Not Alone (7 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Not Alone
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Sometimes when you met someone you just knew that they were
one. I would bet all the riches in the world that she was my one.

I grabbed the blanket she had spread out on the back of her recliner and laid it over her resting body. Sweeping my hand over her hair, I planted a light kiss on her forehead. “Sleep well, sweet Emmalynne.”

I made sure her house was locked up, turned off the light and settled into her recliner for what was going to be a long night of watching Emmalynne sleep, but I wouldn’t have changed it for anything.




Chapter Ten




Goodness gracious
, I thought to myself, did I leave the blinds open in my room? Slowly opening my eyes, I took in my surroundings. I was in my living room, on my couch.
How did I get here?
Then it all came rushing back to me: playing at
last night, Corbin attacking me, me getting drunk, me talking about sex to Grady, me trying to kiss Grady.


Kill. Me. Now.

Sitting up, apparently way too fast, I put my hand to my head. “Whoa, holy headache batman,” I moaned aloud.

Stretching out, I tried to stand up but found it more difficult than usual. My left leg was throbbing profusely. Trying to think back, I couldn’t recall doing anything to hurt it. I walked into the kitchen to switch on my coffee maker. Making coffee and getting Tylenol were definitely at the top of my list of things to do at the moment. After that I’d be calling Toby and Tessa for reinforcements.

On my counter I noticed a glass of water, three Tylenol, and a note:



Take these when you get up. Your van is in the driveway. I had Uncle Mac bring it by early this morning. I have things to do around the bar since I’ll be off tonight. Be ready at 5 and I’ll pick you up here. We will go visit Sheriff Mitchell before our date tonight.



He slept at my house last night? I was surprised we were still on for tonight, since he totally blew off my kiss.
Geez what a joke I am
. He probably was just keeping it to be nice.

Finding my purse on the floor by the couch, I dug through it to try and find my cell phone. After I called Bryce’s parents to see how Tucker was doing I called Tessa.

“Hey girlie,” she said just a little too chipper.

“Um, how in the world are you among the living?” I asked. “You drank more than me last night and I was more than a little drunk.”

“Girl, I work in a bar, in case you’ve forgotten. I know how to hold my liquor,” she replied. “So spill. How did things go with Grady once y’all left?”

“Well, at least I didn’t puke. That’s about the only positive to last night. But apparently I still have a date tonight, and I haven’t gone on a date since my junior year of high school, and I don’t know what to do or wear or…”

Tessa cut me off. “I’ll call Toby and we’ll be there in an hour.” Then she abruptly hung up leaving me with dead air.

Since it was only eleven, I decided to eat some toast before I took a shower. Once I finished eating, I took my time standing underneath the hot steamy spray, hopefully to ease some of the tension from last night.

Why would Corbin attack me? Sure I turned him down, but it wasn’t like I was a bitch to him, that’s just not me. Obviously he has some issues and is in dire need of help.
I didn’t even know if he was arrested, how was that for observation? Daughter of the ex-Sheriff and I didn’t even know if the man who attacked me had been arrested. Well, if not than I was definitely going to press charges.

I didn’t even want to think about Grady right now. I knew the only solutions I would come up with to explain why he dodged my kiss would be negative, so I’d just sort that out with Toby and Tessa.

Getting out the shower, I wrapped my towel around my body and moved towards the mirror. While swiping my hand over the mirror, trying to clear off some of the condensation caused by my steamy shower, I noticed a mark on my arm. Looking fully in the mirror, I saw marks on each of my upper arms, marks in the shape of fingers. Fingers that dug into my skin. Fingers that belonged to Corbin. I hated him even more in that moment.

After getting dressed in a pair of plain jeans and a t-shirt that said
I like big books and I cannot lie
, I headed into the kitchen to bake. Baking was my stress reliever. Some people exercised, I baked. While gathering ingredients to make an apple pie, my phone rang, and looking at the screen, I saw that it was my dad.

“Hi, Daddy,” I answered “How are you?”

“What’s this I hear about you getting roughed up at
last night?”

