Nude Awakening (17 page)

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Authors: Victor L. Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Nude Awakening
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Coral Gables, Florida


Chyna stepped out of the shower when the front doorbell chimed. He looked at the time. 3:40 p.m. Walking into the bedroom, he hit the intercom button.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, girl. Open the door,” Cindy replied.

Chyna punched in a code that opened the front door. “I’m in my bedroom.” Chyna only had a few friends and Cindy was at the top of that short list. The two had been friends for three years. Both were the same age. Chyna, then Chad, was a homosexual hair stylist that Cindy had met at a photo shoot.

“What you up to?” Cindy asked as she walked into Chyna’s bedroom.

“Taking care of that thing for your man.” Chyna stood in the bathroom, putting on eye shadow. “He will be here around five.”

Cindy placed her purse on the bed then took her earrings off. “Funny you should mention that Swagga is my man.”

Chyna walked out the bathroom wearing a robe. “He is your man.”

“Hmm. So tell me how his dick ended up in your mouth since he’s my man?”

Chyna froze by the bed. “Girl,what are you talking about? I—”

“Bitch, don’t lie!” Cindy shoved Chyna. “How you gonna go behind my back like that?”

“What are you—”

“Ho, please! I saw the video clip of you sucking his dick in his bed! Did you let ‘im fuck that fake ass store-bought pussy you got?”

“Calm down because I—”

“Fuck you!” Cindy shoved Chyna again. This time Chyna lost his balance and fell to the floor.

Chyna jumped back up and shot dead at Cindy’s face with a tight closed fist. It connected on Cindy’s left cheek. She stumbled back, grabbing her face. Cindy was shocked that Chyna had hit her.

“Bitch, you need to—”

“Ho! It’s on now!” Cindy rushed Chyna, landing a wild swing. The blow dazed Chyna and Cindy kept it hot.

“I told you—-” Cindy shouted, punching Chyna in the stomach, “that he was my meal ticket, bitch!”

Chyna folded, holding up his/her arms to ward off the blows. They both started to swing wildly. Chyna tried to rip Cindy’s shirt off. They bounced around the room, knocking the lamp table over.

“Cindy please!” Chyna cried.

“Shut up, bitch!” Cindy now had a fist full of Chyna’s soft silky black hair.


Cindy’s hand set fire to Chyna’s face. Chyna screamed as Cindy yanked her/him around by the hair.


Cindy slapped Chyna again.

Chyna ducked the next slap then shoved and tripped Cindy back against the bed. They both fell on the bed in a heap. The two began to tussle, falling on and rolling off the bed.

“Oohh!” Chyna wheezed as Cindy’s weight dropped on his stomach.

In the heat of the moment, Cindy shot her knee between Chyna’s legs. Chyna howled in agonizing pain, balling up and cupping his balls.

“Get up, bitch!” Cindy stood over Chyna ready to go for some more. Seeing Chyna curled up in pain, she lowered her fist. “What the fuck are you holding?”

Cindy yanked the robe off.

“Stop! Noooo!” Chyna tried to slap Cindy’s hands away.

“You lying ass, still dick-having bastard!” Cindy took a step back. She could see the little print of a penis under Chyna’s cotton panties.

“Fuck you!” Chyna cried.

Cindy covered her mouth. Oh my gawd! Swagga is gay!

Chyna slowly got up and sat down on the bed.

“I thought you had a full sex change!” Cindy stood over Chyna. “Why the fuck you lie to me?”

“I ran outta money, okay!”

“Why of all people . . . Why did you lie to me, Chyna?”

Chyna shrugged and started to cry. Cindy sat down next to her/him. Hell, she was not sure how to look at Chyna. When Chyna stopped crying he opened up and told Cindy how the meeting went down with Swagga. The story started at the Asian bar.

“He thought I was someone else,” Chyna explained.

“Does he know you have a—” Cindy looked between Chyna’s legs.

“Dick,” Chyna broke in. “Yes, but for all it’s worth, it was after I sucked his dick.”

“Chyna, you are playing a dangerous game. You know I don’t really care about Swagga. I just don’t like how y’all got down behind my back. That was some bullshit and you know it.”

Chyna stood up. “I’m sorry, Cindy. But I really need the money to get this operation done. Swagga is going to pay me after I do this thing with Trevon.”

Cindy began to think. Her anger was now focused on Swagga. “What are you going to do with this guy, Trevon?”

