Nothing but Trouble (9 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #ocean, #boat, #Florida, #abductor, #millionaire, #daughter, #Romance, #wedding, #engagement, #bodyguard, #kidnap, #desire

BOOK: Nothing but Trouble
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His body made her think of a bronze statue with not an ounce of spare flesh anywhere. The short sexy boxers fit snug over his well-defined buttocks. She followed the length of his long, sturdy Viking legs. She could easily imagine him standing on the deck of a ship somewhere, his solid thighs braced against the wind.

Brent turned and caught her staring. She dropped her stare before his steady gaze, cursing the telltale heat staining her cheeks. After what just happened she wasn’t in any mood to face his smirk. In fact she felt the strong impulse to slap him a second time.

“I’ll be back with breakfast. In the meantime, you can shower if you like.” His obvious hesitation pulled her attention back to him. “Tom fixed the connecting bathroom door so you can’t go wandering.”

“Thank you for the warning,” she said softly, meeting the humor gleaming in his eyes.

“I have to go out for awhile, and the last thing I want is for you to be roaming freely throughout the apartment. I’m not totally convinced Tom can handle you, or your tricks. And, just so we understand each other, I rarely issue threats I’m not prepared to back up.”

His warning was crystal clear, yet Sophie remained stubbornly silent. Let him draw his own conclusions!

He sighed deeply. “I don’t trust that innocent look spreading across your face, so you’re wasting your time. I should just gag you and tie you up so I don’t have to worry about it.”

Sophie didn’t like the sound of that, but she remained silent. Why provoke him into carrying out his threat? At least this way she had the freedom to move about. He looked at her long and hard, as if trying to determine what he should do. Then, with a snort of disgust, he pivoted, striding to the door and leaving her without another word.

He should have followed his hunch, because Sophie had a plan of her own.


Chapter 9



“Senator Adams, do you know how your daughter is?”

“No, I haven’t spoken to Sophie since her abduction.”

“Who do you think is behind this? Do you think it has anything to do with the upcoming elections? Are you…”

“Please, one question at a time,” he interrupted with obvious annoyance, holding his hand up to cease the barrage of questions storming his way. “I prefer not to speculate on the reasons behind her abduction. As for your other questions, I believe Jonathan is better equipped to answer them, since the kidnappers contacted him earlier.” He turned slightly to include the man standing at the podium next to him.

Jonathan Lord was impeccably dressed in an Italian silk suit that complimented the color of his eyes, which appeared to crystallize the second he knew the cameras had swung his way. Not a hair out of place, his character reeked of the superiority and self-importance he was known to possess. He stepped closer to the mike, clearing his throat for effect.

“Mr. Lord, when did you first find out the senator’s daughter had been kidnapped and do you know how she is?” a reporter up front called out.

“I was first alerted by my security staff that something was amiss, when they found my fiancée’s apartment door open and the place trashed,” he began, putting great emphasis on Sophie’s relationship to him and instantly drawing sympathy in the reporters crowding around the podium. “My worst fears were confirmed when one of the kidnappers called this morning to assure me she’s alive and…”

“What are their demands for her release?” someone else called out, interrupting.

“At this time they haven’t made any. However, you can rest assured, if they harm Sophie in any way…” Pausing significantly for effect, Jonathan gave the flashing cameras time to record his stricken appearance. “I’ll hunt them down myself and…”

“What time did the call come in?”

The interruption caused his brows to come together in a fierce frown. “At precisely ten o’clock.”

“Did they ask you not to inform the authorities?”

“If they had we wouldn’t be standing here before you now,” Jonathan retorted sharply, making eye contact with the reporter who’d dared to ask him that question. The reporter actually stepped back into the crowd. “Today was supposed to be our wedding day,” he went on. “Sophie’s my life and I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her wellbeing.”

“Senator Adams, how are you holding up, sir?”

“As well as can be expected. I have every faith that once the demands are met Sophie will be released unharmed.”

“What are the facts, as you know them?” a reporter in the front row asked.

“The facts?” The senator paused, making an obvious attempt to pull himself together. “From what little we know, she was apparently kidnapped right out of her apartment last night.”

“Security did a thorough search of the building, including the tenants’ apartments, but turned up nothing,” Jonathan continued, bringing the attention back to him. He looked directly into the camera, as though peering into Sophie’s eyes. “I’ll pay whatever they ask to get you back, darling. Hold onto those thoughts until you’re safely back in my arms, where you belong.”

As numerous cameras flashed capturing the moment, Senator Adams turned and walked away.

* * * *



Clicking off the TV, Sophie dropped the remote before walking to the big window facing the ocean side. She leaned against the frame, staring down at the glistening water without really seeing it, thinking about the news broadcast she’d just watched.

It broke her heart to think of the worry her father must be going through; not knowing where she was or if she was okay. With the exception of the day her brother died she’d never seen him let his emotions run away with him, and today hadn’t been any different. He’d stood strong and composed during the brief interview, the briefest emotion simmering in his eyes.

A deep sigh escaped her as she crossed her arms. She had to think of a way out of there, or at the very least how to gain access to the phone in the living room. Her father was the only one she cared about. Jonathan had played a convincing part, but she knew he was a consummate actor, skillfully playing the situation to his advantage. To the world watching he was a deeply devoted man; one who would do anything to get back the woman he loved, but she knew the real man. As far as she was concerned Brent could hold her forever if it prevented her from marrying Jonathan.

The memory of the afternoon he’d asked her to marry him came flooding back. A scene that haunted her dreams both day and night. They’d only been dating a few weeks so his proposal had come as a complete surprise. Until that moment he’d been charming and patient, never pressing her to do anything she hadn’t wanted, including sleeping with him. He’d gained her trust during those first weeks until she’d grown almost fond of him, but that was all. His rare kisses and caresses hadn’t evoked any feelings in her. She’d closed the lid to the velvet box containing the engagement ring, declining his proposal with a counteroffer of her own. One she was naive enough to think would be warmly welcomed.

