Obsessed with Fur [3xtasy Lake 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Obsessed with Fur [3xtasy Lake 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Both men smiled down at her and she touched their cheeks with her hands. Her dream men, for her and her alone. Jelani cupped her face and pressed his lips against hers, softly as if she was a precious doll. She could feel Marcario pressing his lips against her spine, a light caress that tickled her skin. She arched her back and pressed her ass against his thighs, her breasts pressing against Jelani. She knew she looked good naked, and that was what men wanted to see. Geoff told her that enough times.

Jelani and Marcario didn’t make any comments about what she looked like. In fact, they didn’t speak at all. She wanted them to talk to her. How else would she know what they wanted her to do to them?

She opened her eyes and met Jelani’s gaze. Her continued to hold her face in his hands as his gaze wandered over her skin. Marcario’s lips were roaming over her bottom and she jumped slightly as he eased her ass cheeks apart. She often wondered what anal sex would be like, but Geoff wasn’t interested in that part of her body. The one time she got up enough nerve to bring it up he’d sneered at her and said, “That’s disgusting and dirty, Jessie.”

Now to feel a man’s attention on that particular part of her anatomy scared the hell out of her. She tried to pull away, but Jelani wouldn’t let her move. There was something intense about his gaze. It warmed her from the inside and then spread out over her limbs. She wanted this. Really wanted it more than anything else, to be with someone and feel completely safe at the same time. Marcario nipped at the soft skin where her ass met the top of her leg. Jelani winked at her and then pressed kisses down her chest, stopping to pay homage to her breasts. She didn’t know how she was still standing. He pushed her legs apart and moved between them.

Oh, please, I want you both.

Jelani smiled down at her and she felt his fingers slip into her syrupy cunt at the same time that Marcario ran his tongue around the tight rosebud of her ass.

In a dream state it seemed natural to feel their hands on her. It had felt like the three of them drifted in a cloud. She was safe and secure and they teased her with light caresses that made her want more. They teased and stroked her, encouraging the intense feelings building in her pussy. She felt like she begged them forever before they finally conceded to her demands. The potent beginning of an orgasm snapped Jessica out of the dream. She woke up to her body vibrating with need. Her pussy felt wet and swollen and throbbed to the rapid beating of her heart.
I’m a masochist. Why else would I even dream of getting involved with two big men? I couldn’t handle one.

Awake, she didn’t dare move, and hopefully they thought she was still asleep. The sound of the movie continued on in the background, and she could tell she had only been asleep for about twenty minutes by how far along it was. Her body was in the same position she was in when she first lay down. She cracked her eyes open and saw Marcario leaning on the arm of the sofa watching the movie. Her clothes were all in place and the afghan was still over her shoulders. Right now, she was more concerned if they realized the kind of dream she had.

She couldn’t see Jelani from this angle, but she could hear him breathing. Neither of them seemed to be aware of her state although she could smell their arousal in the air and feel the tension radiating off each of them.
She must have done something in her sleep, but neither of them were acting like they were about to jump her. Strangely, she really wished they would, but that might have more to do with her physical state at the moment.

Thankfully Mai’s brothers really were gentlemen if they were willing to sit there and pretend that nothing was wrong. For the first time in a long time she felt truly safe. Her body calmed and she felt the heavy tug of sleep pull at her again. Safe for the first time in a long time. Once Gordon got here then she would leave them behind. But why did that idea scare her so much? She wanted to stay here between them and let them be her barrier to the world.
Right, and then I would have two large men I could never make happy, walking all over me.

Her instincts screamed otherwise, but Jessica couldn’t trust her own judgment anymore. Better to go back to Ecstasy Lake and start over there. Maybe she could find a nice, gentle fox shifter who would take care of her from now on.


* * * *


Proof of how emotionally exhausted she was, she didn’t stir a bit when Marcario slipped out from under her legs to answer the soft knock at the door.

“Hi, I’m Gordon Roberts. You must be Marcario.” He stepped to the side to allow a woman to pass him.

“I’m Gordon’s wife, Ann.”

Gordon and he shook hands and Marcario placed his finger against his own lips. “She fell asleep. Jelani doesn’t think she’s been physically abused today, but she has crashed emotionally.”

Gordon nodded as he entered. “She heals very fast, so if she has been abused she might not carry any marks anymore.”

Marcario thought he heard Gordon growl low in his throat.

“My wife is downstairs with the car running. I’d like to take Jess back with me right away.”

Marcario glanced at Ann next to him.

“He means Helen, our wife,” Ann replied.

“Of course.” Marcario remembered Mai telling him that Gordon had two wives. He kept his voice low as he walked down the hall. “Jess has been sleeping on the couch between Jelani and me.”

Gordon stopped and looked at him. Marcario was taller than the older man by a couple inches, but he suddenly felt like a bug under a microscope. Marcario felt the urge to make a smart-ass comment, but Jess viewed this man as a father figure, so he would be respectful for her sake. “We were completely respectable, sir.”

The older man nodded and patted Marcario on the back. “Of course you were. Gaspar and Vencel are good men, and I trust their word on your characters.”

Ann looked him over speculatively from head to toe. “I’m a bit surprised she would relax so much, consider what she has gone through tonight.”

They entered the living room and Jelani looked over the back of the couch at them, placing his finger over his lips. A silent request to be quiet.

Gordon strode around the couch and bent, scooping Jess up blanket and all. She whimpered slightly, and Jelani jumped to his feet and stroked her hair. “It’s okay, Jessica. Gordon has you now.”

That seemed to settle her and she nuzzled her face against the man’s neck. It was so damned cute, but Marcario wanted to feel her react that way to him.

