Not Alone (18 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Not Alone
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Wrapping up the current customers purchases and handing her the recycled paper bag, with my signature
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stamp, I said, “Thanks so much, come back and see us,” while smiling my first real smile in weeks. Turning my attention back to Miles, I asked as nonchalantly as I could, “So, uh, he asked about me? Not that I care, you know, but, uh, he did?”
Jiminy Christmas, I really need to tone down my rambling.

“Emmy, you don’t have to play coy with me. I noticed the smile you just gave after I mentioned that he asked about you. That was your first Emmy smile in weeks.” I immediately raised my eyebrows. “Even though the breakup is still fresh, I can see that you obviously still care about him. And it was obvious to me that he still cares about you. But yes, he did ask about where you were, and didn’t want me to interrupt your break since he could see how busy we were. Then he bought, about a hundred and fifty dollars in books, all about bar and restaurant management. Now, I don’t know the entire story, and I don’t want to step on any toes, but he looked so distraught. He asked how your leg was since he knew you’d been on it all day with the sale. That’s why he didn’t want me to interrupt your break. He has my vote,” he ended sheepishly.

Damn me and my need for a quick bite to eat and to rest my leg. And he bought books? And asked how my leg was?
I felt my insides melt towards him just a little bit. Ugh, I couldn’t, he cheated on me.




Chapter Thirty-Two




“I think this was our best sale yet,” I said on a sigh while sitting on one of the couches. My head rested back on the cushion, and my leg was propped up on a decorative table. Looking around the store and taking in the appearance, it was a complete mess, and I loved it. Bookshelves needed straightening and there were gobs of trash and whatnot from all of the heavy foot traffic, but for the amount of people we saw today, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Since Tucker was at his grandparent’s house, I knew I’d be stuck here for a while cleaning up.

“Y’all did an amazing job today, thanks so much!” I said while looking at each person who helped out today, with so much pride in my voice. “I couldn’t have done it without ya, so why don’t you guys go on home and relax.”

“Aren’t you leaving too?” Charlie asked. Luckily his flirting had died down as the day progressed, thank goodness.

“No, I’m going to stay and clean up around here first,” I replied.

“Then I’m staying too. It’s late and you shouldn’t be here all alone.”

“Charlie, I can’t ask you to do that.” I had an alarm system so I knew I was safe. But Corbin was still out there, lurking in the darkness somewhere, and although I hadn’t heard from him in weeks, everyone was taking extra precautions to make sure that I didn’t.

“Emmy, you didn’t ask, I volunteered. Really, it’s no big deal. Brock and Toby are busy, and Mikey is working, so we aren’t rehearsing. I don’t have anything else to do.”

Rose and Miles headed out while Charlie and I got to work. We talked about all sorts of mundane things, such as our favorite movies, and favorite foods, typical things like that. I found that I really enjoyed Charlie’s company but he seemed as if he was on constant alert.

Time flew by and, with what seemed like no time at all, we had the store cleaned and straightened.

Grabbing my purse and locking up, Charlie and I lingered on the stoop of the store. Letting out an exhausting sigh, I said, “I am so ready to go home and take a long, hot bath, and just sleep. Thanks so much for helping out. I’m sure you didn’t wake up saying, ‘Yay, I get to work in a bookstore today.’”

Charlie took a tentative step towards me, lifted his hand to my face and tucked an unruly strand of curly hair behind my ear. He looked me straight in the eyes, and said, “There was absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be.”

I tried swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat, but to no avail. He slid his thumbs along column of my throat, and I was starting to feel a wave of unease. “You know, whenever you smiled today, it lit up the entire room. It was breathtaking, your smile is really infectious,” Charlie continued.

He started leaning into me, as if he was trying to kiss me.

The hairs on my neck stood straight up and my senses seemed to skyrocket to high alert. Something wasn’t right.

Still, he seemed to move in even closer.

“Charlie-“ I started.

As if in slow motion. Charlie was yanked away from me and thrown to the ground, as someone dressed in all black yelled, “Stay the fuck away from her!”

