Not Alone (2 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Not Alone
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Unlocking the door, I smiled to myself. My heart swells with pride whenever I thought of my store.
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bookstore was my baby- that was, next to Tucker. Smirking, Tucker would give me his
seriously mom
glare if he knew I was referring to him as my baby. But to me, he would always be my baby. 

I went about setting up my bakery items for the day, including chocolate cranberry muffins, one of my specialties. My two favorite hobbies included reading and baking, so of course I would incorporate the two, somehow. I would love to put in a coffee bar, but for now, I’m pretty satisfied with my display case showcasing my delicious confections.

Putting away the stacks of new inventory, I heard the wonderful sound of the over-the-door-bell jingle. My first customer of the day, then I heard said person whistling away and immediately, I knew who it was.

“Good morning, Toby. And what has got you in such a good mood?”

“My sweet, sweet Emmalynne, it’s not what rather than WHO?! Yours truly is in love! Love I tell ya! Seriously, Em, I have met the most amazing creature.”

Giggling at my brother-in-laws over the top theatrics, “Oh, do tell me all about this amazing creature.”

“He is the new manager at Finnegan’s. Mac is his uncle and he just moved here to help out since Mac is planning on retiring soon. And he is one fine piece of man candy,” Toby gushed as his eyes lit up while explaining about his new man crush. He sighed. “Too bad he is straight… So, what has my favorite sister-in-law baked for me today?” he asked while glancing at my counter height, curved glass, bakery issued display case. He isn’t one for books, but he stopped by every day to get his sugar fix, it was a wonder that he doesn’t weigh a ton.

Walking behind the counter, I pulled out a muffin and plopped it down on a plate. “Oh Toby, you are so full of it, I am your only sister-in-law! And today it’s my chocolate cranberry muffins.”

Toby stood at six foot one and had jet black hair, in which he used more product in than both Tess, my other BFF, and I combined. Toby knew his fashion. If I ever were to need fashion advice, Toby would be my first stop, but normally that didn’t happen, because I’m fine in my jeans and t-shirts. Toby Morgan was Bryce’s brother. Bryce never approved of Toby’s sexual orientation, so they were estranged, and he forbade me to talk to him. That didn’t stop me from sneaking in calls to Toby a few times each week. Now, not even a few days went by without us seeing each other. He had come to be one of my closest friends.

Speaking of best friends, my main partner in crime came barreling in the door.

“Morning chicas! Oh, muffins, gimme!!”

Geez, you’d think I was dealing with a bunch of five year olds. But Tessa Monroe had been there through everything with me, my mother passing, the birth of Tuck, and the accident. She was and would always be my rock, my homegirl, my girlie, my….oh, well, you get it.

“Morning, Tess” I exclaimed as I handed her over a muffin.

Taking a huge bite Tessa moaned, “OH. MY. GOD! These muffins are sinfully amazing! Emmers, Betty Crocker ain’t got shit on you!”

And that was Tess, bold, beautiful, and extremely boisterous.  Tess was at least three inches taller than me, had beautiful long blonde hair, eyes like the sea, and had the perfect body! She was nothing like me, her being a standard size four and me barely being able to squeeze into a twelve, on a good day.

“Em you totally should see this new manager working at Finnegan’s with me, he is MEGA HOT!!”

“Tessa, Toby was just filling me in on Mr. Hottness right before you came rushing in. And anyways, what would Brock think of this admission?”

Brock was Tessa’s wonderful husband. He looked at Tess like the sun rises and sets with her, like she was something so special. What I wouldn’t give to have someone look at me like that. Bryce used to; back before he turned into a world class asshole, pardon my French. But that’s what dreams were for. I was not looking for love right now; Tucker, my store, and baking are enough….for the moment. I wouldn’t even know how to fall in love again. Who would want someone so overweight and broken, not just my heart, but a mangled leg as well?

Hearing the ringtone of Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies”, Toby looked down at his phone with a frown while he excused himself to take the call. I rolled my eyes. Of course Toby’s ringtone would be something from his favorite Diva.

Avoiding the talk of Mr. Hottness, Tessa plopped herself on my counter while stuffing her face with her muffin. “So, how was getting Tucker off to his first day of fourth grade?” Tessa asked with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

She loved Tucker almost as much as I did. She was mostly there for all of his firsts, except when Bryce tried to keep me away from her. He was exceptionally good at playing the controlling husband. I was a fool for not noticing it sooner, but I had loved him, so I let it blind me. Now nothing would keep her away from my son. They had a special bond, and he absolutely loved her husband, Brock.

