Obsessed (52 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Her fingers ached from countless hours practicing her spellbindings. Mentally she was exhausted from mind-speak training and learning how to effectively block any being from reading her thoughts without invitation.

And the transference practice—that was enough to make her numb from head to toe.

She tossed her braid over her shoulder and her eyes rested on To’en. The pale muscle-bound god of a man had been working with the three of them endlessly and tirelessly, yesterday and today.

Lords, was it only yesterday that he had fully explained the Sorcerer’s evil intent, and the danger that they all faced?

With a bone-deep sigh, she rubbed her hand on the comfortable material of her clothing. Like her halias, Tierra was dressed in an Elvin tunic and breeches, with soft boots laced up to her knees. The fine cloth kept out the cold, yet served another purpose as the color of the material shifted to blend in with the wearer’s background.

Chameleons. The women were like chameleons who changed as their destinies guided them.

No matter their clothing. No matter the men who believed they could protect Tierra and her heart-sisters. The women would not be able to hide from the Sorcerer, and no one could save them unless they saved each other.

Liana, Ranelle, and Tierra knew they had to face Zanden and be done with his threat forever.

For a moment Tierra closed her eyes, chill wind sliding over her skin in quick gusts. The very air seemed to sizzle and crackle—a tenseness that made her feel fidgety and insecure.

She lifted her eyelids, her gaze again going to the southeast. Somewhere in the distance, the Sorcerer’s fortress hunkered like a vicious animal waiting out its prey. The wind smelled of an oncoming storm and something else…something far more sinister. As though wings of evil were speeding their way, somehow riding the black clouds upon the horizon.

Only those clouds had not moved for nigh on two days now. No, instead they had become dark as night, clinging to that one patch of sky and growing ever larger.

Soon evil would come for Tierra and her halias.

Would they be ready?

The sound of hoof beats drew Tierra’s attention, and she recognized the glossy black steed galloping up the slope. But it was the proud and fierce warrior upon the stallion’s back that captured her attention and refused to let it go. Oh, lords but that man made her tingle and ache. When would she tire of Renn’s touch, of the way he looked at her, the way he filled her?


She brushed the annoying thought aside as she put her hands on her hips and gave Renn a sassy smile. But instead of slowing down his steed, the warrior continued straight at her. For one instant her breath froze and she feared the man was not Renn—but the Sorcerer instead. She raised her hands for a spellbinding at the same moment the man reached her and she saw his silver eyes.


He swooped one arm down and she shrieked as he grabbed her and threw her over his lap, Feymir still going at a wild gallop. Her braid flipped over her head and the ground rushed past at a dizzying pace.

“What in the gods’ hells are you doing?” she said, half yelling and half laughing.

“Quiet, wench.” Renn swatted her backside and her laughter turned into a moan. “I intend to have my way with you.”

Her dark warrior’s words brought an immediate ache to her core. The bulge in his breeches pressed hard against her belly as she hung over his lap, and her nipples chafed against the side of his thigh.

From her upside down position, she saw that he had entered the forest surrounding the castle, Feymir charging deeper into the woods. Trees, bushes, rocks, logs, grass…everything was a blur.

When Renn halted the stallion, he put his hands at Tierra’s waist and slid her carefully off his lap and set her on her feet. She buried her fingers in the material of his breeches, trying to steady herself after her dizzying ride.

They were in a small clearing, walled by rock that reached her shoulders, with more forest beyond that. It smelled crisp and clean, as though the foulness she had caught the odor of earlier would never penetrate this fair place.

Her gaze returned to Renn who remained in his saddle. His hands rested on the pommel, a light grip on the reins, and lust in his expression. Shivers of excitement ran through Tierra and she could not wait to see what her dark warrior had planned for them.

His eyes narrowed. “Strip.”

She blinked and released her grip on his breeches. “Pardon?”

“You heard me well enough.” He leaned forward, his eyes focused intently on her. “Take everything off, wench.”

Tierra drew in a deep breath, her nipples beading even tighter beneath her tunic. “Yes, my Lord.” A slight smile curved her lips as she bent down to unlace her boots, an idea forming in her mind.

