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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Notorious (17 page)

BOOK: Notorious
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“You're destroying hotel property!”

“I'll pay them for the sheet.” He moved to the other side of the bed to repeat the process and there she was, neatly tied, hand and foot, naked on the bed. He surveyed his work. “Nice. Very, very nice. Are you comfy?”

“Well, you didn't hurt me or anything, if that's what you mean, but I didn't mean for you to do it like this.” She was panting, both from the struggle and—she had to admit it—from excitement. He'd tied her up while promising her an amazing orgasm. And he'd been quick, but gentle. None of her muscles were stretched too tight and, God, she felt sexy. A fantasy didn't get much better than that.

And yet she still felt honor-bound to complain. “I was picturing velvet ropes or silk scarves.”

“You got any velvet ropes or silk scarves?”

“Well, no. Even so, you could have led up to it and taken it slower.”

“You don't lead up to a stunt like this. That's boring.” His smile was positively wicked as his gaze traveled over her. “And, don't worry, we'll take it slow. Now.”

A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine. “My, how you've changed since Friday afternoon.”

“That's where you're wrong. I've had my fantasies, the
same as you.” He walked slowly around the bed, eyeing her from every angle. “This is one we share.”

She didn't dare ask him if she was the woman he'd fantasized about. If she hadn't been, she didn't want to know. Besides, if she hadn't been his fantasy woman before this weekend, she would be after this.

Taking his gaze from her briefly, he reached down and picked up his briefs. They didn't fit very well over his erection.

“I didn't hear anybody at the door,” she said.

“Nobody's there yet.”

“Then why—”

“I want to be ready.” He stepped into his jeans and winced as he zipped them. “Talk about bondage.” Then he walked casually over to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress.

Her pulse raced at the look in his eyes. An involuntary shudder of excitement ran through her as the fact of her vulnerability finally penetrated. She was totally at his mercy. Did she trust him that much? Yes and no. Yes, that he wouldn't hurt her. No, that he wouldn't drive her beyond all her limits and strip away all her defenses. And that was where the thrill of danger came in.


She shook her head.

“I didn't think so.” Reaching down to her ankle, he trailed a finger along the inside of her calf, then continued up the tender skin of her inner thigh, drawing closer, closer, closer…and stopping. Holding her gaze, he brushed his knuckles lightly over her damp curls and she discovered how incredibly sensitive she was as she responded with a rush of moisture.

“You smell so good,” he murmured. Boldly he slid a finger in deep, drew it out and licked it. “And you taste even better.”

She wanted more…much more. But he'd promised to take it slow. She wondered if she'd survive the wait.

“Remember finger paints?” he asked.

Her chest was tight with anticipation, her answer breathy. “Yes.”

“Let's pretend this is a jar of finger paint.” He slipped two fingers back into her. “And I'm going to paint a beautiful picture on your soft body. You're so wet I should be able to create quite a masterpiece.”

Delicious heat poured through her, flushing her skin and making her entire body tingle. “You're going to torture me, aren't you?”

He circled her breast with his damp fingers. “Yes, darlin', I am. And you're going to love it.”

As an erotic tease, it was world-class. He stroked every part of her body with the musky liquid of her passion, always returning to the wellspring to caress her into panting readiness again. Yet he'd only stay long enough to make her whimper, never long enough to give her the climax that soon became her entire focus.

And just as she was ready to offer him anything if he'd only give her that precious release, a knock at the door announced room service had arrived.

Noah leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “Our food's here.”

She gasped for breath. “Who cares? Noah, I need—”

“Soon.” He climbed from the bed. “Be right there!” he called to the bellman.

“What do you mean, you'll
be right there?
Noah, don't open that door!”

“Don't panic,” he murmured. Then he reached for the quilted bedspread that had fallen to the floor and pulled it carefully up to her chin.

“What—what are you doing?”

“Completing your fantasy.” He propped two pillows under her head and arranged two more to disguise the fact that her hands were bound. “I've been paying attention, Keely. I'm going to turn us both on like we've never been turned on in our lives.”


