Nothing To Lose: A Grey Justice Novel (34 page)

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She moved again. Dammit…if she didn’t keep still… To keep himself sane, his hands slid to her hips and held her slightly away from him. As long as she wasn’t touching him, he would get through this.

Silent as a whisper, she pushed back against him. Cursing his weakness, his hands slid around to her stomach and pressed her even harder. He felt her take a swift inward breath. Bending his head, he nuzzled the petal-soft nape of her neck, inhaling a delicate scent that was only Kennedy.

They stayed like that for who knows how long. The voices across the room continued on, more hunting stories, laughter. The woman in his arms held his total attention. He was hot, aching, so damn hard, and if he could have gotten away with it, he would have lifted her dress and taken everything he needed.

Kennedy was burning from the inside out. Nick’s rigid penis throbbed against her…all she had to do was move her hand up slightly and she could have touched him. The men outside the door were forgotten. Her blurred mind dimly conceived that if they were caught in each other’s arms, the alibi that Nick was a jealous ex-lover could probably work quite well. She could just say she succumbed to him in a moment of weakness. And that’s exactly what she wanted to do—succumb.

With that thought, she allowed herself to feel Nick’s body, absorb his clean, male scent, appreciate his hardness against her softness. His mouth was pressed to the back of her neck, not moving, just there, soft but hot, causing shivers throughout her body.

As heat slid through her, Kennedy closed her eyes and let her fantasies take flight. She imagined Nick turning her around and covering her mouth with his, plunging his tongue again and again. The desire was so real, she could almost taste him…their kiss was a wild, untamed mating of tongues. He whispered sexy, intimate things in her ear. The pulse between her legs throbbed with need and Nick’s finger would be there, easing inside her, causing her to burn hotter, brighter. Then she would tear off her clothes and let him cover her with kisses. She wanted to lick and nibble every part of his gorgeous, muscular body until they both burst into flames. She wanted to take him in her hands and taste—

“They’re gone.” Nick’s gruff whisper crashed-landed her back to earth.


“They’re gone.”

She opened her eyes and squinted to peer through the slats. He was right. The room was empty. How silly to be disappointed.

“We need to get out of here.” Even to her ears, her whispered words sounded disappointed.

“I know.” His voice was thick.

Forcing herself to take the initiative, she pushed the door open and took a step out.

“Wait.” Before she could guess his intent, he grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and slammed his mouth over hers.

With a small whimper of gratitude, Kennedy opened for him and let those fantasies she’d just had become reality. Plastering her body against his, her hands roamed his body, loving the feel of him, the heat of his skin beneath his clothes burned hot, almost scorching her fingers.

Without warning, he pulled away abruptly, looked down at her. Was he going to end this so soon? Would he go cold on her again? No, she wouldn’t allow it.

Breathless with need, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I… Nothing. Not a damn thing.”

He covered her mouth again. This time he kept a steady pressure, not moving. It wasn’t so much a kiss as much as it was a gentle drawing, as if he were taking her essence into him. She wanted more…the fire, the heat. She had to taste him completely. Her tongue flicked out, licking his mouth. The catch she heard in his breathing told her he liked what she’d done.

Taking another chance, she licked again. A groan came from deep within his chest as he covered her mouth and plunged deep.

Yes…she had to have him. Here. Now. Her hands went to the zipper of his jeans. Cupping him, she stroked, loving the feel of him, delighting that he grew even harder, longer. Her fingers grabbed the tab of his zipper, but before she could go further, he covered her hand. “Not here.”

She froze. Good heavens, he was right. What was she thinking? And now she had the difficult task of going back to the party looking normal when all she wanted to do was strip naked and let Nick have her here, on the floor, on the desk. It didn’t matter. She wanted, had to have him.

Any second, this would be over. Her eyes closed, dreading the end of this intimacy that had told her so much more than he probably even realized.

His body shifted, and Kennedy tensed, waiting for it to end. Instead, he whispered, “Just one more taste.” This time he gave her the kiss she wanted, needed. Delicious, decadent, thrilling. His tongue plunged, retreated…he traced her lips with the tip of his tongue and then kissed her once more. His body ground against hers, and when she moaned at the lack of friction on the place she needed him most, he dropped one hand to her bottom, lifted her up and fit himself into her. Yes, this was it…what her body needed. Arousal, sharp and wild, zinged through her, and Kennedy found herself on the edge of orgasm. She never wanted him to stop moving into her. She—

“Excuse me, but I think it’s time for Kennedy to return to the party.”

They were in close enough proximity that she clearly heard Grey’s voice in Nick’s ear. A blush almost consumed her. While they’d been making out, practically having sex and most likely panting like two out-of-control animals, Grey and his team had heard every sound. And, oh dear heavens, she had a camera on her shoulder. What had they seen?

Mortified, Kennedy backed out of the closet.

Nick’s eyes, burning with a fierce light, held hers captive as he put a finger to his ear. “Be out in a minute. Kennedy’s headed back to the party.” He dropped his hand from his ear and then correctly interpreting her look, reassured her, “The mic was off. And I had my hand on your shoulder most of the time. They couldn’t hear or see anything.”

Relieved, she nodded. That still didn’t excuse her behavior. Here she was in the middle of the most important job of her life, and she couldn’t control her hormones. “I’d better get back. I’m sure Eli’s run out of excuses for me.” She gazed around the office. “Did you get anything we can use?”

“I don’t know. Based on what’s here, you’d never know the guy was even in charge of the family budget much less multimillion-dollar companies.”

Disappointed, she sighed. There had to be something somewhere.

“I’ll see you when you get home.”

