Obsessed (33 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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“Ranelle.” Jalen sucked in his breath as her tongue flicked against the head of his staff. “You are driving me out of my senses.”

A soft laugh hummed along his cock as she trailed kisses from the velvet tip down to the soft cloud of hair and his enrli, and back to the head again. “Perhaps our stay with the Faeries rubbed off on me.”

Before he could respond, Ranelle slid her lips over his cock and sucked. Jalen’s hips bucked and a low groan rose within him. He clenched his hands in her hair, drawing her farther down his length. Slowly he began thrusting his staff in and out of her hot mouth, her soft moans reverberated through his cock.

Ranelle dug her fingers into his buttocks, her silver eyes wide, looking at him as he came closer and closer to orgasm. Watching his cock go in and out of her sweet lips was enough to send Jalen toward the precipice, faster than an arrow shot from his bow. Sweat beaded upon his skin, his balls tightened and his cock jerked. A shout tore from his throat as his semen burst from his body, down Ranelle’s throat. In and out he thrust within her hot recesses, ’til she had consumed the sum of his seed.

With a satisfied smile Ranelle pulled away and let his cock slide from her mouth, his hands still clenched in her hair as he caught his breath. She looked up at him, licking his come from her lips as though she wanted to savor every drop. “What more can I do to pleasure you?” Her palms moved up his muscled belly as she spoke, her eyes focused on his.

“Remove your clothing.” His voice was husky, thrumming with his never-ending desire for her. “I wish—I need—to see all of you.”

He stepped out of his breeches and released his hold on her tresses as she eased to her feet. Enjoying the silky feel of her skin beneath his fingertips, he let his hands slide down her shoulders and arms to her wrists.

Ranelle’s breathing deepened as Jalen placed his hands on her breasts, the heat of his palms like living fire through the thin material of her clothing. Desire for him consumed her, so brilliant and dizzying in its intensity that she feared she might swoon. Clasping her hands around his wrists, she clung to him, arching into his touch as he stroked her nipples with his thumbs.

How could she want this man more with every second she spent in his presence? It was as though she was only half of a whole without him. As though her entire life she had been missing a part of herself and had been made complete only when Jalen entered her world.

Jalen’s eyes were glittering sapphires in the waning light. “What would you have me do now, mi enchantrei?”

“Your mouth.” Ranelle fought to capture her breath. “On me. Now.”

His cock pressed against her naked belly as he pushed her tunic up over her head, and she was clad only in the tiny skirt. Cupping one of her breasts, he dipped his head and flicked his tongue over her nipple. Swirling, licking, sucking her ’til her knees failed and only his powerful arm kept her from dropping to the krstn.

Torture, sweet torture, was his touch upon her body. She wanted his cock inside her folds, yet she wanted to savor all that he had to offer. His mouth, his tongue, his fingers, his skin against hers, his weight between her thighs. She wanted it all and more.

“You take my very breath.” Jalen raised his head and captured her face in his hands. “Never in my dreams did I imagine I would find you. A beautiful enchantress who would fill my heart and soul and make me complete.”

The beauty in Jalen’s words, echoing her own feelings, and the love in his gaze was enough to bring tears to Ranelle’s eyes. His firm lips brushed her eyelids, his tongue darting out and tasting her tears. With gentle hands, he coaxed her down on the krstn, ’til she lay beneath him.

“So much there is that I want to share with you.” Jalen lowered himself between Ranelle’s thighs and kissed the enrli at her forehead. Tingling sensations skittered throughout her as his tongue traced the design. “I want to show you my world and have you meet my mother and my sisters.” He paused and lifted his head, smiling down at her. “I must warn you that Damianne and Angelei will insist on greeting you in their own way.”

“A warning?” Ranelle raised an eyebrow as she slipped her fingers into his hair, the locks made even more golden in the glow of the hynling. “Are they so terrible?”

“Nay.” An amused expression flickered across his handsome features. “I believe you will find them, ah, interesting.”

“Cryptic.” She cupped her hands against the back of his head and drew him to her. “Enough talk. I have not had my fill of you yet.”

