Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (8 page)

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I appreciated his “you can be disciplined in the academic setting” for asking. I have been mocked by evolutionists for asking “where” gravity came from. Their answer is that it didn’t come from anywhere. It just is.


Have you ever taken the time to study closely the human hand? Let’s set aside the issue of whether or not it happened by a process of evolution or was the result of intelligent design and just look at it for what it is.

The hand is a marvel of incredible technology. It is fearfully and wonderfully made. It can be used for brute force, like the wielding of a hammer, or for the intricate threading of a tiny needle.

We only have two hands while primates are often said to have four. This is because the primate’s toes are long and the big toe is opposable and looks more like a thumb, thus enabling the feet to
be used as hands. Try swinging from a tree branch using the soles of your feet, and you will see what I mean.

Look at the back of your left hand for a moment, if you have one handy. Study the fingernails and think about where they grow from, the shape in which each one grows, their substance, and how strange your hand would look without them.

Then look at your thumb. The stubby little fellow can be easily rotated 90 degrees on a level perpendicular to the palm, unlike the other fingers which can be rotated only approximately 45 degrees.

Look at the knuckles, and how the skin has folds on it at the right places to accommodate the bend of the fingers and thumb.

I have been mocked by evolutionists for asking “where” gravity came from. Their answer is that it didn’t come from anywhere. It just is.


Each hand has twenty-seven bones, a massive freeway of various veins, life-giving warm blood, intricate overlapping muscles and tough tendons, and it’s all held together with flexible strong, yet soft, skin. The hand is connected to the arm, and the arm is connected to the shoulder, right up to central control—the brain, which tells the hand what to do and when to do it. And your marvelous hand is just a small part of the intricate human body, and the human body is just a small part of this amazing earth, and this incredible earth is but a tiny speck in this infinite universe.

If evolution is responsible for our hands and the rest of creation, we should fall at its wondrous feet in absolute homage. We should praise and adore it, and live in admiration of its power and ability. We are morally obliged to fall down in worship for its
goodness in giving us the awe-inspiring gift of life. It is only right that we love evolution with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Many do. It’s called “idolatry.”


Late in 2008, I saw a homeless man lying on the sidewalk. I didn’t stop to give him any money because I thought he might be insane. He sure looked it. Besides, he would probably use it for buying alcohol or cigarettes. But I began to think about my thoughts. Were they just excuses? How horrible if the man was insane. Imagine being tormented by a sick mind. I concluded that he may have needed money more than a sane person.

I went back and as I approached him his eyes flashed at me. His skin was ingrained with grime. He smelled like a filthy public restroom. I said, “Excuse me, sir. Are you okay? I would like to give you $20.” He reached out his grimy hand, took the money, and without saying a word, he waved his hand in a gesture of appreciation. As I walked away I thought that my $20 was pretty pathetic. So I returned and gave him some more. As I walked away a second time, two men who had been watching me from across the street called out “Take him to a park!” They didn’t want him living opposite their house. Sadly, I could understand their point of view.

I got up very early the next morning and rode my bike back toward the same spot. I had an agenda. I would offer to give the man a nice hot shower. While he was showering, I would go to a store and buy him some nice clean clothes. Then, we would go to the local barbershop and give him a haircut and shave. Then I would prepay for a room in a hotel for a week. From there we would go to a place I knew of that sold chickens, rabbits, and grain and ask if they would give him a job if I gave them his first
week’s wages. I was excited when I turned the corner and saw that he was still on the sidewalk.

I approached him, squatted beside him, and reminded him of our encounter the night before. He remembered me and said that his name was Robert and that he was sixty years old. I was pleased to find that he was coherent, but his speech was strangely quiet and deliberate.

I asked if he would like to get cleaned up, get a job, and have a roof over his head. I would pay for everything. Think of it—clean clothes, a job, and a warm room in a hotel. Robert went very quiet for a long time. I repeated my offer. He mumbled, “I’m thinking…” A moment later, he shook his head.

It turned out that he didn’t mind his filth. He got a pension from the government and he got his clothes from a Goodwill store (many years ago, by the look and smell of them). I then shared the Gospel with him and left him on the sidewalk.

I was so disappointed. How sad that a human being chose to live like that, sitting in his own filth. He was so used it. I guess it seemed to be right and normal for him to do so.

The unbeliever is the same as Robert. He is like the Prodigal Son (see Luke 15:11-32) as he sits in the filth of his sins thinking that his unclean desires are normal and right. Yet through the Gospel God offers to wash him clean of his sins, give him a purpose in existence, and put an eternal roof over his head. Yet he chooses death over life, darkness over light, Hell over Heaven, all because he loves his sin and hates righteousness. What an unspeakable tragedy.


A professing atheist can’t be sure of anything. He doesn’t know that there is no God. He doesn’t know if Hell is a reality. If you
are an atheist, all you have is your beliefs (faith) that God and Hell don’t exist. You have faith in what you believe. You can’t be sure that the sky is blue (it’s not—it has no color) or that the sun rises (it doesn’t—the earth turns). You don’t know for certain that the blue or the red that you see is actually the same color that others see. You don’t know if evolution is true or even if a rock is “hard,” because you have no concrete definition of what “hard” is other than what a dictionary tells you and what you have come to believe from the beliefs of others. For all you know, you might be insane and have twisted perceptions of what others see as reality. That’s why knowing God is such a wonderful thing. It’s because He knows the thoughts of everyone that has ever existed, and He is ever-present on every planet to determine if there are or are not green leprechauns.