Chyna looked up with a small bruise under his left eye. “Film the two of us having sex.”

“Chyna, you do realize you have a dick, right?”

“Bitch, I know that! I was gonna put something in his drink and then have my fun with him.”

“That’s crazy.” Cindy frowned. “You trippin’ fo’ real, girl.”

Chyna shrugged. “I have to do it.”

“Wait! I might have a better idea. We can get a whole lot more money, that’s for damn sure.”

“We?” Chyna pointed out. “Bitch, you just beat my ass and now you think we’re on the same team?”

“Ho, sit down and listen. You on the side where dem dollars at.” Cindy seemed to speak hood/ebonics as if it were her true identity. In truth, she had grown up upper class, but started what she termed her ‘black phase’ when she was sixteen. She loved Black culture. The music, the clothes, the food and yes . . . the men.

Chyna flopped down on the bed. “Hurry up. I’ll listen to what you have in mind.”

Cindy began to pace the floor with her arms crossed. Money was on her mind. She was tired of only fucking Swagga. It would have been okay if he knew how to fuck.

“Lemme use your car right quick!” Cindy asked as the plan formed in her mind.

“Where’s your Range Rover?”

“I caught a cab over here,” Cindy explained. “Swagga has that GPS shit hooked up to my truck and can always find me. But he doesn’t know I know about it.”

“Why you need my car?”

“I want to be here when Trevon gets here, but I need to get a few items from the store.”

“Like what?”

Cindy smiled. “You’ll see.”

Trevon knew he was at the right address when he saw the white Ferrari. It was 4:55 p.m. with the sun firmly holding a grip on South Florida.

Trevon stepped out of his Jag under a row of palm trees. Looking to his left, he noticed a mango tree in the well-kept front yard. The neighborhood was quiet. Only the sound of a barking dog was heard in the distance. An airliner flying above drew his attention up to the sky. The sight of the airliner reminded him that he had never flown before.

“Didn’t think you would show,” Chyna said.

Trevon looked toward the front door and spotted her standing in the doorway. He smiled then made his way up the driveway. He was dressed casual in a fresh pair of all black Nike ACG boots, LRG denim and a solid white long sleeved buttoned-up. Chyna looked like a cover model. The white sequin mini dress licked every curve. Trevon nearly tripped over the front step when Chyna turned around. The dress had a scoop back plunging near the top of Chyna’s surgically enhanced bubble ass. The way Chyna walked in heels had Trevon lusting to palm that ass.

“Glad you could make it,” Chyna said, stepping into the living room with Trevon in tow.

Trevon stepped into the living room and took a seat on a green sofa with matching pillows. Glancing out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, he saw a screened pool in the back. He felt relaxed as he looked around the spacious living room. He wondered where the TV was when suddenly it slid down from the ceiling.

“Care for something to drink?” Chyna asked with the remote pointed toward the flat screen 3D TV.

“Um, not trying to spoil the mood, but you said you have a man, right? Do I need to worry about him popping up?” Trevon nodded at the front door.

“No, you don’t. But to relax you, my man is out of the country on business.” Chyna lied as easily as telling the truth.

“Okay, in that case I’ll share a drink with you.”

Chyna smiled and pressed the play button on the remote. “I’ll be back shortly.”

Trevon allowed his eyes to follow Chyna’s pert little ass. Turning back around, he knew what was on Chyna’s mind. On the big screen two naked women were kissing each other in a hot tub. A man stood in the background taking his clothes off.

“I hope you don’t mind watching porn,” Chyna said from the gourmet kitchen behind him.

“It’s okay,” he said, watching the porn film. She gonna flip when I tell her that I do porn. Nah, I won’t tell ‘er.

Chyna twisted the top off the bottle of Paul Masson brandy, then filled the two glasses on the black granite counter. Keeping an eye toward the living room, Chyna poured a dose of the magic potion into the glass she would give Trevon.

Trevon stood when Chyna came back into the living room.

“Hope you like Paul Masson.”

“Never had it,” he admitted as Chyna handed him a glass.

“You’ll like it.” Chyna sat down then motioned Trevon to do the same.

He took another sip of the smooth tasting brandy. The taste was something new. Tastes good. But I’ll just drink this one glass. I came here to fuck, not to get drunk.

“That’s my favorite position.” Chyna nodded at theTV.

Trevon looked at the screen and saw the threesome. The man had one of the small-breasted women on her back with her legs up on his shoulders. The female was filling the guy’s mouth with her nipple.

