Obsessed with Fur [3xtasy Lake 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Obsessed with Fur [3xtasy Lake 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Jess, you’re free to use the phone or whatever else you’d like here. If you want to call someone then go right ahead. Your brother or your dad maybe?”

Jelani was relieved his brother thought to ask. He wanted to know everything about this woman but didn’t want to push.

He could see her posture stiffen and she shook her head. “I don’t want to bother them.”

Marcario rested his hand on her calf. “You know if Mai was in trouble,
would want to know.”

Except when she needed us we weren’t there.
Jelani glanced over at Marcario, but his brother didn’t meet his gaze. He knew they were thinking the same thing. Maybe by meeting Jessica, this was their chance to redeem themselves. They weren’t there for Mai when she needed them but perhaps they could help Jess.

“My brother, Daniel, is living out west, and even if he could get here in the next five minutes it wouldn’t change anything, except that I would have to figure out how to hide Geoff’s body.”

“I saw a movie where they used a wood chipper…”
What the hell am I saying?
With all the blood in his body pooling in his groin, Jelani wasn’t thinking straight.

“What about your dad?” Marcario glared at him over head.

“My dad wouldn’t care.” Her voice cracked and Jelani felt her shudder under his hand.

“My mom agrees to everything my dad says. They would tell me I’ve made my bed and I have to lie in it.”

“Not if they understood the whole story. You might be surprised, why don’t you call—”

. Let it go, please.” Her voice quivered and he could hear the heartbreak in her tone. What kind of parents would leave their daughter in that situation?
What kind of brothers leave their sister to hide in fear and aren’t there to make her feel protected?

“All right, it’s dropped.” Marcario gently patted her leg. The little bit of information they had only managed to raise more questions.

Jelani watched the way his younger brother acted with Jessica. It was obvious Marcario felt the same attraction that he did to this woman. They really didn’t know much about her, other than the small bit of information Mai had told them. Leaving an abusive relationship took a lot of inner strength, more so when you felt you only had yourself to lean on.

He’d seen women go back to violent men over and over in all the countries they’d worked in. Many times it was because they were brainwashed into thinking they had no other options.

The silence stretched as the three of them lounged and watched the movie. She cried silently and pulled the blanket up to hide her face. If she didn’t want them to know, he’d play along. Instead he gently ran his fingers through her hair and Marcario stroked her calf. It took a while, but she finally closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Marcario looked over at him and whispered, “Jelani, is it completely insane to not want to go on that mission now?”

Jelani’s heart sank at the reminder. “I feel the same way but we’ve committed ourselves and can’t back out this late.”

“I want to know everything about her.” Marcario looked so conflicted and looked back down at Jessica’s sleeping form.

“We can still find out how she’s doing through Mai.” Not that it will do them a lot of good on the other side of the world.

They kept their voices low enough to not disturb her sleep. Marcario’s lips curled into an evil grin and he asked, “Do you think we could find her boyfriend and give him a good work over before we leave?”

“I would love to, but we’ll have to let the guys know. Vencel said if we go after this guy without him and Gaspar, they will kick our asses…again.”

Marcario remembered the day he and Jelani had tried to barge into Vencel’s home looking for their sister. They had been so certain she had been abducted and was being held against her will. He felt like a moron every time he thought about it now. They’d almost managed to hold their own against their future brothers-in-law, but in the end it had been no contest. The conversation drifted off as they waited for Gordon to arrive. Jessica slept peacefully between them and Jelani wondered if they could convince her to wait a year for them.

Chapter Three


Marcario lightly stroked Jess’s lower leg. Jelani’s head rested back against the couch, his eyes closed. If not for the fact that his brother was still stroking her hair Marcario would have thought he’d fallen asleep.