The thing about living in a small town, not even to mention being the daughter of the Ex-Sheriff, everyone knew everyone else’s business. You couldn’t pick up a pregnancy test at the corner drugstore without the whole town knowing within the hour. That was just how it was in Brown County. Normally I loved it, but in this situation it was debatable.

“Yes, daddy. The base player for the band attacked me. I think he was upset with me since I turned him down for a date last week. I didn’t do anything to provoke it. I’ll be heading to the station early this evening to press charges and to give Sheriff Mitchell my statement,” I informed him.

“Emmalynne, did you at least try and fight him off?”

Coming to the realization that I didn’t, I knew that answer wouldn’t bode well with my father. He had made it his mission in life to teach me several different self-defense moves, and I was even an excellent shot.

“Well, your silence says it all. Emmy, I’m glad to hear you are alright, but you should’ve punched the motherfucker, or at least kneed him in the balls. If anything would’ve happened to you…” I heard the hitch in his voice.

“I’m okay, daddy,” I tried reassuring him. “It didn’t even occur to me that my fight or flight instinct hadn’t kicked in. I was just so terrified.”

“I know, baby doll. But just the thought of it kills me. We lost your mom when you were so young and then I almost lost you five years ago. I just don’t know what I would do. You and Tucker are all I have left.” His soft, breathy tone brought tears to my eyes.

Trying to fight them from falling I continued reassuringly, “I know daddy. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” Wanting to lighten the mood I went on to say, “I have a date tonight!” Trying to sound upbeat, not knowing whether this date was still a good thing since I had made a major fool of myself.

“I heard. It’s with Mac Finnegan’s nephew, right? Heard he’s a pretty good boy. Army Veteran.”

Oh wow. I didn’t even know that. That just goes to show how little I knew about Grady Finnegan, and there I went and tried to kiss him. Stupid. Stupid.

“Well, daddy I’m getting ready to bake an apple pie and I need to call and check on the store before Toby and Tessa come over. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye daddy.”

“Bye, pumpkin.”

My dad had always called me pumpkin. I loved his little words of endearment, it made me feel special, I guess. My mother had always called me Emmy-Lou, since my middle name was Louise, after her mother. I missed her calling me that. I missed her, period.

Calling Rose at the store, I found out that everything was great. She, of course, was worried about me after she heard what had happened last night. I assured her that I was indeed fine and I told her that I would see her in the morning.

Halfway through peeling and coring the six medium apples I needed for my pie, I heard the front door open. Toby and Tessa were here often enough they each had a key to get in.

Rounding the corner Toby’s eyes zeroed in on me and he came at me with outstretched arms. Squeezing my arms just a little too hard, I winced slightly. He jerked back and looked at my arms, realizing what I was wincing at.

“I’m going to kick his ass!” he growled, anger flashing through his eyes. Toby was utterly flamboyant but he could still kick ass. He had threatened many a time to kick Bryce’s ass for the way he had treated and spoken to me.

“Get in line! I want a crack at that douche canoe first!” Tessa shrieked. That girl’s voice needed to go down a few octaves. It was always so high pitched, whether she was excited or pissed. In this case, it was the latter.




Chapter Eleven




“I want to know what happened last night with Mr. Hottie McHottness?” Toby asked while putting his elbows on the counter and cradling his chin in his hands.

Ignoring him, I measured out the nutmeg and cinnamon for my pie.

“Uh uh little missy. SPILL YOUR GUTS!” he shrieked.

“Okay okay. Sheesh, what is with all the shriekage today?!? Could you tone it down a notch or twelve” I said while rolling my eyes. And spilled my guts I did. I told them about how I told Grady all about my sex life, or lack thereof. And then I explained to them how I put myself out there and tried to kiss him and had failed miserably.

“So I don’t know why he asked me on a date or even why this date is still on. He obviously doesn’t like me,” I stated.