“I like to get it like that. Long dicked.” Chyna looked down between Trevon’s legs and smiled.

“Why do you like it like that?” he asked as his dick grew hard. He took another sip of his drink.

“I like to feel all of the dick. And I love to feel a man’s balls slapping my ass.”

“You get right to the point, huh?”

Chyna nodded yes. “We only live once, so why let a good thing pass.”

“I can agree to that.” Trevon looked at Chyna’s sexy legs then back to the porn on the screen. He took a few more sips from his glass.

“Do you like rap music?” Chyna was fishing to see if Trevon would mention Swagga.

Cindy told Chyna to ask because she wanted to know why Swagga was beefing with Trevon, and Chyna felt the same way.

“Yeah, but mostly old school rap. Biggie, Lost Boyz and DMX.”

“What about the new rappers?”

Trevon felt it was odd how Chyna had changed the subject from sex to music.

“Um . . .” He paused to finish his brandy. “I like Waka Flocka Flame, Rick Ross, Drake and Gucci Mane.”

Chyna noticed Trevon’s empty glass. From the dose she mixed in his drink, it would take no more than three minutes for it to work.

“I went to a Drake concert back in July. It was fire! Jeezy was there and Nicki Minaj. Gosh, I love her! And Swagga was there, too. It was the Summer Fest on South Beach. Did you go?”

“Nah.” Trevon did not want to tell Chyna that he was an ex-con. I might tell ’er down the line. But not before I get between those legs.

“What’s your favorite position?” Chyna asked, switching back to sex.

Trevon looked up at the porno still playing. The dude was fucking one of the girls in the ass. It was a close up shot.

“I can show you better than I can tell you.”

Chyna cocked his head, placing a hand on Trevon’s knee. “I like that answer. Now you got me running a bunch of positions through my head.”

Trevon looked at Chyna’s delicate hand rubbing his knee. Play it cool. Let her drive this.

“Can I try to guess what it is?”

“I still won’t tell you,” he said, playing the game.

Chyna pouted. “No fair.”

Trevon shrugged, then sat up to put his empty glass on a coaster.

“Okay, I’ll still make one guess.” Chyna’s hand slowly circled Trevon’s thigh. “You like to do it doggy style. That way you can go deep and see it going in and out.”

Trevon rubbed his face. Damn! That Paul Masson a beast! I’m feeling a buzz already. And it got my dick throbbing like a muthafucka! I hope her little ass can take a dick ‘cause she ain’t fucking no short-winded nigga!

“Am I right?” Chyna slid closer against Trevon.

Trevon closed his eyes. He lost control of his mind. Simultaneously, he was aware of Chyna’s tongue in his ear and a hand rubbing his dick print. He moaned. Then it seemed as if Chyna’s soft voice echoed in his ear. His clouded mind snatched only a few words.

“My bedroom. . . . Take your clothes off . . . see your dick . . . going to enjoy.”

Trevon was out of it. He was feeling good. The images from the flick spun in his head as Chyna undid his belt.

Trevon was still under the effect of the drug in his system. With little effort, his mind told him a few things. He was blindfolded on his back with his wrists cuffed to the bed. Had he been in his right mind, the cuffs would have triggered harsh thoughts of his incarceration. He was vaguely aware that he was naked. Chyna. He had a fleeting memory of her in his mind. Yesss . . . Chyna . . . freakin’ me.

Trevon moaned as the teasing lick of a wet, pierced tongue tickled his balls. A hand lifted his dick up and began to stroke it. Trevon was breathing heavily. His body began to tense and quiver as a soft set of lips eased up and down his hard dick.

A camera sat at the foot of the bed. The LED blinking light meant it was recording. Trevon’s moans filled the bedroom as a wet, pierced tongue continued to travel up and down the length of his throbbing dick. He could not think straight. His mind only took in the good feeling that stimulated from between his legs. He was not even cognitive of a rubber being rolled down his dick. Somehow his mind told him that he was in something. Something tight, wet and hot. The pierced tongue dipped inside his ear.

The shadow on the wall showed a figure vigorously bouncing up and down on top of Trevon reverse cowgirl style. Up and down, the shadows matched the deep moans that filled the sex-scented bedroom.




Friday, 5:40 p.m. - Coral Gables, Florida


Chyna walked alongside the bed looking down at Trevon’s naked body. The camera was still recording. Walking to the dresser, Chyna took off her bra, then reached for a condom. Chyna looked toward the bathroom when the toilet was flushed.

