Notice Me (7 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #romance, #tristan, #werewolf, #luke, #mates, #anya, #wattpad, #lise, #bebechinadoll, #watty awards

BOOK: Notice Me
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Chapter 9: The Truth
After an intense few Moments of kissing, Tristan finally managed to
pull away from me. A soft whimper escaped my lips and I pouted from
the empty feeling I got when he separated us. He rested his
forehead against mine, calmly breathing in and out with his eyes
closed. Like he was cherishing the Moment, as a content smile
spread across his lips.
"Want to come over?" Tristan asked, his eyes flickering open to
catch me ogling him. Damn he totally snagged me perving on him! As
if he could hear what my thoughts were, the punk had the nerve to
smirk at me. Without even waiting for my answer, Tristan grabbed a
hold of my hand and began tugging me towards his house. Pushy
"Ok?" I agreed, knowing I was still going over to Tristan's even if
I answered no. Guiding me past his front porch, Tristan kept on
walking towards a cement path that led us along the side of the
house. We came to a stop in front of a door, which was on the
opposite side of my house. It would explain why I've never seen it
before. What was this, a side entrance possibly? Wow, this is
pretty cool. Why doesn't my house have a side entrance?
Removing a set of keys from his cargo shorts, Tristan unlocked the
door. "Welcome to my humble abode." He smiled. Waving his arm out
in front of him, he gestured for me to enter first. What's he
talking about? I've been in his house before...plenty of times to
have dinner with his Mom and mine or to drop off stuff to his
I can't say I've ever come in through this way though. Walking in
and taking in my surroundings, my mouth dropped open in shock. My
eyes immediately glimpsed over at Tristan with a look of adoration.
How lucky is this guy that his parents would do this for him?
"Seriously?" I breathed out a deep breath. "You have your own
apartment, inside your parent's house?" I mean its not like it was
a huge place or anything like that, but it was something to call
his own. There was an area with a flat screen TV, his PS3 and Xbox
gaming systems, and a sofa. Attached to this were a small kitchen
area with a fridge, microwave and a table with two stools. Then
there were two other doors which Tristan explained were his bedroom
and bathroom.
"Yea, my Dad and I built it when I turned seventeen. It used to be
our family room. We just added some sheet rock and paint, oh and a
stand up shower turning the half bathroom into a whole one."
Tristan answered proudly. "Want something to drink?" He asked
walking over to the fridge.
"No thanks." I responded plopping myself down on his sofa. I was
beginning to feel really nervous all of a sudden...being
here...alone with Tristan. It's not that I don't trust him, because
for some odd reason, I do with all my heart. The reason for the
nervousness was because I wasn't sure I trusted my body and
Tristan awakens feelings and emotions inside of me that I never
knew existed. I feel like a plant that was once close to being
shriveled and dried up, then someone came along giving it water and
sunlight reviving me. He gave me a sideways glance from where he
was standing at the fridge. "You ok?" Tristan asked with raised
Nodding my head, I gave him a small reassuring smile. "I'm fine." I
remarked licking my lips, which were suddenly very dry. He handed
me a bottle of water, coming over to sit down next to me on the
sofa. Is it me or is it extremely hot in here? I wondered as
Tristan continued to stare at me with curiosity. He leaned over and
grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. We sat there for an hour
watching an episode of That 70's Show, laughing at Fez and his air
When the show was over Tristan switched the TV off and turned to
face me. I could sense he wanted to tell me something, but by the
look on his face he didn't know how. "Let's take a walk, I want to
show you something." Tristan suggested as he stood up and held his
hand out for me to take.
A walk sounds like a pretty good idea right about now, considering
the fact that I'm still experiencing hot flashes. Tristan didn't
seem to be phased in the least bit. We left out the side entrance,
Tristan holding onto my hand tightly. I know my palm is sweaty from
being so close to him, but he didn't seem to mind it.
Why is he leading me towards the wooded area behind our houses?
What could possibly be back here that he needed to show me? I never
ventured back here, too scared of contracting Lymes disease from a
tick that decided he wanted to latch onto my ankle. Plus, I was a
scaredy cat...a true chicken-shit! I'm pretty sure there are all
type of animals back here just waiting to get me.
In my lifetime, I've watched enough episodes of when wild animals
attack on the discovery channel to be smart enough to stay the heck
out of the woods. I could see it now, in my attempt to try and
escape some wild beast, I'd fall and break a leg. Knowing my luck
I'd probably break both.
