Nothing but Trouble (19 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #ocean, #boat, #Florida, #abductor, #millionaire, #daughter, #Romance, #wedding, #engagement, #bodyguard, #kidnap, #desire

BOOK: Nothing but Trouble
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“If that’s what you want to believe,” she snapped. “If you’re determined to stereotype me because of my status in life, then far be it from me to disappoint you.”

Her comment rubbed Brent the wrong way. “So, you were just getting in a little practice with me?”
If I could let go of the steering wheel without causing an accident I’d grab her and shake her.
“Any time you’re up for another round,” he grated in a low voice. Parking the truck in front of a gas pump, he cut the engine. “You’re a pretty good piece of…”

The next thing Brent knew, he was getting clipped on the jaw. Caught unaware, the blow caused his head to snap around, but almost immediately he swung back to look at Sophie with amusement. He raised his hand to rub the side of his face, taking in the regret swimming in her startled eyes.

She covered her mouth with a horrified gasp. “I’m sorry!” Her words came out in a broken sob. “I, I have married friends who’ve taken lovers on the side and should never have implied I’m like that.” Her teeth chomped down on her bottom lip before she continued. “I was raised better than that, Brent. I’ve never hit anyone before and I’ve hit you twice.”

Brent gripped her wrist and pulled her across the seat.

“Why? Because you reacted naturally, proving that you have more than ice water running in your veins?” His harsh whisper caused her eyes to widen. “Maybe you should lose control more often.”

“No.” She shook her head firmly. “It makes you weak.”

“Not weak, princess. Human.” He placed her palm against his cheek so she could feel the heat left behind from her blow. “Feel that?”

“How can I not?” Tears sprang in her eyes. “That’s not the only thing I feel,” she said huskily.

The breath hissed from Brent; he couldn’t take his eyes off her quivering mouth. He felt a blow straight to his heart.
What is she doing to me?
“Damn you!”

Something was happening between them, drawing them ever closer.
I don’t know how much longer I can go on pretending I’m not attracted to her. For the first time in my life I know what I want. And I want her.

“You’re my protector, aren’t you?” she continued in a soft voice, surprising him. “Nothing will convince me that you’re anything less. Maybe some day I’ll learn the truth.”

Her words registered, only Brent didn’t care about anything except pressing his mouth against her soft lips and tasting her. The palm cupping his cheek turned into a caress, soothing away the pain she’d inflicted. Their stares clung for a moment, her eyes clouding with desire. He watched her lips part, then her tongue run over them in an unwitting invitation.

Brent’s hand came up and cupped her jaw. His thumb gently smoothed over her bottom lip, dipping inside slightly to run along the inside where she was moist. She caught her breath, closing her eyes and swaying closer. Fire licked at his senses, and before he knew it, he kissed Sophie with everything he had.

Her sound of surrender excited him. She melted into him like sweet frosting on a hot cinnamon bun. Forgetting where they were, Brent’s fingers tangled in the soft cloud of her hair and his mouth moved over hers with growing hunger. Little whimpers of pleasure erupted from her throat when his tongue glided across hers. When his other hand dropped to her breast in a lingering sweep, it didn’t take long for the passion to fully ignite between them. She thrust her breast against his hand, and Brent nearly had heart failure when he felt her hand drop to his lap.

He turned hard in an instant. His tongue began to mimic what his body wanted to do. There wasn’t a shy bone in Sophie’s body when she’s hungry. Before the situation between them had a chance to get out of control, the blast of a car horn tore them apart like guilty teenagers.

“Damn!” he swore, his eyes quickly searching the area around them, before narrowing on Sophie again. “I want you,” he admitted gruffly. “Right here, on this seat.” The truth was in Sophie’s eyes; she wanted it too.

He shook his head to clear it and turned to exit the vehicle. He wasn’t worried she’d try and escape. Too much had passed between them. After slipping a credit card through he began filling the truck. What was he doing, losing control like that, and in a public place? The answer was simple; Sophie made him feel alive every time she got close, every time she touched him, even in the smallest way. And every time he looked deeply into her eyes, into her soul, he lost a little more of his heart to her.

