Now You See Her (33 page)

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Authors: Linda Howard

BOOK: Now You See Her
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They weren't the only three in the room. Cops being a naturally nosy bunch, whoever had a few minutes free found an excuse to see what was going on. Three uniforms and two more suits had joined them. When Aquino growled that this wasn't a damn circus, one of the suits shrugged and said, “Hey, we like

Alex read off the categories.

“Cyrus McCormick,” said Sweeney.

“Little Movies,
and the quotation marks mean the word ‘little' will appear in each answer.”

“Little Women,'” Sweeney said.

“I coulda guessed that,” said a uniformed officer.

“Then why didn't you?” asked someone else.

“Quiet!” Aquino barked.

“Colleges and Universities.”

“Tulane,” Sweeney said. She gripped the cup tighter. Doing this in her apartment wasn't the same thing as getting it right this time, when it was important. Maybe she
just been making lucky guesses.

“Business and Industry.”



“Prime numbers.”

“And finally,
Highways and Byways.”

“I-Ten, and I-Ninety,” said Sweeney, and waited tensely for the first contestant to make her choice.

“Math, for a hundred,” said contestant number one.

Alex read the clue. “These numbers are evenly divisible by only the number one and themselves.”

Number three was hot with the button, ringing in even though the other two were frantically pushing theirs, too. “What are prime numbers,” she said.

Silence fell in the dingy little room in the police station. One by one other choices were made, and each time Sweeney gave the correct answer. Sometimes she barely had time to get the answer out before the clue popped up on-screen, but she always made it. Contestant number three was on a roll; even if she didn't ring first, she was always ready in case one of the other two stumbled. By the time the first commercial break rolled around, she had twice as much money as the other two combined.

“I think we've seen enough,” said Aquino, getting to his feet.

“Maybe you have,” replied one of the other detectives. “I want to see the rest of the show.”

Shakily Sweeney rose and followed Aquino out of the room, with Ritenour right behind her.

“All right.” Aquino growled when they were once again in the interrogation room. “So you can do that. And that thing with the traffic lights. I'm impressed, but I ain't convinced. Convince me.”

She stared helplessly at him. “Convince you, how? I can barely believe it myself, and I'm living it. I can't tell you what's going to happen tomorrow, and I can't read your mind. I paint in my sleep and I see ghosts—oh, damn,” she finished weakly, seeing those looks they were giving her again. She hadn't meant to mention the ghosts. There was no way to prove she saw them, because she was the only one
who did. If she hadn't been so tired, she would have had better self-control.

“Ghosts,” repeated Ritenour.

“Forget I said that.”

“Uh-huh. I'm going to forget to eat for the next week, too.”

She wished he hadn't mentioned eating. She had been trying to ignore her hunger, which was just one more discomfort added on to being cold and exhausted. She made a dismissive gesture. “No one else sees them, so it doesn't matter. They don't bother anyone; most of the time they don't even say hi. Although Elijah Stokes did tell me his sons' names so I could send a sketch to them.”

“Elijah Stokes.”

“The hot dog vendor who was killed. The other painting. Have you checked on that yet?”

“I'll see what I can find. Some other precinct probably handled it. Where was he killed?” asked Ritenour.

“I don't know, but one of his sons could tell you. Their names were ...” She searched her memory. “Daniel . . . no, David. David and Jacob Stokes. They're both attorneys.”

Ritenour left the room. She leaned back in the uncomfortable chair and closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead where a headache was beginning to form.

“Does anyone else know about that painting?” Aquino asked, and she opened her eyes to find his shrewd gaze on her. “Besides Mr. Stengel.”

“Ste—? Oh, Kai.” She had heard his last name
only a couple of times, and most of the time it escaped her.

“What about Mr. Worth? He's been in your apartment. Has he seen the painting?”

Not mentioning Richard was one thing; lying to a cop was something else entirely.

“Yes,” she said, her voice so weary it was almost inaudible. “He's known about it from the beginning.”

Aquino's eyebrows rose. “From the beginning . . . as in several days ago?”

“That's right.”

“I wonder why he didn't see fit to mention this to us yesterday.”

“He didn't want to implicate me. He knew this would happen,” she whispered. “He said that when I finished the painting and we knew who the murderer is, or at least have a description, he would somehow point you in the right direction.”

“Big of him,” said Aquino furiously “I don't like civilians deciding for me how I should do my job.”

Sweeney slapped her hand down on the table, suddenly as furious as he. “Just what would you have said, Detective, if Richard had come to you and said, ‘Oh, by the way, the woman I'm seeing has some psychic ability and she's doing a painting of the murder'? Would you have believed him, any more than you believe me?”

He put both hands on the table and leaned toward her, aggressiveness in every line of his burly body. “It isn't my job to believe everything I'm told.”

“No, but it is your job to recognize the truth when it's staring you in the face!” She leaned forward, too, bringing her nose as close as possible to his.

To her surprise, he raised his eyebrows. “As far as that goes,” he said mildly, “I'm inclined to believe you.”

Talk about taking the wind out of her sails. Sweeney sat back, feeling herself go flat without the puff of indignation. “You do?”

“You proved the possibility to me,” he said. “I didn't think you could, but you proved everything you said. Traffic lights turn green, parking spaces open up, and you could make a killing playing
What you did is way beyond the law of averages. So if you can do all that, then ...” He shrugged. “The painting is possible.”

She couldn't think of anything to say. For a second she thought she might cry, but the urge went away. She was too tired to make the effort.

“Tell me something. Why didn't you call a lawyer?”

“I would have, if you actually arrested me. I haven't been arrested, have I?”

“No, but if it hadn't been for that
thing . . . probably.”

“I would like to make a call, though.”

