Obsessed (67 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Natalie shivered and rubbed her hands along her arms to chase away the chill. One part of her believed that she was really in a tunnel with an Elf and his horse, far below the ground, and on another world no less.

But that other part of her wanted to know what would happen when the dweebs shut off the damn game.

She sighed and stuffed her hand in her pocket and gave a small groan as she realized the coat-check receipt for her jacket and purse was gone. Oh, just flipping great. Now how was she ever going to claim them, once she returned to the convention center?

A second before he spoke, Nat felt Evvan’s presence directly behind her. “Come,” he said in his deep, commanding voice that sent a thrill straight between her thighs. “You require a salve.”

No. A good fuck, that’s what I need,
she thought as she turned to face him. Dang, but he turned her on—she’d never felt such a fierce and primitive attraction for any man before. He was gorgeous in a dangerous, dark, and powerful way.

Evvan’s black gaze met hers as he took her hand. “As long as we haven’t drawn notice of the Dwarves of D’euan Deep, we shall be safe here for the moment.”

“Excuse me?” Nat tugged as his grip, but he held her fast and pulled her back toward his golden horse. “Dwarves? And if we manage to get their attention, then what?”

He brought them to a stop before the horse and his look darkened as his gaze met hers. “One never knows with Dwarves.”

Prickling erupted at her nape. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“We have tarried far too long.” Evvan turned toward his horse and started digging through a saddlebag. “We must treat the wounds on your legs at once. When we have finished with that task, we will search for the passage to Astral.”

“What wounds?” Nat twisted around and strained to see her backside. A chill rippled over her as she discovered that the back of her legs were completely covered with blisters, the flesh scorched. “Oh my god.” Her gaze shot back to Evvan. “What kind of game is this?”

A muscle in his cheek twitched and she wondered if it was a sign that he was irritated with her, or perhaps amused.

“We shall discuss it once I have started the renewal process,” he said in a rumble.

Natalie’s mind reeled as she glanced back at her legs. A sense of the surreal gripped her as she ran the pads of her fingers over the blisters and burnt skin along the back of one thigh, feeling the horrid texture of the injuries. No doubt she would be scarred for life from that dragon.

It was real. The fucking dragon was real.

“It doesn’t even hurt,” she mumbled, not quite able to comprehend what had happened to her.

“I used powers of the Devline to numb the pain.” Evvan took her by the upper arm, drawing her attention back to him, and then practically dragged her toward the horse. “Brace your hands against L’th’amir,” he commanded. “Now.”

“Bossy S.O.B.,” Nat muttered, placed her palms on the horse’s saddle. She wouldn’t argue with him. She’d just get even with the bastard later for his high-handed attitude.

L’th’amir turned his head and focused his golden eyes on Nat. A strange current jolted her from her thoughts of getting revenge on Evvan. It was like the horse was looking inside her, reading her mind.


L’th’amir tossed his head and whickered.

The smell of leather and spices filled her senses as she studied those peculiar gold eyes. Odd, but the horse didn’t have a horsey odor at all—not like the ones that she’d been around when horse-cops patrolled Central Park. No, this one smelled like ginger and nutmeg.

Natalie’s right leg tingled and she turned her attention from the horse’s unsettling golden gaze to Evvan. He was applying a red powder to her calf that turned into a clear salve as he smoothed it over the blisters and burnt skin.

The salve bubbled and hissed, and more tingling raced along her flesh. Gradually the bubbling settled, and her skin absorbed all of the salve…

And left her completely unblemished. Blood throbbed in her ears as she realized the wounds had vanished. Simple as that, they were gone. No scabs, no scars—wherever he spread the salve, her skin became as smooth and whole as it had been before the dragon scorched her.

Her gaze cut to the man whose gruff exterior belied the gentleness he now showed as he carefully attended her other calf. Evvan raised his head and his eyes met Natalie’s—and the connection was instant. Electric. Desire and need burned in the vast depths of his gaze, trapping her, drawing her in and making her his.

Possessing her.

His hands continued to rub salve to the back of each of her knees, but his gaze remained locked with hers. While he moved his palms up both of her thighs, his touch was firm, his caress igniting a small blaze in her belly. Flames that licked at every nerve ending in her body and spread throughout her.