I’ve fallen in love with her.

For whatever reason, she was going to marry Jonathan Lord. It was just a matter of time before he found them, especially with the resources he had at his disposal. Brent glanced around, looking for signs of him. His gaze landed on the late model Lincoln with its black-tinted windows immediately. He’d been looking for them ever since they’d left the marina, recognizing the bad boys when he saw them. Some things never changed. They were obviously on their way to the boat landing and hadn’t quite reached the gas station yet. Maybe with a little luck they wouldn’t recognize his truck and continue past.

He quickly replaced the nozzle, staring at the vehicle as he rounded the truck in unhurried strides. Opening the door, he hesitated before sliding in, watching as the Lincoln came to a stop at a light directly across from them. The only thing working in their favor was they were going in the opposite direction, boxed in by other vehicles.

His gaze briefly fell to Sophie. She was watching him with worry in her eyes; not the look of a woman about to be rescued. “It’s Jonathan,” she said simply.

He gave a slight nod. “I know.” He knew because he’d done his homework. On top of that he recognized the custom-made license plate on the front of the car, Lord’s Law. To date no one had been able to figure out the significance of that, but Brent had his own ideas.

All at once Sophie leaned across the seat toward him. “Let me go, Brent; it’s the only thing you can do. Jonathan won’t let up until he gets me back. And we both know what he’ll do to you.”

“Worried about me, princess?” he teased, a crooked smile spreading across his chiseled lips. “Don’t be. I’ve been up against tougher men.”

“I’ll give you the money myself!” she rushed out desperately, fear for what Jonathan would do to him in her eyes.

“It’s not that easy.”


“Damn!” Brent slid in, forcing Sophie back to her side of the truck. The light had changed but instead of continuing the way they were, he watched the Lincoln cut across traffic and make an illegal turn. It was obvious they’d been spotted. He started the engine and threw the truck in gear.

“They’ve turned around,” Sophie stated the obvious, twisting in her seat to watch them approach. “Brent, please, let me go.”

He ignored her. “Hold on.” Seeing a break in traffic he floored the accelerator, sending her flying against the door before she could brace herself. His gaze shot back and forth between the road in front of them and rearview mirror, watching to make certain he kept as much distance between them and the Lincoln as possible.

“They’re driving like crazy men,” she commented, watching as the Lincoln began to zigzag through traffic in an effort to move closer. Drivers were honking their horns in anger, swerving to avoid being hit.

“So are we,” Brent responded, cutting off a semi and getting a not so polite hand gesture for it. His goal was to keep enough traffic between them.
Who am I kidding? Once we leave the congested part of town and are back on the coastal two-lane highway we won’t be hard to catch.

He didn’t relish the thought of placing Sophie in any kind of danger. He’d put her through enough. He glanced over to see her clutching the dashboard for dear life as he wove in and around vehicles in their way. Checking his rearview mirror again brought relief when he saw the Lincoln temporarily forced to stop at a red light. The windshield was too dark to see who was driving; instinct telling Brent it wasn’t Lord. Nevertheless he didn’t doubt Lord was giving the orders.

“Things might get hairy,” he remarked, shooting Sophie a warning look. “If I tell you to get down on the floor, you do it without question.”

“Why would I need to get down on the floor?”

The look of innocence on her face caused his gut to clench. “There might be shooting.”

Her face turned a shade lighter. “If you would just stop this truck and let me out, we can end it here and now,” she said with growing panic. “I don’t want anyone getting shot over me.”

“Not even the man who kidnapped and terrorized you? I’d think you’d want to see me brought down.”

She ignored his misplaced sense of humor, turning to glance out the window as the scenery raced by. Brent felt like a bastard when he saw her bottom lip quiver. “How can you be so flippant at a time like this? I don’t want you getting hurt or going to prison.”

Interesting. Brent remained quiet.
Later I can explore the meaning behind it. Right now I’m concerned with Lord and his goons.