"Tristan, where are you taking me?" My voice came out with a quiver
as I looked around timidly. Please don't let us run into some sort
of bear or wild boar! Tristan stopped walking causing me to bump
roughly into his back from not paying attention in front of me. He
spun around quickly wrapping his arms around my waist so that I
didn't fall backwards.
Pulling me close to him he leaned down and whispered into my ear.
"You're not scared, are you?" He asked teasingly.
I smacked him playfully in the chest and snorted. "No, of course
not." I tried to put on my bravest face to show him I wasn't, even
though internally I was ready to drop his hand and run for the
hills at the mere snap of a twig.
"Don't worry. I'll protect you." He chuckled placing a kiss on my
forehead. All I could do was roll my eyes at him. It felt as though
we've been going forever, but I'm sure it's only been a few
minutes. I swear that if we get lost out here I'll kill him. I
don't have the basic survival instincts to make it out in the
I refuse to eat bugs or dirt and I certainly wasn't going to become
food to anything that was lurking out here. We walked a little
further coming to a stop when we came to a clearing in the trees.
It was a cliff that overlooked Muscongus Bay. Down below was a bit
of land made up of some sand and rocks. In the distance you could
see the Marshall Point lighthouse and it was amazing! It looked so
tiny from where we stood.
"How'd you know this was here?" I asked with a grin on my face.
Secretly, I was glad that I allowed him to bring me out here to
experience this.
"Me and the guys found it playing around in the woods when we were
younger." He answered staring off into the water. Tristan's eyes
glazed over like he was remembering the day they discovered this
hidden area. Either that or he was thinking really hard about what
he needed to say to me.
I began to worry what if he changed his mind? About asking me to
trust him or about not being able to stay away from me? What if he
regretted kissing me that second time? Panic and doubt began
swirling viciously around in my head causing me to get lightheaded.
Breathe you idiot; breathe before you pass out, I mentally yelled
at myself. In through the nose and out through the mouth, I recited
over and over again as I closed my eyes and sucked in all the crisp
air that I could.
"Lise." Tristan's voice breathed softly. I was able to feel his
breath wash over my lips as I kept my eyes closed. Like he was
standing right in front of me. "Open your eyes."
Following his command, I opened my eyes to stare up into his. I
gasped at what I saw; his eyes were so silver I could almost see my
own reflection in them. Blinking rapidly to try and clear my
vision, I came to the conclusion that I had to be imagining things.
There's no possible way someone's eyes can change colors like
"I like you Lise, I like you a lot." Tristan began still keeping
eye contact with me, his face the epitome of seriousness. "Thank
you for trusting me."
I was trying my hardest to pay attention to his every word, but it
was quite a difficult task considering he was rubbing his thumbs up
and down either side of my waist where he held me. "You're
welcome." I mumbled, still lost in his hypnotic stare. His eyes
were still the same silvery color, so I wasn't imagining it.
"Do you believe in soul mates?" Tristan voice was now an octave
lower, husky almost. Prickly goosebumps rose up on my arms just
from hearing it.
Part of me wanted to chuckle, what kind of sappy question is that?
The intelligent part of me however, told me it'd be best if I
didn't, there was nothing humorous about this. Do I believe in soul
mates? Yes, I'd have to say I do. I'm a sucker for tragic love
stories. Always believing in there's love out there for everyone
motto. Instead of waiting for my answer, Tristan kept right on with
his rant. I was beginning to get used to him answering for
"Well I do, Lise." He inhaled a sharp breath like he was getting
ready to let me in on all his secrets. He seemed a bit timid for
some reason. "I don't know how to explain this to you without you
freaking out." Explain what to me? What could he possibly say to me
that would cause me to 'freak out' so he puts it?
"Lise, I'm not exactly who you think I am." Tristan warned, his
voice sounded like he was in physical pain just from disclosing
that tidbit of information to me. "I'm a..."
Just as Tristan was about to finish his sentence, his entire body
language changed. He stood up straighter and seemed more on alert.
Spinning around on his heels, he shoved me behind him so that my
back was facing the cliff. Tristan tilted his head upwards as if he
was sniffing something in the air, what the hell? Does he smell
something out of the ordinary, because I sure as heck don’t?
Puckering my lips I tried my best to smell whatever it was that he
did, but I couldn't.
"Lise, I need you to listen to me very carefully." Tristan ordered
under his breath. His face turned slightly sideways so that I could
see he was being dead serious. Why the change in aura all of a
sudden. What happened to cause him to become like this? Did he
sense danger? Is there a bear?
"When I say go, I want you to run home fast as you
can. No matter what you do, DO NOT turn around. Do you hear me?"