Slowly she removed the first boot, pausing to glance up at Renn beneath her lashes. “Hurry,” he demanded, his voice rough. She knew he wanted her so badly he could barely contain himself.

All the better.

Tierra ignored his command and took her time unlacing the second boot.

Leather creaked as Renn shifted in his saddle. “Do you require punishment, wench?”

Yes, please.
Lightly running her tongue over her lips, Tierra pulled off the boot as she stood. “No, my Lord.” With her eyes fixed on his, she unlaced the front of her tunic, pulling at the string in a deliberate motion.

Renn swallowed hard, his throat visibly working as his gaze remained locked on her chest. When she reached for the bottom of her tunic, she could hear his breathing deepening. “You will pay for your sluggish actions, woman,” he said with a growl, desire raging in his tone.

Tierra eased the tunic over her head, the soft material covering her smile. Cool air brushed her breasts, making her nipples even harder as she tossed the tunic onto her boots.

“Your breeches.” His knuckles were white, so tightly he now clenched Feymir’s reins. “Remove them. Quickly.”

She kept her gaze on him as she shimmied out of her breeches and then stood before him, completely naked.

“By the gods, you are beautiful.” His gaze traveled from her bare feet, over the red curls of her mound, up her waist to her bare breasts.

“What would you have me do now, my Lord?” she asked as contritely as possible, eyeing the huge bulge that was large enough to be seen beneath his breeches.

“Put your clothing into Feymir’s saddlebags.” He reached down and unfastened the flap of one bag and held it open for her.

Tierra complied, stuffing her soft boots, tunic and breeches into the saddlebag. While he secured it, she backed away ’til she was well out of arm’s reach. She tensed her muscles, ready for what she was to do next. “And now, my Lord?”

“Come here.” He motioned for her with his hand. “You will ride with me.”

“But first…” She ran her tongue along her bottom lip and then smiled. “You will have to catch me.”

Tierra whirled and bolted for the short rock wall and easily scrambled up it.

Behind her, Renn shouted and cursed. She was already well into the trees when she heard him thrashing through the brush as he followed her.

Her heart raced and her blood sang at the thrill of being chased once again by her dark warrior. She had a good head start on him, and this time she would not allow him to catch her so easily.

Sunlight dappled the path before her, leaves crunching beneath her flying feet and leaves brushing her bare skin. Her braid slapped her back in rhythm with her movements.

And then she realized she did not hear the warrior any longer, only the sounds of her own flight and her heart pounding in her ears.

Tierra dodged behind a giant pine, the trunk so large it could easily hide three her size. She pressed her back against the rough bark, enjoying the feel of it against her naked flesh and the wind brushing her nipples and the wet curls of her mound.

Maybe he would take her here, up against the tree.

Her breathing came hard and fast as she listened for any sound of the warrior. Only forest noises met her ears—a squirrel chattering, twitters of many birds, wind through pine needles…and the soft cry of a nordai from above.

Tierra’s heart pounded faster and her gaze shot up to see a common raven in the branches, not the larger version that could have been her Nordain warrior.

She breathed a sigh of relief at the same moment a hand clamped over her mouth. Tierra startled and looked up to see Renn’s arrogant smile as he came ’round the tree. He pressed his clothed form against hers, keeping his hand over her lips. “Did you really think you could escape me, wench?”

He glanced up into the tree and through his lips came the call of a nordai. The raven answered in kind and flapped his wings, darting into the forest. Renn’s gaze returned to Tierra’s and he released his hold on her mouth.

Renn moved his body away from hers and braced both hands on the tree, to either side of her head. He scanned her form, from her bare feet, up to her mound, waist, breasts. When his eyes met hers, his expression even more cocky than before. “I have many eyes here. Many friends. You will never escape me.”

We’ll see about that.
With a quick flick of her finger, Tierra wrapped a spellbinding around one of Renn’s wrists and whipped it around the tree to secure his other wrist. At the same moment she ducked down, dodging around him and running into the forest as fast as she could go.

“Wench!” Renn tugged against the magical bonds as he watched Tierra’s naked form vanish back the way they had come. “Free me, or you shall pay.”

Only if you catch me,
came her voice in his thoughts, along with her teasing giggle.

Renn had to grin despite her gaining the edge over him. Again.