Jalen’s cock pressed against Ranelle’s belly as he took possession of her mouth. His lips devoured hers, sending her senses reeling. She clamped her legs around his waist, begging him to enter her, but he ignored her body’s plea. Instead he worked his way down her belly, giving her nipples attention and then moving his mouth to her navel. He swirled his tongue inside the button, an oddly erotic feeling that charged straight to her core and caused Ranelle to gasp at the sensation.

It was all Jalen could do to keep his pace slow and measured. His cock ached and his body thrummed with wanting and desire for his enchantress. When he reached her mound he pushed the skirt up to her waist, baring the treasure he sought. He paused to trace the enrli, the sacred design tingling beneath his tongue. Breathing in, the rich scent of her ambrosia filled his senses, and he could no longer wait to drink from her. He flicked his tongue along her folds, and she cried out, her voice echoing in the wood.

Ranelle raised her hips, pressing her clit firmly to his mouth. “You are nearly as wicked as the Faerie Queen, torturing me so.”

A soft laugh rose up within Jalen and her body jerked at the feel of it against her clit. He slid his hands beneath her buttocks, brought her closer to him, lowering his head and feasting on her.

Ranelle pinched and pulled her own nipples as Jalen licked and sucked her clit. He concentrated on her swollen nub, drawing her closer and closer to peak. Her orgasm began tightening within her belly, spiraling out ’til it encompassed her entire being. “Jalen!” she shouted, her back arching up off the krstn before coming to rest against its surface.

Jalen rose up and braced his arms on either side of Ranelle. While spasms still rocked her body, he thrust his cock into her core, drawing out the aftershocks as he took her. His blue eyes were focused on hers, and she couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, so heady was the love she witnessed in his gaze, and so magnificent was the feel of him inside her.

Emotion, light, color…all whirled within Ranelle as his thrusts brought her to another soaring climax, and this time she screamed with the power of her orgasm. Not a moment later, Jalen’s muscles went taut and his cock throbbed inside her, washing her womb with his seed.


Chapter Twelve


“Quiet,” he growled in her ear, his hand over her mouth, as he held her in a grip so tight it bruised her flesh.

Fear tore through the child. His awful smell surrounded her, a stench like sugar burnt in the cooking ovens. She gagged, unable to breathe.

Fighting to free herself from his grip, Carilee struggled, but then froze in his arms as he said, “If you make even the smallest movement, I shall shove you into a vat of hynling sap.”

He would. Even though she was only a fledgling, Carilee knew that he would carry out his threat. She had watched him when he did not know she was hiding nearby. Heard his strange mutterings and wicked plans.

She had tried to tell her zjemma, but she did not yet have the words to make her mother understand. “Mean,” she had said. “Zan hurt you.”

An odd expression had crossed Zjemma’s face, as if she knew what Carilee was trying to say. But the look had passed, and her mother had brushed away Carilee’s fears.

And now he was taking her away from her home. She knew it in all her heart and soul—she would never again see her mother and father, or Aric and Renn.

Fear prickled along her skin as Zan carried her across the room from her bed-nest in the nursery. “In a place far from here, you will be locked away where no one may find you,” he murmured in her ear, causing horrible chills to roll though her. “You shall live there ’til you are twenty seasons and then I shall come for you, little magpie.”

They moved onto the landing and Carilee wanted to scream, to cry out for her mother and father. But Carilee knew Zan would cover her in hynling sap, and she would be trapped forever in its horrible embrace.

“Zan,” Zjemma called from the doorway of the King’s chamber, the sweetness of her voice filling Carilee’s heart with hope. “What are you doing with your sister?”

He stopped and slowly turned to face their mother, Carilee pressed tight to his chest, one of his hands still over her mouth. “Taking her to meet her destiny.” His tone was casual, yet the edge to his words made Carilee feel sick in her belly.

“Leave her be.” Zjemma’s voice came from behind them this time.

Zan did not move, but Carilee looked over his shoulder and saw her mother there, too.

He remained still, even as Zjemma spoke again, this time to their left. “You are my son, and I love you…

“But I cannot watch you walk this path.” Her voice, this time from their right.

“And I will not allow you to hurt my daughter,” came in unison, from all around them.

Carilee’s head spun as she looked from one image of her mother to the next. Which one was her real zjemma?