The chime of the doorbell froze her/him in place.

Swagga stood at Chyna’s front door looking wasted. He pressed the doorbell again and then looked at Trevon’s Jaguar. Swagga had managed to duck away from Yaffa to come check out Chyna.

“What are you doing here!” Chyna answered the door with an arm across his breasts.

Swagga pushed his way inside. Chyna slammed the door, and then ran around Swagga to block him from going any further.

“You fuck ‘im yet?”

Chyna glanced back toward the bedroom. “Yes, I fucked him and I was about to do it again until you showed up.” Chyna held up a condom.

“He still fucked up off that shit you put in his drink?”

“Yes. But it’s about to wear off. You should leave.”

Swagga could not pull his eyes away from the set of perfect titties. “How did you fuck ‘im?”

Chyna sat down on the sofa. “I rode his dick. You happy now?”

“And it’s all on film?”

“Yes. But you won’t get it till I get all of my money.”

Swagga walked up on Chyna. “Show me how you sucked his dick. You did suck it, right?”

“Swagga, you are really wasting my—” Chyna paused as the words Swagga had just said clicked in his mind. Chyna looked up at Swagga and saw how his eyes were roaming from nipple to nipple. “What do you mean ‘show you how I sucked it’?”

Swagga reached down and squeezed Chyna’s breast.

Chyna did what any real woman would do, moan.

Cindy eased out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She looked at Trevon asleep on the bed with a hard dick. She slowly crept over to the bedroom door. The voices she heard were quiet now. Slipping out into the hall, she eased toward the living room barefoot. Reaching the corner of the peach painted wall, she took a peek into the living room. Her mouth fell open. Swagga had his back toward her standing in front of Chyna. Chyna was seated on the sofa with Swagga’s dick sliding in and out of his mouth. Cindy wanted to throw up. Pushing the anger down, she slowly made her way back to the bedroom.

Swagga knew Chyna was a he, but he could not deny how sexy Chyna looked. He closed his eyes as Chyna made his neck roll. Swagga started to get mad at Chyna for turning him out on this gay shit. I should punish his ass like a bitch! Swagga shoved Chyna off his dick, then reached down for the condom.

Cindy stood out of sight with the tiny palm-sized digital recorder camera pointed at Swagga and Chyna. There were no words to place on her lips as she watched Swagga bend Chyna over the back of the sofa. Without blinking, she watched him shove Chyna’s tiny skirt up. She recorded every second of Swagga fucking Chyna roughly up the ass.

Trevon woke up slowly. Being that he had a vague memory of where he was, he sat up quickly. The sudden move sent his head spinning. He wanted to lie back down. He held his throbbing head in his hands, placing his feet on the floor.

“Finally up, huh?” Chyna asked as he entered the bedroom.

Trevon remembered now. He rubbed his face then rose to his feet.

“If I knew you couldn’t handle that drink, I would have given you something lighter.”

“What happened?” Trevon’s voice was deep and groggy.

“What happened? You passed out on me and fell asleep.”

“Bullshit! What time is it?
“Honey, it’s five minutes past nine.”

Trevon looked at his watch. What the fuck? I’ve been out for . . . almost four damn hours. “Ummm . . . did we ummm—do anything?”

Chyna stood in the bathroom putting on a pair of earrings. “Um . . . no.”

“Damn, I can’t believe this!” Trevon sat back down. I guess I was just dreaming and shit. My head is killing me.

“Don’t be so down on yourself.” Chyna walked back into the bedroom. “I’ll give you another chance, but not today.”

Trevon stood back up. This is embarrassing! “I guess I’ll get up with you later.”

Chyna walked Trevon to the front door.


Trevon took a moment to gather himself behind the wheel of his XJL. Closing his eyes, he turned the engine on then turned the drive selector knob to R. He was not drunk, just tired. Backing out of the driveway, he turned the system on, filling the ride with “Say Something” by Drake. Once he was on the road, he slid the sunroof open.

He stopped at Burger King to get something on his stomach. Pulling from the drive-thru, his cell phone started to ring. Seeing that it was Kendra calling, he answered.


“Hey you!” Kendra gushed. “You—sound tired. Did I wake you up?”

“Nah. But I just got out the bed though.”

“Oh. Well, I finally got some free time, so I thought I’d give you a call. You doing okay?”