Tristan dictated.
I stood quiet with wide eyes unsure of which way home is. Oh god,
I'm going to get eaten tonight! Sensing my mini panic attack,
Tristan grabbed my face with his hands, forcing me to stare into
his eyes.
"I need you to focus Lise." Tristan said nodding his head up and
down making sure I heard him. "Home is straight that way, follow
the trail. DO NOT veer off the trail no matter what you do."
Why is he doing this? Is he trying to give me a heart attack? "Why
can't you come with me?" I asked in a panicked voice.
Just as I said that I hear a low growl erupt from within the trees.
"I can't come with you sweetheart. Just please trust me." Tristan
begged me with his eyes. He leaned down and pecked me on the
Within seconds two gigantic wolves emerged from within in trees.
Tristan spun me around and shoved me roughly in the back screaming,
"Go, Run!"

That was all the urging I needed from him to take flight. My legs
carried me faster than I ever imagined. Then it hit me I left him!
How the hell could I possibly leave him to be eaten by wolves? What
kind of person does that? Digging my feet down into the dirt, I
spun on my heels to turn around and help Tristan.
I turned to see a gray wolf and a brown one approaching him. A
couple more steps and they both lunged at him. I tried to scream
but it got lodged in my throat as the tears began pouring out.
Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I couldn't believe I left him to be
eaten! A terrifyingly loud snarl snapped my eyes open, just in time
to see Tristan jump in the air and burst into a gigantic black
’This is some freaky Twilight meets
Underworld crap!’
I thought before I let out the
loudest blood-curdling scream ever. I'd be doing justice to all
those girls in the horror movies. What the hell did I just witness?
For sure I lost my mind, I must have fell and knocked myself
unconscious along the way.
I twisted my body around one last time and took off running like a
bat out of hell. I screamed the entire way home until I reached the
confinements of my own room. Locking the front door, I ran upstairs
to my room where I locked that door and ran into the bathroom
locking myself in there too!
Curling myself up into a ball in the corner of the bathroom, "It's
just a nightmare, it's just a nightmare." I kept reassuring myself
as I rocked back and forth soothingly. I've officially lost my damn

Chapter 10: Playing
I'm not exactly sure how long I spent locked away in the bathroom.
All I do know is that I woke up to the sound of light knocking on
my bedroom door. "Lise, are you ok in there?" I could hear my mom
calling out for me. Her voice sounded like it was filled with
worry. "You need to open up dear."
Standing up and stretching my arms upwards, my entire body hurt. I
must have fell asleep huddled in the furthest corner of the
bathroom, between my hamper and the bathtub. My neck felt stiff, my
back was aching, and worst of all, my butt was entirely numb. You
know, those prickly needle things you get when you sit in one spot
too long?
"Honey, I knocked when I first got home from work. Then again when
dinner was done." She said banging on the door a bit harder this
time. "I made your favorite, lasagna."
Unlocking the bathroom door, I poked my head out to scope out my
bedroom. What? You never know what the heck could be lurking around
in here hiding in the dark shadows, Yea, yea, call me a chicken all
you want. I'm sure you would react the same way after what I
witnessed. I done seen it all today.
When I deemed my room safe enough to enter, I rushed out. How long
was I asleep for? It was dark out; the only light was shining from
the street's lamppost outside. "I'm coming Mom." I called out,
swinging open my bedroom door to come face to face with my
beautiful mother. Why wasn't I blessed with my mother's good looks?
Where did I come from?
The look of relief filled her expression instantaneously as soon as
she saw that I was alive and still in one piece. "Sorry, I fell
asleep. Exhausting first day at school." I said making up the only
excuse I could possibly think of.
I couldn't very well tell my mom I passed out hiding in my bathroom
after seeing her friend's son morph into an enormous furry four
legged creature, now could I? Speaking of which, I wondered if
Tristan is ok? My heart clenched at the very thought of him lying
hurt somewhere.
Glancing over my shoulder at my alarm clock, the time read eight o'
clock. I was cooped up in the bathroom for four hours? "Are you
feeling ok?" My mom inquired placing the palm of her hand on my
cheek. "You should come eat something."
Shrugging my shoulders slightly and giving her a little nod, "I'll
come down and eat. Just let me get changed first." I stated turning
around to go put on my pajamas.
"Ok I'll go warm it up for you and by the way, Tristan stopped by
earlier. He said he was worried about you." Mom informed me. "He's
such a sweet boy." Mom cooed in a teasing voice. You could tell by
the sound of her voice that she was grinning.

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