Nursing on the Ranch

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Authors: Kailyn Cardillo

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Nursing on the Ranch


By Kailyn Cardillo


Copyright 2014 Kailyn Cardillo


All Rights Reserved



Notice: This title is intended for adult readers only. It features induced lactation and intense sexual situations.


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The family that I babysit for used to be one big happy family. Beverly met David when she was 18 years old. I was still a baby, not quite one at the time. David was a rancher and was incredibly hard working. It is not uncommon for him to be out for 14 hours or more each day. Beverly met him one day by chance and fell in love instantly. They got married shortly after meeting and started to have babies right away. Everyone always said that they did not see how the marriage could last. Beverly was a bit of a wild child and was used to the city life. She was constantly told that she would never make it in the country. She was determined to prove them wrong and did everything that she could to make a life on the ranch.


Shortly after giving birth to their fourth child, Beverly seemed to lose it. No one is quite sure if it was brought on by postpartum depression or if she just couldn't take it anymore but being isolated in the middle of nowhere was just not working for her. As hard as she tried to prove everyone wrong, they were right. She did not have it in her to be married to a rancher.


I was the one who found the note. It could not have come at a worst time. I had just come over to get their kids on the school bus and saw it sitting on the table. I found it to be quite harsh. The note pretty much said that she was sick and tired of throwing her life away. She still had her looks and no longer wanted to waste them on someone who was never there to pay attention to her. It didn't matter that he was not there because he was working hard to provide a comfortable living for his family. Later, the note addressed the whole family and said that she was starting a new life for herself and she did not wish to be contacted. They were all sad but David was devastated.


With me being the only non-relative in the house, David confided in me during the difficult transition. He told me about all of the things he tried to do to make her happy. Being a rancher was all he knew how to do so there was not an option to quit to do something else. He wanted Beverly to be able to get out of the house and drive into the city to find things that she liked to do. He made plenty of money so hiring me to come and help out with the kids so that she had more freedom was never an issue. The problem was that, if I wasn't available, no one wanted to come out to the middle of nowhere to act as live-in help and it wasn't cost effective to make the long trip out for a few hours a day.


He completely understood why Beverly felt the way that she did but that did not stop him from being angry at the fact that she abandoned her entire family. I saw how he struggled to take care of his responsibilities and make sure the house was running smoothly so I volunteered to basically take her place and assume her duties of taking care of the kids and doing all of the household chores. David was so very happy to have me around. He would gloat every day as he told me what a great job I was doing around the house.


I have always taken great pride at being able to have a smile on my face no matter what I was feeling inside so David was surprised to walk in one evening and find me sobbing uncontrollably on the couch. I was holding his three month old baby Alice. David had no idea why I was crying but he just assumed that reality had started to hit me and that I was getting overwhelmed by all of my new responsibilities. He took off his boots, walked over to the couch and wrapped his arms around me. He told me that everything was going to be fine as he gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. He told me that he knew that what I was doing for him was far too much to ask of an 18 year old and promised me that he would find someone to help me as soon as he could. I just looked up at him as the tears continued to stream out of my eyes.


"David, I love your kids as though they were my own. I know you work hard so I don't mind doing the housework. I even quit my job so that I could do this for you. None of these things bother me in the least. It is Alice. Beverly breastfed her from birth until the day she left. Now that she has left, the baby has no way to nurse. She drinks very little from the bottles that I make her and she has been losing a ton of weight. I have no idea what I should do."


He looked at me with a great look of grief in his eyes. When our eyes connected, he did not see the look of a concerned babysitter. Instead, he saw the look of a concerned mother. Lots of things began to go through his mind at that very moment. He started to think about what a natural I had been in stepping up to the plate to take care of everything in the house. I had the natural instincts of a mother without having had children myself. As he sat there, he also started to realize that not only had I been acting as the mother of his children but that I had also taken over the responsibilities of his wife as well. Now I can't say if it was because he was missing his wife so much or if there was something else to it but it was at that very moment, it was obvious that he no longer saw me as his babysitter. Instead, he started to look at me in a completely different light.


It was easy enough to notice that I was a good motherly type to his kids. I assumed that as he sat grinning at me that it was because he was so happy to see the soft touch I had with his smallest daughter, even though I was incredibly frustrated with the situation. I would have never dreamed that he was actually grinning as he began to notice the outline of my breasts showing through the tight shirt that I had been wearing. He also took notice of the way my hair hung down off my shoulders and came to rest just over my nipples, which were apparently poking out as I had just showered and didn't bother to put my bra back on.


When I looked up into his eyes, I knew his thoughts were not pure. He knew that I was familiar with all of the animals that he worked with out on the ranch and that I was aware of what forced lactation was. I had seen it many times when I helped him with the animals. As we were sitting on the couch together, his mind pictured my breasts with droplets of milk falling from the nipples. He was starting to get hard at the thought.


