Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation (21 page)

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Authors: Jason Mattera

Tags: #Current Events, #Literature: Classics, #Performing Arts, #Literary Collections, #Democracy, #Political Process, #Political Ideologies - Democracy, #Elections, #Communication in politics, #United States, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism, #Political Science, #Youth, #Politics, #Essays, #General, #Political Process - Elections, #Political activity, #Fiction

BOOK: Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation
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Talk about a quagmire!

In fact, Obama is poised to spend more on welfare in 2010 alone than Bush spent on the entire Iraq War. If the amount the government spends on "welfare" to the poor were just converted to cash and given directly to them, the lot would be nearly four times the amount needed to catapult each poor family out of poverty.
But nah, that's too, um, logical. Building more and more inefficient bureaucracies is better because it creates human mousetraps to keep poor people poor and thus dependent on liberal politicians to keep the money train rolling. That's how cynical the liberal machine is.

Actually, the numbers are even more odious. In 2007, for in
stance, the gap between poor people who needed welfare and the monetary number that would raise that household past the federal poverty level was $148 billion. That means that for all households in poverty in America, it would take $148 billion to get them all out of poverty. Eliminate poverty entirely. Guess how much was actually spent: $550 billion.
What was done with the extra billions? Good question. No one knows for sure.

The truth is that welfare spending has grown the fastest in the past decade, at a rate of nearly 300 percent. By contrast, defense grew only 126 percent.
Candidate Obama told us that the "war in Iraq is costing each household about $100 per month." Guess how much social services across the nation cost you? About $638 a month for all of 2010!

It's time the Zombies realize that the War on Poverty has been a complete failure. Today nearly half the population doesn't pay any taxes and receives government benefits. We have a generation of welfare-addicted people who are dependent on the government. Strike that--dependent on those rich folks who pay their taxes.

Truth be told, even though George Bush increased welfare programs by 68 percent, with 2008 welfare spending topping $700 billion,
Obama still had the chutzpah to say that "George Bush spent the last six years slashing programs to combat poverty." Change? What change?

If liberals really did care for the poor and needy, they would champion policies that actually increased the standard of living. The formula is in plain sight. After Ronald Reagan slashed high tax rates and minimized onerous business regulations, America experienced the greatest sprout of upward mobility ever known to man. The United States generated more wealth from 1980 to 2007 than in every previous year combined. In other words, the economy was twice as
large in 2007 ($57 trillion) as it was in 1980 ($25 trillion), prior to the Gipper's free-market initiatives.
But liberals would rather create entitled brats who are hooked on government, not hooked on phonics. Liberals know government programs create more dependence, which is exactly why they promote them.

Thanks to the Obama Zombies, we are now trillions more in debt. They swallowed hook, line, and sinker five of the biggest economic lies in the liberal machine's playbook.

Our children thank them.

Our children's children thank them.

Our children's children's children thank them.

Our children's children's children's children thank them.

Our children's children's children's children's children thank them.

After all, they're the ones who just got stuck with the bill.

I Want My MTV

Why MTV Is Catnip for Obama Zombies

Before the 2008 presidential election, ABC's John Stossel posed the following question: With all these "youth" organizations registering college students at rock concerts, rap concerts, or through other gimmicks, are we building quality voters or just quantity?

Stossel's results were astonishing. He asked young would-be voters how many states are in the United States. Apparently, like Obama, there were concertgoers who believed there are "fifty-seven states." One person Stossel asked replied, "Fifty-two?"

What about U.S. senators? How many are there?

"I have no idea," said one genius. "Sixty-four, I think. Something like that."

"Fifty per state?" said another girl. "Five per state? Seven?"

Another first-time voter chimed in, "Oh no. I wanna say twelve. Am I so wrong?"

Yes, you are "so wrong." My reply: Hey, you--out of the gene pool!

How about landmark events in our nation's history? In the same
interview, Stossel asked first-time voters if they knew what "Roe v. Wade" signified.

"Segregation, maybe?" said one dude.

"Is Roe versus Wade where we declared bankruptcy?" asked another guy.

"Roe versus Wayne?"

Stossel's findings reflect a broader problem. A Zogby poll found that while 77 percent of Americans could identify two of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs, only 24 percent could name two Supreme Court justices.
The same poll also revealed that 60 percent of Americans were able to identify Homer as Bart Simpson's father, but that Americans failed miserably in naming one of Homer's legendary Greek poems (21 percent could). How about basic civics? Well, well. Seventy-three percent of those polled were able to name all three of the Three Stooges, but, sadly, only 42 percent could name the three branches of government.

Am I saying that there should be restrictions on voting? Should there be tests? No, of course not. One main reason for the army of ignoramuses out there is our leftist-dominated education establishment. Western civilization and American civics are no longer staples of education. Multiculturalism has replaced George Washington. Schools offer classes like "Lesbian Novels Since World Word II" (Swarthmore College) and "The Phallus" (Occidental College).

Or how about the University of Pennsylvania's "Adultery Novel" class, which studies a series of nineteenth- and twentieth-century
works about adultery and watches "several adultery films" to place adultery "into its
, social and cultural context" (emphasis added). Penn even finds room for Marx in a course on marital infidelity, viewing trysts through "sociological descriptions of modernity, Marxist examinations of family," and "feminist work on the construction of gender."

This is what the left means when they talk about "diversity" and "multiculturalism": heavy on nonsense and short on American education. But this kind of erasure of American identity and history goes a long way toward explaining the MTV-driven crap that preys on students' abysmal understanding of the workings of the most powerful and affluent country on the planet.

