Obsessed (59 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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Anistana allowed herself to materialize, silver sparkles shimmering around her as she dropped her magic veil. She gave the Overseer a teasing look, one she often used before sending an offending male into the toxic Xardu Moors. “And what would you do with me if you had me?”

The Overseer shifted from wolf to human form, his body elongating as he rose from the leaf-strewn forest floor to stand well above her petite height. When he had fully transformed into an impressive figure of a man, he gave her a sensual smile, and murmured, “I intend to make you mine.”

Despite, or perhaps because of his arrogant reply, Anistana’s nipples hardened. Her folds grew wet at his possessive tone and the way his brilliant blue gaze roamed over her body. No man had ever been so brazen as to speak to her in such a manner, and she found it…intriguing.

The man looked to be no more than thirty or forty seasons, but as an Overseer he could easily be hundreds of years old. He had a strong jaw, high cheekbones, and an ageless face with no sign of beard stubble. Wind stirred his long white hair around his massive shoulders, and the widow’s peak at his forehead made him even more handsome.

His entire form was muscular perfection, his broad chest tapering down to narrow hips, and powerful thighs. He was as deliciously naked as she was…with a cock so large and thick it caused her mouth to water.

Slowly she moved her gaze from the sight of his cock to the feral look upon his features. More wolf than man, this one. “And who might you be, to lay claim to me?” she asked in a bored tone, refusing to allow the Overseer to know that she found the mere sight of him incredibly arousing.

His gaze never wavered from hers. “I am known as To’en.”

Ah. I should have known.
Anistana’s wings fluttered and carried her over the ground ’til she was but a hairsbreadth from the Overseer. She hovered so close that his male musk filled her senses like an aphrodisiac—making her want him with an intensity that would have alarmed her had she allowed it to. While she kept her gaze focused on his blue eyes, she reached between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around the thick girth of his cock.

And a fine cock it was. Rigid with lust for her, but silky smooth over the hardness.

“What finally brings you into my wood after all these years, To’en?” She moved her fingers up and down his length, watching his face for any sign that her touch had an effect on him. She was rewarded by a minuscule twitch along his jaw line. “Have you come to fuck a Faerie or two? Perhaps three at once?”

In a movement so fast it almost took her breath away, To’en caught her upper arms with his large hands. “You belong only to me now, my beauty, my ennené. No other being shall touch you but me.”

“Really?” Anistana contained the fury that threatened to engulf her at the man’s audacity. She never lost control. Ever. Instead she gave To’en a flirtatious smile and released his cock to ease her hands up his abdomen to his finely sculpted chest. “What makes you think you can please me?”

His lips curled into a wolfish smile. “You have known no pleasure such as I can give you.”

Anistana traced a circle around one of his flat nipples and gave a lazy flap of her wings. The man was the most arrogant being she had ever met.

And he well deserved to be taught a lesson.

As he held her soft shoulders in his palms, To’en’s desire for the Faerie Queen raged, stronger than it had from the moment he first saw her appear in the Battle for Dair. She had long hair that tumbled over her high, firm breasts and well past her buttocks. Her skin was flawless, her almond-shaped eyes like fine emeralds.

He breathed in her lilies and roses scent, desiring to possess her in every way…to thrust his cock inside her core. To taste her nipples and her folds, to explore all of her with his mouth, tongue and hands.

To possess her very heart and soul.

To’en did not require his Seer’s senses to know Anistana resented his dominating words, despite her unconcerned façade. And without a doubt he knew he intrigued her at the same time.

This was good. Very, very good.

The Faerie Queen would fully respect no man who was not her equal in every way. To’en was certain she had not met any man with powers that could match or perhaps surpass her own.

Until this very moment.

To’en moved his hands down Anistana’s arms to her tiny waist, and then cupped her bare buttocks. He brought her petite body closer to his, pressing her along his length so that she might feel his cock against her belly. “You desire me. Do you deny it?” he murmured as he lowered his head and pressed his lips to her shell-like ear. “You wish to feast upon my cock and my seed. You desire me to fuck you,” he added as he lifted his head to study her beautiful face.