A look in his side view mirror showed the Lincoln was about twelve car lengths behind, forced to travel at a slower speed behind a cement truck. There was no way to go around the truck until there was a break in the oncoming traffic. Thank God there’s a steady stream of vehicles preventing him from doing just that. In spite of that, Brent didn’t see any way of losing him. They were speeding down the coastal road only as fast as the traffic in front of them allowed. Stoplights were nonexistent.

He glanced at Sophie, noticing the stubborn set of her chin as she stared straight ahead. Her expression said she was miles away.
What is she thinking?
Turning his attention back to traffic, Brent shifted his foot to the break pedal. The van ahead of them was slowing as it prepared to make a left-hand turn across traffic, forcing them to come to a dead stop.

“Damn!” he muttered beneath his breath.


“What?” His gaze remained on what was happening behind them. He shifted his hips and reached behind him, withdrawing the gun he kept tucked in his belt. He was vaguely aware of Sophie spinning around, as though to see if he had reason to need his weapon. A sigh of obvious relief followed. So far no one had exited the Lincoln. Nonetheless, Brent wasn’t taking any chances.

“Brent.” This time he turned, something in her tone causing him to narrow his gaze on her. “I’m sorry, but…please don’t come after me.” Her hand fumbled for the door handle as she spoke.

He took in what she was doing. “Sophie, damn it!” He guessed her intentions too late. She opened the door, evading his outstretched hand, and jumped down. She slammed the door behind her and turned to run.

Swearing, Brent opened his door and jumped to the ground. “Sophie!” He watched her slip on loose gravel on the shoulder in her haste to get away. If she heard his angry shout, she ignored it. He hurried after her, the gravel crunching beneath his feet. At the same time he saw the doors to the Lincoln open, and three men quickly exit. Instincts warned him that one of them was Lord. Sophie came to a halt and swung around; a look of terror in her eyes.


Brent rounded the tail end of his truck and grabbed her into his arms. “You little fool!” His anger was tempered because of his concern for her.

“They’re coming, please go!” she cried, struggling against him. Her gaze returned to Jonathan. “They’ll kill you!”

“They won’t kill me out here in the open,” he tried to reassure her.

“You don’t know that!” she wept, ceasing her struggles and tearing her gaze off Jonathan long enough to appeal to him. “I’m begging you, go!” Tears were streaming down her face. “I couldn’t bear it if you’re hurt because of me.” She started to reach up to his face, but thought better of it.

“Sophie,” he started, only to be interrupted by something hitting the gravel near his feet. Then another and another and in a split second Brent knew what it was. He swung sharply toward the three men heading their way. One of them had drawn his gun and was shooting wildly as he ran. Enraged, he quickly placed himself in front of Sophie, shielding her with his body as he prepared to shoot his own weapon.
Is the man a fool?
His first shot had come damn close to hitting her. He watched as Lord pulled the man’s arm down.

At least he showed some common sense.

“It’s over!” Sophie said from behind him, her fingers digging into the muscles of his arms until he pivoted to face her. “I’m going back with Jonathan, I have to.”

“You’re a fool if you think I’m going to let…”

“Please, Brent.” Her mouth was trembling with emotion. “I love you!” she gasped, as though just discovering the truth for herself. “I love you!”

She loves me?
How does she expect me to let her go after that admission?
Before he could stop her she jerked away, running toward Jonathan. Leaving her went against everything he stood for, especially to the likes of Lord, but she was right. Lord wouldn’t hurt her, but he’d become fish bait if he remained there much longer. Besides, he couldn’t help her if he was dead.

It didn’t seem to matter they were out in the open and two lanes of traffic were speeding past. A single gun wouldn’t stand a chance against three, and by all rights Lord had justifiable cause to kill him. On top of that there was always the possibility Sophie would get caught up in an ugly confrontation. He couldn’t let that happen. He knew if he thought she was in any danger he’d gladly stay there and meet his maker. Only Lord had more to gain by keeping Sophie alive.

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