Obsessed (32 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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“Oh.” Her cheeks turned pink and she hesitated before asking, “And you—do you care for me?”

I love you with all my being, mi enchantrei.
The thrill in his heart deepened as relief, then happiness filled Ranelle’s expression.

“No more secrets, then.” She slid her fingers into his sweat-dampened hair and drew his face closer to hers. “And no more making decisions that involve the both of us without consulting me first.”

“For you, anything.” He took possession of her lips in a gentle but demanding kiss, slowly increasing the pressure. She squirmed beneath him, begging with her body for his cock. As much as he wanted to pleasure Ranelle by caressing every bit of her, he needed to be inside her more than anything.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as he plunged into her hot core as his tongue thrust into her mouth. Passion and love for his heartmate nearly overwhelmed him as he took her.

As they both reached the pinnacle, Jalen broke their kiss and placed the enrli at his forehead to Ranelle’s.

Their orgasms exploded as one. Brilliant flashes of color and light erupted in Jalen’s mind. On and on the pleasure rippled through him, until it felt as though their bodies and minds had merged.

I love you,
she told him in thought, and his heart almost burst at the knowledge that they had become one in all ways.

You are my treasure, mi enchantrei,
he whispered in her mind.
My heart. My love.

When the last fireworks faded into nothing but a glimmer, Jalen rolled onto his back. He brought Ranelle with him so that she rested on top, his cock still buried deep within her core. Jalen sensed the moment she slid into a deep slumber, just before sleep claimed him.

* * * * *

Tiali, Ritt, and Cind lay sprawled across the flagstone floor of Zanden’s bedchamber, exhausted from the many times the Sorcerer had used their bodies. Countless times he had fucked the women, long after they had begged for rest. Yet even as they now slept, his cock throbbed with fury and desire. The room smelled of their juices and his seed.

He would recover his destined wife, Liana, as well as the two other bitches who had escaped him, Ranelle and Tierra. Repeatedly he would fuck them, impregnating each with his seed. They would bear countless children for him, as had been prophesized in the Chronicles.

And damn all the gods, he would meet his destiny. He would rule Dair.

Zanden held the hrichn in his massive fist, the sacred metal orb, the tool that had been passed down from Sorcerer to Sorcerer. Voral, to whom Zanden had served his apprenticeship, had taught him well how to wield the hrichn, and how to seek answers with the orb’s powers.

A furious scowl covered Zanden’s face as he raised the hrichn. Purple light blazed from the orb, spattering across the bare stone wall of his bedchamber.

The vision showed Ranelle in a cave, flat on her back, the Elvin Prince between her thighs. The Prince drove his cock into Ranelle, taking the virginity that belonged to Zanden.

“How dare he steal what is mine!” His fine rein of control snapped, his sight turning blood red. In his rage he almost flung the hrichn across the room, which would have ended its centuries long existence. Instead he tossed the orb onto the cushions of his bed and strode to where Tiali lay flat on her belly on the cold stone floor, and knelt between her dark thighs.

With all his fury he grabbed the sleeping woman, lifting her by her hips and driving his massive cock into her core. Tiali woke and cried out in pleasure while he fucked her, bruising her soft flesh as he rammed himself into her. She liked it rough. His war-kitten. His wench who was always ready for a good, hard fuck.

Why didn’t his destined women understand the power and wonder of what he offered?

“Used or no, I will have Ranelle!” Zanden pounded harder into Tiali. “I will chain her and her bitch heart-sisters in the dungeon and fuck each of them as often as I please.”

The Sorcerer’s voice grew even colder as he added, “And the Nordain and Elvin bastards who stole what belongs to me—each will die a most brutal and painful death.”


Ranelle screamed and tried to claw her way from out of her prison. She was suffocating! She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move.

Strong hands grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Ranelle!” Jalen’s voice cut into her terrified mind.

Slowly her world came into focus and she realized that she was safe within Jalen’s powerful embrace.

Safe for the moment.

But she had no doubt what her dream vision meant—Zanden was coming for them, and all their lives were in terrible danger.


