Obsessed (61 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Obsessed
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For the first time in her many sexual encounters, Anistana was so sated she felt as though she had merged body, mind and soul with this pale god of a man who had laid claim to her.

But could she give him her heart? Could she truly love anyone?


To’en eased them both down to the soft debe moss. He settled on his back while cradling Anistana against his chest, enjoying the feel of her in his arms.

“Where have you brought me?” Her sleepy, satisfied gaze studied the surroundings that would certainly be unusual to anyone unfamiliar with this place.

“To my homeland, Vianale.” He stroked her silken tresses as he spoke. “In all our recorded time, none but Overseers have been allowed within Vianale’s boundaries…’til I brought you here.”

Anistana’s eyes met his. “Why me?”

To’en smiled. “Because you are my heartmate.”

The Faerie Queen pushed away from him, her expression changing from sated to irritated in a flash. She flapped her wings in short quick bursts, raising herself until she hovered over him.

“I can have no heartmate.” She shoved her tousled hair out of her face with one hand and gestured with her other. “I am Queen. I must unite my realm with another, and I can only do that if I join with someone of power.”

The corner of To’en’s mouth quirked, but he held back a smile as he propped himself up on one elbow. “But what of your heart? What of love?”

She gave another un-queenlike snort that he found endearing. “Love is worthless when my people’s lives are at stake.”

“What of Renn and Tierra?” At her immediate frown, he continued, “If Renn had not followed Tierra to where the Sorcerer nearly took her life, then it would have been a tragedy of vast proportions.” He paused as he watched Anistana’s face. “More than Tierra’s life would have been wasted. Instead, countless lives would have been lost.”

With a shake of her head, Anistana said, “I do not understand what that has to do with me and my heart.”

“Renn followed Tierra out of love.” To’en paused, and then went on, “If he did not love her…all our fates would have been far different.”

“Love matters not to me.” She shrugged and gave a quick flap of her wings. “It is not likely I will ever know love.”

To’en pushed himself up so that he was standing before her. He reached for her hands, clasped them within his and smiled. “You already love me.”

Anistana gave him an incredulous look as her feet touched the ground. “I barely know you, To’en Overseer. How can I love you?”

“Our souls have known each other for time on end.” He brought his hand to her face and brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Listen to your heart, and you will know that I speak the truth.”

“Nay.” The Faerie Queen broke away from him and stepped back. She raised her chin and gave him that teasing look that came so easily to her. “You were a fine fuck, To’en.”

And with that, she vanished.


Chapter Five


Anistana grasped the thread of power that would lead her directly into her realm. Glowing blue lights zipped past her as she shot toward her home, a fierce ache blossoming in her heart as she traveled.

And it irked her to no end.

Why should this mere Overseer have such an effect upon her? How could she possibly have come to have feelings for To’en in such a short amount of time?

His words echoed in her mind,
Our hearts have known one another for time on end.

Just as she neared Astral, a violent feeling seized Anistana.

Evil…tremendous evil was afoot in Wilding Wood.

She started to alter her course to investigate, when the thread to her realm snapped.

Anistana was thrown from the now ruined thread. She slammed face down onto the forest soil, her mouth filling with dirt and leaves. At once her senses and her blue mist told her she was in her wood—

And that a sword was slicing through the air toward her neck.

* * * * *

To’en cursed himself for allowing Anistana to flee. With the dangers afoot in her wood, he feared she might find herself in danger.

The Overseers’ methods of travel were much faster than that of the Faeries, but they could not travel through the same threads the Faeries used. Instead he would need to wait to see where Anistana arrived before he could go to her.

He focused all his senses on Wilding Wood and Astral—and his heart chilled at once.

The Fae killer…and To’en’s senses told him a Faerie had just died at the bastard’s hands.

* * * * *

Just as the sword swung toward her neck, Anistana threw up a magical barrier, focusing all of her power to that one location. At the same time she rolled away, crushing her sensitive wings beneath her back.

The sword clanged against the barrier.

Anistana ignored the pain in her wings and shot to her feet.

