Nothing but Trouble (20 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #ocean, #boat, #Florida, #abductor, #millionaire, #daughter, #Romance, #wedding, #engagement, #bodyguard, #kidnap, #desire

BOOK: Nothing but Trouble
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With great reluctance Bret returned to his truck, leaving Sophie to face Jonathan on her own.



Chapter 18



At six foot five inches, short women didn’t appeal to Brent Howard in the least. So it was only natural his sharp gaze zeroed in on five feet nine inch Sophie Adams the minute she walked into the room.

That and the fact he loved her.

She took his breath away, looking very much like she had the night his gaze lit on her for the first time. Has it only been a week since we parted on the side of the road? It felt like a lifetime ago when he’d watched her climb inside Lord’s car with him and his goons. Leaving her had been the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. His stare feasted on her like a man dying of thirst.

The strapless gown she was wearing clung like second skin to her shapely form and jutting breasts; the side view revealing a split that went from the top of a glittering ankle bracelet all the way up her thigh. His stare lingered a moment on her shapely leg, being rewarded with a mouth-watering view when she took a step and the platinum-colored satin separated even more. His gaze narrowed, intense heat rushing through his body when he realized she was wearing a garter belt.

To keep his mind focused on matters at hand he forced himself to shift his gaze. Holding a tumbler of scotch he remained hidden in the shadows, not yet ready to reveal himself. The fact his face wasn’t plastered all over the news told him Lord was out to kill him. He couldn’t get away with something like that if he admitted he knew who’d kidnapped Sophie. The asinine explanation he’d given the authorities and news media that the whole thing was a misunderstanding didn’t fool him or the senator.

From his vantage point he had a good view of just about everyone in the room, as they congregated at the elaborate buffet table or moved slowly on the small dance floor. The French doors that led to the garden were open, allowing guests to come and go at will. He made sure he knew where Lord’s henchmen were at all times, willing to bet Senator Adams didn’t know some of his guests were little better than gangsters, packed and ready for action. Most likely they were looking for him, with orders to shoot first and ask questions later. Brent took a sip of his drink.

He was packed for trouble too.

Ever attuned to Sophie’s presence a movement drew his attention back to her. Lord had joined her, causing Brent to angrily swallow the rest of his drink. His hand tightened around the glass with enough pressure to break it if he wasn’t careful. The thought of her becoming Mrs. Jonathan Lord and sharing his bed left acid churning in his gut. His gaze automatically dropped to her hand, looking for the gaudy diamond and glad to see it not there, before narrowing dangerously on Lord when he suddenly raised his hands. It was all Brent could do not to storm across the room and smash his fist into the other man’s face.

Remembering his promise to the senator that he wouldn’t make a move until the time was right.



* * * *


“Another wedding gift, darling.” Standing purposely in front of her, Jonathan brought the diamond necklace up and fastened it around her throat. His position forced him to lean into Sophie as he reached around to do the clasp. “You don’t look very happy,” he continued with a knowing glimmer in his eyes.

“Should I be?” she inquired coolly, turning her face away. She barely moved until he finally stepped back. Only Jonathan would have none of that, he wouldn’t tolerate her cold acceptance of him in front of their guests. Reaching up, he took her chin, forcing her around in an attempt to kiss her. She turned before he could complete the action.

His lips twisted into a humorless smile. “Did you shudder when he touched you?” he whispered cruelly.

Sophie forced herself to meet his hateful gaze. “With ecstasy,” she answered softly, taking pleasure in the hardening of his jaw.

“Then I’ll just have to make certain you enjoy my possession more,” he said with relish. “It will be my pleasure taking you over and over again until I wipe his memory away.”

That wouldn’t happen in a hundred years. She could only look at him, too much a lady to respond to his crudeness. Refusing to let him see how much she loathed him, knowing it would be as good as handing him a weapon to use against her. She was careful to keep her emotions in check even though she was shocked to the core by his threat.

“What, no response to that?” He smiled.

“Have you seen my father?” He’d said he wanted to talk to her when they could steal a moment alone. So far Jonathan had always managed to be there, clinging to her like a leech and refusing to let her out of his sight.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t seen our host yet this evening. Why, do you think daddy is going to save you from me? You should know by now that I always get what I want. At any cost.”

“Through blackmail.” She rolled her shoulders out from under his hands, growing angry. “How does it feel knowing that’s the only way you can have me? You’ll never have my love or respect. You might take my body but even then I’ll be thinking of another man.”

Sophie no longer cared about keeping up pretenses. She casually scanned the occupants in the room, searching for Brent. She couldn’t see him but she knew in her heart he was there. She could feel him, watching her, and waiting.

“He’d be a fool to show his face around here,” Jonathan said, guessing her thoughts. “My men have orders to shoot him on sight. There’s not a jury in the world that would convict a man protecting his woman from the very person who kidnapped her.” His low laugh grated on her nerves, as she was sure he meant it to. “I’d be a hero in the public’s eye.”

“And why do you think I’d want him to come here? I ran away from him to you, remember?” She frowned, looking into his eyes until guilt forced her to break the contact. In that instant she saw the answer on his smug face, somehow he’d guessed the truth.

“Because, Sophie dear, you love the bastard. You’re not as clever as you’d like to think. The only reason you ran to me was to save him. I know you gave yourself to him on his boat; all you accomplished was sealing his fate.”

She gasped that he actually had the nerve to put it into words, facing him fully. “We have a deal, Jonathan.”

“In regard to your father only,” he reminded her.

“If you kill Brent…”

“You’ll do what?” He laughed sarcastically. “Run to daddy? Do you think his political reputation will stand the truth coming out? And what about you, my beloved, do you want the world knowing what your mother is?”