Nick’s words sounded like a promise. She hoped so, because she wasn’t about to allow him to return to his coolness of the last few weeks. She gave him a heated look that in no way could be misinterpreted and then hurried out of the office. On her way back to the party, she made a brief but necessary stop at the powder room to make sure she didn’t look as hot and needy as she felt. Surprisingly, though her cheeks were flushed and her swollen mouth no longer held a trace of lipstick, she looked almost normal. Way more normal than she felt inside.

She returned to the parlor, knowing that everyone had congregated there as Irelyn had described. Sure enough, the men were on one side, the women on the other. Though they eyed her speculatively when she seated herself, no one mentioned her absence. She listened as they chatted among themselves, once again a polite smile frozen on her face. If any of them talked of something she could use, she never caught on. For the most part, they chatted about fashion, where their lover was taking them after they left Texas and the jewelry they’d been unable to bring when they were traveling.

When they finally reconnected with the men, she was glad to hear Eli tell his brother that they must leave. What would happen when she opened the door to her house? Would Nick, the passionate man she’d just made out with, be there? Or would it be the cool, polite Nick who barely looked at her anymore? She didn’t care which one greeted her. Whether he knew it or not, he’d opened something inside her. She wanted him unlike anyone she’d ever wanted in her life. No matter what excuse he gave, he would not be able to deny he wanted her. And he was going to have her, as she was going to have him.


Nick stood in the middle of the living room, waiting for Kennedy. He knew she and Eli had left Slater’s house, that they were on their way home. How would she react when she saw him? Would she be embarrassed or as hot and needy as she’d been inside that closet?

For the first time in his life, he’d almost lost complete control. The men in the room, only a few feet away, had stopped being anything but a small, irritating noise in his head. The only thing that had mattered was Kennedy in his arms, all soft, warm, and so damn ready for him. It had been good that the closet had been so small, because if there’d been any way he could have unzipped his pants and had her…nothing would have stopped him. The need to drive into her had been the only thing on his mind.

Justice’s voice in his ear had been a freezing splash of reality. He hadn’t mentioned to Kennedy that the man might not have been able to hear or see them, but the infrared camera would have shown their two bodies glued together. Hopefully she wouldn’t realize that, because he knew she was already embarrassed by what happened.

But no matter how she was feeling when she got home, embarrassed or not, he was going to have her tonight. Regrets and recriminations would wait until tomorrow. Tonight, she would be his.

The flood of headlights shone through the window. Seconds later, the door opened and she was there. A litany of words crossed his mind. Apologies for acting like a jerk for the past few weeks, excuses for his lack of control in the closet, reasons he would go insane if he didn’t kiss her within the next second. Nick did none of those. He simply held out his arms.

Happiness flooding through her, Kennedy didn’t hesitate. She threw herself at him, almost sobbing in relief as his arms closed around her. He held her close for several long seconds and then pulled away slightly. She looked up at him, wanting to see his face this time, needing to see the desire she’d only been able to feel earlier. Yes, it was there. Need, heat, desire, but most of all love.

She’d been burning for what seemed like hours. “I need you right now.”

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.” Lifting her off her feet, he walked a few steps forward and pressed her against the wall. “Tell me what you want.”

Any other time, she might have been hesitant or shy. Not tonight. With urgent hands, she tugged at his T-shirt, and he helped her by raising his arms, allowing her to pull the shirt over his head. When he was bare, she buried her face against his chest, licking, nibbling. Yes, this was her dream, her fantasy. He tasted incredible…salty, musky, sexy….

Nick was vaguely aware of dropping his pants and flinging them behind him, his total focus on the woman whose tongue was licking his bare chest, driving him to insanity.

“Oh hell, Kennedy. I don’t think…” He sucked in his breath when her teeth scraped his nipple.

“I love the way you taste.”

Those sexy words almost ruined his plans to let her take what she wanted. Only by filling his hands with her clothes was he able to keep from laying her on the floor and devouring her like candy. As if her dress had been made of paper, the material practically disintegrated as he pulled it from her body. His fingers dipped beneath her throng underwear and ripped them away. At last she was completely nude. Nick stepped back to take in the sight and groaned at the beauty before him.

“Nick?” She was breathing heavily, looking up at him, beautiful whiskey-colored eyes dark with desire.

His voice guttural, he gave her an ultimatum. “Here…now.”

Thank sweet heaven, she whispered, “Yes,” because he knew for a fact he couldn’t last another second.

Placing her arms around his shoulders, he muttered, “Hang on.” The instant she complied, he lifted her legs, wrapped them around his waist and buried himself deep inside her heat. She climaxed on his first thrust, and Nick followed her with his second.

Panting, gasping, his forehead against hers, he growled, “Not enough. Need more.”

“Me, too.”

“Don’t want to move…can’t let go.”

“Then don’t…so good.” She pressed soft frantic kisses to his face, his neck and chest.

“Yes,” he breathed and then drove into her again. She gasped out a sob, and he set his mouth over hers, swallowing the sound. His hands grabbed her hips and held her still as he hammered into her softness, thrust, retreat, thrust. Never enough…would never be enough.

A distant sound buzzed in his head. Nick ignored it…couldn’t think of anything other than the woman in his arms, sobbing his name, asking for more. An electric tingle zipping up his spine told him he was within seconds of another release. Wanting to make sure Kennedy came first, he pressed deep into her, pinning her to the wall and grinding. Sure that she would be screaming in ecstasy in seconds, instead he heard her gasp out, “What’s that sound?”

He thrust…nipped at her neck, muttered, “Hmm?”

“I hear something.”

“Cat…probably. Ignore it.”

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