Catching a glimpse of who it was, I saw Corbin wielding something long and round in his hands. A baseball bat or tire iron, if I had to guess. Corbin then lifted it above his head and slammed his weapon down onto Charlie, repeatedly. All while Charlie let out guttural groans in pain.

“Stay away from her you fucking asshole, she’s mine!” Corbin screamed.

My self-defense instincts belatedly kicked in and I ran to Corbin just as he was raising his arms again to deliver another blow. I jumped on his back, taking him by surprise, until he threw me over his shoulder, causing me to plummet to the ground, hitting my head on the concrete curb in the process.

I was feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous. My vision was hazy as the pain radiated through my skull, but was at least conscious for the time being. Taking the opportunity, I tried to locate my phone in my huge ass purse. I vowed to downsize immediately if we got out of this mess. Corbin focused his attention back on me and kicked my purse away, making the entire contents scatter throughout the street. Why wasn’t anyone helping us? Franklin St. was known for being busy, but at the moment it was oddly empty.

Worried about Charlie, who was currently unmoving, I tried to crawl towards him. I didn’t even notice Corbin standing above me until his combat boot pounded down on my arm, resulting in a loud crack.

“You stupid whore!” I was lying on my side, and he took a swift kick at my ribs, causing me to scrunch up in pain.

 “You are mine,”


“First Grady,”


“Now this guy?”

And he kicked me again while I assumed he pointed to Charlie. “You are such a fucking whore! I loved you, and you did this to me? To us?”

Was he for real? Trying to breathe was next to impossible with all of the pain I was in. I tried to move, while faintly hearing someone’s terrified scream, not even realizing that the agonizing sound was coming from me. I saw Corbin’s boot come flying towards me, but there wasn’t anything I could do before it connected with my face.

Curling up in a painful ball, expecting another blow that didn’t come, I heard the fuzzy signs of skin connecting against skin, bones crushing and grunting. Somewhere along the way I had lost my glasses, but even if I had them, I wouldn’t be able to see, as there was something warm and wet running down my face and into my eyes.

I was trying my best to stay awake, but sleep was sounding better as time went on. I had no energy and the overwhelming fatigue was taking over my body. I faintly heard feet pounding on pavement, as someone was rushing up to my side. Putting a hand to my throat, I heard Charlie say, “Emmy, stay with me babe. I’m calling for help right now, just stay with me... Yeah, this is Agent Hennings with the FBI. I need a medical assist outside of
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bookstore on Franklin. White female, Emmalynne Morgan, has been severely beaten…uh huh, yah, the suspect has been detained.”

Everything would be ok now. I started to relax, tired of fighting against the exhaustion that was claiming me. I must be hearing things though, because I swore I just heard Charlie say he was an FBI agent. Hmm, I wondered if being beaten could cause hallucinations.

Right as I began to blackout, I thought of the two people whom I loved the most: Tucker and Grady. Then the darkness claimed me.




Chapter Thirty-Three




Amazing doesn’t even begin to describe my day. I was on such a high that nothing or no one could bring me down, not even Grady.

I felt horrible for not being able to help Em with her book sale. I knew how crazy that place got on sale day, but Brock and I had something extremely important to take care of.

Today, my husband and I found out that we were nine weeks pregnant with our first child.

We had originally thought I was, because of the numerous positive pregnancy tests that we bought from the drugstore, but today the Doctor confirmed it.

Seeing our baby that we created out of love, on the monitor as my ultrasound was taking place, was the most amazing thing in the world. Hearing our little peanut’s heartbeat made me deliriously overjoyed.

I was going to be a mom and I couldn’t wait to tell Emmy. I now understood how she could go from calm to momma bear in two point five seconds, as I was already feeling so protective over my little one.

I had to work tonight, but that didn’t diminish my mood. I made sure to stay clear from Grady. He didn’t deserve my attention anyways.

He had tried talking to me several times, just to see how Em and Tuck were doing. Things just didn’t add up. Why was he acting so heartbroken when he was the one who fucked up and fucked around?

Wiping down the counter after some drunk sloshed his drink around, I heard a nasally voice, “Um, can I talk to you?”

Looking up it was none other than the Brunette Bitch. 
You’ve got to be shitting me, oh hell no.

“What the hell do you want?” I spat out.