“I’m good. Just hating I have to stay at this motel tonight,” he said, switching lanes.

“Glad you mentioned that. Good news! You can move into the apartment on Tuesday of next week.”

“Good. I guess I need to look at some furniture and stuff.”

“Let me help you,” she offered. “I’m free all day tomorrow.”

Trevon was open to spending more time with Kendra. They agreed to call each other tomorrow. Trevon made it to the motel and ate his food on the firm bed while watching TV. He still would not break down to call LaToria. Her last parting words were still a resonance in his mind. All of it was a gotdamn mistake! I don’t love you! I don’t give a fuck about you, Trevon! I hate you! Picking up his cell phone, he deleted LaToria’s picture.


Bayview Condo, Fisher Island


Swagga had taken a long hot shower after his time with Chyna. It was now 10 p.m. and he was back visiting Cindy. He knew she was upset from the issue at the beach, so he figured he would drop in to see her. Yaffa was with him, visibly upset that Swagga had wandered off earlier without letting him know.

Swagga told himself that his involvement with Chyna was a one-time affair. Reaching the thirtieth floor, he pulled out his secure key card for Cindy’s room.

Yaffa stood behind him with his eyes scanning the hallways as Swagga slid the card through the scanner.

“Why this shit ain’t open?” Swagga tried the card twice more then tested the polished chrome door latch. Locked. “I know this is the right card!” Swagga tried the card once more then banged on the door. Placing his ear against the door, he heard the faint sounds of music.

“Call ‘er,” Yaffa suggested.

Swagga snatched his mobile phone out of his fitted jeans and called Cindy.

“What!” she answered on the first ring.

Swagga took the phone from his ear to look at it. What! Dis bitch must got me mixed up wit’ somebody else. “Bitch! Open the fuckin’ door. That’s what!” Swagga ended the call and then waited for the door to open.

Swagga stomped his way inside the moment Cindy opened the door. He became vexed when he saw a white dude kicked back on the sofa with a bottle of Heineken between his long legs.

“What the fuck wrong with that card reader?” Swagga shouted.

Cindy folded her arms with her eyes beamed on Swagga. “Ain’t shit wrong with it. Your card has been cut off.”

Swagga balled up his fist. “Bitch! You trippin’! I paid for this roof over your head! And who the fuck is he!” Swagga pointed toward Cindy’s guest.

“None of your business!” she spat.

Swagga walked up in her face. “Ain’t in the mood fo’ no games, bitch! You fuckin’ that clown? Huh?”

Cindy glowered back at him. “The games haven’t even started yet!”

Swagga grabbed her by the upper arm and shoved her toward the bedroom. Cindy’s guest started to protest, but remained silent when Yaffa brandished his .45.

“You don’t own me!” Cindy shouted as Swagga shoved her on the bed.

“I own this condo! That Range you drive. Bitch, I even bought the clothes and shoes you wear!” Swagga slammed the door shut. He rushed up on her with his fist clenched. “What the fuck you tryin’ to play me for!”

“You played yourself!” she shouted.

“What are you mad about? Some dumb shit I bet!”

“Fuck you!”

Swagga kicked the lamp over. “You know what! I’ll just replace your dumb ass. How about that? You and your Justin Timberlake looking ass cracker can get the fuck out! And toss me the keys to the truck.”

“Ain’t going no fuckin’ where, nigga!”

Swagga backhanded Cindy across the face. “Bitch!” he said, wrapping his hand in her dreads. He yanked her up, causing her to cry out in pain. “I don’t care how much of my black dick you suck, fuck or take up your funky ass. Don’t ever feel you have the green light to call me a nigga!”

Cindy felt her dreads being pulled from her scalp. She pleaded with him to let go of her dreads.

“Now get the fuck out!” He pushed her to the floor.

Cindy got up slowly. Her eyes went to the pillow on the bed. I swear I want to put a hot one in his ass! She could do just that with the .380. She thought of the plan that she and Chyna had in the making. Swagga’s unannounced visit to see Chyna had been perfect.

Cindy was going to blackmail Swagga to keep his affair with Chyna from going public. She could stand to lose the condo and the Range Rover.

When I’m done juicing this nigga, I’ma be in a mansion and pushing a Bentley!

“Fuck you! You can have all your shit!” Cindy screamed at him.