Natalie’s nipples tightened and her pussy ached. A sort of trembling feeling worked its way through her and she dug her fingers into the leather of L’th’amir’s saddle. All she knew was that she wanted this man, and she wanted him now.

Evvan’s cock grew unbearably tight in his breeches as he worked the salve into Natalie’s flesh. He had sensed the intensity of her desire for him the moment their eyes had locked.

The scent of her juices near drove him mad, and when she flicked her tongue out to wet her lower lip he almost howled with the force of his desires. The need to claim his woman was so strong, so savage, that it took all his iron control to continue his task rather than tearing away her scant clothing and burying himself deep within her.

He moved his palms further up her thighs, closer to her small ass and the heaven between her thighs.

“You are beautiful, l’tiani,” the words spilling from his lips before he had the opportunity to stop them.

Her eyes had deepened to an even darker green. “You’re kinda hot yourself.”

Evvan cocked one eyebrow as his hands met the underside of her buttocks. “Hot?”

“Uh-huh.” Natalie nodded. “It means you’re one gorgeous man.”

He frowned. “Gorgeous?” That was not something he had ever been called before.

“As in handsome—” She gasped as his palms cupped her buttocks beneath the charred skirt and he soothed away the last of her wounds.

“What is this?” His fingers cloth around her hips. “To preserve your chastity, mayhap?”

Natalie giggled, a sound that surprised and intrigued him all at once. But her laugh turned into a moan as his hand followed the panties over her ass. “No, they’re panties.” Her voice caught as his fingers neared the lips of her folds.

“I think you would be far more comfortable without it.” He rubbed the silken cloth covering her mound that was soaked with her juices. With his free hand he slid his dagger from the sheath at his side.

“What are you doing?” Her eyes widened at the sight of his weapon.

“Do not move.” In two quick movements he sliced the straps of her garment, first one side and then the other, pulled it from her and then flung the scrap away.

“Hey—” Natalie tensed and started to tell him off for ruining her panties, but in a quick and powerful move he eased her thighs apart.

In the next moment he was laving his tongue over her ass cheeks, and she could no longer think, much less complain about her ruined panties.

Natalie moaned as Evvan’s tongue flicked along the crack of her ass, closer to her wet folds. Clenching her hands tighter onto the horse’s saddle, she arched her back, her nipples rubbing against the side of the massive beast as she widened her stance to give Evvan better access.

Waves of power rippled from him—she felt it. And then all her senses seemed to dim until she was aware of only that one area, where he was teasing her pussy with his mouth and tongue. Were her eyes closed, or could she no longer see? Was every other part of her body numb, or were the sensations of him licking and sucking her clit so intense that she could feel nothing else?

Omigod, it was definitely Evvan. Whatever he was doing was unreal…it was magic. “Wh-what…” She swallowed, her body quivering so hard that she could barely speak. “Oh, god, Evvan, this is unbelievable.”

“Enjoy,” he murmured in between strokes of his tongue. “’Tis the shrouding. It can be used as a most enjoyable sexual art by Devline Enforcers.”

“It’s too intense.” She gripped the leather saddle even tighter. “Make me come, Evvan. I can’t stand it.”

“In time, l’tiani.” He teased the soft curls of her mound. “In time.”

“Bastard,” she muttered.

He stroked her with his fingers, mouth, and tongue, like he was taking in every detail of her sex…tasting her, biting her, sucking her. Natalie only knew that the man was going to drive her out of her mind if he didn’t make her come soon. Over and over again he brought her to the edge, then backed off and touched her in different ways that made her crazy.

When he once again left her unfulfilled, she was almost in tears in her frustration. “What are you doing to me?”

His warm breath brushed over her buttocks. “Learning you by taste, by touch. By each delicious smell.”

“If you don’t make me come, I’m going to scream.” She trembled, so close to the brink that she knew with one more flick of his tongue, she’d explode. But instead the bastard ran his mouth along the inside of her thigh, slowly moving until he reached the crease between her leg and her folds.


He growled and spread her pussy lips apart, then buried his mouth against her folds. As his tongue found the perfect spot, fiery warmth and then icy cold filled her body, enveloping her with such exquisite force that she shouted his name again.