One of MTV's electoral battering rams is their--ahem--"nonpartisan" Rock the Vote program, which boasts that it doesn't hold allegiances to any particular party and makes sure that papers always include the nonpartisan moniker next to its name. But Rock the Vote (or "Crock the Vote" as I prefer to call it) is little more than a solidly hard-left vote machine used to crank out Zombies in warp-speed fashion.

Y'all remember Sheryl Crow, right? She's the same toolbag that "joked" about having a law that regulated the amount of toilet paper we use. "I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting." All to save the earth! Yeah, that Sheryl Crow. The same Sheryl Crow who performed the kickoff concert at the 2008 Democratic convention and while onstage told the crowd, "What I'm hearing from Senator Obama is a lot of like we heard from Robert Kennedy. No matter what campaign ad we see or how it's spun, hope is important."
Clearly, she's precisely the type of "nonpartisan" celebrity one should use to encourage young people to vote, right?

Rock the Vote thought so. The group tapped Crow, among other musicians, for public service announcements (PSAs) and concert tours in key battleground states, including Ohio and Virginia. "There are such critical issues facing our country, from high gas prices to climate change that we need to do more than just register to vote, we need to get our friends registered too," the rocker said.
Crow offered free tracks from her
album to the first fifty thousand people who got three friends to register to vote and also provided a "free download" of her song "Gasoline" to anyone who signed up for Rock the Vote's mailing list.
In all, Rock the Vote's college tour targeted more than thirty key cities. At the Rock the Vote tour stop at a park near Virginia Commonwealth University, Crow started off by asking the students, "Do you believe in hope?"

Actually, she used the word
too. "A change will do you good," Crow belched from stage, adding, "I have to believe that the days of being motivated by fear and deception are behind us."

And what's a celebrity concert without a little antimilitary, antiwar drivel?

"And I have to believe that war never solved anything. And I have to believe that change, change, change, change is on its way."

Actually, Crow is right. War has never solved anything-- except for ending slavery, fascism, Nazism, and communism. War is soooo overrated, people!

Remember that Rock the Vote has the pretext of nonpartisanship, so they can't endorse a candidate, since the organization is a registered 501(c)(3). Regardless, Crow made sure the thousand-plus crowd knew whom she endorsed, that is, of course, if they didn't see her endorse Obama from the freaking Democratic National Convention!

"So I guess you get the point, right?" she asked at the end. Yes, Sheryl, we get the point. You're a toolbag.

More humorously, Robert DeNiro also did a PSA announcement for Rock the Vote, declaring, "I don't care who you vote for, I just want you to vote."
Fair enough, right? Just one problem. DeNiro was saying these very words while there was a
Obama sign in plain view directly behind him. Subtle, guys. Very, very subtle.

And if you're wondering if any McCain supporter or campaign material also appeared in Rock the Vote PSAs or concerts, what the hell are you snorting? The same stuff Obama snorted in college?

Larry King Live,
another Rock the Vote groupie, Christina Aguilera, couldn't contain her excitement over Obama:

It's an exciting [election]. I mean, wow, what groundbreaking--what a groundbreaking time in history. I mean, we had a woman running for president, which was pretty much unheard of. An African-American running for president. So it's just exciting, the change that has come to our country and just to get involved and--I think, also, that's another reason why young people might be more motivated now to vote, just because they can see, you know, what might have even been unheard of or unthinkable even last election, it's right here and right now and very present and this is the moment. This is the moment.

What do race and gender have to do with whether one can lead the free world? Lady Margaret Thatcher was an incredible head of state. Was it because she sits down when going to the bathroom instead of standing up? No. It's because she was a fierce and brilliant leader
with vision, tenacity, grit, guts, and rock-solid values. Ideas matter, not gender or skin color.

But Rock the Vote knows what it's doing. Heather Smith acknowledges that "voting is a habit, that's why we've got them involved at a young age. They'll keep voting and I think in November you're going to see the largest increase of young voters at the polls in our nation's history."
Translation: Brainwash the kiddies at a young age to help form long-lasting voting patterns.

That's why Rock the Vote targets them when they're young. Prime pickings! Smith knows this, just as clearly as she knows that she's a Democrat. Yep, the executive director of Rock the Vote has donated fifteen hundred dollars to Young Voter Pac, a blatantly liberal get-out-the-vote organization run by Jane Fleming Kleeb, whose husband ran for the U.S. Senate in Nebraska as a Democrat.

"As young people stand at the forefront of this historic election we want to ensure that young voters are educated on the issues and motivated to take action on Election Day," Smith noted in a press statement. "Our Get Out the Vote efforts will inspire young voters to take their future into their hands and forever change the perception of the youth vote."

And by "educated," Heather Smith means indoctrinated. The group uses not a single conservative spokesperson, nor do they espouse any conservative positions on issues. Rock the Vote doesn't represent youth voters, it represents liberal voters. For example, on health care, Rock the Vote signed on to a plan put together by a shell group called "Health Care for America Now," which is a coalition of left-wing groups including MoveOn.org, the Center for American Progress, and the National Council of La Raza. In fact, Health Care
for America Now cooked up a blueprint for its followers on "How to Fight Back Against the Right."

Fight back, eh? Remember that every time Heather Smith or some other toolbag from Rock the Vote is introduced as a "nonpartisan" voter-mobilization organization. In terms of "solutions" to health care, Rock the Vote adopts the left-wing position. Openly. Its "The Solution" page reads "One way to make sure you can get covered is with a 'public option.' " It goes on to quote Obama himself to buttress its selling points.
You can't get more entrenched in ObamaMania than that, folks!

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