Obsessed (49 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Surely the aradne was Anistana’s final gift.

“I cannot wait to see Liana and Ranelle,” Tierra was saying as he got to his feet. “We have so much to talk about.”

“Much,” he agreed as he reached for his own clothing, his thoughts still trying to absorb the implications of the dust.

Whenever used between heartmates, it always resulted in a child.

Tierra now carried his babe.

Fierce joy filled his warrior’s soul and he wished to shout it to all who would listen. He opened his mouth to tell Tierra, but stopped as he comprehended the words she was saying.

“I cannot believe they are expecting children.” She shook her head. “The both of them. Mothers! Well, that is not for me.”

Renn clenched his jaw and yanked his tunic over his head. Perhaps this was a conversation best saved for later.

After they were dressed and Renn had saddled Feymir and tied their belongings to the saddle, Tierra unlocked the dungeon door with her spellbinding.

Renn slapped Feymir on his flank and sent him up the stone steps to their left and into the daylight. “He will know where to go,” Renn said to Tierra. “The stable workers will care for him.”

The stallion’s hooves clattered upon stone and he whickered and snorted as he vanished out the door.

Nervousness and excitement sent a swarm of damselflies swirling through Tierra’s belly. Renn clasped her hand and strode down the darkened hallway, in the opposite direction Feymir had gone. Strange torches lit their way—like fire glowing on the end of a stick, yet no flame.

His boots clomped against the stone floor, her own brogans making a whispery soft sound as she hurried to keep up with his big strides. She glanced at him beneath her lashes, taking in his massive frame now clothed in black tunic and breeches, and could not help but feel pride that this fine warrior wanted her above all other women.

It seemed as though they walked forever—along an endless corridor, past several doors, up a winding staircase and down another hall. Renn was silent as they went, apparently as lost in his thoughts as she was in her own.

Finally they stopped before a wooden door. Renn put one hand on the iron handle and with his other squeezed Tierra’s fingers, smiling down at her. “Are you ready?” he asked.

Tierra took a deep breath and returned his smile. “Yes.”

Hinges creaked as Renn opened the door, leading them into an incredible realm. Tierra caught her breath as her gaze traveled around the massive chamber they had entered. Decorated in royal blue and gold, the room was filled with ornately carved furniture, vivid tapestries and oil paintings, elaborate works of art and floor coverings.

“Welcome to Sky Castle.” Renn moved his lips close to her ear and she shivered as his warm breath caressed her neck. “Our home.”

Our home.

She raised her chin and swallowed past the denial rising in her throat. “Your home is beyond lovely.”

“Tierra!” A feminine cry came from the right and Tierra’s gaze cut to the staircase to see Liana hurrying down, her moonlit tresses flowing around her like a silken cape. “I knew it! I sensed you were here.”

Tearing her hand from Renn’s, Tierra ran to meet her halia at the bottom of the stairs, her heart pounding in her throat with the force of a thousand drums.

“Liana! Oh, but gods it is good to see you.” Tierra hugged her heart-sister, squeezing her tight as though her friend might vanish at any moment. Liana’s hair wrapped around Tierra, embracing her, and her friend’s familiar scent of jensai blooms flowed over her in a comforting wave.

“I have been so worried about you.” Liana pulled back and smiled, tears glittering in her sea green eyes.
But I knew Renn would bring you safely to us,
she added in thought, a knowing smile upon her beautiful face.

Warmth flooded Tierra and she glanced at Renn to see him leaning against the wall, arms folded across his huge chest, one eyebrow raised, and an amused smile upon his handsome features. Oh, lords, but he looked good.

“Ranelle and Jalen have gone out for a horseback ride around Phoenicia,” Liana said, drawing Tierra’s attention. “They should be back soon.”

“I have missed the two of you so very much.” Tierra held Liana by the shoulders at arms length, her gaze traveling over her friend’s slender form. She looked radiant, confident, and happier than Tierra had ever remembered seeing her. Liana was clothed in a sleeveless gown, the shimmering color matching her sea green eyes. It clung to her body, outlining her breasts, her hips, and even the juncture at her thighs. A circlet of gold rested upon Liana’s moonlit tresses, and at the front of the circlet was a blood red stone.

“You look like a goddess.” Tierra reached up and touched the stone that matched the one in Renn’s dagger. “Is it true? You are Queen now? You are married?”