LaToria was content to be back in Miami. Needing to clear her mind, she had not driven straight home from the Miami International Airport. Cruising down the street with “Right Thru Me” by Nicki Minaj, had her thoughts on Trevon. The trip to New York with Jurnee had done little to fade Trevon from her mind. If anything, she grew fonder of him. She was missing Trevon, but her solid stubbornness prevented her from calling him. She knew she was in the wrong.

I just don’t know how to deal with how I feel.

She was sitting at a red light on Biscayne Boulevard when she spotted Swagga’s midnight blue Bentley GT. She flicked her hi-beams on and off to get his attention.

Yaffa noticed the lights on the shiny black Escalade. “Yo, ain’t that Kandi’s truck?”

Swagga’s mood flipped instantly. He sat up. “Yeah! Turn around, yo!”

LaToria saw the brake lights light up on the GT in her side mirror. When the light turned green, she pulled off then slowed to turn into a parking lot. A few minutes later, she saw the Bentley pulling up behind her. She got out.

“Hey, Yaffa,” she said as he walked up to Swagga.

Yaffa made sure no funny shit was popping off, then walked back to sit on the hood of the GT.

Swagga found himself stuck on words in front of LaToria. She was looking fly in jeans and a black tank top.

“You playing hard to get, huh?” she said.

Swagga looked confused. “Am I missing something? Last time I saw you—”

“I was just tripping, okay? Let it be in the past.”

“Oh, so you gonna give me another chance?”

She smiled. “Only when you can focus on me and only me.”

Swagga looked at the traffic on Biscayne, then down at LaToria’s sexy feet. Here was his chance to correct the wrong he had done breaking her heart. He cleared his throat. “Yo, I was really feeling you. When I asked you to marry me, I was for real. I just let these niggas clown me and I made the wrong choice by fuckin’ with that bitch Déjà Pink.”

“And what other reasons?”

“I can’t front. It’s a hard dime to swallow about the fact you do porn. It’s hard for me to think what we have is real if you fuckin’ other niggas.”

“Swagga, why didn’t you voice this to me? You kept your feelings inside and straight up made a fool of me by fucking with Déjà Pink.”

“Yeah, I know I was in the wrong. But for all it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“I don’t believe you.” She smiled.

Swagga took the chance by stepping closer. He eased his hands on her hips. “It’s true. I’m really sorry.”

LaToria allowed his hands to slip down to her ass.

“You know I miss you,” he said, pouring it on. He wanted her badly. “I’ll ex all these other hoes out and put my all in your hands. Word up. I wanna make it like it was and even more, baby.”

“How will I know you’re serious?”

Swagga pulled her closer. “Stop doing porn and marry me.”

LaToria had to be honest with herself. Do I really feel like this? I’m bugging. I really miss Trevon. “Let’s not rush things, okay?”

“I can deal with that. But listen—” He squeezed her ass. “Can I come see you tonight?”

“Swagga, it’s too soon to be—”

“Chill, baby. I just wanna dip my tongue in that sweet thang between your legs.”

She laughed. “Whatever! I know that tired game. You’ll break me off, get me all worked up then next you’ll be fucking me.”

“Nah. Word up. I just wanna eat it. Shit, tie me up and sit on my face.”

“Hmmmm. I like that idea.”

“So what’s up?”

“I’m for real, Swagga. You ain’t getting none and don’t even ask me to suck your dick.”

Swagga couldn’t care less. His infatuation for her was that strong. LaToria caved in and told him he could come to her crib.

“I’ma ride wit’ you. I’ll tell Yaffa to come pick me up in the morning.”

Yaffa knew Swagga would be okay at LaToria’s crib. He tried to caution Swagga about dealing with LaToria, but his words went unheeded.

Swagga showed his yearning for LaToria the moment they stepped inside her crib. He removed all of her clothes while they stood in the living room. Sitting her on the sofa, he told her to slide to the edge and open her legs. LaToria felt a small touch of guilt as Swagga circled his tongue around her nipples. Why am I doing this? I should be giving myself to Trevon. She gripped the edge of the sofa as Swagga slid two fingers in and out of her pussy. He stroked her slowly while licking all over her big titties.

“Eat it,” she moaned. “Suck on my pussy lips.”

Swagga licked his way down her body. “Pussy wet as hell!” he said, pulling his fingers out of her. He got down on the floor then turned her over on her knees. Pulling her cheeks open, he slid his tongue slowly over her asshole. He waited until she begged him to stop until he licked his way to her pussy.

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