Anistana giggled and rolled her eyes. “Any cock will do,” she replied, yet he detected the tremor of excitement that shimmered through her body and caused her wings to flutter.

The knowledge that he was battering at her defenses excited him as only the thrill of the hunt could do.

To’en brushed his lips whisper soft across her cheek to her mouth. He kept his eyes open, looking into her emerald gaze as his lips remained so close to hers he could taste her breath and feel it upon his mouth.

An odd sensation curled in Anistana’s belly—one that she had never felt with any man before. She wished for him to kiss her, but the thought infuriated her at the same time. Why would she desire this arrogant man, no matter how large a cock he had?

Keeping her expression neutral, she called to her magic, spinning threads of blue mist around To’en’s legs. It would feel like nothing but the caress of a breeze to him…until ’til it was too late.

Anistana placed the flat of her palms against To’en’s chest and pushed herself away while giving a strong flap of her wings. As she broke from his grasp, the flare in his eyes told her she had surprised him.

Before he had the opportunity to reach for her again, she spun the mist around him so quickly that he was encased in a blue cocoon.

He wanted to fuck a Faerie, did he?

Well, then. She knew exactly where to send the arrogant bastard.


Chapter Two


To’en smiled as the blue mist obscured his vision and he allowed Anistana to transport him into the heart of Astral, exactly as he had planned. The scent of lilies and roses grew stronger and he knew she was attempting to drug him into a deep sleep. From what he knew of the capricious young Queen, it was certain she had some devious plan in her lovely head.

When the mist dissipated, To’en found himself standing in a garden.

Surrounded by five gorgeous and quite naked Faeries.

The women laughed and swarmed around him like so many colorful butterflies. Perfume of roses, jasmine, lilies and orchids filled the air, as though each Faerie was a delicately scented blossom. Blue mist swirled throughout the garden, where strange and fascinating plants abounded, including the mishnui trees that were known only to grow in Astral. Their silver leaves tinkled above him like hundreds of tiny bells.

A particularly beautiful Faerie with amber eyes, skin like the night sky, and iridescent black wings, wrapped her fingers around his cock. “The Queen has sent us a new plaything,” she murmured. “And this one is awake.”

To’en sighed. The little witch of a Faerie, Anistana, would pay for this prank…and he would make sure she enjoyed every minute of it.

A blonde, violet-eyed Faerie giggled as she rubbed her nipples against his biceps. “An Overseer.” She moved her hand to his ass and squeezed the taut muscle. “I have heard they can fuck forever and never tire.”

“Is that true?” asked a brunette with eyes a fascinating shade of aqua. “Will you be able to fuck us all as often as we please?”

He gritted his teeth, doing his best to not allow the sensual touches of the Faeries to arouse him. “Where might I find your Queen?”

“Above us.” The dark Faerie caressing his cock smiled and looked up at him from beneath her thick lashes. “She enjoys watching.”


Anistana frowned from her perch above To’en. She was stretched out on the limb of a bluewood tree, its thick moss soft against her belly and naked mound, the branch wide enough for two to lay side-by-side. It was where she normally hid while she enjoyed watching the other Faeries fuck whatever man she had brought into their lair.

But for some horribly odd reason, she found no pleasure in seeing her Faeries with their hands and mouths upon this pale god of a man.

As though she was jealous. As though she wished to keep him for herself.

Nay. Absurd.
Anistana’s wings snapped open and shut as Elinni’s mouth neared To’en’s cock. The Faerie Queen usually enjoyed the sight of Elinni taking a man’s pale rod deep within her throat. The contrast of Elinni’s dark exotic looks against a man with fair skin had never failed to excite Anistana.

Until this very moment.

She clenched her teeth, fighting back a curse and the irrational desire to bind the lot of them with ropes of blue mist.

Just as Elinni’s lips closed in on To’en’s cock, the Overseer shifted into a white raven. The Faeries gave surprised gasps and shouts as he vanished from their midst and shot straight up toward Anistana.