Sophie turned and walked away before she lost control, heading straight for the buffet table. Her mother couldn’t hurt her because the woman had never really fulfilled that role for Sophie. No, that wasn’t quite true. Her mother was hurting her now by keeping her from going to the man she loved. She reached for a small plate and began filling it when her father appeared at her side.

“What’s wrong, dear? You look flustered.” His expression hardened when she turned his way and he noticed the tears in her eyes. Grabbing her plate, he set it down, taking her by the arm. “I think it’s time for that talk now.”

Sophie nodded gratefully, still too emotional to talk past the lump in her throat. Before she knew it they were in his library with the door safely closed and locked behind them. A father’s instinct that she needed something to calm her nerves led him to the bar where he poured her a glass of wine and a scotch on the rocks for himself.

“I have something to confess to you, dear.” By the time he turned to face her Sophie was getting comfortable on the sofa by the fireplace. “I have a feeling you’re going to need this.” She took the glass from him without comment, watching as he sat in the chair opposite from her.

Crossing his legs, he took a sip of his drink, his eyes filled with a father’s worry. He took a long breath before finally speaking. “I’ve wanted to get you alone since Jonathan phoned to tell me he’d found you.”

“I hope you’re not going to bring up that nonsense about blackmail,” she warned him mildly, not about to go through another round with him about that particular subject. She didn’t know if she had the strength to continue denying it.

Her father smiled, slowly shaking his head. “If that were all I had on my mind, this would be easy. But the time has come for me to be truthful with you, Sophie, completely honest.”

“You’re starting to scare me,” she breathed, bringing the glass to her lips.

He expelled a deep sigh. “I’m afraid what I have to say is going to make you hate me. But keep in mind, everything I did was because I love you and wanted to protect you. Some day when you have children of your own you’ll understand. I, ah…” He hesitated, clearing his throat, and then decided to take a sip of his own drink.

His obvious reluctance to continue kept her watching him with interest. It wasn’t like her father, who was usually so strong and forthcoming, to stagger and appear contrite. A man in his position couldn’t afford to be weak. “You have my attention.” The smile on her face had nothing to do with humor, and was meant only to put him at ease. Whatever he had to tell her, she believed him when he said it was done out of love.

He took another breath and plunged on. “First, let me tell you that your abduction was a farce from the start. Brent Howard is a friend of mine. In fact, he’s a bodyguard I hired to kidnap you.”

“What?” Eyes rounding with disbelief, Sophie spilled her drink when she started to get up too fast. She didn’t know what shocked her most, finding out Brent was a bodyguard or that her father had arranged for her abduction. She’d suspected something but not this. “I don’t believe…”

The senator raised his hand to stop her. “Please, hear me out before you get all riled up. I promise all your questions will be answered.” Waiting until she sank back against the cushions, he continued, “In spite of your insistence that you aren’t being forced into this marriage, I was certain you were.”

“I told you…” She halted when he raised his hand again in a silent plea for her to let him finish.

“Jonathan Lord has a nasty reputation beneath that polished exterior, and you’re far too sweet and loving to be attracted to a man like him. That’s why I arranged for Brent to kidnap you on the eve of your wedding. I needed time to get to the bottom of this.”

Sophie hung on his every word, stunned at what he was admitting, but she didn’t hate him. How can I when his actions brought Brent into my life? He took another drink, relief visible in his eyes that she was receptive to what he said.

“I was determined to find out what kind of hold Jonathan had on you. It didn’t occur to me it could have anything to do with your mother, since she’s been out of the family for so long.” Sophie’s eyes flared with alarm. She opened her mouth to deny it, but he continued quickly, “It’s your mother, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she hedged, looking nervously away. It sounded like he was fishing and she wasn’t about to admit to anything until she knew for sure. It suddenly occurred to her she’d been right about Brent. He had been protecting her.

Senator Adams finished his drink in one swallow. “I know all about Ann, dear. I know she changed her name and is living a less than acceptable lifestyle these days. Though, you need to understand something, Sophie; she was very young when I married her, perhaps too young. You and Paul came along within the first two years. That was my fault because I wanted to start a family right away. She tried to be a good wife and mother for a while but everything happened so fast. Then she mixed in with the wrong people and got hooked on drugs.”

He was actually making excuses for her mother? Her ears burned hearing the truth on his lips. She jumped off the sofa with a sob, rushing to the French doors and opening them to capture a breath of fresh air. From where she stood she could hear soft music drifting from the party, the subtle conversation and laughter of couples walking in the garden.

“Is that what Jonathan’s blackmailing you with? I want the truth, Sophie. As your father, you owe me that.” His forceful tone indicated he was back to his old confident self again.

Wiping away the moisture on her cheeks she stared into the darkness, wishing Brent was there to hold her. She should be angry with both of them for their deception, but she wouldn’t give back one moment of pleasure she’d found in Brent’s arms.

“Is it?” he persisted, breaking into her thoughts. “Tell me.”

She supposed the truth wouldn’t hurt now, even if it didn’t alter the fact she was still going to marry Jonathan. She nodded slowly; knowing once the words left her mouth there’d be no turning back. “Jonathan told me the press would have a field day if they found out what kind of woman you’d married. That it was just the thing to end your political career and ruin your reputation. I couldn’t let that happen.”

“And all he wanted in return for his silence was you,” he stated sharply.

Sophie hesitated from responding. “Yes.” Her gaze was drawn to a falling star as it streaked across the sky, prompting her to make a wish to be back in Brent’s arms where she longed to be. She leaned against the doorjamb, tilting her face into the gentle breeze, wondering if she’d ever see him again.

Why did I have to go and fall in love with him?


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