Notice Me (9 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley

BOOK: Notice Me
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“I can try,” I smiled at him. I could do that as long as no promises were made. I wanted to love him, deep down inside my bones I could sense that. “But I think you are right, let’s not tell Megan just yet.”


“I think you might be right.” Will rested his head against my hair and sighed. “Maybe we should get back in case they start talking.” I didn’t really want to move, being here with the beautiful sunshine breaking through the clouds, the rippling sound of the fountain from the lake. I was having an Austen moment I was sure of it, but I knew Megan would start talking if we left it any longer.


“Okay,” I sighed feeling his touch withdraw from my face. “Let’s get back. I am sure Charlie needs us.”


“Unless my parents have already fed him to the hounds.”


“We better run.” We both laughed as we made our way back to the house.



The mood that evening was light. Everyone was trying hard to make a good impression. Charlie was trying the hardest of all.


I was glad Megan distracted me from Will. I was sure everyone could sense us stealing looks at each other, or I was just paranoid?


“Do you think it is going well?” Megan whispered in my ear as she came to sit by me in the large front room. It was the least formal room in the house, but still was luxurious with its six large brown leather sofas. Dark abstract pictures covered almost the entire room. The significant grey marble fireplace took centre stage with its warm inviting open fire.


“I think he is doing really well. Your mother seems to like him,” I noticed as Veronica laughed at something Charlie had said in the corner of the room.


“Yeah, I knew my mother would like him. She is female after all,” Megan replied with an acid tone to her voice. I knew what she meant. Veronica couldn’t keep her eyes or hands for that matter off Charlie. Her mother never changed. She always wanted what Megan had.


“Will has been very quiet tonight, is he alright?”


“He is fine. Why are you asking me?” My heart jumped beginning to race frantically. Had Megan already worked it out?


“I was just asking. I know he is
brother, but to be honest, I think you know him better than me sometimes.” I breathed in relief Megan hadn’t noticed.


“I doubt that Megan. Are your parents going to be here the whole weekend?” I asked trying to change the subject.


“My mother is. I think my father has a few business meetings tomorrow. I really want to go home tomorrow though.” I just nodded. “I am so proud of him you know, Shan.” Megan nodded her head in Charlie’s direction.


Charlie was deep in conversation with her father. Charlie was not a big business talker, but he held his own as Megan’s father talked his way through the national debt, tax laws and finally marketing budgets.


“Did you know he has written me a love song?” Megan giggled.


“Charlie wrote you a song?” I said surprised. I had no idea he was musical, but then maybe he wasn’t which explained Megan laughing.


“He plays the guitar. Didn’t I ever tell you?”


“No you didn’t.” I think that was the only fact Megan hadn’t told me about Charlie. It didn’t surprise me he played a musical instrument. Charlie was almost perfect after all. “Is the song any good?”


“I’m not sure, he hasn’t finished it yet.”


“Does it have a title?” I asked interested.


“Every time I see your face. I think I heard him playing it the other day but he went mad at me because it wasn’t finished.” I just smiled back at her. Charlie was like a dream man. The way he loved Megan, sometimes it took
breath away not just Megan’s.



By the end of the night I was relieved to be able to go to sleep. It had been a long day in so many ways.


As I began to get ready for bed I heard a knock at my door. My stomach turned in excitement as I went to open the door. Hoping it would be Will wishing me good night.


“Oh sorry, Shan. I thought this was Megan’s room. Which one is it again?” Charlie did look a little lost. I knew how he felt. The house had so many floors and doors. I had ended up in Maisy’s room last time I visited.


“Wrong floor, Charlie. Megan’s room is above on the fourth floor.” I smiled at him. “Well done today by the way. Megan was really proud of you.”


“Really?” Charlie seemed pleased.


“Yes, I told you not to worry.”


“Yeah, because everyone loves me.” Charlie laughed to himself.


“Of course they do.” I smiled back. “What was all that about the Fields not liking who your mother works for?” I asked interested.


“The Fields have been trying to merge with Downing International for years. Downing International are not interested. There is a lot of bad blood between the two companies.”


“Oh, that might be why Sir Field was so set against me going to New York at first.” I never realised the hostility was that bad between the two companies.


Just as he was about to speak again a voice came from behind him. “I believe you are on the wrong floor Mr Collins. Megan is the next floor. You were almost right though. I am impressed,” teased Will. “My parents are fast asleep. They won’t catch you.”


My heart fluttered slightly as Will came closer. He was striking even in the dim night light.


“I know Shannon just told me. I still cannot get over how many doors this place has. Well, good night, Shan, Will.” With one last glance at me Charlie disappeared upstairs.


Will stood leaning on the edge of my bedroom door frame smiling at me. He took my breath away just thinking that someone like Will could be in love with me.


“I thought I would come and say good night personally. Is that alright with you?” Will asked suddenly worried.