Most certainly he would capture her, and bury his cock inside her sweet warmth and fuck her ’til she was too sore to walk.

He jerked against the spellbinding with all his might.

At the same moment it vanished, and he stumbled back, nearly falling on his ass. He shifted into his nordai form in a flash, soaring through the trees, in the direction Tierra had run. Wind rushed through his wings as he called to his brother and sister nordai as he flew, asking for their help in seeking the fleeing Faerie maid.

Immediately a response came back to Renn, telling him that Tierra had reached Feymir and had mounted the stallion. Like a spear shot from a catapult, Renn sliced through the air, his keen nordai eyes spotting Tierra now riding Feymir—and she was still completely naked.

Blood roared through him as he swooped down onto the saddle, landing behind Tierra. He shifted into his human form and she screamed as he slid his hands over her breasts at the same time.

“Bastard.” She laughed and leaned back against him as Feymir charged deeper into the wood. “You scared the qinokshit out of me.”

“It was no more than you deserved, wench.” He pushed her forward, bending her low over Feymir’s mane. “Now to punish you.”

“Gods, yes.” She moaned as he slid his fingers down over her smooth buttocks and into her wet core.

Renn withdrew his hand and unlaced his breeches, freeing his cock. He grasped Tierra by the hips, lifting her easily with his strength, and brought her down, sheathing himself in her at the same moment.

“Renn!” Tierra cried out, unable to believe he was fucking her on horseback. The rock of the stallion combined with the feel of Renn inside her was almost too much to bear.

Feymir jumped a small creek and when he landed, Tierra went down hard on Renn’s cock. She almost could not breathe, so exquisite was the feel of her body jarring against his. Her clit rubbed against the saddle, Feymir’s mane whipping up and teasing her nipples at the same time.

Renn kept his grip on Tierra’s hips, moving her up and down on his cock as the horse ran at a hard gallop through the forest. Thrusting into her, his breeches rubbing against her naked ass, the wind sliding over her bare skin, the saddle between her thighs…the sensations were unbelievable.

He rubbed his stubbled cheeks over her back. “Do you enjoy being fucked on horseback?”

Tierra moaned. “Yes, my Lord, yes.”

The pounding of Feymir’s hooves beat in time with her heart and Renn’s thrusts. Branches scraped her skin, and every time the stallion changed direction or dodged an obstacle she felt it through Renn’s cock and straight into her core.

“Oh, my gods,” she cried as her climax built up in her. “Oh, gods.” She held onto the reins tighter, her body clenching and stars exploding inside her head. “Renn!” she shrieked as the powerful orgasm ripped through her.

Renn continued to ram her up and down on his cock, making her orgasm continue on in endless waves.

Then with a shout, he came. He clenched his hands tightly on her hips, moving her still, milking his seed into her womb.

He wrapped his arms around Tierra’s waist and raised her back up, and she slumped in a boneless mass against his chest. Vaguely she was aware that Feymir had slowed to a trot. Her channel continued to contract around Renn’s cock, sending aftershocks through her, so many she did not think she could take anymore.

“Stop.” Her voice was breathless as she spoke. “Feymir. Stop.”

Renn kissed her neck, his breathing even harsher than her own. “I love you, denai. I shall always love you.”


Tierra had not responded to Renn’s declaration of love, and the knowledge did not sit well in his gut. This woman would drive him mad. Gods’ hells, she already had.

Once Tierra had dressed again in her Elvin garb, Renn grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to him. “We’ve been gone far too long,” he murmured.

She nodded and cupped his face, her emerald eyes searching his features. “The Sorcerer is coming soon. We must be prepared.”

Renn sucked in his breath. “Our troops will be ready for him. And you will be safe inside Sky Castle.”

She shook her head. “You cannot protect me. I know you want to, but Zanden is too powerful.”

He scowled. “I will not fail you.”

Tierra’s mouth curved into a smile, and she caressed his cheek. “I know.”

They mounted Feymir, with Renn riding behind Tierra, holding her close as they headed back to Sky Castle. He had troops to prepare, battle strategies to discuss with his brother and brother-at-arms. In truth he’d had no time for dalliances, but his need for Tierra had been so great that he could scarce concentrate on the matters at hand.

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