“The waiter's going to come in and leave our food while you're lying there totally naked and aroused under that bedspread, unable to move, and by the time he's left the tray and I've paid the bill and he's gone, you're going to be hotter than you've ever been in your life, because it's so risky. Better than the hallway.”

“Oh, Noah.” She thought her heart would pound out of her chest. But in a secret, hidden part of her mind she suspected he was right.

“Trust me?”


He walked over and opened the door.

The waiter came in, and after one quick look at Keely in the bed, he bustled about his task of setting down the tray. Noah pretended to ignore her, too, as he took his time paying the bellman and walking him to the door.

It was the wildest feeling she'd ever had, knowing that the minute the bellman was gone Noah would whip off the bedspread and make love to her.

Her body throbbed with unreleased tension as she watched Noah open the door, let the guy walk out, close the door again and carefully lock it.

Then he turned and nearly tore off his jeans and briefs. The condom went on in record time. Then he yanked off the bedspread and released Keely's restraints before moving between her thighs and plunging deep. Her orgasm came instantly, rocking her with the most powerful contractions she'd ever felt. She clung to Noah as his frenzied cries of release blended with hers.

Gradually the world stopped spinning as they lay sweaty and entwined, gasping for breath.

Noah chuckled. Keely started to smile. And before they knew it, they were clutching each other and howling with laughter.

“Can you believe we did that?” Noah asked.

“No! You are really crazy!”

“You started the whole thing.” He propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at her, a grin on his face.

“You mean the hallway?”

“No, I mean behind that lava rock! My imagination has been in overdrive ever since.”

“I was trying to corrupt you.”

“It worked. Man, did it ever work. I am never going to forget this weekend.”

She felt a pain in the general region of her heart. If only he'd said he would never forget her. She managed a smile. “Me neither.”


he'd ordered the fruit to go along with the sandwiches. With a willing woman like Keely, a guy could find all kinds of interesting things to do with fruit. He'd turned her into quite a fruit cocktail before he'd finished. And in the process she'd become a real fan of multiple orgasms.

Then she'd become creative with the mayo she'd scraped off her club sandwich and he'd gladly served as her private bedroom deli. He might not have been able to do the multiple-orgasm thing like she could, but the climax she'd given him had almost killed him.

All in all, it was the most excellent meal he'd ever had—best food, best atmosphere, best company.

He wondered why he'd never tried eating naked with a woman before. You could save a bundle on napkins. If either of you happened to drip, the other gladly licked it off. Personally he'd made an effort to be messy and he figured she had, too.

With all the interruptions, their lunch had taken quite a while. He realized just how long when he had to switch on a light to see Keely better. At the same time he glanced at the numbers on the digital bedside clock. Damn. His plane left in two short hours.

“Why the frown?” she asked, snuggling into the pillows. “Indigestion?”

“No.” He settled down next to her and cupped her breast, rubbing her nipple to erectness with his thumb. “It's just that I can't stay much longer.”

Her green eyes flashed with alarm. “Really?”

“My plane leaves tonight.”

“Miss it.”


She reached down and circled his penis with her hand. “Are you quite sure about that?”

He closed his eyes as she stroked and tickled him into aching readiness in no time at all. In the past forty-eight hours he'd become like his bulls when they were in the same pen with a heifer in heat. He couldn't get enough.

But he'd promised Jonas he'd be home tonight. Because of his promise, Jonas and B.J. had left the ranch that afternoon bound for Phoenix to check out wedding decorations. They'd planned to stay in Phoenix a couple of days and Noah needed to be at the ranch to take care of business while they were gone. Several matters demanded his attention, and he intended to keep his word to be back on time.

Keely scooted down and placed a kiss on the tip of his penis. “I'm sure you could get a plane in the morning.” Then she used her tongue to add more fuel to her argument.

His breathing roughened and his voice grew husky with a passion that seemed to have no end. “Keep that up and I'll be able to fly there without a plane.”

“I want you to stay with me tonight,” she murmured as she nibbled her way from base to tip.