Chapter Eleven


In her nordai form, Ranelle perched on Jalen’s shoulder as he silently wended his way through the blue mist of Wilding Wood. Sap spilled down the hynling trunks in waterfalls of soft gold, the glow pervading the mist and lending a comforting yet ominous feel to the wood. The pungent scent of the hynling no longer disturbed her. It seemed to belong in these strange and wild woods.

She ruffled her raven’s feathers as her thoughts turned to what Jalen had discussed with her earlier. Jalen had told her the most dangerous beings in the Wilding Woods were the Faeries, but other creatures lived there, too. As they moved through the forest, Jalen took care not to come too close to a sleeping lycidian dragon or a krakilee in the midst of hunting its daily meal.

Since leaving Astral that morning, Jalen and Ranelle had traveled through the wood for hours. Although Anistana had let the lovers be for the remainder of their stay, she had insisted they remain in the Faerie realm ’til after moonchange, and they had ended up spending nearly a week in Astral. Both Ranelle and Jalen had argued that it would be safer to travel during the time when the Sorcerer would be relegated to his nordai form, but Anistana would have none of it.

Jalen moved through the wood, his blonde hair flowing over Ranelle as she burrowed close to his neck. Ruffling her feathers, she sought the warmth that radiated from him to chase away the chill of her fear of the Sorcerer.

During the past few days—while the moon changed from lavender to brilliant purple, and faded to light amethyst—Ranelle had experienced a deep stirring within her soul. A wild and restless feeling had consumed her. As though she needed to be with other Nordain women, protecting their kingdom and their children.

Today was the last day of moonchange. She felt it in her heart and soul. Tomorrow the Nordain males would no longer be forced to keep their raven forms. Tomorrow Zanden would be free to hunt for Ranelle and her heart-sisters.

During their stay in the Faerie realm, Ranelle and Jalen had made love countless times, unable to satisfy their cravings for one another. Despite the urgency building within her to leave Astral and find her heart-sisters, Ranelle had enjoyed her stay with the sensual and mischievous Faeries. Oft the Faeries had invited Ranelle and Jalen to join in their sexual play, but the couple had declined, choosing to indulge in their own form of erotic entertainment.

When they had been alone, Jalen had taught Ranelle more about her heritage and her magic, increasing her confidence in both, as well as in herself. Every moment they spent together strengthened Ranelle’s love for Jalen, and she could no longer imagine life without him.

That morning, after Anistana had kissed them each full on the lips, her parting words to Jalen were, “Tell Renn that he had best steer clear of my realm.” She had paused, a devious light in her green eyes as her gaze traveled over Ranelle’s body, and she smiled. “Although I always enjoy a bit of revenge.”

Renn. My brother
, Ranelle thought as Jalen’s muscles flexed beneath her bird feet. While in Astral, Jalen had told her much of Aric and Renn, her brothers, and what powerful men and great leaders they were. She had also learned that Jalen, as the eldest child of Queen Yanea, was the destined ruler of the Seraphine Elves.

And one day Ranelle would be Queen, when Jalen became King. She was not sure how she felt about that, or even if she would be accepted by the Elves. However, as long as Jalen was at her side, she knew she could face whatever might come their way.

Jalen paused, tensing beneath her. “We have come to the limits of Wilding Wood.” With a gentle hand he removed Ranelle from his shoulder, and she easily transformed into her human body. The many times she had practiced the feat in Astral had helped to make it almost as natural to her as breathing.

Ranelle shivered, although not from any chill, or even the scant clothing she was dressed in. She wore only a minute tunic that barely covered her breasts, leaving her belly bare, and a matching skirt that just reached the top of her thigh. The clothing truly covered her no better than the gishla gown Ranelle had worn in Fiorn. However, it was all the Faerie Queen would give her, and truth be told, Ranelle had enjoyed the way Jalen’s possessive gaze caressed her when he saw her in the outfit.

Gooseflesh sprouted along Ranelle’s arms as she saw that the blue mist lay like a barrier before their feet, signifying the end of Wilding Wood. They stood in a small clearing bathed in the soft glow of hynling sap, the grass green and flowers brilliant with color. But beyond the mist barrier was a place so dismal and dark she could scarcely see anything within its depths.

Where are we?
Ranelle murmured in Jalen’s mind, still amazed at being able to communicate with him so freely in thought once she told him of her love.