“I just need to explain a few things to you.”

“You’ve got two minutes. Walk over to that empty table,” I said while pointing at the table to I was referring to, “and have a seat, I’ll be there in a sec.”

Stupid bitch wasn’t going to ruin my mood. I stormed over to Grady. “Your girlfriend is here and she wants to talk to me. I told her she’s got two minutes before I throw her out on her ass, so take over the bar for me.”

“Tess, I’ll handle Becca.”

“Nope, no way, she, along with you, hurt my best friend, I’m going to hear whatever the hell she has to say so she will get the fuck outta my town.” Whipping my hair over my shoulder, and stomping somewhat dramatically, I made my way to Becca. God, even her name made her sound like a bitch.

Approaching her, she seemed to be fiddling with the edge of her shirt. I sat across from her. “Time starts now, so say your peace and get the fuck out of here,” I hissed.

“It wasn’t Grady’s fault, he didn’t do anything wrong. I was the one who initiated the hug, he didn’t want to. I was trying to manipulate him, and then I saw Emmalynne over his shoulder and kissed Grady. He didn’t...he didn’t kiss me back.” I honestly couldn’t believe my ears. “He tried telling me that he loved her, and I just, I couldn’t deal with it. He had never looked at another woman the way he does Emmalynne, especially me. I was jealous and I’m sorry.”

My eyes were bulging out of my head. Of all the things I expected her to say, that wasn’t one of them. So Grady was trying to tell us the truth, but with Emmy’s hurt, no one had bothered to even listen to him. All this pain and hurt was unwarranted. I felt like such a shit. Damn, there went my fucking mood.

“You mean to tell me that you made my friend, my very best friend, go through all of that pain over nothing?” My voice was escalating and my anger needed to be reined in.

“I’m sorry.” She looked towards the ground while standing. “That’s all I wanted to say. I have a flight to catch, so I’ll be leaving Brown County as soon as possible.” And she turned towards the door and all but ran out.

Slumping over the table while putting my head in my hands, I just sighed. I was going to have to apologize to Grady, and then figure out how to get them back together. Clearly they were miserable without one another.
What a fucking mess

I moseyed my way to the office where Mac was and waltzed in. “Mac, could you possibly cover the bar and send Grady in here for a second, I need to talk to him?” It pained me to be wrong, but I had to correct that.

“Is everything alright, Tess?” he looked at me cautiously. He was the only other person besides Brock who knew I was pregnant. I told him first thing, because I may end up needing to cut my hours back.

“No, but things will be once I talk to Grady.”

“Okay, give him a minute,” he replied while squeezing my shoulder on the way out the door.

I took a seat in one of the chairs, and waited for Grady.

My wait didn’t last long as Grady came through the doors. “Close the door Grady,” I said, then took a deep breath. “I need to apologize to you. Becca came in and said her piece, which included that she manipulated you, and you, being the nice guy that you are, took the fall for it.”

“Tess, I’ve been trying to tell everyone that I didn’t kiss her, but honestly I would’ve done the same thing if I saw Emmalynne in that situation.” He sat down and clasped his hands together while his elbows were perched on his knees.

“I’m so sorry, Grady. I’ll talk to Emmy-“

“No, this needs to come from me. She needs to know that I would never do her wrong. I love her, and she told me long before that she loved me as well. I was just too damn stubborn to admit it back to her. And dammit, my actions are going to speak louder than words.”

“Ok, but if I don’t explain to her that you didn’t cheat, she may not listen to you,” I said with definite worry in my voice. This had gone on long enough, these two should be together.

“I’ll get her to listen to me, one way or another, but thanks for your apology, it means a lot to me.” Unclasping his hands, he rubbed them up and down his jeans, before standing.” I love her so much. I’ve been lost without her these past few weeks. It’s so hard to explain, but it was as if I hadn’t been living before I met Emmalynne. She opened my eyes to the world.” And with his parting words he left the office.

The next few hours flew by. My mood had brightened since there wasn’t any remaining tension between Grady and myself anymore. Someone had just put on my jam through the speakers of the bar, so I was dancing around while filling drink orders. Even Grady had a little head bob action going on.

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