The Scriptures give us insight into the mind of God. Through them we can know absolute truth. We can know reality. We have what the Bible calls “an anchor for the soul.” He is the rock of sanity. Without the solid foundation of the Word of God you will be blown about by the winds of an ever-changing secular philosophy.

The truth is that the Christian is like a doctor working with a patient who has psychological problems. The doctor has been well trained to recognize that his patient suffers from delusional paranoia (thinking that the good doctor wants to harm him).

You may think that I am too strong with my words, but it’s not me that calls the professing atheist a “fool.” It is God’s Word —”The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). It’s not me that says that he is prideful; it’s the Word of God. It says that it is the pride of his face that is stopping him from seeking God. It even reveals that it’s not that he cannot find Him, but that he
not (see Psalm 10:4). In other words it’s a matter of our will—we don’t want God.

Who would have believed that any human being would ever have to try and prove to any other human being that we were created? It is evidence that we live in a world of insanity where it has become commonplace for fathers to murder their children, husbands to beat their wives, kids to kill kids at school. It is an insane world where people breathe in carcinogens in the form of a cigarette and feel cool, where it’s normal and good to poison yourself through alcoholic intoxication, where lying and stealing are acceptable behavior.

We live in a world where mothers kill their children before they are born, where priests in the name of God molest children, and where so-called rational people believe that we are related to primates and call such unfounded imaginations “science.”

And yet there is an insanity that rises above all this craziness. It is the ultimate psychosis. God offers everlasting life to all who trust and obey Him, and the insane mock Him and His Word. The Bible says that when we come to Christ we receive a “sound” mind. Until then, the insane live on undiagnosed. I am speaking of myself also. I lived to twenty-two years without thinking at all about the issues of life and death, God and eternity.

The Bible reveals the root cause of all this mess. The issue has nothing to do with science. It is a corruption that the Bible calls “sin.” The essence of sin is a rebellion against our Creator. It’s an evil that dwells within each of us, refusing to yield to His moral government. We are like rebels who have hijacked a plane that we have no idea how to fly. We are plummeting toward the ground with no hope of salvation, and yet the Control Tower offers to guide us to safety. That’s the core of conversion—a total yielding of the controls back to the lawful Owner.

We justly deserve death. God offers us everlasting life. Please repent today. Apologize to God for your transgressions of His Law. Think about your sins then think about the Savior. Think
about what He did for you on the cross. Trust Jesus Christ—give Him total control, and you will have the ultimate promise from God Who “cannot lie.” He will save you from death.


Do Christians make you nervous? Are you afraid of our political aspirations? Do you want to keep us out of the education system? Do you think we are narrow-minded and dangerous? I know that many of you do.

You think that we have an evil agenda, and you are concerned because we are everywhere, and that gives us political power. We are doctors, nurses, mechanics, scientists, pilots, and authors, and some of us are even politicians.

Being born of the Spirit (see John 3) lifts us up out of the confines of the natural world and allows us to think outside of the box.


Genuine Christians really are quite harmless. We are likened to sheep (see John 10), and sheep don’t normally attack people. I did a quick search on the Internet, using the search words “Sheep attacks man,” and came up with only two clips. One was a sheep following a boy rather than attacking him, and the other was funny more than anything. Dogs are called “man’s best friend,” yet they attack and sometimes kill people. It is estimated that 2 percent of the U.S. population, an amazing 4.7 million people, are bitten by dogs each year. Chimpanzees, elephants, bears, lions, tigers, and other animals attack and kill people. But sheep don’t.

You may think that we are wolves in sheep’s clothing, but we’re not. We are not out to kill you, or bite you, or hurt you in
the slightest. We love you, and our deepest desire is for you to find the gift of everlasting life, and you will find that only by following the Good Shepherd.


A friend gave us nine chickens recently. They were just five days old when we got them, and since it’s been a long time since our three kids left the roost, it’s been great fun for Sue and me to watch these little birds grow and spread their wings. We will keep them inside under a heat lamp until they’re mature enough to go into our chicken coop along with their aunts. No doubt we will see some infighting when that happens as they go through their pecking order.

I remember watching one chick that ventured outside of the small world in which she lived. She jumped up onto the side of the tall box and she sat and gazed at what must have looked like a massive living room.

I couldn’t help thinking how tiny her world has been since she was born (hatched). Her whole existence was nothing more than a box, a heat lamp, eight of her buddies, food, and water to drink.

It made me think of some people I know who are confined to the small box of the atheist worldview. Their philosophy of “I have no belief in a God” shuts out the eternal and the infinite. It confines them to the natural world, when there is a massive living room of the Supernatural surrounding them. Being born of the Spirit (see John 3) lifts us up out of the confines of the natural world and allows us to think outside of the box.

All it takes to get out is a leap of faith. Talk of faith may make you nervous, but you won’t be disappointed if you repent first, then couple that repentance with simple trust in the Savior. Please do it. Unless you are chicken.

A group of onlookers once stared at a luxury liner and could not believe what they saw. Some passengers had dived into the sea and were clinging to a lifeboat while the rest of the passengers who stayed on board were laughing at them.

The onlookers remarked to each other how foolish they were to dive off the boat. Then the great liner hit something under the sea, sunk in moments and dragged all those who stayed on board down with it.

Suddenly they realized that those who looked like fools were wise, and those who stayed on the ship and looked liked they were wise, were actually fools.

We know that we look like bird-brained fools because we have left the pleasures of this sinful world and cling to Jesus Christ. But we also know that the time will come when we will be seen to be wise, and those who seem to be wise will be shown to be fools. It’s far better to be a bird-brain than a dead dog.

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