Before she had time to react, the raven landed behind her on the branch. And in the very next moment, a man’s very large and thick erection pressed to her buttocks. To’en’s masculine scent filled her senses, his hard muscled body firm against hers. And goddess help her, she ached for his cock, her core flooding with moisture.

“Why are you hiding, ennené?” he murmured as he moved between her wings to nuzzle her neck. “Did you desire to see me fuck each of those beautiful creatures?”

“Why did you not take what they offer you, Overseer?” She shivered as his lips moved between her shoulder blades, his head nestled between her wings. “Do you not desire to fuck and be fucked?”

To’en pressed delicate kisses down her spine to the small of her back, causing her wings to flutter as another shiver overtook her. “I will have none but you, my Faerie Queen.”

Anistana clenched her hands in the blue moss, fighting her longing to have this arrogant man deep inside her. “Then you have a long wait ahead.”

“I think not.” To’en’s lips reached her buttocks and she struggled to hold back a moan as he gently licked a path along her crack, toward her folds. She couldn’t restrain a gasp as he slid a finger into her channel. “See how wet you are for me?”

Anistana fought the urge to ride his finger as he moved it in and out of her. “Sex pleases me.” The force of her desire for this man caused her to tremble, both angering and exciting her all at once. “I enjoy pleasure with any man whose cock I find worthy.”

“No longer.” To’en nipped at her ass cheek while continuing to thrust his finger inside her. “You will have only me. And I will have only you.”

“Nay—” she started, but the word turned into a gasp as To’en’s tongue found her folds.

“Your taste is most fine.” In a swift movement, the Overseer raised her hips so that she was on her knees, her ass in the air. He licked her clit in one long stroke.

Anistana almost failed to hold back a cry. How in the goddess’s name had his tongue reached her clit from such a position?

He thrust his finger inside her channel, rocking her to and fro as his tongue continued to flick her clit. Her nipples brushed against the bluewood’s soft moss and leaves tickled her sensitive wings, incredibly erotic sensations that added to the pleasure searing her body.

Do you enjoy your Faeries watching me pleasure you?
he asked in mind-speak.

Heady warmth flushed through Anistana as she looked over the side of the limb and saw the Faeries watching To’en dine on her folds and fuck her with his finger. Somehow this man had ensorcelled her, causing her to forget everything but the feel of his mouth and hands upon her body.

But even more erotic than being watched was seeing the Faeries pleasure one another.

When I slide my cock inside you and fuck you,
To’en said in mind-speak as he licked harder at her clit,
it will be when you and I are alone.

Anistana’s thighs trembled as she felt herself nearing the peak.
You will fuck me only if I choose it.

To’en’s deep chuckle reverberated through her mind.
I will fuck you when I choose.

She started to lash out with a retort when invisible mouths latched onto her nipples and sucked them. The Overseer’s magic. It felt as though she was being caressed and fondled and licked over her entire body.

An orgasm tore through Anistana like none she had ever felt before. She bit her lip, holding back a scream as she vibrated with the intensity of her climax. Her body shuddered and trembled, the taste of blood filling her mouth. Vaguely she realized she had bitten her own lip.

When the last tremor passed, To’en finally removed his tongue and his finger from her core. She remained on her hands and knees, too spent to move for a moment. By the goddess, what had this man done to her?

As I promised,
To’en’s voice was smug in her thoughts as she felt him move away from her.
You have known no pleasure such as I can give you.

Hair prickled at Anistana’s nape and her wings quivered. She turned so that she was sitting on her haunches, facing To’en, and raised one delicately arched eyebrow.
Is that so?

The arrogant look on his face was all she needed for an answer.

With every bit of her magical strength, Anistana shoved the egotistical bastard out of the bluewood tree.


Chapter Three


Anistana’s magical shove took To’en by surprise. But the moment he felt himself falling from the bluewood, he shifted into a white raven. He skimmed over the giggling Faeries below and shot back up to where the Faerie Queen perched with an amused expression on her lovely face.

Too bad you can fly, Overseer.
She dangled her legs over the edge of the bluewood as she watched him land beside her and shift back into his human form.
I would have enjoyed seeing you fall on your ass.

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