“There's nothing I want more. But I can't. I—” He drew in a sharp breath as she took him fully into her mouth and applied gentle suction. “But you have amazing powers of persuasion.” By all rights he shouldn't be getting hard again, but damned if he wasn't. If he didn't stop her, she'd make him come, and he didn't want to spend the last orgasm he would share with her in that way.

Ah, but she gave him such pleasure. Reluctantly he combed his fingers through her hair and cradled her head, drawing her slowly away, bringing her tender mouth up to
meet his. “Time for one of those little raincoats,” he murmured between light kisses. “I want to be inside you this time.”

“Okay,” she said in a breathy, excited voice as she met his teasing kisses with ones of her own. “We can try a new position.”

“I had in mind something boring. Hang on a sec.” He turned over and grabbed a condom packet from the bedside table.

“Boring?” She smiled at him. “Here, let me put that on.”

“I thought you'd never ask.” He gave her the condom and she made a big production of unrolling it over his totally recharged penis. He loved her careful attention and tried not to think about this being the last time he'd feel her hands on him.

“I don't see how anything we do in this bed could be boring.” She gave one last little tug on the latex. Then she cupped his balls and massaged them gently as she glanced up at him. “Not considering what we have to work with.”

He couldn't believe he was so hot for her again, but she seemed to know instinctively how to touch him to turn him into a raging maniac. “Then you wouldn't mind the plain old missionary position?”

She gazed into his eyes. “You mean no props, no unique location, no thrill of discovery?”

“That's right.” He searched her eyes for the emotion he wanted to find. “Just you and me.”


“I know. Think you can handle it?” There. He thought he saw the visual clue he was seeking, but then it was gone again.

“I don't know.” She looked nervous.

“Let's try it.” He eased her to her back and braced his hands beside her shoulders as he moved between her thighs.

She ran her hands lightly down his back and paused as her
fingers encountered the ridge of a small scar. “How did I miss this?” she asked softly. Slowly she traced the ridge with her forefinger.

“You couldn't have discovered everything. It's only been a weekend.”

Regret flashed in her eyes. “That's right.”

He gazed down at her, memorizing what he saw. This was his last chance to awaken real emotion in her. If he failed, he would never see her this way again.

Her tousled hair fanned out against the white pillow in waves of dark red, the color of desire. His glance raked over her, from her flushed cheeks to her passion-darkened nipples, from her flat belly to the red-gold curls between her thighs. A shell-pink treasure beckoned to him, peeking out from beneath those soft curls.

He focused on her face again—full lips parted, nostrils flared, green eyes dark with secrets. He held her gaze and moved his hips forward, easing partway in, adjusting to her heat so he could build his control.

“That feels so good,” she murmured.

“Nothing like it.” And he wasn't talking about sex in general, either. He'd never experienced anything to compare with making love to Keely. He was beginning to understand how rare this connection was…for him. But he didn't know how rare it was for her. Not yet.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed home. Slowly a flame grew in her eyes, a flame that warmed his soul. Maybe they had a chance. But he wasn't putting anything on the line by speaking about it. Instead, he'd talk around the problem. “Just so you know, I'm not going for the multiples this time.”

“Okay.” She swallowed and tried another smile, but it faltered. “Back to basics?”


“You're leaving after this, aren't you?”


Her grip tightened on his back and she closed her eyes. “I thought so,” she whispered, her voice choked.

“Keely, open your eyes.”

She shook her head.


Her lashes fluttered upward, and her eyes glistened with tears.

Those tears hit him like a fist in the gut. “You're crying,” he said, his throat raw.

Her voice was tight. “I think I have something in my eye.”

“Bull. You don't want this to end any more than I do.”

“It has to end.” Her voice quivered. “I can't go back.”

His heart sank. “To the ranch?”

“To the ranch, to my family, to my old life, to anything.”

She didn't think he was worth the sacrifice
. He could beg her to change her mind. And then what? Convince her to live a life she didn't want because he couldn't imagine giving her up? No.

“I guess this is it, then,” he said.

“Yes, this is it.”

