completely loaded. I racked the gun by pulling back the slide to make sure that a round was chambered, and then I was ready.

“Grady, you go in behind me and your first priority is getting Emmalynne out of there. We will go in on my command.”

“Got it.” He didn’t have to tell me twice. I think if I were to go after Corbin that I wouldn’t have the strength to quit before I killed him.          

Sending up a prayer that Emmalynne would be alright, which was something that I was doing a lot these days, I was ready to proceed.

We made our way quickly but quietly to the front door, which looked to be hanging on just barely by a single hinge. Charlie put a finger to his lips then whispered, “One, two, three.” And on three he busted the remainder of the door open with his boot and ran in.

Hearing him yell, “Get the fuck down,” I didn’t even react. I was on a mission to find the love of my life.

Running into the next room, I spotted Emmalynne, tied to a chair. Her back was facing me, and but she was slouched down, with her head hanging limply in front of her.

I approached her cautiously, until shots rang out causing her to jolt in her seat. Thank god she was alive. Crouching down to her level, I put my hand under her chin to lift her head up as I brushed her hair away from her face. “Emmalynne, honey, its Grady. We are going to get you out of here.”

She moaned, while muttering something about her arm. The bastard somehow tied her broken arm behind her back as well, causing I was sure, extreme discomfort.

Slipping the gun into the back of my jeans, I went about untying the knots. I didn’t hear anything from the other room, in which Charlie was fighting with Corbin. Nothing but silence since those two shots were fired. “Charlie, you ok in there?”

“Yeah, I had to put a call into the coroner,” he said as he appeared in the doorway. “I also called in for an ambulance. She looks as if she’s been drugged.”

“Yeah, she’s only said something about her arm and then moaned. The bastard is lucky he’s dead, motherfucker.”

I gathered Emmalynne into my arms to head out in front of the house to await the ambulance. She immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head along my shoulder.

“Shh…baby, it’s ok I’ve got you. We are going to get you to a hospital, it’s all over now.”

My eyes cut to Charlie and he gave me a knowing glance that said that I’d better take care of her because he wouldn’t mind filling my shoes. Jerking my head in his direction, I took her out not even sparing a glance at Corbin Montgomery. Fucker had what was coming to him.




Chapter Forty




I reluctantly opened my eyes and could immediately smell Grady. Hearing his light snoring and heavy breathing, I could tell he was still asleep. I was pressed into his side, his arms wrapped tightly around me, and our legs tangled together. I felt warm, safe, protected in his arms. It felt amazing. It felt right. This was where I belonged. I wouldn’t be able to disengage our bodies even if I wanted to, so I snuggled back down and drifted back to sleep.

I awoke a second time and immediately missed Grady’s presence and warmth. I could smell bacon coming from the kitchen, so at least I knew he was still here.

We didn’t get home from the Emergency Room until three in the morning. I learned that I was injected with Rohypnol also known as the date rape drug, and it was just best to let me sleep it off.  Surprisingly I felt good this morning, not even a headache which the Doctor said could be a high possibility.

I didn’t remember much of what happened last night, being that I was constantly drifting in and out of sleep, but I recalled that Corbin was shot and killed by Charlie, who said it was self-defense.

Neither Grady nor myself saw the exchange between the two so we couldn’t corroborate his story. I think he’d have to go back to his headquarters to debrief or something.

Luckily Corbin didn’t injure me any further than he already had the first time other than injecting the drug into my system. My broken arm was extremely sore due to the position he had it, in order to tie my hands. I was so grateful that Grady and Charlie arrived not too long after we did.

When I opened my door expecting to see Grady, I was in utter disbelief when it ended up being Corbin. He had forced his way into my house, stating that he just wanted to talk. My instincts had kicked in and I shoved him against the mirror that hung on my wall. I also kicked him and he fell into my coffee table. But shortly after he stuck a needle into my neck, from there things were fuzzy.

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