“It was good, and sad, but he was glad to see some of his friends. He is ready to start his soccer season soon, and now he is even talking about wanting to take Karate lessons. I tell you, I can’t keep up with this child of mine.”

“Uh, girlies, we have a problem,” Toby announced, panic in his voice. That was never good. “Mikey sprained his wrist fixing a car and he won’t be able to play for two weeks! We have a set to play this Friday and next Friday at
, so this is a huge opportunity for us, we can’t skip out.” At this point Toby was freaking out, sounding like a wound up Chihuahua.

Toby Tessa’s husband Brock, Mikey, and Corbin were all part of
The Nation’s Capital
, a punk rock band trying to make it big in the Georgia area. Playing at a small town bar like
didn’t seem like a big deal, but Mac Finnegan had been known to make things happen for small bands. Mikey was the drummer in the band, hence needing his hand in order to play.

Nonchalantly turning around to grab another stack of books to put away, I asked over my shoulder, “So what is the plan? What are y’all going to do?”  Knowing deep in my gut just exactly what they were going to suggest.

“Emmalynne, my favorite sister-in-law….”

“Toby -cut the crap with the,
my favorite sister-in-law
just come on out and ask,” I snapped but while wearing a smile.

I had been a pretty kick ass drummer back in high school, my confidence has never been diminished on my drumming capabilities, and up until Tucker was two, I played every chance I got. I bet you can guess why that all stopped….Bryce. Then after the accident, I had to endure numerous surgeries to repair my shattered knee, so to say it’s been awhile since I’ve played would be a serious understatement. On a positive note, it was my left leg that was left shattered, so it doesn’t hinder my ability to use the bass drum pedal.

 “Emmy, please play for us, you know how big of a deal this is for us. We don’t know of anyone else who can play as good as you. So, really, it is up to you.” Toby really was laying it on thick. Way to play up the guilt trip, bud!

“You know it’s been YEARS since I’ve picked up my drum sticks, I’ll have to practice this week.”

“So, you mean you’ll do it?” Toby fluttered his long lashes at me. He knows I’m a sucker for those darn lashes. It really was unfair that his were so beautiful!

“When have I ever been able to say no to you? You know I can’t let the band down. Of course I’ll do it. But you owe me BIG!” Sighing, I began to think that this was looking to be a long week!




Chapter Two




“Now son, Friday nights are always our biggest money makers. I know this town doesn’t look like much, but we draw a crowd from several different counties.” Uncle Mac was explaining the procedures to me like I had never worked in a bar before.

“Uncle Mac, granted it’s been a few years since I’ve served, I think I’ll be ok. Besides, I’ll have Tessa to help me tonight.”

“What about me?” Tessa said as she came sauntering up behind the bar while tying her waist apron behind her back.

“Uncle Mac was just telling me about preparations and what not for tonight’s crowd and I think I’ll be ok, but I know you will be here to get my six.”

Pulling out a tin of what looked to be homemade brownies; Tessa offered one to me and Uncle Mac. “As long as six means your back, then of course Grady, tonight will be a great night! My husband’s band is playing in just a little bit and my bestie baked us her wonderful Brownies. Seriously, they are THAT good!” Pride shone in Tessa’s eyes while she boasted about her friend.

Taking a bite of said brownie, I groaned inwardly. I hadn’t had something that tasted this good, in well, EVER! “HOLY FUCK!”

“That Emmy Morgan is sweet as pie and she sure does know her way around a kitchen. She makes some of the tastiest desserts. Bakes them and brings them to her store to sell each day. You never know what she will bring in, but you are guaranteed to get something amazing.” Uncle Mac tossed back over his shoulder as he headed towards his office.

Just then three guys come out on stage to set up for tonight’s show, one of which I’m assuming was Tessa’s husband. “So, this band of your husband’s, are they any good?”

“Does a Zebra have stripes? Duh, of course they are good!
The Nation’s Capital
is absolutely kick ass! Just you wait and see.” That Tessa, she seemed pretty quirky, I mean who said shit like that? Do zebras have stripes? I decided that I liked her.