“Well, you'd better hang on, sweetheart, because it's gonna be one hell of a goodbye.” He began slowly, making each stroke count, and even her tears couldn't put out the flame in her eyes. “You know this is about more than sex,” he murmured.

She didn't reply, but the flame burned brighter.

“It's about more than games and thrills.” He increased the pace, building that flame. She cared about him, damn it. He could see that she did. “It's about more than orgasms.”

Tears dribbled from the corners of her eyes, and her gasps sounded almost like sobs, but she kept her eyes open and her gaze locked with his.

“But if I can't give you anything else, at least I can give you that.” Shifting his angle slightly, he came in high and tight, stroking relentlessly now, drawing broken cries of pleasure from her lips. “Good, isn't it?”

“Yes!” she cried, helpless in her need.

“The best, right?”

“Yes, oh…
” She met him thrust for thrust.

“Even just the basics.”

Her fingers dug into his back. “I love…the basics,” she said, panting.

His heart wept. She'd nearly said it. “I love…the basics, too,” he murmured.

“Oh, Noah…Noah…now!”

As she tightened around him and pushed upward, he spiraled out of control with a groan of surrender—to his passion, to Keely, to a future that would not include this flame-haired woman. Shuddering, he held her close and gulped back a sob of frustration. It was over.


, cocooned in the covers while Noah dressed. Part of the time she watched him and part of the time she closed her eyes and battled tears. The gutsy move would be to get up and put her clothes on, too, but she couldn't bear to leave the haven they'd shared for so many hours. She wanted to stay here for as long as his scent remained in the sheets.

They'd had lots of sex in this room, but they'd only made love once, this last time. That cataclysmic event had nearly destroyed her. Their love, unspoken but real, was incredibly beautiful and absolutely hopeless.

Oh, if they could live their days in this room, if they never had to put on the clothes that branded each of them with the roles they'd chosen, then they might be able to make a go of their relationship. He'd just proved to her that they'd crossed into a whole other realm, one in which the mating of bodies was overshadowed by the joining of souls.

But they couldn't live in this room, and he was already dressed in the clothes of his chosen profession. Buckling his belt, he went in search of his hat. He was headed back to his ranch, and she had a story to finish for the magazine. In the real world they'd make each other miserable. She had to let him go.

He might think he wanted her around, but good sex had muddled his brain. Maybe, in the hot flush of desire, he'd imagined that he could mold her into the kind of rural woman he needed by his side. She, on the other hand, had never even considered asking Noah to become a city man.

As if he ever could. He stood in the middle of the hotel room smoothing the brim of his black hat, his long legs tucked into denim, his broad shoulders covered in soft chambray. He might own a computer and understand the principles of investing in the stock market, but in his heart he was a cowboy.

And she loved him that way. She wouldn't urbanize Noah even if she had the power.

He looked at her for a long moment. “I'll stop by the desk and settle up with them about the sheet.”

She propped herself up against the headboard while holding the bedspread over her breasts. They'd dared everything with each other, and yet nudity seemed inappropriate now. “What are you going to say?”

A faint smile touched his mouth, the mouth she would never kiss again. “I'll tell them we each took a strip of it for a souvenir.”

“That's an idea.”

He pulled a rolled strip of white material out of his back pocket and showed it to her. “I thought so.”

She stared at the piece of sheet he'd carefully preserved and meant to take home with him. For some reason, that sentimental gesture got to her more than anything else, and she swallowed several times, praying she wouldn't break down.

“I have to go,” he said softly.

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

“I'd better not kiss you goodbye, or I'll never leave.”

She cleared her throat. “Okay.” She clutched the bedspread and tried to breathe normally.

He walked toward the door.

In that moment she imagined how a condemned person
must feel in the last few seconds of life. She'd known heaven today. In less than a minute she'd know hell.

Perhaps she could make things easier for herself if she looked away while he twisted open the dead bolt and reached for the doorknob. But instead, she watched every move, cherishing each second that he remained.

He turned the knob and opened the door. She braced herself. Then, slowly, he closed the door again and faced her. Her heart thundered with new hope, even though she couldn't imagine that he'd found a solution.

BOOK: Notorious
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