“That she is,” a powerful voice boomed from behind Liana. “She is my wife.”

Tierra snatched her hand back and she looked up to see a handsome man with black hair and eyes, dressed much the same as Renn. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Liana’s waist from behind, and nuzzled her ear. “And soon to be the mother of our children.”

Liana blushed a pretty pink from the tips of her pointed ears down her neck to the collar of her gown. Her tresses slid away from Tierra, reaching behind to caress the man who now held her. “Tierra,” Liana murmured, “this is Aric. My husband.”

Tierra extended her hand to Aric and he raised it to his lips and kissed the back. When he released her hand, he said, “It a pleasure to meet my zjenni’s heart-sister.”

“Your Highness.” Tierra gave a slight bow of her head and then lifted her chin. “Just know that if you ever hurt my halia in any way, I will spellbind your cock ’til it shrivels and drops to the dirt.”

Aric raised an eyebrow and Liana smiled.

“Take her threats seriously, brother.” Renn came up and settled his arm around Tierra’s shoulders, his hold possessive. “She is a wily wench.”

Tierra planted her elbow in Renn’s side and glared up at him, but he simply looked down at her and winked.

She turned back in time to see Aric and Liana exchange glances. For some reason Aric chuckled, a grin spreading across his face as he looked from Tierra to Renn.

Liana separated herself from Aric and went to Renn, flinging her arms around the dark warrior’s neck and kissing his cheek. “Thank you for bringing Tierra back to me.”

Shock crossed Renn’s strong features and he released Tierra to awkwardly pat Liana’s shoulder. “It was most definitely my pleasure, my Queen.”

When she released him her smile faded and she ran her fingers along the cheek she had just kissed, and then looked at the other side of his face. “Your scar…it is gone.”

Liana’s form went rigid, her tresses stilled. Her hand moved to Renn’s forehead in a quick movement and she closed her eyes.

The warrior froze, a confounded look upon his face.

Gooseflesh prickled along Tierra’s arms as she watched her heart-sister fall into a trance. Liana was a seer, and her trances most often led to a vision of the future.

“Death…” Liana’s voice filled with anguish as she pressed the palm of her hand to Renn’s forehead. “…it comes on a storm. Many lives lost…many souls taken…”

Aric moved as though to reach for Liana.

Tierra stilled him with a hand to his arm—but her blood turned to ice at her halia’s next words.

“A choice.” Liana’s body trembled, her wan features becoming paler yet. “Child of Fae…her choice means the dawn of a new beginning…or death to us all.”


Chapter Ten


Chills rolled over Tierra as Liana’s words bled through her mind…

Child of Fae…her choice means the dawn of a new beginning…or death to us all.

Liana’s eyes flew open and she stumbled back from Renn, a terrified expression upon her face. Aric reached her in a single stride and caught her by the waist, turning her into his embrace and holding her close.

Before Tierra even realized it, Renn was at her side, his arm around her shoulders. Protective. Territorial. When she looked up at him, she saw that his gaze was on Liana.

“What did you vision?” he asked, his voice rough and commanding, his gaze focused intently upon the Tanzinite seer.

Aric’s black eyes flashed as he scowled at Renn. “Damn the gods, leave her be.”

“She spoke of Tierra.” Renn clenched his fists as he faced his brother. “I must know what danger my heartmate faces. How best to protect her.”

“I am not your heartmate.” Tierra jerked herself from Renn’s embrace and glared up at him. “And I do not require your protection.”

“Release me.” Liana pulled away from a stunned-looking Aric and took Tierra’s hands in hers. “How does my vision relate to you, Halia? I saw a possible future, heard a voice speaking to me of death and Fae, but I did not see you.”

“Child of Fae.” Tierra squeezed Liana’s hands. “That is what the visitor said to me—the handsome man who sent me to search for you and Ranelle.”

Aric still appeared thunderstruck. “Heartmate?” he said to Renn.

Renn scowled at his brother, then said to Tierra, “What handsome man?”

“To’en.” Her gaze met his and she almost smiled at his jealous expression. “A powerful-looking man with white hair that came to a widow’s peak and brilliant blue eyes.”

“Toen?” Renn frowned. “The wolf shape-shifter?”