“Are you kidding me!” Tessa, shrieked yet again. “That man jumped over the counter of the bar and, shoved through numerous people, just to pull that jack nugget off of you, and you think he doesn’t like you?! Gosh, Emmalynne, would you wake the hell up!! You are a beautiful woman, not only inside, but on the outside as well. You are as sweet as can be but apparently extremely obtuse! Of course he likes you, you dummy!” she added.

“Tessa is right, dear. Do you think he would’ve done that for just anyone? Well, maybe he would have, after all he used to be in the Special Forces so I’d think he’d help out an innocent bystander. But darling, you didn’t see the murderous look on his face one minute and then, when he looked at you, it turned gentle and caring in an instant. That boy likes you. Embrace it. You need to keep an open mind tonight, think positive, and I will make you look fabulous!” Toby explained with all sincerity.

“That doesn’t explain why he blew me off when I tried to kiss him!” I was beginning to get misty-eyed. I really wished I had Toby or Tessa’s confidence sometimes.

“Did you ever think that he didn’t want to kiss you because you were drunk? He’s a nice guy and I’m sure he didn’t want you to think he was trying to take advantage of you.” Tessa replied.

“Perhaps you’re right,” I said on a sigh. Putting the finishing touches on the top crust of the pie, I placed it in the oven and set the timer.

“I’m going to raid your closet now while Tessa starts styling your hair. Don’t you worry about a thing, we will have you all gussied up for your date in no time,” Toby muttered as he bounced into my room.

Toby was in his element. He was the go to person for all things fashion. Even though he dressed rather…unique, he could put together a rockin’ outfit on the fly. And by unique, I mean just that. Today he was dressed in electric blue skinny jeans, a black sequined shirt, silver belt, and had topped it all off with black leather studded boots. It was not something I would’ve ever chosen for myself, but on him it worked.

After having to take a quick break to take the pie out of the oven, and setting it on the counter to cool, they fussed over my outfit, hair, and makeup until I was finally done.

We fought about me wearing my contacts tonight and I drew the line there. Normally I would’ve let them have their way, but I needed some semblance of comfort tonight. And my glasses were the ticket.

They walked me in front of my full length mirror to show me the final result. I was dressed in a pair of nice, dark washed slimming jeans, a pale yellow camisole, and a gray, short-sleeved cardigan. My shoes were pale yellow ballet flats, and of course I had my mother’s necklace on. My hair had a little more volume to it, due to the mousse Tessa put in it, and my eyes were smoky with a thick coat of mascara. I had never seen my eyes stand out more.

To say I was shocked was a serious understatement. I looked…pretty. “You guys…” I said while tears welled up in my eyes.

“Stop! Don’t you dare cry, your mascara will run,” Tessa scolded. “Now, put some lip gloss on and let’s talk about this purse.

“What’s wrong with my purse?”

“What’s wrong is that it is ginormous and you don’t need to bring it on your date!” Tessa added, “I have just the purse you need.”

She passed me her beloved gray Coach clutch. The one she had had her eye on and had begged Brock over a month for.

“Are you sure I can borrow it?”

“Of course! Just promise me you will keep an open mind and, above all else, have fun! You deserve it girl.” Tessa gave me a small hug before they started moving out of my bedroom.

I thanked them as I walked them to the door, then locked it behind them after promising to text the minute I got home from my date.




Chapter Twelve




Since it was only four thirty, I called Tucker to pass the time before Grady got here.

“Hey Tuck, how are you sweetie?” I asked.

“Hey mom, I’m good! Gramps and I were getting ready to go shoot some hoops outside,” he replied.

“That sounds like fun! I hope you are having a good time at Nana and Gramps’ house, and you’d better be behaving yourself.”

“I’m having a great time. A boy my age just moved in across the street so I’ve been playing with him a lot today. His name is Drew and Nana said he could stay the night with me tonight. What are you going to do tonight?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just going out with a friend, then, probably coming home and watching a movie.” I wanted to see if this thing between Grady and I progressed before involving my son, so I didn’t mention that it was a date. “Well, you have fun with your new friend and I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick you up. I love and miss you so much!”

“Love and miss you too mom, bye!” And with his parting words, he hung up.

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