Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (3 page)

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Scientists have yet to find even a single mutation that increases genetic information. The fact is that there is no evidence showing that mutations have ever created any new features.


Of course, in this case, modern analogs of every step up the ramp can be found, working serviceably in dozens of eyes dotted independently around the animal kingdom. But
even without these examples, we could be confident that there must have been a gradual, progressive increase in the number of features which an engineer would recognize as contributing towards optical quality. Without stirring from our armchair, we can see that it must be so.”

Yet we now know that mutations can only modify or eliminate existing structures, not create new ones. In our genetic blueprint, the DNA letters that define these features can occasionally be rearranged or lost through mutations but will not explain the additions needed by evolution.
Scientists have yet to find even a single mutation that increases genetic information.
The fact is that there is no evidence showing that mutations have ever created any new features.

S. G. Scott doesn’t speculate. He says:

There are no examples of natural inorganic (non-living) materials ever forming themselves into living (organic) material, let alone organizing themselves to the level of being able to duplicate themselves; not to mention developing a system that could store and retrieve the information on how to do it so that their offspring could also duplicate themselves, and could also pass the information on to their offspring, and so on, and so on, and so on…

…mutations do not lead to an increase in information. Indeed, reducing the number of legs may alter the body plan, but it does not explain the origin of legs in the first place. Nor does it explain where the genetic information to produce wings came from.

Successful macro-evolution requires the addition of
information and
genes that produce
organs and systems.


Scientific American
, March 2003 issue:

Although evolutionary theory provides a robust explanation for the appearance of minor variations in the size and shape of creatures and their component parts, it does not yet give as much guidance for understanding the
emergence of entirely new structures, including
digits, limbs,
, and feathers.”
(italics added)


Still, it’s up to you. If you want to continue to believe, you will. Such is human nature.


“I am angry at you Ray. S
saying that an atheist is someone who believes something came out of nothing.”


(professed atheist) wrote, “Just because a few atheists believe that everything came from nothing doesn’t mean that all atheists believe that.” However, it’s not a matter of not believing it. It’s a matter of
. If you say of your Ford Expedition that you have no belief that there was a maker, then you think that nothing made it. It just happened. You have defined yourself as having that mentality.

So if you call yourself an atheist, you are saying that you have no belief in a God—a Creator. Creation just happened. Everything you see—all the different breeds of dog (both male and female), all the different breeds of cat (both male and female), all the different fish in the ocean (both male and female), giraffes, elephants, cattle, sheep, horses, birds, flowers, trees, the sun, the moon, the stars, the four seasons, night and day, the marvels of the human body, the eye with its millions of light sensitive cells
—all these marvels of creation were made by nothing. They all just happened. That’s atheism at its core.

Then the professing atheist has the unbelievable gall to consider himself intelligent and he thinks that science backs up his delusion. Think of the ludicrous language an atheist is forced to use. He can’t say that creation was “created,” and he has to avoid saying that everything has been “made.” He will even say that he has no beliefs…that he is “without belief.” His problem is that he hasn’t thought his beliefs through. If he has any intellectual self-respect he will move from “nothing created everything” to “something created everything but I just don’t know what it was.” And in doing so he distances himself from the embarrassing label of “atheist.”


There are a gazillion kind of atheists. And each might “believe” differently. The question contains many hidden meanings, and its purpose is to lead to equivocation. “Nothing created anything” would be correct if we re-write it to say: Atheists do not believe that anything was “created.” That one would encompass most atheists, I guess. And there is no embarrassment for that. Nor intellectual, nor otherwise. But it is incorrect if it means: Atheists believe that “nothing” was the “creative force” that produced the universe. Not because it “would be an intellectual embarrassment,” but because that does not describe what any atheist I know thinks (not believes, but thinks). I bet most would claim not to know what if anything produced the universe. We could cite big bangs and such, but &!$*, I do not understand anything of those theories. But that does not mean God, nor that “nothingness” would be something I “believe” to be a creative force. So, what do I think (not believe, think), well, I think
that natural processes are behind the universe. Not “nothing” but natural processes. It would be more accurate if Ray said, “Atheists believe that nobody created the universe.”


Look at the sad and embarrassing intellectual hoops this man has had to go through to keep God out of his beliefs. Like the typical atheist, he thinks that nothing was “created,” that we are not living in a “creation”—because that has strong connotations of there being a Creator. He therefore can’t use the word “made,” because that speaks of a Maker—and that speaks of God, and any thoughts of God speaks of some sort of moral responsibility.

So he is saying that material (creation) exists, but there was no force that brought it into being. He thinks that nothing brought it into being. So we (once again) have a clear definition of an atheist. An atheist is someone who thinks (but doesn’t believe) that nothing created everything.

There’s no way to say it kindly, but such thoughts show that the atheist doesn’t think, and prove the Bible right when it says that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God (see Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1:20).