David never broke eye contact with me as he reached over and placed one of his hands on my shoulder. He grabbed onto my sleeve and began to slowly move it down my arm until my breast was fully exposed. I could feel my face getting red with embarrassment but I still managed to keep a smile on my face. I realized what he was doing and I wanted him to know that I did not object to it. I placed my hand behind Alice's head and raised her toward my breast. She found my nipple and latched on very quickly. It was exactly what she had been craving. I was fully aware that there was no milk in my breasts but she didn't seem to mind. Suckling on my nipple provided her with the comfort that she had been seeking and, if the farm animals I had helped with were any indication, I should get my milk in within just a few days. I looked over at David and realized what a handsome man he was. I had never realized how sexy he was. I just had not looked at him in that way before. That was all changing, especially when I looked down and saw that he had a large erection inside of his jeans.


I could not believe how quickly I had gone from being completely stressed to being very, very horny. My clit was starting to throb inside of my panties and I wanted nothing more at that moment than for David to touch me. I knew that he was staring at my breast so I figured there was no harm in studying the outline of his cock that was showing through his pants. The baby was still sucking away so I used my free hand to slide my other sleeve off, exposing my other breast as well. When I looked down, I saw that my free nipple was protruding much more than I had ever seen it before. David noticed this as well. I looked up at him but he would not return my gaze. I guess he was embarrassed by what was happening and did not want to look me in the eyes. He knew that I knew what he was looking at. He couldn't help himself. It just didn't feel like it was wrong. Before I knew it, I felt his strong hand gripping my breast. I loved the way that his large hand was able to cup it completely. Finally, he was able to look me in the eyes. When he did, I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips.


He could not believe how soft my breasts were. He left his hand on my tit and reached around the back of my head with his other one. With my hair between his fingers, he pulled my head in and kissed me deeply and passionately. He moved from my mouth and over to my neck. He was filled with desire and could no longer help himself. He moved onto the top of my chest before he finally reached my free breast. He looked up to make sure it was okay and I nodded my head to indicate that it was.


He took my nipple into his mouth and he began to suck on it. Little by little, the suction increased and he started to suck harder and harder. I leaned my head back and let out a small moan. It felt amazing. I could not believe what we were doing. I knew it was wrong; at least that is what anyone would tell us if they ever found out. To us, though, it just didn't feel wrong. It felt more right than anything I had ever done before. I wanted him very badly. After a few minutes he came up for air. We both looked down and noticed that Alice had released herself from my nipple and was sleeping soundly. David carefully took the baby into his arms and placed her softly in the bassinet on the other side of the room. When he walked back over, he took me by the hand and pulled me up off the couch. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. For the first time, I was able to feel how large his cock was as it was pressed up against me. I knew that I would be feeling more of it very soon as he led me into the bedroom and closed the door behind us.


This was not the first time I had been in the bedroom. I had been in the room many times over the years. Even so, it felt like I was seeing it through a new pair of eyes. I watched as David lifted his shirt over his head and threw it onto the floor. My eyes could not turn away from his muscular body and natural tan. He walked over and started kissing me some more. He helped me take off my shirt and then pushed me onto the bed. He slid my pants off of me and climbed on the bed right between my legs. His dick felt like it was trying to burst through his jeans as he pushed his body against me. He was being quite forceful with me. To my surprise, I enjoyed it. I am actually grateful for it. It did not allow me to fully think about what we were doing. All I could focus on was how much I wanted him right then and there.


David had very large, strong hands. He used them to caress the sides of my body, moving his hands down further and further until they found their wet to my pussy, which was dripping by that point. I felt one of his thick fingers enter my pussy as my lips clamped against it. I flinched in pain. If he had not known that I was a virgin, he would have no doubt now. I am sure the fact that he had trouble inserting his finger was a good indication. After working his finger around for a few minutes, he slid another finger in with it and began to finger me. He used his thumb to massage my clit in a circular motion as he moved his fingers in and out of my wet hole. He leaned down and began to suck on my nipples some more. I could tell that he yearned for there to be milk inside so that I could feed him as well. As his sucking got more intense, I could tell that he wanted to fuck me. I was not going to make him wait any longer. I reached down and started to release his large belt buckle. I was having a bit of a problem but he wasted no time reaching down and ripping it off like a pro. He slid his pants off and his cock sprang out, free from its previous entrapment. He grabbed me by my hips and lifted me up, taking my place on the bed. He lifted me over his shaft and started to lower me over it. It was rock hard. I felt like I was standing over the top of a fence post or something. He slowly guided my hips down onto him, making sure that I was able to control the speed at which everything was happening.


I was amazed by how large his cock was. I may have been a virgin but I had performed my share of internet searches and porn watching. He made a lot of the porn stars that I had watched pale in comparison to what he was packing downstairs. In fact, if he ever wanted to change professions, I was sure that doing porn would be a viable career choice. I could not believe how tight my pussy felt wrapped around his pole. I felt so full. There were many times that I lost balance and was so thankful to have his strong arms there to keep me steady. He kept telling me to take it as slow as I needed to and, at first, I had to use slow, rhythmic motions as I got used to the feeling. I lowered myself down onto him a little bit at a time, going a little further down every minute or so. Each time I raised myself back up, I knew that a little more of his dick was covered by my juices. After working himself in for a few minutes, I finally had his entire cock inside of me.

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