Not Alone (6 page)

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Authors: Amber Nation

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Not Alone
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Toby, Brock, and Mikey ended up joining us after a few songs and we were all enjoying dancing around, not having a care in the world. At this point, I was feeling pretty tipsy because I was a serious lightweight, but my knee was bothering me. Wanting to take a break, I leaned in to holler in Tess’s ear. “Hey! I’m going to go use the restroom and then sit down for a bit!!”

“Ok, you want me to go with?!” she asked.

“No, you keep enjoying dancing with your man. I’ll be fine!”

I took one last glance towards the bar where Grady was and then to the dance floor, just in time to see Derek dip Tessa. Chuckling, I headed into the bathroom. As I finished up and washed my hands, I looked in the mirror to see my face was beet red and sweat glistened around the edges of my hairline. I looked exhausted, which was pretty spot on. I made my way out of the bathroom doors and I stumbled right into the arms of……Corbin. I had to quit running into people like this.

“Hey Corbin, sorry about that,” I said coolly. Both of his hands were grabbing my arms and instead of releasing me, they tightened. “Ow! Corbin, what are you doing?” I said looking down to where his fingers were digging into my flesh.

“What am I doing? The question is what are you doing? I saw you at the bar flirting with the bartender and then shaking your ass out on the dance floor,” he growled through clenched teeth.

 I didn’t know why he was so pissed off. “Yes Corbin, I was having fun, and you are seriously hurting me. Let go!” I was starting to panic, intense fear was setting in. He wasn’t loosening his grip on my arms, if anything they were getting tighter. I frantically looked around, and saw no one within yelling distance. I had no clue how to diffuse the situation. I was just going to have to endure whatever Corbin was pissed about and pray to god that someone found me.

“You are mine! Do you hear me?!? Mine, goddamn it! I don’t like seeing what is mine out there whoring herself around!” He was at the point of severely shaking my body back and forth like a ragdoll, while screaming in my face. I finally took a chance to look toward his face. His eyes were fierce and the expression he wore made me scared for my life. “I sent you two bouquets of roses this week and I don’t even get a thank you?”

“The..the..the flowers were from you?” I said while tears were welling up in my eyes.

“Of course they were, whore, who did you think they were from? The bartender?” he threw his head back as he laughed maniacally.

Tears were steadily streaming down my face by that point and, if it was at all possible, the air seemed to grow even thicker. Then all of a sudden, Corbin was harshly jerked away from me. Grady jerked Corbin by his arms and slammed him up against a wall, pressing his forearm to the base of Corbin’s throat. He leaned close and barked out, “What the fuck is wrong with you? You NEVER put your hands on a woman!”

Corbin’s face was turning crimson, as I realized the air was being forced out of him. Grady was quickly losing control and my feet were rooted to the floor. I was so shocked by the whole ordeal that I couldn’t move and I couldn’t speak.

Grady continued to growl at Corbin, but his voice was so low and sinister, I couldn’t understand what was coming out of his mouth. Tessa appeared and pulled me into a hug while Brock and Mikey rushed to pull the men apart. Finally, Tim and Mark, the Security guys hired to help out on Friday and Saturday nights, came over to escort Corbin off of the property. Everything wrapped up in a blur and I expelled the breath I was apparently holding.

Grady turned in my direction and his eyes were murderous. Then he blinked and they appeared to soften towards me. He took a calming breath as he approached me, “Emmalynne…” He started to say something then apparently thought better of it while he swiped his thumb across my jaw in an intimate gesture.

“I’m fine,” I lie.

Honestly, I was anything but fine. My buzz had been quickly diminished as soon as Corbin grabbed my arms. I was definitely in need of more reinforcements, especially in the form of alcohol, than I needed to sleep for about a week. Corbin verbally and physically assaulted me. Was I supposed to be ok?

“He has been thrown out and banned from the bar,” Tim, the muscular security guy, stated. His arm muscles bulged out of his shirt. He was so muscular it was almost frightening. I certainly never wanted to cross him.