He concludes by saying, “It would be more accurate if Ray said, ‘Atheists believe that nobody created the universe.’” Let me change one word to make what he is saying make more sense: “It would be more
if Ray said, ‘Atheists believe that nobody created the universe.’”


It’s not the “nothing” we have a problem with, it’s the “created” and you’ve heard this a million times you creepy ignorant man. If you ask me: “What created the universe?” I will answer “Nothing.” You will then proudly quote me as holding the position that “Nothing created everything”…
and for this I have every reason to call you a stinking liar, because what I actually believe is that the universe was not “created” in the first place. Just like you believe your insubstantial God was not “created.”


Those who believe that the universe is eternal (that it wasn’t created) reveal their lack of understanding of basic science. Look at the words of Stephen Hawking: “The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago”
(The Beginning of Time).

There is disagreement about how long ago the universe began, but there is no doubt among scientists that it had a beginning. So the belief that it wasn’t created is completely unfounded. Which brings each of us back to the question: “What was the initial cause?” That Cause was God.

So where is God? The Bible tells us that we are in His presence. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you are seen by the God who requires an account of every thought, word, and deed. It is your God-given right not to believe that, but you will only deny it to your own eternal detriment. God offers you complete forgiveness of sins and the gift of everlasting life (see Romans 6:23). If you refuse, then you will have no one to blame but yourself. On that Day you will realize that in that respect I wasn’t a creepy ignorant man, and that I wasn’t a stinking liar, but told you the truth. And I did so because I care about you and where you spend eternity.

God has no beginning or end. He is eternal. That’s why (when Moses asked for His name) He simply said “I AM” (see Exodus 3:14). God just “is.”

Without the grace of God all of us, including the atheist, have as much understanding of the subject of God as a dead chicken has of the theory of relativity. Our understanding is “darkened.”
We are alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in us because of the blindness of our heart (see Ephesians 4:18). Look closely at the next verse (Ephesians 4:19) to see the root of our problem:

[H]aving their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. (Lewd: “inclined to, characterized by, or inciting to lust or lechery; lascivious.”)


However, in reference to His eternality, God created the dimension of time to which He then subjected humanity. When you and I die we will leave time and go into eternity. To think of such a dimension strains the mind. But use the brain for a moment to think of the infinitude of space. It has neither beginning nor end, despite the simple surmising of some who believe that space has an end. It goes on forever in every direction…and Almighty God
the entirety of space.

This same incredible Creator is morally perfect and demands perfect justice. So please make sure you have peace with Him when you stand before Him on the Day of Judgment. On that Day, the dumbest of Christians will be seen to be ten thousand times wiser than the wisest of atheists.

I guess that a high-profile Brooklyn-based atheist didn’t think too deeply about the title of her new book. It’s a double whammy, called
Nothing: Something to Believe in.
The title reveals the two best kept secrets of atheism. 1. An atheist
have a belief. 2. He believes that nothing created everything.

If you choose to be called an “atheist,” that’s the intellectually embarrassing cross you have to carry, but you carry it by your own choice.

For many years I have appealed to the logic of everything material necessitating a Creator. When I have done this, I have noticed that atheists run to a predictable refuge. See if you can see how they deal with it:

“If some sort of evidence turned up that a conscious entity was behind the creation of the universe itself…then it would simply open up this huge question of what this entity is and where it came from.”

“So Ray, what is the explanation of where God came from?”

“If everything needs a maker, who made the maker?”

“Alright, I’ll bite. Okay, a creator created the Universe. Where did this creator come from?”


Whatever created everything, it had to be nonmaterial (unseen), eternal (without beginning or end), and omnipotent (having the amazing ability to create everything from nothing).


It is scientifically impossible for nothing to create everything. If nothing created everything, then the “nothing” isn’t nothing. It is something, because it had the amazing ability to create everything. Only an unscientific ignoramus would hold to the thought that nothing created everything. We have the dilemma of having everything, so we therefore have to come to the conclusion that something made it. Whatever it was, it had to be non-material (unseen), eternal (without beginning or end), and omnipotent (having the amazing ability to create everything from nothing). If the professing atheist concedes to such basic logic (which he must or he reveals that he is unscientific and unintelligent),
then he’s not an atheist. He is in truth an agnostic (“one who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.”). He is someone who believes that there was a creative force that brought everything into existence, but for some reason he denies that it was God.

Here’s the complete e-mail from the angry atheist who wants me to stop:

I am angry at you Ray. STOP, STOP, STOP saying that an atheist is someone who believe something came out of nothing. I am an atheist and this is what I believe. Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed however they can change from one form to another. This is known as the first law of thermodynamics. Therefore it is natural to believe that matter or energy has always existed in one form. This is why we get upset when you tell us that we believe something came out of nothing. Because there has never been nothing; matter or energy has always existed.”

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