Moving here from Fort Drum, New York has been a major shock to my system. Being ex-military I was used to the hustle and bustle of Army life. I figured I would be Army for the long-haul; life has a funny way of throwing you off track though. If being injured in the line of fire on a mission wasn’t a blow enough to my ego, pun intended, even though I was shot in the arm, having my so called girl send me a Dear John letter while recovering in the hospital in Germany, topped it all off. Stupid bitch said she couldn’t be with a broken man, so she found herself a new one. Fuck her. She wasn’t worth much of my time anyways. Sure she gave amazing head, but Military Hoochies were a dime a dozen.

So the day when good old Uncle Mac called me up to see if I wanted to buy into his bar, since he was retiring, couldn’t have come at a better time. It was a great opportunity, and I had several ideas to make this a better establishment. Hopefully, moving to this small Podunk town would be a good decision.

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I helped the next customer at the bar. About that time the band started playing. Taking the time to listen to them in between serving up drinks, they actually weren’t half bad. Finally glancing up towards the stage, my heart stopped dead in my chest.

Perched up on a stool, sitting behind a hot pink drum set, was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen! She was definitely into the song, playing to her hearts content. Her eyes were hidden behind plastic framed glasses, so I couldn’t tell you the color from this far away, but I could tell that they were beautiful. She looked to be all curves, and man, did I love me some curves. Her curly auburn hair was whipping along as she bobbed her head to the beat of the music. She was in her element. Just then, she looked over my way and smiled, and lord that smile could brighten a room. My jeans suddenly felt too tight. I needed to find out who this beauty was. Adjusting myself, I reluctantly pulled my gaze away and went back to work.

“So, Tessa who is everyone in the band?” I blurted, trying to find out the starry eyed drummers name.

“Well, the lead singer is Toby, then we have Corbin on the bass guitar, he’s new, and my hubs, Brock is the other guitar player. Mikey here,” pointing to a guy nursing a beer with a brace on his wrist, “is the normal drummer, but the dumbass sprained it while working on a car, so Emmy is filling in.”

“She the one who made the brownies?” I asked with my brows raised.

“Yup the one and only, she is absolutely amazing and my bestest friend in the world. She’s had a rough life, but she is the shit.”

Rough life, I wondered what exactly that meant.




“Hey Tess! So, what did you think? And what about Emmy?” the lead singer was at the bar, Toby I think his name was.

“Oh Toby, y’all absolutely killed it, and Emmy was amazing, as always, I just wish she’d realize that!”

Turning to me, Toby stuck out his hand to introduce himself, “Toby Morgan, and you are Mac’s nephew right?”

Taking Toby’s outstretched hand, “Grady Finnegan, and yes sir, Mac is my uncle. He asked me to take over the bar once he retired, so here I am.”

Toby seemed to be sizing me up, as his gaze traveled up and down my body, “Well, welcome to Brown County, I’m sure you will enjoy living here.”

As long as I could meet Emmy, I would enjoy living here alright. Wait a minute, didn’t Uncle Mac say that Emmy’s last name was Morgan? Perhaps Toby was her brother? Surely he wasn’t her husband, he seemed a little too….flamboyant.

“Em get your ass over here, I’ve got a beer with your name on it!” Tess yelled from behind the bar.

I looked up straight into the eyes of Emmy Morgan, she was coming this way, and she was breathtaking. Fuck me. She was even more beautiful up close. I noticed her walking with a limp, but that didn’t distract me from her beauty. Being ex-Military and broken myself, I knew things could happen. Absently, feeling the dull ache in my shoulder from where I was shot, it was a reminder that I was still alive.

“Tess, I really can’t stay. I need to get home to Tucker.” Emmy blushed while looking right at me. “Hello, you must be Mac’s nephew, I’m Emmalynne Morgan, but please call me Emmy.”

Sweet god almighty, that voice. Her voice was sultry and sexy, just like her. There went the tightness in my jeans again, this beauty certainly invokes a raging hard on.


Up close I can see her eyes more clearly, and even encased in those funky glasses, they are beautiful. They were the richest shade of brown, they remind me of chocolate, which was fitting since apparently she was an amazing baker. Pulling myself from my thoughts, I realized I’d been staring at her. Clearing my throat I muttered, “Grady Finnegan, and I must say Emmalynne that you’re one amazing baker.” I winked at her before moving down the bar to wipe off the counter. I needed to think of something else so I could get out of this constant state of arousal.

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