Jess was a beautiful woman. She had big hazel eyes and a lovely curve to her lower lip. When the movie first came on and she smiled, it hit him right in the heart. She looked so ethereal despite her strong body. He could feel the firmness of her muscles under his hand. She was the walking embodiment all of his Linda Hamilton fantasies from when she played Sarah Connor in
The Terminator
. When Jess took her sweater off earlier, he’d felt all the blood in his body rush to his cock. Her arms were bare and he could see the toned muscles when she moved. Her stomach was flat and he’d place money her abs were better than his. And her ass—Oh, sweet blessed creator of all things perfect…her ass.

He could envision her wrapped in his shibari ropes. He would use a thicker rope and run a chain stitch down her spine with lengths wrapped around her, highlighting her strength. She would be gorgeous in a suspension piece as well. Considering how perfect her body was, he would’ve expected her to be one of those high-maintenance gym bunnies. Mai had told him on the phone that Jessica was a gentle soul who allowed her boyfriend to have way too much control over her life.

In some of the countries Marcario and his brother had worked, the women were treated not much better than pets and often were under the control of a male family member until they could be married off. He wondered what motivated a woman to allow herself to be put in that position. He saw a lot of that behavior D/s clubs as well. In the right relationship, it was a healthy exploration of needs and balance, but could be so easily perverted.

Jess shifted in her sleep and sighed softly. Both he and Jelani stopped moving in case they were disturbing her, but she seemed to settle down again.

From where he sat, gently stroking her calf, he could see her eyebrows draw together, and her muscles flexed under his hands. She whimpered, a sad, pitiful sound that hit him straight in the chest.

“Ssshhh, Jessica. It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

Her body jerked and he felt her leg muscles clench as if she was getting ready to run a race. He slowly ran his hand up and down her leg in firm strokes. He wanted to calm her without disturbing her.

Jelani leaned over her, stroking her arm down to her hand. Her fingers curled into a fist against Jelani’s leg. She twitched a couple more times and whimpered as if she was begging for mercy. Marcario hated she was caught in a dream that was causing her such distress.

If she didn’t move onto a new dream in a moment he was going to wake her himself. A few seconds later she wriggled and stretched out her leg and rubbed her foot against Marcario’s arm before settling down again. Her muscles relaxed and she rubbed her cheek against her pillow and then sighed. He looked over at his brother. Jelani shrugged his shoulders and nodded toward her head. Marcario sat forward and looked at her face, but she wasn’t awake. He could see the slight shifting behind her closed eyelids.

“She’s in REM sleep,” Jelani whispered. “Must be a dream.”

She shifted and sighed. Only this time the sound was much different than before. It sounded so sensual. Marcario’s cock twitched in his jeans as she flexed her hips, rubbing her ass against the back of the couch.

Oh, no.
He looked over at his brother. Jelani’s eyes were alight and there was a wicked grin on his face.

Marcario whispered, “We should wake her up.”

“Don’t you dare. She’ll settle down, and I don’t want to embarrass her.”

Embarrass her?
They were going to embarrass themselves if she didn’t stop dreaming. Her toned body squirmed against the cushion and she slid her hand up and rubbed against her breast. Her nipples peaked against the taut fabric of her tank top and a low, sensual moan escaped her, causing Marcario’s cock to jump to attention.

She rubbed her legs together and he fought the desire to reach between them and give her something to rub against. He imagined her moving like that while tied up. He would place a solid knot in the rope against her clit and then watch as she rocked her body and made herself come like that. She would be an incredible model in a suspension piece. Her skin might not show the ropes as well because she didn’t have that much body fat on her, but she would still look incredible.

He shifted slightly and tried to ease the pressure the zipper of his jeans was putting on his cock. He wouldn’t have to worry about rope marks on her skin if he had permanent fly marks on his cock.

She mewed and trembled. Jelani groaned. Lacing his fingers behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling. Marcario understood completely his brother’s desire to touch her. He crossed his arms and fisted his fingers into his own shirt. The sweet little noises she was making and the way her body writhed on the sofa between then was maddening enough, but he could smell her sweet pussy from where he sat. Praying for mercy, he debated on getting up and leaving the room. The need to wrap his hand around his own cock was almost too much to bear. He shifted.