“That’s fine,” I laughed. “Relax.”


Will laughed with me as he placed his hand gently against my face, stroking my cheek tenderly as he brushed his lips against mine. I reacted quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer as we began to kiss more fervently. My stomach fluttered with pleasure that slowly filled my whole body. I couldn’t get close enough to him as my hands found his smooth broad chest. His hands slid down my back. I began to tingle all over. I knew in that moment what I wanted. Swiftly Will lifted me up in his strong arms while carrying me into the bedroom closing the door with his leg.





Chapter 7




Breakfast was even worse than last night. After our night together I was sure everyone could tell something was going on between Will and I.


Will had snuck out of my room at first light unfortunately bumping into Charlie as I watched him leave. Luckily I managed to close my door before Charlie put two and two together. Will was clever enough to think of a good excuse. Charlie was too traumatised to listen. Will looked like his father from a distance. Charlie thought he had been caught too. I laughed to myself thinking of Mr and Mrs Field fast asleep upstairs on the top floor totally unaware of what
children were up to.


“Would you like anymore eggs, Shannon?” Veronica asked.


“No thank you. I could not eat another bite. It was wonderful, thank you.” I was sure I sounded too excited, or perhaps I was blushing. Will just smiled and winked at me, which really didn’t help.


“So are you young ones going back to London today?” Veronica asked.


“I think so mother. Megan and Shannon have early lectures tomorrow,” Will replied.


“Such a shame. I never seem to see enough of you these days. Now Maisy is all grown up too. I get lonely.” Veronica pulled a sad face.


“I’m sure you will get over it mother. You always found a distraction while I was living here perhaps you should find a new hobby?” Megan spat out.


“Megan,” Charlie whispered touching her hand over the breakfast table.


“No, it’s alright Charlie. This is the way Megan and I are. She hates me. I love her,” Veronica smiled.


“You love me? What a joke.” Megan was slowly becoming angrier.


“I am not having this again Megan. Your father and I are sick of this. We gave you everything. I am sorry Charlie, but even you must have seen what a spoilt little bitch Megan can be. I am sorry about that, we tried, but some children you just cannot help.” Veronica was glaring at her daughter with the hatred filled eyes I was used to.


“Mother,” Will looked at his mother disgusted.


“Can we please just have a family breakfast? I have a business meeting in three hours.” Sir Philip Field was a voice that had to be obeyed, everything went quite. All that could be heard was the gentle sob coming from Megan. I touched her hand nearest to me squeezing it softly to reassure her. I noticed that Charlie had her other hand. Megan turned her head to both of us one at a time then smiled. She knew we would both always be there for her no matter what.



I wasn’t surprised that Megan wanted to leave straight after breakfast. Her parents were not affected by her quick exit in the slightest.


I sensed Megan’s relief as Will’s car cleared the estate gates. She was free again.


“Well, mother was on top form don’t you think?” Megan laughed towards Will.


“You shouldn’t let her get to you like that Megan. You know that is why she does it,” Will replied.


“I know I just couldn’t help it. Do you know she propositioned Charlie last night?” Megan laughed towards the end.


“She didn’t?” Will said horrified.


“Yes, she told him if he slept with her, he could have me. She would sort it all out with father.” Charlie looked embarrassed with this conversation. It didn’t shock me like it had Will. I saw the way Veronica was watching Charlie last night, with greedy eyes.


“For God sakes, is there no one our mother won’t proposition? No offence to you Charlie,” Will replied quickly.


“None taken Will. Don’t worry,” Charlie stared out the window. I could tell he really didn’t want to be included in


“I hate her. Father was almost as bad. Beating Charlie down with snobbery. Did you hear all that crap about the national debt?”


“That is only crap to you, Megan. Charlie held his own on that one, and I have to say I think father was rather impressed.”


Charlie was still staring out the window. It had been a stressful few days for him, it looked like he was having some alone time with his thoughts.


“You really think so?” Megan asked.


“Yeah, give him some time. I think he will come round. I will talk to him too of course.”


“Will, you are the best.” Megan placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder. He smiled at her from the rear view mirror.


The drive back did not take as long as the way there. Will and I caught ourselves looking at each other in the mirror now and then. After last night I just couldn’t help myself. I was sure I would have jumped on him if Megan and Charlie hadn’t been in the car. I could not wait to be alone with him again. I had never had an experience so intense in my life. I could safely say business wasn’t the only thing Will was well practiced in.


I was perhaps a novice in this subject. I had a little experience, but never realised just how amazing it really could be. When it is with someone you knew and trusted. Life I doubted couldn’t get much better.


“Well, here we are. Home sweet home.” Will smiled as he pulled up at the Knightsbridge penthouse. “Shannon, did you still want me to help you with that exam question? I am pretty sure I have a few books back at my place that would help.” I caught up on his mood straight away. It was the same as mine.

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