“Thank you for your help, boys,” Gordon whispered as he headed for the door. Marcario got Jessica’s coat and laid it over her. Gordon nodded at him and then headed out the door.

Ann took Jess’s purse and shoes from Jelani and patted his cheek before brushing a kiss against it. She walked over to Marcario and made a motion with her finger for him to bend over. She patted and kissed his cheek, too. “You are good boys. Thank you for taking care of our girl.”

“Tell her we said good-bye.” The urge to race out into the hallway and snatch Jess from Gordon made him clench his hands behind his back. Leaving her behind felt wrong, but they made a commitment and had to follow through. Despite feeling like he was making one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Ann frowned at Jelani and then nodded. “That’s right. Mai said that you two are headed back to Africa the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You both be very careful, and I expect to see you for dinner at our home when you get back.”

“Thank you, but it might not be until next Christmas.”

“I hope you will keep in contact with us before then.”

“Absolutely, we’ll get your e-mail address from our sister.”

Ann patted them both on the shoulder and then left, heading down the hallway. Marcario and Jelani watched as the three of them got into the elevator. When the doors closed between them, Marcario felt an intense sensation of loss rip through his chest.

They went back into the apartment and closed the door.

“You want to go downtown?” he asked his brother. “We still have a few hours till last call.”

“Don’t really feel like it now.” Jelani flopped down on the couch and lifted the pillow Jess used back into his lap.

“Yeah, me neither,” he replied.

Jelani looked down at the empty space of couch between them. Marcario recognized the lost expression on his brother’s face. He was feeling the same sense of loss. “Texas is an hour behind us. Want to see if Gage and Duke are still online?”

“Sure, why not?”

Jelani set up his laptop and Marcario turned on the system attached to the TV. He grabbed a couple beers out of the kitchen and the two of them settled down to play
Call of Duty

Marcario couldn’t find the enjoyment he usually did battling wits with the other players. Sitting quietly with Jess stretched out between them left an impression on his heart. No game in the universe could match that.

Chapter Four


Five months later


Marcario reached for his coffee and a sharp ache radiated up his shoulder, making him clench his teeth. He and Jelani had been renting a house down the road from his sister’s in Ecstasy Lake. He’d developed a habit of stopping by in the morning to have a coffee with Vencel and Gaspar.

“You okay, man?” His brother-in-law, Gaspar, watched him carefully.

Sighing in frustration, Marcario placed his arm against the kitchen table and reached for his coffee with the other hand. “Yeah, fine. It’s getting better every day, but sometimes I move wrong and it grabs me.”

There were many things that still grabbed him about the day Doctors Without Borders were forced to abandon their clinic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The night before, a local warlord looking for drugs to sell on the black market had raided it. They’d been very careful about what medications they carried, and when the armed men found nothing of real use to them except some antibiotics and vaccinations, they decided to take their frustrations out on the locals and clinic staff.

Marcario could recall with perfect clarity the moment he ran into the clinic and saw his brother protecting a young, ill child that’d been abandoned at the clinic. All except for a few critical patients had been moved earlier that day. Jelani had been guarding a young girl who was much too sick to be moved, and didn’t want the raider to fuck with her IV. They were shouting back and forth, and then the man had pulled a large knife and started slashing at them. Marcario had jumped the man, but moments later had felt an agonizing pain in his shoulder. Another mercenary had snuck up behind him and stabbed him.

The local military pulled in at that moment and scared all the warlord’s men off. If they hadn’t arrived when they had, Marcario was sure they’d been as good as dead.

The girl child Jelani had fought to protect passed away that night from her illness. Suffering from malnutrition and HIV, she hadn’t had much of a chance of winning the battle with pneumonia, but Jelani had tried his best to keep her as comfortable as possible. Marcario watched helplessly from a nearby bed as his brother cried silent tears over the child. They’d boarded a plane for home a few days later. They’d both needed to heal. Marcario’s shoulder was getting better, but the haunted look in Jelani’s gaze remained.

Mai had begged them to come to Ecstasy Lake to rest and heal, but neither of them had much success. Physically, Marcario was doing better than expected, but emotionally both he and Jelani were as battered as the moment they left Africa, as though some component of the ability to heal were missing. The choice to come to Ecstasy Lake had been was easy. They both felt a driving need to strengthen their ties with their sister, but there was another reason for coming here that neither of them had the strength to discuss yet.


“Huh?” His attention snapped back to the man sitting across the kitchen table from him. “Sorry, Gaspar, what did you say?”

“I asked if you wanted me to go get your brother. Should Jelani look at your shoulder?”

“Fuck no. Between him and Mai, they are driving me crazy. I’ll be fine. I reached farther then I should’ve. My shoulder’s stiff in the mornings, but it’ll loosen up.”

Gaspar sipped at his coffee and eyed him as he worried the edge of the newspaper he had open on the table in front of him.

“Whatever you want to say, Gaspar, spit it out already.” Marcario knew that his brothers-in-law and sister wanted to talk about something, but hadn’t brought it up yet. “Dude, if we are wearing out our welcome then you can tell me.”

Gaspar snorted. “Don’t be an idiot. It’s not like you have been staying at the house. In fact, Mai has been complaining that you and Jelani hide away too much in that house you are renting. You two are welcome over here anytime. Whatever calms my
is fine with Vencel and me.”

“No shit.” Marcario wanted to tease him about how much they doted on his sister, but really he couldn’t be happier that she had found love and a permanent family. He couldn’t wait to be an uncle. Mai had been complaining the last time he spoke to her that both Vencel and Gaspar were treating her like spun glass.

“Happy wife, happy life, dude. You’ll understand one day.” Vencel strode into the kitchen and poured himself a coffee. He almost took a sip but paused to look at his brother.

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