She whimpered again, her body trembled, and she whispered, “You both.”

Marcario almost came in his pants at that moment and had to shift slightly away from her. As soon as he moved, her entire body froze.
Fuck, I woke her up.
Ignoring the urge to ask her what she was dreaming about, he pretended to focus on the movie in front of him.


* * * *


Nothing but black surrounded Jess. A malicious, inky cloak smothered her senses and frightened the hell out of her. She tried to run, but couldn’t move. She could hear soft voices in the background but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, although a part of her felt that she should know.
She jumped, hearing Geoff’s furious tone.
He found me.
Terror raced through her limbs as she whipped around trying to find a place to hide. The darkness surrounding her prevented her from knowing where to run. She could feel his presence nearby. The malevolent feeling raced down her spine, encouraging her to run. She would have to trust her senses not to hit anything.

Within a thought she began to run on four legs. This is how she could save herself. Geoff didn’t know about this part of her. She kept this away, kept them all safe from his knowledge, because as much as she wanted his approval she knew he would never understand.


He was closer now and she ran, faster than a human, faster than she ever had in her life.
No more.
She gave Geoff too much, and he didn’t protect her or keep her safe. The deer instinctively knew where she was safe. Not in the forests or hiding behind Gordon. Fate had shown her where she was the safest. She felt a large hand stroke her neck and she thought for a moment that she should run. But she didn’t scent a predator. There was no evil energy here sending shivers along her spine.

Ssshhh, Jessica. It’s okay. You’re safe now.

That voice. Gentle, reassuring, and not Geoff’s voice. Jessica looked around for its owner. Simple words that felt like a warm hug. She was safe. Their scents surrounded her like a warm, fuzzy blanket. Every bit of icy fear that clung to her heart melted away. Jessica didn’t notice her world changing until she suddenly realized that the darkness had dissipated. She felt as though she floated in a warm haze. She walked forward and felt that warm hand on her long neck again. A sense of warmth spread down her haunches as if someone stroked her hip. She skittered to the side, but there wasn’t anyone behind her. Again the sensation of being petted washed along her neck. Soothing, reassuring caresses calmed her agitated nerves.
I like this.

Jess tilted her head and her hair was swept to the side by an imaginary hand.
Am I in human form?
She couldn’t see her body and thought she was walking through the forest, but now she wasn’t so sure. She wriggled her toes, definitely human. She couldn’t do that with hooves. She didn’t remember shifting back. Her confused thought drifted away under the soothing sensations.

It felt as though the summer sun warmed her skin. Hands stroked over her skin, leaving a tingle of awareness where they touched. The sensation spread throughout her body. Strong fingers wrapped around her breasts, exploring, feeling. Jessica closed her eyes and enjoyed the connection. Her body arched up into the caress, starved for emotional contact. This is what pleasure felt like. A nagging concern that she wasn’t reciprocating to this ghostly person floated through her thoughts, but then how could she touch what she couldn’t see?

Am I dreaming?
This must be a dream, because no man would give this much without demanding her to return the favour. But here, she could enjoy all the touch she needed and the sense of security…but something somewhere else was what made her feel safe.

Sensual pleasure snaked over her senses, taking her concerns with it. She became a slave to the pleasure throbbing within her. A deep ache pulsated between her legs, and almost instantly a large hand pressed against her pussy. She opened her eyes and blinked when Jelani’s face appeared before her. He wouldn’t hurt her like Geoff. W
ould he?
Another hand stroked over her ass cheek and she turned her head, not surprised to see Marcario’s intense gaze on her. Her senses were alight and tingling, but not in fear. Never in fear. When she needed help, they came for her. They took care of her and made her feel safe.
It could never work.
But this was a dream and there was no place for those thoughts here.

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