God, she’d never felt anything like it before. Searing and freezing, pleasure and pain—it was everything and nothing and all that lay in between.

Her legs vibrated and her mind spun as she rushed so quickly toward climax that she couldn’t even breathe. The orgasm erupted within her and she cried out, the sound echoing through the passageway.

Natalie clung to L’th’amir’s saddle as her body trembled with every aftershock. Her other senses slowly returned to normal, yet she was barely conscious of Evvan, who rose to his feet and stood behind her, his muscular form pressed tight to her backside.

“I need to be inside you.” His voice rumbled, sending more tremors through her clit. Her breathing was still harsh as he turned her around so that she was facing him. Her skirt was up around her waist as he pressed her against the horse and cupped her chin, raising it so that her gaze met his. “I need to fuck you.”


Chapter Five


Even in Evvan’s unusual language, the word for fuck sounded just as hard and erotic. His words sent shafts of desire through Natalie, so intense that she almost jumped him and climbed him like a fire pole. She was acutely aware of her naked pussy pressed to his leather pants and her shoulders rubbing against the horse’s saddle. She had never felt so completely sated, so comfortable, so fulfilled in all her life—and yet so ready to be fucked. And by a man she’d barely met. Who knew that sex with strangers could be so much fun?

Although there was no way just any stranger could do what Evvan had done to her. If she’d needed any further convincing that she wasn’t on Earth, and wasn’t in a virtual reality game, that mind-and-body-blowing oral sex had been just the ticket.

“Okay, you big Elf stud, where am I, truly?” Natalie tilted her head back so that she could look into his dark, sexy eyes. “It’s obvious I’m not in the real world any longer.”

His expression remained intense, his black gaze focused on her as he reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair. “Dair is most assuredly real,” he said as he pulled her to him by gentle force. “And you, my l’tiani, belong here.”

“You keep saying that.” Natalie could barely breathe, she wanted him so badly. But she had to know why she was here. How she came to be in this place instead of in that machine. “I’ve lived in New York all my life. How could I be from whatever this world is?”

“That is not for me to explain.” He released his handful of her hair to slide his fingers through her wild mane and then cupped the back of her head. “You will learn soon enough.”

She started to demand that he tell her more, but Evvan brought her roughly to him. He crushed his mouth to hers in a kiss so deep and possessive that all she could think about was her bare pussy rubbing along his muscled thigh, his erection pressed tight to her belly, and how much she wanted to free that monster cock from his breeches. Wanted to touch it and taste it. Wanted to feel it thrusting inside her.

He withdrew from the kiss, his chest rising and falling with the heaviness of his own breathing, telling her she affected him as much as he affected her. “Now, Natalie.”

At that point, the way he said her name, the way he looked at her, and the way her pussy positively quivered from his touch, Natalie wanted to just say “screw it,” and do exactly that. Screw the man’s brains out—no matter that he was a total stranger.

A stranger that had just given her the wildest orgasm of her life—up against a horse no less.

“I—I hardly know you.” Nat placed her hands against his chest and tried to push out of his embrace. Mr. Biceps—and buns—of steel wasn’t budging. “I’m not an easy lay.”

“Our hearts know one another well.” Evvan moved his hand from the back of her head, slowly trailing it down her neck to her chest, and then placed his large palm above her heart. “Feel how it beats for me.” His dark eyes focused on hers, he clasped one of her wrists with his other hand, and placed her palm over his heart. “And feel how my heart calls to you.”

It was the sweetest thing a guy had ever said to her. She would never have pegged this dark and dangerous stranger for being a romantic.

Natalie closed her eyes as she felt his strong heartbeat against her hand. Her own heart thumped against Evvan’s fingers, and it seemed as though the two grew stronger and stronger, their rhythms matching and becoming one.

It was almost like she was deciphering the language of their hearts.

Okay, now I’m really losing my mind. Just wait until I get a hold of Miz—

But her friend seemed another lifetime ago. And right now she had this incredibly gorgeous man in her arms, who wanted her. So, she’d get in a good fuck or two, and then get back home, somehow, some way.

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