“I have no time for your trickery.” Zan chuckled, a scary sound that made Carilee feel as though mice skittered up and down her spine and into her hair. “This evening I poisoned your wine. Father’s too. If you put your hand upon Father’s chest, you will find his heart no longer beats.” Zan’s voice was cold, matching the ice growing in Carilee’s soul as he continued, “Your magic makes you stronger than him, but you, too, will soon feel its effects.”

One by one, the images of their mother vanished, ’til only the one to their right remained.


Anguish crossed her beautiful face. She put her palm to her heart as though to make sure it still beat. “Give me my daughter.” Holding both hands out, Zjemma tugged at Carilee with all her magic strength, attempting to pull Carilee from Zan’s grip.

Zan reared back his free arm, as though preparing to throw a rock—but then he shoved the flat of his hand forward, toward their mother, as if he was pushing a heavy piece of furniture.

Zjemma flew back against the wall, her head striking the stone with a crack that made Carilee scream behind Zan’s palm.

As Zjemma slid to the floor, her eyes fluttered and a crimson stain trailed down the wall. “I love you…Carilee…” she murmured. “I love you…”


“Nooooooo!” An anguished sob tore from Ranelle’s lips. Blindly she scrambled to her feet and started to run toward the golden light. She had to get away from Zan. Had to help her mother.

Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, pinning her to a muscled chest. Ranelle kicked and screamed, fighting with everything she had, but she could not free herself. She heard nothing but a buzzing in her head and her mother’s last words.

I love you, Carilee…

Ranelle struggled and struggled against the powerful grip, ’til she had no strength left in her.

Vaguely, as though her body was not her own, she realized she was being held in a loving embrace—and not the arms of the hideous brother who had taken her from their mother.

Tears burned her eyes as she heard a man’s soothing voice, felt his breath on her neck as he gripped her close. The man she loved—Jalen.

“You are safe, mi enchantrei,” he murmured. “I would never let anyone harm you.”

Ranelle sagged against him. It had been a dream. A vision. A memory.

Yes, she was safe. For now. But Zjemma…her mother was dead, long ago murdered by her own son. Ranelle’s own brother.

“Carilee.” Ranelle was surprised at how calm her voice sounded when she spoke. “My mother named me Carilee. To my people…the Nordain…it means ‘gift of the gods.’”

“That you are.” Jalen kissed her hair and relaxed his grip. “Come, back to the krstn. We are far too close to the hynling for my comfort.”

With a start, Ranelle realized they stood only inches from the golden sap of the hynling. Jalen had saved her, had kept her from running straight into its deadly grasp.

He scooped her into his arms and held her close as he carried her back to the krstn and settled onto it, Ranelle in his lap. Snuggled into his arms, she let his heat chase away the chill of her dream and her memories. It was only then that she realized she was still naked, as was Jalen.

The wood was lightening, early morning sun spilling through branches of the bluewood, oak and hynling trees. A hint of amethyst still hung over the sky, remnants of the end of moonchange. The Nordain males would no longer be relegated to their raven forms.

Including Zanden.

Blue mist swirled around them, its presence somehow comforting. The air was cool, the wood quiet save for the chatter of birds and a strange cry in the distance. A mournful sound that somehow echoed the ache in her soul.

A shudder traveled through Ranelle, from head to toe. “I remember everything now.” As she spoke, Jalen stroked her hair, his touch soothing, comforting. “Tierra gave me the name Ranelle when we were children, because I had no name and Zan…Zanden stole all my memories with his magic before he left me with Uba.” She frowned as she remembered what Uba had called her before Tierra chose the name Ranelle, and even long after.

Uba had spit out often.
Filthy, packrat girl.

Ranelle had enjoyed collecting things that were bright and shiny. Objects that made her feel pretty and special. Uba had taken everything Ranelle had found, of course. It wasn’t ‘til she was older that Ranelle had stopped collecting odd trinkets and baubles she found in Fiorn.

“Tierra named me Ranelle, because she said it sounded like a Princess’s name, and she thought I looked like a Princess.” Ranelle smiled at the memory, and then her smile faded to a frown. “I miss Tierra so, and Liana as well. And I am so worried for them both.”

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