The hooded figure raised his sword to strike at her again.

Fae killer!

With all her magical might, she shoved against the hand that held the weapon.

But the killer’s sword never stopped in its arc toward her.

And somehow she was frozen in place.

Just as the blade neared her neck, an arrow struck the hilt with such force that it ripped the sword from the killer’s hand.

A shadowy form stepped from the trees and released another arrow.

The killer vanished before the point could pierce him.

The magical hold that had frozen Anistana in place suddenly released her.

Her knees buckled, but strong hands captured her by the waist from behind, holding her up. Her senses and her mist told her at once that it was To’en.

Dazed, Anistana’s glance darted to the shadowy form in her wood, knowing from her senses that it was one of the Devline Elves.

“Can you stand alone?” To’en’s voice was calm, serious.

“Yes.” She pulled away and looked up at him to see his eyes focused on the ground, near the Devline. Her gaze followed his and her world dimmed.

Chill after chill rolled over her body. She heard a distant scream of anguish, and only vaguely realized it was her own cry. Her wings carried her to the shattered form of the once beautiful Faerie. Anistana wrapped her arms around Simoone’s lifeless body, and held her tight, not caring about the silver blood that covered her naked skin.

Shudder after shudder wracked Anistana. She knew that it was her fault that one of her Faeries had died at the hands of the Fae killer. If she had been there…if she had not been away from Astral, frolicking with the Overseer, Simoone would still be alive.

“My Queen.” A man’s deep voice spoke to her and she looked up into the dark eyes of Evvan of the Devline. “It was my failure, not yours. I underestimated the strength of his powers.” A harsh, angry look overcame his features. “I will track the bastard down, and I will kill him for what he has done.”

“I failed Simoone.” Anistana turned her gaze toward the waxen face of the once vivacious Faerie. She placed a kiss on Simoone’s cold cheek. “And for this I shall never forgive myself.”

Without saying goodbye to To’en, Anistana cradled the Faerie close and transferred them both home to the heart of Astral.

* * * * *

Three days after the Faerie’s death, To’en returned to Wilding Wood, determined to see Anistana despite her constant refusals. He had allowed her time to grieve, but his heart could no longer stand being away from her.

In his wolf form he trotted through the forest mist ’til he met up with Evvan, the dark-haired, powerfully built Enforcer of the Devline Elves, who bore distinctive tattoos beneath each eye. The golden Elvin stallion, L’th’amir, waited beside Evvan.

After To’en shifted into his human form, Evvan said, “What news have you, Overseer?”

“From what the Seers have visioned,” To’en began as the blue mist swirled around his feet, “it has been determined that no amount of precaution on anyone’s part could have saved the Faerie’s life.” At Evvan’s skeptical and angry look, To’en held up his hand, stopping the Elf from claiming responsibility. “The Fae killer lured her out of the safety of Astral using a very powerful and old dark magic.”

Evvan’s dark brows narrowed. “What dark magic?”

“Magic that no one alive should be able to wield.” To’en shook his head. “Dark magic that only one being has used in our recorded history…but that being was the Sorcerer Voral.”

“It has been years since his betrayal and murder at Zanden’s hands.” Evvan flexed his muscles as he clenched his fists. “You believe there may be some relation between Voral and the Fae killer?”

“Aye.” To’en nodded. “And there can now be no doubt that this is the same Fae killer who murdered Anistana’s mother years ago, along with other Fae and magical folk.”

“But there have been no Fae deaths for years.” Evvan ran his hand through his wild black hair, a contemplative look upon his rough features. “Not since the demise of Voral.”

“Yet now the deaths have begun anew.” To’en paused as he watched the blue mist swirl higher and higher around him. “And the magic imprint belongs to none other than Voral.”

* * * * *

Anistana lay on her belly beside the pool in her garden, the soft grass cool against her naked breasts, belly and mound. Honeysuckle, roses and the fresh scent of water threaded through the blue mist that hung low to the ground. A stream trickled into the pool, the musical sound blending with bird song, squirrel chatter, and the soft cry of a perna.