Xardu Moors.
Jalen gestured toward the gloom, then spoke aloud, “It seems that Anistana is not finished toying with us.”

Frowning, Ranelle looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

“Anistana closed every path from Astral but this one.” Jalen gave Ranelle a tight smile and brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “Once we enter the moors, the Queen’s magic will no longer protect us from Zanden’s prying eyes.”

A prickling sensation at Ranelle’s nape told her there was more, but he was hesitant to tell her. “That is not all, is it?”

“The moors are not safe for human, faire folke or other.” Jalen’s hand fisted in her hair, and he brought her closer. “But fear not. We shall make it through safely. I promise you, my love.”

Jalen brought her to him and gently kissed her lips. Slow heat traveled through Ranelle, building and building in intensity ’til its fire matched the blaze that had consumed the tavern in Fiorn.

When he pulled away, Ranelle could think of naught but her desire to have his bare skin next to hers, his cock deep within her.

“We shall camp here for the eve, where we will be safe.” Jalen nipped at her lower lip, a gentle erotic bite that caused Ranelle to moan. His mouth moved down her throat as he added, “And where I might fuck you ‘til you scream, mi enchantrei.”

Every thought in Ranelle’s mind evaporated. Her entire being was totally focused on the feel of Jalen’s lips and tongue along her neck to her shoulder. His hands caressed her belly, teasing her navel, and then moved in an agonizingly slow motion beneath her cropped top to her breasts.

“What would make you wild?” Jalen rubbed her nipples with his thumbs as he pulled back to watch her face. “How would you have me pleasure you?”

“All that you do makes me feel raw and untamed.” Ranelle cupped his cock through his breeches and smiled at the feel of his incredible length. “Knowing that you desire me as much as I want you, makes me wet and so anxious for you I fear I might burst into flame.”

A territorial glint sparked in Jalen’s sapphire eyes as he pressed his erection against her hand. “My cock was made to be inside you, as you were made for me.”

“Mmmmm, yes.” Ranelle inhaled his familiar male scent of pine on a forest breeze. Just the smell of him was enough to harden her nipples and cause her to grow even wetter. “But I wish to pleasure you, first.”

Jalen’s lids lowered, a feral growl rumbling from his chest. “I am yours to do with as you would.”

Ranelle clenched her fists in his tunic and reached up to brush her lips against his. “Then I would have my way with you.”

With Jalen’s help, Ranelle removed his bow and quiver, along with his waist pouch, and tossed them aside. His boots, then tunic soon followed as she bared his massive physique, leaving him clad only in his breeches. Before she allowed herself to touch him, she retrieved the krstn from his pouch and he spread it upon the forest floor, and they stepped onto its cushion-like softness.

Shivers skittered through Ranelle as she ran her palms against his golden chest, her sensitive fingertips absorbing the differences between his body and her own. His skin was smooth, but his muscles hard as rock beneath. “By all the gods and their mothers,” she murmured, placing tiny kisses on his nipples and flicking her tongue against them, “you are the most handsome man I have ever seen.”

“You have led a sheltered life, mi enchantrei.” Jalen’s cock throbbed, and he reached for Ranelle, intent on taking her. He nuzzled her hair, drawing in her scent, ’til she gently pushed him away.

“No man could ever match up to you.” Ranelle stepped back and gave him a wicked smile that rivaled Anistana’s most devious look. “Do not touch, you impatient man. I am having my way with you.”

The sultry tone in her voice rippled through Jalen’s body, straight to his cock. It was all he could do to not to rip the scant clothing from Ranelle’s body and fuck her into oblivion.

What had happened to his self-control, his ability to master every situation?

All he had to do was gaze upon his enchantress to know, to understand how she had bewitched him. Ranelle’s mahogany hair cascaded in waves around her face, her silver eyes dark with passion, her crimson lips moist and parted. Her nipples were tight and hard, lifting the filmy material of her short tunic, begging for his mouth, his hands.

He clenched his fists at his sides as she untied his breeches and let them drop to his feet. Cool air brushed his cock, but then Ranelle’s hands warmed him as she played with his length.

She eased to her knees before him, his staff still in her hands. “The gods could make nothing so fine or so pleasurable as your cock.”

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