“I think we need to be looking for a new bass player. He’s lucky I didn’t find him, stupid fuck,” Brock breathed. “I knew we shouldn’t have hired him; there was just something fucking creepy about him, but he is one hell of a bassist, so I overlooked it. I’m so sorry this happened Emmy.”

Well, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought he earned a creepy status, and now, rightfully so.




Chapter Nine




I could have killed that stupid fucker. It was pure fucking luck that I looked down the hallway for Emmalynne at that exact moment.

Once I took in the scene before me, I lost it. My control flew right out the window. My vision clouded and red splotches appeared before my eyes, so I jumped over the counter to the bar and charged after that rat bastard.

No man should put his hands on a woman in an act of violence.



I saw my dad do it to my mom many a time, until I grew up, lost control, and kicked his ass. I haven’t seen, or heard, from him since. My mother now lived in Michigan, happily married to Peter, husband number two. She deserved the best, and I mentally made a note to call and try to talk her into coming down for a visit.

But no one puts their hands on my woman. Emmalynne may not know it yet but she was mine. The possessive and protective feeling was very new to me. I’d never had a possessive instinct towards a woman, much less one that I hardly knew.

The Sheriff was called and I had not yet met him personally, but he seemed to know just about everyone in the bar. Brown County was on the smaller side, especially compared to many of the places I had been to throughout New York. I thought I would really enjoy living in a town where everyone knew everyone.

Sheriff Mitchell agreed to take Emmalynne’s statement tomorrow, or rather later today since it was well past midnight, since she ended up drinking even more after her ordeal.

Tessa kept shoving shots her direction and she just kept throwing them back. Finally, I had to intervene and cut her off, and the little spitfire wasn’t the least bit happy.

“I promise I’m not that drunk. Besides, I just got attacked so I think a little or a lotta alcohol isn’t a problem in this situation.” She was, of course, talking very animatedly with her hands, waving them around. “See I can stand-.” She tried standing up from the bench at the bar. She failed. Leaning over the edge of the bar I saw her just sitting there on the floor without a care in the world. She was definitely drunk. “I’m just going to stay down here!” she murmured with a hiccup.

Since it was nearing closing time, I let Toby, Brock, and Tessa know that I was taking Emmalynne home personally. With the tone I used, they didn’t put up a fight, which was for the best because in the end, I would’ve won.

I made Tessa write down Emmalynne’s address and informed Uncle Mac that he was on his own.

Getting Emmalynne into my truck proved to be no easy task. I scooped her up off the floor while Toby held the front door to the bar open for us. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck and nestled her head onto my shoulder, and it just felt right. I got her settled into the cab of my truck and reached around her to buckle her seatbelt. I felt her tense and heard her sharp inhalation of breath. She was nervous around me, that I could tell when she bolted earlier, after asking me about the roses.

Come to find out it was Corbin who had sent them. I overheard her tell Sheriff Mitchell, before he left, that he had asked her out last Friday and she turned him down. I didn’t know what was running through his mind earlier this evening but I was making it my business to keep Emmalynne safe.

Following the directions that Tessa wrote for me, I heard Emmalynne let out a big sigh. “Emmalynne, you ok over there?”

“No, Grady I’m not ok. I haven’t had sex in years. Did you hear me? YEARS! My husband was killed over five years ago and before that we hadn’t had sex in almost sixteen months. And now when a man is attracted to me, he turns out to be some psycho. Granted, I didn’t want to go out with him anyways, it just…blows,” she said in a serious tone, almost sounding melancholy. Not knowing what to make of this, I opted to keep my silence, which was a good thing because, she went on. “I’ve had men ask me out since Bryce’s death but not once have I wanted to say yes, that is until you.” She slapped her hand over her mouth, evidently not meaning to share that tidbit of information. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her head against the cool window.

To know that I was the first person since her husband to break through that outer shell of, hers made me feel fucking fantastic. Now to concentrate on the deeper layers.

Pulling up into her driveway, I noticed her house was a nice modern bungalow, decked out in flowers of every color with a porch swing. It was something I would have pictured Emmalynne living in.

I got out of the cab and walked around opening the passenger door. I had to hold back a laugh as Emmalynne had half of her purse dumped out on her lap, looking for what I suspected was her damn house keys.
Women and their purses, I will never understand.