The Faerie Queen’s wings opened and shut in a quiet, wistful manner as she found herself wishing she could go back just a few days and undo the tragedy. As Queen, it had been Anistana’s duty to release Simoone’s spirit to the mishnui trees, where it would remain ’til her death was avenged. Only then would the Faerie’s soul be able to make the journey to the Silver Sanctuary, along with all others murdered by the Fae killer.

Including Anistana’s own mother’s spirit.

A sense of loss and melancholy gripped Anistana. Not only from Simoone’s death, and the deaths of other Faeries in the past, but also because she had not seen To’en for the past three days. Rather, she had refused to see him as she came to grips with the tragedy.

And her feelings for the Overseer. Feelings that she needed to deny for the sake and the future of her people.

Anistana trailed one finger in the cool water of the pond as she listened to To’en’s conversation with the Devline Evvan, on the other side of the wood. She swirled her finger in the water, closed her eyes and clearly saw her mist whirling around To’en’s ankles.

Her heart clenched as she studied his tall, powerful form. The way his muscles bunched and flexed as he moved. The way the wind caught his flowing white hair and tossed it about his broad shoulders. His strong jaw, and the glitter of the silver flecks in his blue eyes.

After she heard To’en’s words, after he had explained to Evvan that no one could have prevented Simoone’s death, rage seared Anistana’s soul.

She slapped the flat of her hand on the water.
I could have prevented it.
Gritting her teeth, she shouted in her thoughts,
I am Queen of Astral. It was my responsibility to protect her!

“Even you could not have fended off this beast alone, ennené.” To’en’s deep rumble came from behind her.

Anistana’s wings fluttered, raising her from the ground to turn and stand before him. She struggled to hide her surprise at his sudden appearance. “You could have entered my realm at any time.” She raised her chin as her wings twitched. “How?”

To’en stepped forward and caught both her hands in his. “We are heartmates, you and I.” He raised her hands to his mouth and turned them over, placing a kiss in each palm, causing a tremor in her wings. “Your heart leads me to you, and I cannot help but answer its call.”

“But my people.” For the first time in Anistana’s twenty seasons, her lower lip trembled with the force of her emotions. “If we are heartmates, as you say, and if I were to join with you, I would be forsaking my rule. My only option would be to give up my realm to my sister and her husband.”

He studied her with unwavering blue eyes. “That would unite Astral and Phoenicia.”

“Aye.” Anistana took a deep breath and exhaled. “I would no longer be Queen and I would leave behind all that I love.”


Chapter Six


Before To’en could respond, Anistana raised her chin even higher. “I must do what is best for my people. My sister has the greater powers and she is married to a L’tiercel.”

He started to speak when she raised her hand and placed it her hand over his lips, stopping him. Her emerald eyes glistened as she gazed up at him. “But I fear it is for far more selfish reasons.”

To’en slid his hands around her waist and brought her close. And what would that be?

Anistana moved her fingers from his lips and explored his face with her hands. “Because I cannot bear to be apart from you, To’en. Because I love you.”

Warmth rushed through his heart and soul, he wanted to shout to the goddess the pleasure it gave him to hear those words from his heartmate. Instead he smiled and said, “I know.”

At the indignant look that flashed across her face, To’en gave a soft laugh. “I love you, ennené.”

He brought his mouth to hers in a sensuous kiss. Heat flowed through his veins, warming his blood, warming his heart and soul. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he pressed her close, his cock hard against her belly. Her mist slowly swirled around their forms, caressing them.

Anistana broke the kiss, pulling away to look into his eyes. “I need you inside me, To’en. Only you can complete me. Only you can make me whole.”

To’en cupped her face in his hands. “You never gave me the opportunity to tell you that giving up your realm is not needed.”

She tilted her head back. “What are you saying?”

“I am Ruler of Vianale,” he said. “King, if you will.” At Anistana’s incredulous look he smiled. “We do not speak of power or position outside Vianale. ’Tis one of the reasons no being has been allowed within our boundaries.”

She cocked her head as understanding came to her features. “So that you each may come and go as you please without fear of assassination attempts.”

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