She repressed a shiver of repulsion as she recalled his cold reaction over her suggestion that they remain friends. She knew a man with an ego the size of Jonathan’s wouldn’t take rejection well, and he hadn’t. Still, nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. The charming, soft-spoken man she’d come to know disappeared completely, suddenly turning into a cold-hearted monster with a cheating card up his sleeve. She could still remember the look in his emotionless eyes when he reopened the box and removed the ring, sliding it on her finger with such deadly calm that she’d stopped breathing.

In the space of a heartbeat everything she’d ever heard about Jonathan came crashing down upon her shoulders. Only by then it was too late to pay attention to the rumors and gossip columns. She’d been backed into a corner with nowhere to turn, becoming the weapon he’d use against her father. Jonathan had calmly informed her that she would marry him. Then proceeded to tell her why, almost glorying in the horror his words had produced as he informed her of the terrible secrets he’d learned about her mother. A woman she hadn’t seen since the age of five.

A shudder escaped Sophie as she recalled the almost sardonic delight he’d taken in telling her that her mother was a high-priced hooker living in Europe. Even going so far as backing up his statement with explicit pictures of the woman with various men. It hadn’t taken much convincing for her to realize if something like that leaked out to the public it would ruin her father.

Tears of despair choked her, clouding her vision. She hugged her arms, knowing she would do whatever it took to protect him. Yet sometimes the gravity of her situation got the better of her. She wished she had someone to turn to; someone who would know what to do. Usually that person was her father but this was one time going to him wasn’t an option.

She’d had no choice but to accept Jonathan’s ring in exchange for his silence, and agree to marry him. Striking a bargain with him that she’d portray the perfect fiancée in public as long as he didn’t press her into sleeping with him until after their wedding. A ceremony supposed to have taken place an hour ago.

Thank God for unexpected miracles in the way of a tall, incredibly sexy man.



* * * *



Brent opened the door quietly, standing in the threshold for a moment observing Sophie, so engrossed in her own deep thoughts that she hadn’t heard him enter. Her arms were crossed beneath her breasts, emphasizing their fullness. His glance traveled over her lithe form taking in the way his shirt had ridden up her shapely thighs. The soft cloud of hair around her face and shoulders had a little more curl to it, indicating she must have showered. The sun was upon it, turning it a darker, richer shade of auburn.

How could I have ever thought a woman like her wouldn’t hold any appeal to me?
Even disheveled she was still the sexiest thing he’d seen in a long while.

As if sensing he was there, she turned her head slightly, their stares locking instantly. When Brent saw the tear tracks staining her cheeks he cursed inwardly, clenching his teeth until his jaw hurt. She must be terrified about everything happening to her. The urge to tell her the truth was so strong at that moment he knew the smartest thing he could do was drop her breakfast off and beat a fast retreat. He slammed the door behind him, taking quick steps to the small table next to the window where she was standing.

“Breakfast,” he said simply, his tone less than friendly.

She hastily brushed the betraying moisture off her cheeks, quietly watching as he moved closer. Her gaze barely skimmed over the tray in his hands before wandering past him to the door. He could almost see the wheels turning inside her head as she weighed her chances for escape. Brent couldn’t fault her for having a one-track mind because he’d do the same thing.

“Don’t even try it,” he warned, meeting the contemplation in her serious eyes. “I brought you a nice breakfast.” Well, as nice as could be expected with two men in the kitchen. He hadn’t remained a bachelor all this time and not learned a few domestic skills of survival.

Her gaze dropped to the food, her brows lifting with mild surprise at the eggs Benedict and bowl of fresh fruit. Real pleasure spread across her face when she spotted the cup of steaming coffee. “Thank you, you’re too kind.” The cool tone of her voice made a mockery out of the pleasure he saw in her eyes.

“We aim to please,” Brent returned, his firm mouth turning up at the corners. There was no disguising the sound of hunger rolling in her belly. As he started to set the tray down she made her move, which he’d been expecting. “Sophie!” He slammed the tray down, everything on top rattling with his impatience. The bark of his anger only encouraged her to quicken her pace. She was almost at the door. What am I going to have to do, lock her in the closet, gagged and tied? “Damn it!” he bellowed, taking off after her.

She made it to the other side of the door before he caught up to her. He grabbed the doorknob. There was a brief tug of war, but it was a no-win situation. Brent had to outweigh her by at least a hundred pounds. Within seconds he wrenched the door from her hands with enough force to send her flying into the bedroom, and into his arms. They closed around her as her momentum carried them backward to the carpet. He landed on his back with a loud grunt. She released an indignant gasp, landing fully on top of him.

With the wind knocked out of him he was temporarily incapacitated. Sophie quickly rolled off him and attempted to crawl away on her knees. Apparently too concerned with escaping to appreciate that he’d gone out of his way to cushion her from the fall. Brent knew he had to stop her because Tom wasn’t around to holler to for assistance. As he gasped for air, he reached out and caught her angle, curling his hand around the delicate bone and easily dragging her back.


Brent ignored her huff and rolled, easily pinning her beneath him. His eyes narrowed down at her with annoyance. “I’m getting damn tired of this,” he grumbled close to her face, pinning her wrists to the carpet with a little more force than necessary. “Unless this is the only way you figure you can get into my arms and still save face.”

The rose in her cheeks elevated, revealing her emotions were close to the surface. Brent’s interested gaze fell to her quivering bottom lip. It was full and soft, damp from where she’d licked it. He wondered how much protesting she’d do if he took advantage of the moment and kissed her.

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