“You want a lawyer now?”

“No,” she said. “I want to call Richard.”

“I think I'll place the call myself,” he said.

While they were waiting for Richard, Ritenour returned with a copy of the investigative report on Elijah Stokes's murder, complete with a diagram of
the scene. The clothing description matched that in Sweeney's painting, as did the head wound, and the body's location and position. A nineteen-year-old punk had been arrested, and blood splatters matching Elijah Stokes's blood type had been found on a shirt under the kid's bed.

The painting was eerily accurate, and there was no way Sweeney could have come by the knowledge other than the way she described.

*   *   *

Richard didn't arrive making angry comments and loud demands; he was too smart for that. Nor did he bring in a high-powered lawyer with him, though Sweeney had no doubt he could have one there on a moment's notice. He was dressed in a suit and tie, which at that hour made her think he must have been with Candra's parents, making the final arrangements or perhaps even receiving friends who came to offer their condolences.

He shook hands with both detectives, but the entire time his gaze was on Sweeney, and when he saw how she was bundled in her coat, he made no effort to hide his worry. She had stood when she saw him, and now he stepped toward her, unobtrusively opening his suit jacket. When he folded her in his arms, she was wrapped inside the warmth of the garment, her cold hands sliding around to rest on his back at waist level. She buried her face in the curve of his shoulder, so relieved by his warmth and presence, the knowledge she was no longer alone, that she almost sagged against him.

“You should have called,” he murmured.

“And you should have told us about the painting yesterday” Aquino pointed out.

“I would have, if I had thought it would spare her this.”

“Do you verify you saw the painting in progress, days before Mrs. Worth was murdered?”

“Yes. I saw it from the first, when she had completed only two shoes.” He glanced up at the detectives. “I wasn't at the scene, and you still have what Candra was wearing that night, so you'll have to tell me if the clothing Sweeney painted was accurate. The dress was black, full-skirted, and the shoes were black pumps with little gold balls set in the heels. Right?”


He had just verified everything she had told them, Sweeney realized. He hadn't been to her apartment since Candra's death, so there was no way he could have seen the painting after the murder. What he had just described had been painted prior to the murder. They knew he hadn't seen the clothing anywhere else.

“Okay, okay,” Aquino said, rubbing his bloodshot eyes. “Unless you two conspired to commit murder, for God only knows what reason, since you have no motive that I've been able to find, Ms. Sweeney is clear.”

“What about the painting?” Richard asked. “Do you want her to finish it?” She felt his arms tighten around her as he asked the question, and knew he worried about what she went through but couldn't see any other option.

“By all means,” Ritenour said, after an agreeing nod from Aquino. “The painting is in no way admissible as evidence, but we do have some trace evidence that would provide the link, if we can identify the guy.”

“What if neither of us recognizes him?” Sweeney asked.

“With a good physical description, we should be able to match him to the surveillance tape, which shows the date and time. By matching the time to the guard's signature log, we'd have him cold.”

Richard looked thoughtful. “I might recognize someone, if I saw the tape.”

“We didn't,” Aquino said. “We've managed to get photos of most of the guys on the list—”

“What list?” asked Sweeney.

They ignored her. “—but the guard didn't recognize any of them, and we couldn't match any of them to the tape. We're still tracking down the people who did register as visitors, but so far they've all checked out.”

“The painting's our best bet right now,” Ritenour said.

Richard nodded. “I'll stay with her tonight. I don't want her to be alone. Kai has probably spread the news about the painting all over town, and whoever killed Candra could already know about it. Not only that, I can call you immediately if she finishes the face.”

Something in Richard's voice must have alerted the detectives. “Mr. Worth,” said Aquino, “if you're thinking about any heroics, I have to tell you I don't
think that's such a good idea. If by any chance Ms. Sweeney should be in any danger, you should concentrate on getting her to safety and leaving the apprehension of a criminal to us.”

“Taking care of her is my prime consideration,” said Richard, and Sweeney wondered if they noticed he hadn't necessarily agreed with them.

*   *   *

Edward was driving that night. “We're taking Ms. Sweeney home.”

“Very good, sir.”

The detectives had given both paintings back to her, and Edward stored them up front with him. The paintings startled him enough that he actually looked taken aback for a moment, then his expression smoothed out and he handled them as matter-of-factly as if they had been landscapes.

When they were seated, Richard reached for Sweeney's hand and twined his fingers with hers. “You're cold,” he said.

“I was scared.” She squeezed his hand. “This wasn't as bad as the other episodes. As long as they kept the coffee coming, I managed.”

“If you had called me immediately, a lot of this could have been avoided.”

“On the other hand, once they witnessed my prowess
at Jeopardy!,
they were a lot more inclined to believe me.”

He gave her a puzzled look.

“One of my new skills. I'll show you someday.”

Their entwined hands were resting on her right thigh. His knuckles rubbed lightly back and forth.

“Candra's parents and some of their friends are at the house,” he said. “We've settled on the arrangements for the service—they want her buried close to where they live—but they're ready to go back to the hotel. I'll have Edward drive them, and I'll grab a change of clothes then take a taxi to your place.”

If she were noble, she thought, she would tell him she knew he had a lot to do and she would be perfectly all right by herself. She must not be the least bit noble, because she was tired of facing the nights by herself and she wanted him with her.

Besides, Richard's comment that Candra's killer could now know about the painting hadn't gone unnoticed. Part of her couldn't believe she was in any danger, but the logical part of her pointed out it would be smarter not to take any unnecessary chances. She slept very soundly; she might not hear anyone breaking into the apartment, unless they crashed, movie-style, through the window beside her bed. After being awake all the night before, she was so exhausted now even a crashing window might not wake her.

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