“Ah ha,” she squealed excitedly. “I found them!” She had lost all sense of decorum and was back to giddy.

“Why do you carry so much junk with you? It just seems kind of pointless.”

She snapped her head up to me, looking almost offended. “Pointless? You never know when you may need something and I almost always have it,” she muttered as she shoved all of her shit back into her Mary Poppins bag.

I tried helping her down from my truck but she wasn’t having it. “I can get down all on my own,” she announced as she successfully hopped down with her left leg slightly buckling. She seemed to favor that leg, overcompensating with her right. I ended up going against her wishes and taking her arm, leading her towards her front door.

“Give me your keys, sweetheart,” I said while holding my free hand out to her. She placed them into my hand and I unlocked her door, stepping inside with her. She turned on the light and slid her shoes from her feet while setting down her purse on the edge of her couch.

She turned around, fiddling with the bottom edge of her shirt. She looked up at me with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth, her eyes wary. She was nervous again, but seeing her nibble on her lip made me want to take her, here and now. “Thank you for bringing me home, Grady. And for coming to my rescue, I appreciate it.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” I had to get out of there and fast.

“Oh yeah, right, for our date.” She stepped towards me and closed her eyes, her tongue darting out to lick her lips then puckering them. She wanted to kiss me. That made my pants grow even tighter and I wanted nothing more than to explore every inch of that amazing mouth. Those lips were all pouty and sexy, but she wasn’t totally coherent. And as much as I wanted to, and lord did I want to, I wasn’t going to take advantage of her like that. So I leaned into her and kissed her forehead, the smell of her shampoo hitting me like a brick, Vanilla and Mint. I exhaled as I took a step back and, she immediately opened her eyes, her expression pained.

“I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” she murmured as she turned to walk away. Then she let out a scream. “OUCH, SON OF A BITCH!” She started hobbling around on one leg while holding the other in her hands. I ran to her and helped her sit on the couch.

“What? What happened?” I asked.

“Lego,” was all she said, like I was automatically supposed to know what the hell that meant. She saw my inquisitive look and my raised brow. “I stepped on one of Tucker’s Legos. Ugh, I wouldn’t wish that on my own worst enemy. Well, let me rephrase that, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone besides Corbin. Ugh, it hurts,” she moaned through clenched teeth, and started repeating “ow, ow.”

“I don’t know how many times I’ve told that boy to pick up his Legos after he is finished playing with them, but I guess it went in one ear and out the other. And he made me cuss.”

It was actually pretty cute seeing her all flustered over stepping on a Lego. Who knew if it was actually as bad as she is making it out to be, but I was in no hurry to find out if that held true.

Kiss failure long forgotten, Emmalynne laid down on the couch, legs stretched out. “I’m feeling dizzy,” she grimaced.

“Well, it could be from all of those shots of Tequila Tessa kept feeding you, they don’t call it ‘To kill ya’ for nothing” I said with a chuckle.

“Shut it smartass…I’m sorry that was rude. Wow, I am all kinds of rude when I’m drunk, and I’m cussing like a flipping sailor. That’s unusual for me,” she explained while placing her hand to her head.

Moving towards the kitchen I said, “I’ll find some Tylenol and water for you, be right back.”

Taking in her immaculate kitchen, I noticed everything looked to be in place and she had two industrial sized ovens. She seemed to really be passionate about her baking. Her kitchen was painted in a soft orange. It suited the warmth of Emmalynne. Rooting around in her cabinets, I found a glass and filled it with water from her sink. I went down the hallway, to what I thought would have been the bathroom, but instead found Tucker’s room. He was really into superheroes. And he didn’t seem to be lacking for toys. Emmalynne seemed like a good mother, and I couldn’t wait to get to know her better tomorrow.

I finally located the bathroom and the Tylenol. Taking three out of the bottle, I turned off the light and headed back into the living room. The sight before me caused my breath to hitch. Emmalynne had fallen asleep, hands tucked in under her cheek, she was absolutely beautiful almost, angelic.

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