“No. To’en,” Tierra said, pronouncing it like the man had, To-an. “And he was most certainly a man, not a wolf.”

Aric had a broad grin on his face as he slapped Renn on the back. “Sotted fool, eh?”

Liana placed her hand on Tierra’s arm, drawing her attention. “Child of Fae—do you know how this relates to you?” Liana asked.

Tierra nodded. “I have only just learned I am Faerie. The second-born of twins. Sister to Anistana, Queen of Faerie.”

“I knew there was something familiar about that Faerie,” came a female voice behind Tierra.

“Ranelle!” Tierra cried out as she whirled and threw her arms around her heart-sister, drinking in her friend’s scent of vanilla and spice and enjoying her warm embrace. “I am so very happy to see you. I missed you both more than you will ever know.”

Ranelle pulled back, tears in her silver eyes—eyes so startlingly like Renn’s. And a symbol upon her forehead…it glittered silver, just as Renn had said.

“I thought about you and Liana day and night.” Ranelle’s voice caught with emotion. “I could not bear it if anything had happened to you.”

“We’re together again.” Tierra put one arm around Liana’s shoulder and her other around Ranelle’s and drew them close. “Thank the gods. Nothing can separate us now. Nothing that is not of our own choosing.”

Renn shook his head while he watched the women. After their first hugs and greetings, they each began chattering so fast he wondered how they could possibly understand one another.

“So, little brother.” Aric moved beside Renn, laughter in his voice as he spoke. “I seem to recall something you said upon the eve of my joining with Liana.” Aric’s grin broadened as Renn’s scowl deepened. “What was it? Ah, yes. You said that I would never see you behave like a sotted fool over a pretty little wench.”

“’Tis quite similar to what he said to Ranelle and I in Seraphine.” Jalen appeared beside the men, humor glinting in his eyes.

Aric slapped Jalen on the back. “Have I told you how much it pleases me that you have joined with our sister?”

Renn grunted. “It pleases me, as well.”

Jalen smiled as his gaze rested on the laughing and chattering women. “’It was as though my life began the moment I first saw Ranelle.”

Despite himself, Renn found himself nodding in agreement as he watched Tierra.

He was a sotted fool, indeed.

* * * * *

“I am in desperate need of a bath,” Tierra said to Liana after the men had left to discuss battle plans with their troops. “You both are so lovely.” She gestured to her own worn and grimy forest green tunic and breeches. “But I look and smell like a green dragon dropping.”

“Ha! You are as beautiful as you were the last time I saw you, if not more so.” Ranelle smiled at Tierra and squeezed her friend’s arm. “You would look fair even covered in mud from your brow to your toes.”

“The last time you saw me, I was quite ill and looked like a pale dragon dropping.” Tierra laughed as she clasped Ranelle’s hands. Tierra took in her halia’s beaming expression and sparkling silver eyes. “But look at you. You are more gorgeous than ever.”

“As for a bath.” Liana crooked her finger, indicating they should follow her. “Just wait ’til you see what I have to show the both of you.”

Tierra gaped at the opulent furnishings as she followed Liana through the castle. “Your new home is grand,” Tierra said with awe in her voice. “I am so happy for you, sister. You deserve this all and more.”

Liana smiled over her shoulder. “This is your home now, as well as mine.”

Tierra started to disagree, but Liana continued in her familiar mind-speak,
Do not argue with me.

Since when did you become quite so bossy?
Tierra thought in return.

Liana and Ranelle both stopped short and Tierra stumbled into Liana.

When did you learn to speak in thought?
Liana asked as she steadied Tierra.

Ranelle’s expression filled with amazement.
This is wonderful!

You both heard me? Tierra widened her eyes in surprise as she turned her gaze on Ranelle.
You spoke to me in thought, like Liana.
She gasped and her hand went to her mouth.
I did it, too!

I had wondered.
Liana smiled
. I have heard much of Anistana’s powers. When you told me you are the Faerie Queen’s sister, I suspected you could mind-speak, just as she can. You simply needed the opportunity.

This could be most useful.
Ranelle looked thoughtful as she tossed her mahogany hair over her shoulder.
If we can learn to speak with one another, yet hide our conversation from anyone else who might be listening.

Liana nodded.
We have been bound to one another since we were children. We know each other better than anyone else possibly could.

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